AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Change Feet To Decimal System
Jul 18, 2012My data is in decimal format and
In metric I am geting the feet interval of contours
How to change the feet to decimal system
My data is in decimal format and
In metric I am geting the feet interval of contours
How to change the feet to decimal system
Is there a way to make AutoCAD2012 display the area of a closed Polyline as Feet- Inch(ex 22'-4") rather than the feet as a decimal (ex feet=22.3333333) as it does when the units are set to Architectural or Engineering?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe are having a bit of a debate in our office. When you are working on civil engineering project where you are recieving files form Architects and Landscape Architects, and sending out "Dumbed Down" AutoCAD files to folks who don't have Civil3d, do you change your Civil3d Coordinate System to survey feet & specify your state plane coordinate system?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have have to use a program to do these hydraulic counts that must be done in decimal feet. So, what I want to be able to do is when I make a dimension that is 12'-8" for example, that it read 12.667.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a drawing set up to be Survey Feet and everytime i export it to autocad using the export tool it converts it to international feet.
Civil 3D 2012 all sp's
I have an alignment and have station labels. The alignment is labeled with "Major Stations" at every 100 feet. I need to change the station increment to 25 feet and have labels. I have done this although station 1+25 is still reading 1, station 1+50 is reading 1, etc. There is a precision variable somewhere, and I can't figure it out. I have played with the alignment labels style but no luck. Is there a global drawing settings somewhere that might be controlling this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to change the number of decimal places of the elevation of points?
as the points are labeled with their elevations, I couldn’t find how the number of the decimal places of the elevation be chosen. In this case, I wanted to let the number of the decimal places to be zero.
How to set the number of the decimal places to be zero or 1, for example? how to sepcify it height (size)?
Screenshot below.
The defaul label style for the Elevation of points is set to 3 decimal places. We are trying to change the elevation display to 2 decimal places. We have tried the directions in the following discussion: [URL].......
Which is:
-->Drawing name
--->Edit Drawing Settings
---->Ambient Settings
------>Precision -> We modify from 3 to 2 decimal places.
It does not modify the display settings.
---->Label Styles
----->(right-click) Edit label styles
--------->click on the "..." (three points) button
(Open "Text Component Editor - Contents"
--------->Select Point Elevation in the driop down list.
---------->Precision: Set to 0.01
------------>Ok, Apply, etc...
This does not seem to work either.
I am in the process of transitioning from land desktop to Civil 3D. I design roads in steep terrain and sometimes need to have my catch (daylight) slopes change. So my question is, how do I change a daylight slope at a specified depth? For example, from the shoulder of the road I want a 3:1 fill slope to a depth of 10 feet than change to a 2:1 slope until it catches the existing surface. Can this be built into a subassembly such that if the fill is less than 10 feet it will daylight correctly at a 3:1 and if the depth is greater than 10 feet then it carries the 3:1 for 10 vertical feet and then changes to the 2:1 until it daylights?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am drawing a plan view of building that is 11 feet by 36 feet. I thought my map units were in feet but when I draw in the linear dimensions, it reads 11 inches x 3 feet. How do I change this?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have an AutoCAD map 3d 2014 .dwg with points that have object data and Easting, Northing and elevation values.
I am displaying the text of those points in particular the elevation value. This is done through task pane>data>add drawing layer>add style>text...
I hit the properties and select the Z1 from the object properties...
All is well and the text comes as e.g. 24.89752
The above number is accurate, however, I only want two or three decimal points since the number is too long.
Is there a way to reconfigure this so that the number is displayed as 24.89?
I can't find the option that changes the scale from 1/100 to 1/16" to 1'-0" or how to have the scale show up on a drawing. I've gone into options and turned on the scale visibility but get squat on both.
Also where can I find a list of the title block text options ie. ,
How to change the G_L parameter from decimal to fraction (1/16)? I've attached some screenshots.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow do change the decimal separator from point to comma(in model and FX-parameter)
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor an autocad assignment, we have been given a drawing in engineering notation (feet and inches) and have to draw it with SI units dimensions. Doing the drawing was fine, BUT, I drew it in inches and thought that I could change it to millimetres.
