AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Change Number Of Decimal Places Of Elevation Of Points
Mar 15, 2012
How to change the number of decimal places of the elevation of points?
as the points are labeled with their elevations, I couldn’t find how the number of the decimal places of the elevation be chosen. In this case, I wanted to let the number of the decimal places to be zero.
How to set the number of the decimal places to be zero or 1, for example? how to sepcify it height (size)?
The defaul label style for the Elevation of points is set to 3 decimal places. We are trying to change the elevation display to 2 decimal places. We have tried the directions in the following discussion: [URL].......
Which is:
->Settings -->Drawing name --->Edit Drawing Settings ---->Ambient Settings ----->Elevation ------>Precision -> We modify from 3 to 2 decimal places.
It does not modify the display settings.
->Settings -->Drawing --->Point ---->Label Styles ----->(right-click) Edit label styles ------>Layout ------->Text -------->Contents --------->click on the "..." (three points) button
(Open "Text Component Editor - Contents"
--------->Select Point Elevation in the driop down list. ---------->Precision: Set to 0.01 ------------>Ok, Apply, etc...
I have a couple of strange angles and moving parts going on in an assembly. there is 1 constraint i am happy for inventor to predict the offset for. the problem is I am using other constraints i later want to bin, to pin it in position then try to apply this constraint. it looks like the predict offset tick box only measures to 3 dp, so as soon as i apply this constraint my model goes sick. I have to take a measurment and copy and place the measurment with all dp's into the constraint to make it work.
Is there a setting to specify the predict offset number of decimal places?
I work with ANGTOS and ANGTOF quite a bit. I'm working with latitude and longitude conversions in MAP 3D for an application where accuracy is top priority. Most of the time ANGTOS (and RTOS, for that matter) return an accurate result for the number if decimal places requested, but then I run into a situation like this:
I have used stringer connect in the past and it seemed that my traverse shots (which went to four decimal places 0.0000) that were in my raw file were converted to a fbk file and it held the decimal places. Now when I use it, the program rounds my shots to three decimal places (0.000) which changes the locations just slightly. I don't think I changed any settings deliberately. How can I get my four decimal places back?
I'm wondering if it's possible to change the decimal place accuracy to default to only rounded numbers i.e. 1mm instead of 1.325. I want EVERYTHING to snap to the nearest mm (Axis, Dimensions etc.) rather than 1.233 for example.
Yes, I can manually type into the dims / axis boxes everytime but thats a chore.
I wanted to select dimensions and change the precision to 2 decimal points.
For any dimensions I positioned on the object (like the width of the block centered in the block)...rather than above, below or off to the side. I am unable to select that dimension. Every time my cursor goes towards the dimension to select it.....the block itself is automatically selected. Any dimension outside the boundary of the object is fully selectable to edit.
I am running AutoCAD Map 3D 2011. When i use the ID command to acquire x,y coordinates by snapping to an object, it gives me only one decimal place. When i do the command out in space, it gives me 4 decimal spaces. I need to get at least two decimal places while snapping to objects. Examples below:
id command (out in space, not using osnap)
X = 4006431.3366 Y = 359556.5635
id command (snapping to entity)
X = 4006252.3000 Y = 360712.5000
by the way, my units precision is set to .00 and it doesnt seem to make any difference with the id command.
My professor wants all of our dimensions to have 2 decimals places except for a few that he wants to have 3 decimal places. How do I change those few to have 3 places while everything else has 2?
Why does the Round() function require that the number of decimal places be either a number or an object if you want to use a variable? It seems that a Single should work here, but iLogic won't accept it.
See sample code below which is rounding off dimension values. If I dim the variable "somenumber" as Single or Double, I get this error message from the Round() function: "Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Round' can be called without a narrowing conversion."
When I dim "somenumber" as an object it works, but this seems unnecessary when all it is storing is a single digit number. Why wouldn't Single or Double work for this variable?
Here's the code snippet:
'Dim Current Sketch & Count Constraints Dim oSketch As Sketch = ThisApplication.ActiveEditObject Dim oDimCount As Single = oSketch.DimensionConstraints.Count
i have some existing drainage pipe and structures in a base plan that i need to change the invert (which is the easy part) and the top elevation to the existing top elevation that does not meet the minimum presect in civil 3d 2012 is there a way to change these min. to match my exisitng elevation for example i have a catch basin invert is 15.45 top is 17.56 with a 18" rcp the cover will be less than 12" and i need to change this.
I was trying to use the guides to make a triangle and everything was fine until I used a third guide on one of the triangles points (2 guides; 1 at 90 degrees and 1 at 60 degrees). When I used the dimension tool on it to measure from the bottom of the page to that point, the measurement did not match the numbers in the 90 degree guide's info. It was like .0000007 or .00000007 inches off. I know that's not much but I really needed precision for my particular drawing and I dont know how to get more accurate measurements with the program rounding to the nearest 6th decimal place (the highest setting on drawing precision). If it says it's centered in the intersection, then why do I see a tiny micro right triangle when I zoom in?
