3ds Max Modeling :: Trajectories Are Virtually Identical In Shape And Number Of Points
Feb 11, 2011
I've got two trajectories from the bottom of two tires and I want to create a road surface, an object whose shape will match the trajectories, thereby creating a perfect shadow catcher.
The trajectories are virtually identical in shape and number of points because the two point helpers that created them were wired together. I've converted them into splines and messed with the loft tool, with not so good results. I ended up brute forcing the shape of the object into some kind of shape but I think there has to be a good, dependable way to do this in a program like max.
We'll be getting a laser engraver, and have been considering Illustrator to format the designs. Some of our engravings will include serial numbers. So I was wondering (having never used Illustrator) if I could create a file containg, say 10 identical engravings - except for an automatically incrementing serial number (I would set the first serial number, and the 9 others would follow). The 10 engravings would be applied to 10 similar parts simultaneously.
I am trying to figure out how I can rotate many different circles (could really be any shape) aound a single point? For example, say I have 10 identically sized circles and want to rotate each one tangent to a single point every 36 degrees. Hopefully I am making sense and explaining the situation correctly. Is there a quick method using CorelDraw's tools/features to accomplish this task?
i have an assembly with 100+ parts that i have to show in my parts list.
my question is :
how can i add identical sheets showing identical view of the assembly but the ist page will show the first 50 parts and the second page will show the rest of the part list?
The best that work out was giving it a path constrain to a sphere changing to a rectangle and making some snapshot which it does not give me the specific control I need.
See image to see what I am trying to model, image is from NADAA, and am trying to do something similar to this but I can't.
I am having an issue with the Trajectories I am trying to move the keys within the viewport but the moment I enter Trajectory mode the pivot point goes to the center of the grid and not allowing me to select the keys within the curved trajectories.
My Process consist of Selecting the animated object > Selecting Trajectories within the motion panel > Selecting Sub-Object
I have a problem reducing the number of points that are to dense. they are so close together they basically form a line. problem is that there are about 5000 points at the line were I want to be 50 of them. deleting them manually would take forever...Is there a command that can reduce no. of points at one area?
I am trying to set several hundred points along polyline verticies with the point number starting at 5000. There are no other points in my drawing, yet everytime I start the process, it begins at 1. I have set 5000 at my Next Point Number under Point Identity in the Create Points toolbar. I have also verified that the 'Save Command Settings" is set to yes under the 'Commands-Create Points'. We cannot get this to behave as desired.
fit a box of text to the shape of numbers. I work at a screen printing company and working on some school leavers hoodies. They would like the names to make up the year. I cant seem to figure it out on corel.
I have a point cloud with 161 million points in it. This is basically fine and works well but I need to create equally high resolution surfaces from certain regions of the point cloud. No matter what size I choose my export shape, it will only create a surface from a ridiculously small 750,000 odd points, a 'feature' which has been documented on these forums before. I have POINTCLOUDDENSITY set to 100.
My question is, how can I build a surface from this high resolution point cloud data that has more than 750,000 odd points?
I'm thinking about mosaic'ing - ie. making several smaller surfaces over the required area and pasting them together.
In AutoCAD leader settings you can set the number of point so the leader looks standard. I am searching for this in inventor and am coming up empty. I have seen other engineering drawings where I can tell that the generated data in the balloon was entered from the parts column in the B.O.M. But instead of part numbers, I have seen text. and I have mine set up to generate the Balloons that way but I do not like the leader type it is giving me. The attachment is what my leaders are looking like in inventor.
Any way to reduce the number of vertex points in a polyline or 3d polyline and retain the basic shape but without having to redraw over the top it?
Ideally, I would like any adjacent segments which are in the same direction as each other to become one segment.
In my image you can see the number of points it has, the majority of which are not necessary for my needs (it was imported from a client's drawing). My desired linetype will also not show because of this.
So im working on this project were im modeling a ceiling, anyways I can not change or adjust the number of subds after i create the object. Lets say a create a simple cube with just 1x1x1 i can not change that after i created it... I just cant get to that menu when i click on the shape it only lets me rename it nothing else. Ive attached a screen shot.
I know there is the insert edge tools, but I am looking to quickly add a variable number of edge loop either evenly spaced or sporadically space in one operation.
I'm coming from Lightwave3D so excuse me if I try to relate tools to it here.
Question 1.In C3D 2013 is there a ceiling to the number of points allowable in a C3D surface? Is it 1.5 million?
Question 2. In C3D 2013, when creating a surface from Point Cloud data is there a maximum point count based on the answer to question 1 - or is a different point count limit applied?
How to change the number of decimal places of the elevation of points?
as the points are labeled with their elevations, I couldn’t find how the number of the decimal places of the elevation be chosen. In this case, I wanted to let the number of the decimal places to be zero.
How to set the number of the decimal places to be zero or 1, for example? how to sepcify it height (size)?
I have a point cloud dwg. Is there a way to increase the number of points displayed? The properties of the cloud say there is 14,000,000, but it only displays 34,000. Is there a way to increase the 34,000 number? See Image.
Is it possible to "virtually" rescale layers in the Gimp? Or is this planned? Because it would be an awesome feature.
What I mean is this: When you "virtually" rescale a layer, everything behaves as if it were a normal layer rescale operation, but internally the GIMP remembers the original image size. This means if I change my mind later and want to resize again (make it bigger for example), I don't lose quality. Or is this maybe already be possible somehow and has evaded me?
My Lightroom 5 has virtually stopped working. Starting around the time I installed the 5.3 upgrade, when I click on anything, the program is non- responsive literally for several minutes. sometimes as much as 15 minutes. For example, I'll click "Import", and have yo wait several minutes. Then when it finally responds, I select the folder on the hard drive that has the photos I want. Several more minutes, I select "Move", and wait several more minutes. The whole process for the simple thing I am trying to do can take a half hour.
I have rebooted my machine several times. I have restored the operating system to a time a week ago when I did not have these probalems. I have reverted back to 5.2. I re-installed 5.3.
I would like to learn how to create a print design for college hoodies. I get asked all the time but it takes me a very long time to do it. I am sure there is a quicker way in illustrator.
I want to create a design like this image. I am using Illustrator CS 5.1 right now.
I can't seem to be able to select multiple points with the marquee. I'm on a mac... Usually you can select a grouped object, switch to point component and grab a whole chunk of points, then move them etc. I can't do this anymore!
To get from the first to the second picture I used the scale tool on the selected points and scaled manually with the mouse. This however is inexact as I'm eying it. How do you exaclty scale the z and y values?
It would be cool to have a mode that worked like stacking, except it connects multiple photos together along a common horizon. Individual tilt, perspective, overlap, and exposure controls could be used to match the edges. They would export as one huge photo to be printed.
I'm using the variables panel in Illustrator to pull a data set I've got.
For example there's 2 text variables and 1 number going from 0-359. I'm looking for a script which looks at the variable name and pulls the number, then uses that number to rotate a shape by that many degrees.