I have used the units command initially to set up engineering. Then after drawing returned to units to change to decimal. Dimensions turned out in inches regardless. I also tried the scale command to alter the scale, then dimension , still no luck. I went into the annotation menu got to modify primary units and alternate units and still no luck. Not even my tutorial teacher knows how to do this.
What is the system variable to change the display of grip dimensions from decimal to architectural? Specifically I am referring to the dimension associated with a grip(s) when hovering over it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wanted to select dimensions and change the precision to 2 decimal points.
For any dimensions I positioned on the object (like the width of the block centered in the block)...rather than above, below or off to the side. I am unable to select that dimension. Every time my cursor goes towards the dimension to select it.....the block itself is automatically selected. Any dimension outside the boundary of the object is fully selectable to edit.
I have browsed one file in meters from Pythagoras to dwg. When I opened it with Civil 3D the drawing units become feet. Where is the problem and how can I convert the whole drawing to meters?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a very simple surface. All of the elevations defining it, are set in feet. When I click on the surface it tells me my max and min elevations are in feet matching the points that I have defining the surface.
Here is the kicker, when I run a distance it is measuring the Z distance in inches and not feet. As you can see by the attached image the distance is 95' but the elevation change is 1 3/8". The actual points defining the surface are 1.28' difference. If I were to do a spot elevation on the surface, it would give me the correct elevation in feet. I am guessing that this is some sort of variable that I have missed, but damned if I can find it.
I am trying to get the feet mark (') on the dimension, right now I have 66.71 and I want 66.71'.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI import a text file. I look at the coordinate list in the toolspace under the survey tab and the coordinates listed are correct. but the nodes in the drawing are 4 feet off.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have used stringer connect in the past and it seemed that my traverse shots (which went to four decimal places 0.0000) that were in my raw file were converted to a fbk file and it held the decimal places. Now when I use it, the program rounds my shots to three decimal places (0.000) which changes the locations just slightly. I don't think I changed any settings deliberately. How can I get my four decimal places back?
View 3 Replies View Relatede.g. 25,00mm instead of 25.00mm.
I have a huge list of drawings I need to apply this update to. Updating Styles isn't really an option as we haven't enough consistency in the styles we have used.
Inventor 2013 Certified Professional
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit
I have a drawing in metric but I want the results in feet and inches, do I draw it in metric and have Autocad spit out a feet and Inches drawing, is that even possible. Or do I do the conversions up front and explain to the client that he will get his metric drawing back in feet and inches.
Second part, if the drawing is in metric do I open the Autocad Civil 3D metric icon or does it matter. Where I can read up on why there is a metic and imperial Autocad icon?
When I use the distance command the answer displays in inches; I prefer feet of course. How do I navigate to the menu that changes this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a surface from a DEM (as a *.adf file)
How to convert between coordinate systems. (a UTM system to a State Plane)
How do I control the elevation values? My DEM has x,y coordinates in meters, but elevation values are in feet...
So far what's happening is that I end up with all the z values multiplied by 3.08... (I assume it is trying to convert the meters to feet..., but since I already have feet in the DEM ... no good)
Any way for Vol. calcualtions to be shown in Acre Feet? I am doing Volums of lakes and the client needs a report of the number of Acre Feet in the lake. To get the data, he uses a depth finder hooked up to a GPS. I can do this by hand calculator but using Civil 3D 2013 would be much easier.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've got a cut./fill plan with red and green surface spot level labels (derived via a grid) but wonder if there is a way to make the decimal point coincident with the with "X" marker.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to convert decimal degrees to a point id? I have tried inputting the decimal degrees in as point but land no where close to the coordinate it should.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen drawing using imperial units in Revit, it of course interprets values you input as feet until you press " to let it know you mean inches. As I am constantly going between Revit and AutoCAD, which does the opposite, I keep missing the " out of habit and wasting time repeating everything. My question is, is there a way to change the input from feet to inches so I can move more seamlessly between the two programs?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn Civil 3D 2013, when I execute the _area command, i get results in square feet as opposed to acres. Under the ambient settings, the area unit is set to acre. how to get C3D to display my area in acres? I just want it to list the area, not label it.
Also, is there a way to get it to display the area in BOTH acres and square feet?