I have a number of 3D polylines that where exported from SDF previously created. They have numerous vertices, each one with a given elevation.
How can I create/highlight the higher and/or lower point in each 3D polyline??
A different solution would be automatically breaking these polylines in slope changing points (i.e. high or low points).
I understand that i can create points according to slope or elevation, but it has to be done manually, each poly at a time, and by tipping numeric values that i am sure that a powerfull software (as Civil 3D is) is able to calculate using the drawing information.
Using Civil 3D 2013. I've exported my Civil 3D points to an SDF and then to a shapefile. I cant get the "Z" elevation to come with it. Northing and Easting is correct, only problem is that is holds a zero elevation. how I can get the elevations to show correctl in the shapefile?
In AutoCAD leader settings you can set the number of point so the leader looks standard. I am searching for this in inventor and am coming up empty. I have seen other engineering drawings where I can tell that the generated data in the balloon was entered from the parts column in the B.O.M. But instead of part numbers, I have seen text. and I have mine set up to generate the Balloons that way but I do not like the leader type it is giving me. The attachment is what my leaders are looking like in inventor.
I have a rather odd situation. I have input a small table of survey points (we don't have access to a data collector, so it had to be manual).
I have a properly located and back-sited setup, with all of the points located in 3 dimensions.
The Northing/Easting/Elevation data is calculated and displayed for all of the points in the "observations" table accurately.
Every point has the same display/labeling properties/settings, but only 2 points properly display the elevation as calculated.
The problem seems to be that the points aren't accurately retrieving the Elevation from the table.
For some reason, in the “Properties” dialogue for the points that display properly, the “Point Elevation” field actually contains a number; whereas the points that don’t, the same field reads “*PROPERTY NOT SET*”.
This makes no sense, because in the table that defines the points, the elevation is accurate for all of the points, and I can’t find a difference in the table- or in the point properties- between the correctly displayed points, and the ones that are missing the elevation label.
I recently upgraded from Civil 3D 2009 to Civil 3D 2014. In Civil 3D 2009 I was able to set the point style 3D modeling to flatten the point to a 0.00 elevation. In doing this I could move the point around freely using the nod grip without the elevation changing weather I used object snap or just freehand placed the point.
For some reason with 2014 when I grab the nod grip it changes the elevation to 0.00 as soon as I move it from the location it currently sits despite the fact that everything is set the same as it was setup for 2009. Is there a setting that I need to change to fix this or is there a new way to go about moving the point without using a bunch of different commands.
I have an alignment with horizontal PVI points that are coincidental with COGO points. I want to display in a profile view, a surface elevation at the alignment PVI points in a band style. Is it possible to do this? If so, how?
I am trying to set several hundred points along polyline verticies with the point number starting at 5000. There are no other points in my drawing, yet everytime I start the process, it begins at 1. I have set 5000 at my Next Point Number under Point Identity in the Create Points toolbar. I have also verified that the 'Save Command Settings" is set to yes under the 'Commands-Create Points'. We cannot get this to behave as desired.
I have a point cloud with 161 million points in it. This is basically fine and works well but I need to create equally high resolution surfaces from certain regions of the point cloud. No matter what size I choose my export shape, it will only create a surface from a ridiculously small 750,000 odd points, a 'feature' which has been documented on these forums before. I have POINTCLOUDDENSITY set to 100.
My question is, how can I build a surface from this high resolution point cloud data that has more than 750,000 odd points?
I'm thinking about mosaic'ing - ie. making several smaller surfaces over the required area and pasting them together.
Question 1.In C3D 2013 is there a ceiling to the number of points allowable in a C3D surface? Is it 1.5 million?
Question 2. In C3D 2013, when creating a surface from Point Cloud data is there a maximum point count based on the answer to question 1 - or is a different point count limit applied?
I have a point cloud dwg. Is there a way to increase the number of points displayed? The properties of the cloud say there is 14,000,000, but it only displays 34,000. Is there a way to increase the 34,000 number? See Image.
I'm using ilogic to automatically build standardized descriptions that are linked to a field in our PDM system for future searches. The problem is that the variable "Length" (shown below) can sometimes be a whole number so it drops the trailing zeros and I want it to always be a two decimal value.
iProperties.Value("Custom", "2ND_SUBTITLE")=CStr(ID)+" ID x "+CStr(OD)+" OD "+CStr(Round(Length, 2))+" LG"
I have a number like 4534.3245 If I say 4534.3245 as Integer I get 4534 thats fine.
Is there an easy way in maxscript to return the number after the decimal only no matter what it is? like saying: 4534.3245 as fraction returns .3245?
With the numbers I am dealing with the integer part could be any size and fraction decimal section could be any size so I am hoping for a general rule or method for getting that after decimal number.
when I try things like formattedprint there is a rounding off happening changing it to .3245 to .3247 and more digits added etc but I dont want all that because it is changing the value of the number before I have even done anything with it. Maybe their is a formattedprint method but I am not seeing it.