AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Nodes In Drawing Are 4 Feet Off
Nov 18, 2013
I import a text file. I look at the coordinate list in the toolspace under the survey tab and the coordinates listed are correct. but the nodes in the drawing are 4 feet off.
If I draw lines between nodes and then list the lines it gives me slope distances. how can I set it to draw 2D lines but still have 3D nodes? I want my points to display the correct elevation but when I draw lines connecting them I want the line to be 2D so when I list them I get the correct bearing and a horizontal distance.
Is there a way to make AutoCAD2012 display the area of a closed Polyline as Feet- Inch(ex 22'-4") rather than the feet as a decimal (ex feet=22.3333333) as it does when the units are set to Architectural or Engineering?
I have a drawing that has a scale of 1:100. I need to convert the drawing into feet and inches for remodeling use. How do I determine what the conversion factor is?
I am measuring the diameter of a circle in one drawing and it gives a distance that is far larger than similar types of circles in other drawings. Well I type UNIT in the command prompt and it shows inches. I convert it to feet and remeasure the diameter and it still gives me the same large number! What do I need to change? How many of you use unitless for measuring versus feet or inches?
I read up on the Help files and it said that Architectural and Engineering scales are set to feet and inches.
I am also confused how to use the conversion tool on the QuickCalc in AutoCAD. The "Convert From" and "Convert To" are set to meters. I am not sure WHAT the default unit of measurement is to begin with.
I recently had to re-format the cpu and re-install acad. I'm working with XP Pro and acad 2006 and am now having the "fun" of trying to get acad back to the settings I am used to.
Everytime I work in a drawing, whether it be new or old, all these little x's show up on my screen. It looks like 3 nodes overlapping each other. if I zoom in or out and regen they move. a zoom extents does not include them in the drawing area. pdmode has no effect on them nor does blipmode. I can delete everything in the drawing, do a regenall and they are still there. the below link is a screen shot...
[URL] ...
They are really anoying to look at and its been so long since I have had to configure acad I can not figure out what is doing this and how to stop it.
UPDATE- maybe just a coincidence but it seems they are being created when i copy something, maybe a temporary basepoint marker or something, but then they never disappear.
I have browsed one file in meters from Pythagoras to dwg. When I opened it with Civil 3D the drawing units become feet. Where is the problem and how can I convert the whole drawing to meters?
I have a very simple surface. All of the elevations defining it, are set in feet. When I click on the surface it tells me my max and min elevations are in feet matching the points that I have defining the surface.
Here is the kicker, when I run a distance it is measuring the Z distance in inches and not feet. As you can see by the attached image the distance is 95' but the elevation change is 1 3/8". The actual points defining the surface are 1.28' difference. If I were to do a spot elevation on the surface, it would give me the correct elevation in feet. I am guessing that this is some sort of variable that I have missed, but damned if I can find it.
I have a drawing in metric but I want the results in feet and inches, do I draw it in metric and have Autocad spit out a feet and Inches drawing, is that even possible. Or do I do the conversions up front and explain to the client that he will get his metric drawing back in feet and inches.
Second part, if the drawing is in metric do I open the Autocad Civil 3D metric icon or does it matter. Where I can read up on why there is a metic and imperial Autocad icon?
We are having a bit of a debate in our office. When you are working on civil engineering project where you are recieving files form Architects and Landscape Architects, and sending out "Dumbed Down" AutoCAD files to folks who don't have Civil3d, do you change your Civil3d Coordinate System to survey feet & specify your state plane coordinate system?
I'm trying to create a surface from a DEM (as a *.adf file)
How to convert between coordinate systems. (a UTM system to a State Plane)
How do I control the elevation values? My DEM has x,y coordinates in meters, but elevation values are in feet...
So far what's happening is that I end up with all the z values multiplied by 3.08... (I assume it is trying to convert the meters to feet..., but since I already have feet in the DEM ... no good)
Any way for Vol. calcualtions to be shown in Acre Feet? I am doing Volums of lakes and the client needs a report of the number of Acre Feet in the lake. To get the data, he uses a depth finder hooked up to a GPS. I can do this by hand calculator but using Civil 3D 2013 would be much easier.
