3ds Max Modeling :: Align Modifier Gizmos To Each Other

Jan 31, 2011

How can 2 sub-objects (modifier gizmos in this case) be aligned to each other?


There are 2 similar objects, with a bend modifier applied. They have different orientations, but the 2 bend gizmos should be in the same orientation. (a stack of a few papers with slightly different orientations, curled from the corner)

I know there are at least 2 options, both are not very practical.

- Play with a compass helper instead of directly adjusting the first gizmo, and align all gizmos with the compass. This is a problem if you already have the first gizmo adjusted. It's also not practical to keep the compass and the gizmos in synch. And would make fine adjustments hard, as you wouldn't see the result live.

- Calculate the parent object's orientation and the gizmo orientation to find the gizmo's orientation to the world, then calculate the target gizmo's orientation. Or make a script.

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3ds Max Modeling :: How To Use HSDS Modifier

Sep 19, 2011

I have never used the HSDS modifier. Am I missing something?

3D Studio DOS to 3ds Max 2010
Windows XP 64
NVidia Quadro FX 3700
Dual Quad Xeon, 6Gb Ram

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3ds Max Modeling :: Different Ways Of Using Mirror Modifier?

Jan 9, 2011

I use rhino 3d for a lot of my modeling and just recently been exploring 3ds max 2011, and I really like the mirror command in rhino because I can just click and mirror my object across a grid line, however in 3ds max the modifier is much more difficult to use in my opinion. If their are any former rhino users in the Area. way of using the mirror modifier to simulate the Rhino mirror command or even suggest another modifier that would preform in a similar manner as in rhino.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Move Object As A Modifier

Dec 9, 2012

Is it possible to move an object as a modifier allowing me to switch on or off?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Use The Boolean Modifier More Than One Time?

Jun 28, 2011

I am trying to use the Boolean modifier more than one time on a box and it doesn't seem to work. I pick the Operand B to subtract on the second object I want to Boolean out, it disappears, but there is no hole there.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Create A Pillow With Cloth Modifier

Nov 26, 2012

I'm trying to create a pillow but I can't get the narrow and tight shape with the cloth modifier. I have done exactly as the tutorials that I have followed, but I have done this several of times, but I don't get it like I want it and I'm wondering if I have missed something or if there are any values that I can change to get the cloth closer to the shape of the pillow? And why is some part of the pillow visible and not inside the cloth?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Surface Modifier Not Working For Model?

Oct 14, 2012

I am using Lines to model out the frame of this sword I am making, every time I apply the surface Modifier it only makes some of the lines into mesh.

Lines No Mesh: URL...

Surface Modifier Applied: URL....

Surface Modifier Applied (Perspective): URL....

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3ds Max Modeling :: Add Turbosmooth / Meshsmooth Modifier To Some Area

Dec 26, 2012

Is there anyway to put modifier which only affects to some area (edges/poly/vertex) of an object? Like when using Turbosmooth, only half area gets smoothed, the other half still has the sharp edges?

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3ds Max Modeling :: How To Use Substitute Modifier And Pick Multiple Objects

Mar 7, 2012

I have linked a DWG-file from Autocad in to 3ds max. I would like to use the substitute modifier so that objects ends up on the right spot even if changes are made in the DWG-file. The problem is that in Autocad there is one block for example for the trees in a pot, but in max there is one pot and one tree. I would like to keep it that way so I am able to change the parameters for my trees.

How can i use the substitute modifier and pick multiple objects? It is not possible with groups, it only uses the one object I pick, even if it is in a group.

So, to make things clearer, I want multiple max-objects linked to one autocad block via the substitute modifier!

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3ds Max Modeling :: Displace Modifier / Making Planar Faces

Jul 14, 2011

I am Using Mental ray (max 2010). I have made a topological displacement map at a very low resolution. it is 222 pixels wide by 111 pixels tall (landscape) It is greyscale and low rez because the mesh I am applying it to is 222 faces wide by 111 faces long. (landscape also). I did this because I needed each pixel to become a "height map" in its own right. Everything is working the way i expected.