In Civil 3D 2013, when I execute the _area command, i get results in square feet as opposed to acres. Under the ambient settings, the area unit is set to acre. how to get C3D to display my area in acres? I just want it to list the area, not label it.
Also, is there a way to get it to display the area in BOTH acres and square feet?
I'd like to show feet/inches with arch units even when i have a whole number measurement. right now the dim for 16' shows as 16' only. i want it to show as 16'-0"
I have an alignment and have station labels. The alignment is labeled with "Major Stations" at every 100 feet. I need to change the station increment to 25 feet and have labels. I have done this although station 1+25 is still reading 1, station 1+50 is reading 1, etc. There is a precision variable somewhere, and I can't figure it out. I have played with the alignment labels style but no luck. Is there a global drawing settings somewhere that might be controlling this?
I was just wondering why when I try and calculate an area using a polyine, I am getting a readout of 1.80401967E+07, when I have it set to give me the calculation in square feet? It is an area of approx. 246 this because the area is so large? I am not sure what the "E" stands for or the "+07" at the end....
When I run my production sheets I'm only seeing 1300 feet of my profile and I like to see 1500 feet of my profile at 50 scale. Is there a way to show 1500 feet of profile?
I've got the Pipe Table style just as I need it except for one thing. I have all circular pipes and I would like the "size" column to display in inches rather than in feet. In the past I was able to multiply this number by 12 in the style composer but that doesn't seem to work anymore.
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 and just installed HotFix 3 (so I should be all up to speed). I have created a water linetype (---W---) and telephone linetype (---T---). The problem I am having is the 'W' and 'T' seem to flip at some of the nodes based on if the Polyline is going up or down (from left to right). When it is going up it displays right side up...going down it displays upside down. They are one single polyline with nodes.
I have tried REVERSE, PEDIT then Reverse, my linetype definition is set to U=0.0, but nothing has worked. I have redrawn other polylines and they all have the same issue.
difference (and the utility) for displaying a flooded (blue) and a surcharged (red) node? I assume that the surcharged (red) node is when water is bubbling out of the grate, what is the flooded node, and when would I want to check on the flooded nodes?
My surveyor gave me a topo survey done in no particular coordinate system. He set up his total station on a PK nail and gave it a coordiante of (5000, 5000, 100). I used this survey to generate a surface.
I also have a site survey of the same site, done in state plane coordinate system. the two surveys have mulitple common points; pk nails, iron pins ect.
What i need to do is move the points for the topo survey over to the survey that is in state plane. A simple move command will not do this.
How do i go about moving these points to thier correct location without having to manually edit the .txt file?
I have a master plan development that I am trying to model different wastewater flows scenerios for I am basically following this paper from AU 2011 [URL] but have a couple of issues I am trying to work around.
Basically I want to take a spreadsheet of flows determined for specific nodes and upload it into SSA quickly from the paper I can see that you can write a shp file of the network and then add different flow scenerios to the .dbf file and them use the GIS import function of SSA to get the flows assigned in one hit.
The issue I have however is that my network is a prelimary design in Civil3d as pipes and structures and if I create a .sdf of the network and then.shps from that data I do not get the structure sump elevations, this is not something that created in the shp file export process,
To work around this I through maybe I could export the network from Cicil3d to SAA which gies me all the strucutres with the correct sump levels and then also create a .shp and .dbf file and add the flows and them do a GIS import of just the structures and merge them with the exisiting network as the structure names as exactly the same and therefore the gis import should find the correct structures.
However SSA does not and adds a second lot of nodes with the same structure name but with Junction in the front.
I am in the process of transitioning from land desktop to Civil 3D. I design roads in steep terrain and sometimes need to have my catch (daylight) slopes change. So my question is, how do I change a daylight slope at a specified depth? For example, from the shoulder of the road I want a 3:1 fill slope to a depth of 10 feet than change to a 2:1 slope until it catches the existing surface. Can this be built into a subassembly such that if the fill is less than 10 feet it will daylight correctly at a 3:1 and if the depth is greater than 10 feet then it carries the 3:1 for 10 vertical feet and then changes to the 2:1 until it daylights?