My problem is.... I need to now make each face z planar. as it stands, they are all tilted in the direction of the grey scale falloff. I have tried splitting the edges of all the faces (quad) and using the make planar (z) function of edit poly mod. No matter how I set the pivot / ucs, when I apply the make planar z , they all average out to the same z plane. I need them to adopt the average of their individual z planes. I can do this but have to do it face by face. That's 24642 faces.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Cloth Modifier Showing Squares From Other Side

Jan 21, 2011

Just recently learned how to use the cloth modifier. It is awesome. It has worked pretty well, but one problem, I see little squares on my cloth after I run the simulation. Sometimes they are just a shade darker than the material, others, they are completely black, so it makes me think it is the squares from the opposite side showing through.

I am using a chamfer box so that my cloth has a thickness to it and a beveled edge. I tried a plane, but I don't like the way it looks, because it isn't thick enough. How to get rid of the squares? (see attachment).

Also, while I'm here, do I have to always sit through 100 frames when I simulate, or can I just hit simulate and have the cloth drop into place on one frame? I am not animating so I don't need the 100 frame span.

My specs are this quad processors, 8 Gb RAM, windows xp64bit, 3ds max 2011

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3ds Max Modeling :: Unable To Select Faces When Using Unwrap UVW Modifier

Jul 25, 2013

I am using 3ds max 2014 and have not been able to select faces when using the Unwrap UVW modifier. My only choices are vertex, edge and polygon. I've tried to use flatten mapping with polygons instead of faces, but I'm not getting the results I want that way.

I've made sure that everything is converted to editable poly. I've re-imported everything to see if that changes anything, and still nothing. I'm attaching a screenshot of my unwrap uvw rollout in case that's useful.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Apply Shell Modifier On Custom Made Spline?

Jun 5, 2012

I am trying to apply shell modifier on a custom made spline (shown as 1 in image).But as soon as I click on shell modifier the spline disappears. I dont understand what is happening because I applied shell modifier on a similar custom made spline and it work properly previously (shown as 2 in image).

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3ds Max Modeling :: Make Displace Modifier To Use Objects Existing Mapping?

Jun 7, 2013

How can I make Displace modifier to use objects existing mapping? Because when I apply a new Displace, the modifier makes a new mapping, even if i check "Use Existing Mapping".

See what i mean? I want those "cracks" to follow uv not a displace mapping

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3ds Max Modeling :: Align To Corners Of Quad?

Sep 19, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to add geometry on top of selected quads by aligning an object to a quad and then having an ffd snap to quads vertices. Trying to make a geometry based wall cladding.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Jackets And Zippers (align)

Oct 27, 2012

I have a jacket modeled and I created zipper segments as separate object, is there a easy way to align these segments up the jacket instead of manually placing and rotating each zipper piece?

3ds max 2011

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3ds Max Modeling :: Align User Grid To Face?

Apr 3, 2013

As I recall, back in the 3ds dos days you could create a grid aligned to a face of an object by simply picking 3 vertices on the face. I've never figured out how to do this in MAX. I don't need to align objects but need to move vertices around on a given tilted face.

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Maya Modeling :: How To Align Model To Image Plane

Apr 17, 2013

I am trying to align my model to my image plane. I marquee select the vertices but only the one in the front selects I have checked Back face culling and soft selections and made sure that they are not on but it is still not working.

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Maya Modeling :: Align Pivot To Object Normal?

Sep 16, 2013

i am searching a script to align the pivot of a multiples objects (objets are 1 triangle polygon) to their normal. After that a way to offset on multiple objects pivot, a predefined value in the Y axis in local.

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3ds Max :: Can't Get Text To Cap With Extrude Modifier Or Bevel Modifier

Nov 8, 2011

I just sat down to use 3Ds Max '12 for the first time today after upgrading from 2010. This will probably be a simple fix, but I can't get any text to cap with the extrude modifier or bevel modifier. It happens with every typeface I've tried. I even tried using the cap holes modifier. Never had this problem with previous version of 3Ds.

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3ds Max :: How To Reset Gizmos

Feb 5, 2013

So the gizmo that pops up whenever you select an object to move, scale, or rotate has gone into some default mode. I can't move things manually on the z axis, and when I scale objects, it only makes them bigger or smaller to what its original shape was. Trying to figure out what I pressed to cause this, but I am not sure what it was and I don't want to make things worse.

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Maya Modeling :: How To Align Small Balls Along Surface Of Big Ball (or Other Shape)

Jul 24, 2013

How to create such object (cell model) in Maya? Do I need to use a special script or is there any method to align small balls along the surface of a big ball (or other shape)?

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3ds Max :: Tool Gizmos Not Showing Up?

Nov 27, 2012

None of the gizmos for any tools are showing up, other than basic transforms. Specifically, UV projection (planar, cylindrical) and extruding are the two that I noticed. I don't know what I did for this to happen.

Also, I just noticed that the ability to edit the attributes (height, width, segments) of default geometry (cube, sphere, cylinder, etc.) is not available.

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Illustrator :: Paragraph Align Left Acts Like Align Right

Apr 30, 2013

Occasionally paragraph allignment works opposite for left & right align, usually on Illustrator documents with Russian type.
In additon on center align text I set my cursor to input a period at the end of a sentence, and the period instead gets added to the beginning.
In character palette language is set to English USA, this is point text.
I created a new point text and this is happening, if I paste text from another document alignment works fine, font is Arial black but happens with all fonts.

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3ds Max :: UVW Unwrap Modifier

Apr 18, 2011

I'm using the UVW unwrap on a plane I am currently working on. The bitmap is the exact same size as the print screen of the flattened map but when I bring in the bitmap to match up with the unwrapped modifier the bitmap is completely skewed to shit.

So I uncheck Use Custom Bitmap Size and then it does this. It makes my object much wider than it actually is and there is no way to adjust it because the scale tool only works on the whole object at the same time and not just one axis.

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3ds Max :: Hotkey Toggle For Modifier

Sep 29, 2012

When the modifier panel is active, all of my hotkeys are different. i.e, "q" which normally activates the select tool, switches toggles quickcut instead. How I can turn this off?

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3ds Max :: Getting Flex Modifier Movement

Feb 3, 2012

I have an object that moves right-to-left on the X axis. I've applied a flex modifier to the object and disabled "Use Weights". So now I have an object that moves with a slight sway/spring behavior.

But what if I want another object to be linked to this object and thus inherit it's flex behavior?

It seems that the flex modifier doesn't affect the object's Gizmo at all, even though it moves the object from it's original position.

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3ds Max :: Masking A Modifier In 2012?

Nov 20, 2011

Is there a way to mask a modifier with a gradient/falloff map, bitmap or vertex paint map?

For example, i want to mask with a gradient falloff the Houdini Ocean Toolkit modifier, to affect only a portion of an object...

How can i do that?

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3ds Max :: Symmetry Modifier On Sphere?

Dec 22, 2012

What is the proper way to apply the symmetry modifier to a sphere ? I created this custom android bot. After I create a sphere with hemisphere I create the eye and split the sphere in two then zero it out on the grid. Then I apply the modifier. When I do that it does not project the other half of the sphere even when it's on flip and x axis. The mirror part is kind of on the back side of the sphere. What happens is I have to rotate the mirror part to line it up and up the thresh hold a lot to get the back side to connect.

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3ds Max :: MultiRes Modifier Crashing?

Sep 5, 2012

I have found that MultiRes often crashes Max when you press the generate button.

Attached is an example scene with a simple mesh. If you apply a MultiRes modifier to it, press Generate, then press Generate again, it crashes Max.

It has happened in the past too with other meshes. What it is about some kinds of meshes that crash the MultiRes Generate function.

Common steps that have not solved any problems:

# Reset XForm
# Convert To Mesh then Convert to Editable Poly

You may ask why not simply refrain from clicking generate twice. The reason is that I discovered this while troubleshooting game export tools where the MultiRes modifier is programatically told to Generate at different points for various reasons. The automated functions do not know if it was ever already generated.

Some suggest using ProOptimizer (which I often do) but the functions I'm working with are being used by people who don't always have access to ProOptimizer... and there are times where MultiRes actually makes better results.

what things cause MultiRes to crash?multires_mesh_crash.zip

3ds Max 4/Gmax - 3ds Max 2014
Mudbox 2009-2011
WIndows 7 x64
i7 930
Geforce 480x2

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3ds Max :: Can't Add Objects In Cloth Modifier

Dec 10, 2011

i made a clothes hanger, and grouped / assembled the components as one object, in the cloth modifier add object menu, i can't find the hanger, but if i dissembled / ungrouped them to separated parts, it can appear back in the add object.

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