I accidentally changed its position relative to the object being edited.
P.S I found the hierarchy panel to the right. does it have something to do with this? (I thought i remembered it from a tutorial i used a while ago...)
I fixed it with the hierarchy panel. I clicked pivot in the panel, then affect object only, then center to pivot. this makes the the object stick to the gizmo, bringing it back to default setting (at least im 99% sure that was default.) I thought i had been on the right track.
I am just wondering how to change the orientation of a sketch in VB.net. I have no worries in VBA but the command to set the orientation and origin don't seem to work in VB.net.
When trying to change the plotter name to 'Adobe PDF' I cannot get the paper size and orientation to change.
I change to 'Adobe PDF', then change the properties to ARCH D drawing size and landscape, click OK, save changes to printer config and when it returns to Plot-Model window nothing is changed.We just switched over from Windows XP to Windows7.
Is it possible to change the default sketch orientation, so that when making a new sketch on the XZ or the YZ planes the Z axis would act as the X, not the Y?
Its a simple problem. I hope I'm missing some easy option, but no matter how I change the options in the brush dialogue, the brush always has the same orientation to the origin path. See the image below:
The brush is rather large and complex, but I've never seen this happen before. No matter which of the direction buttons are pressed, the brush remains the same. Is there another way to change the orientation with respect to the path?
When we derive sketch from another piece, this is inserted in a fixed location and orientation in our piece. There any way to make changes to this sketch derivative. For example change its location and orientation to fit the geometry created by the sketches of our piece.
When I double click on a base view - the option to change view orientation is greyed out. So at the moment, if I make a boo-boo with my base view - I have to delete it and create a new one to get the right orientation. Is this a setting I've missed somewhere - or is it normal behaviour?
When I read in this file: [URL]
It states:
Tip To reset orientation of a drawing view, change the view orientation or rotate the view.
I love the new versions of Illustrator, but get left in the dust with new innovations that I can't figure out.
I am trying to go to File > Document Setup and all I get is a new dialog box that completely leaves out page orientation and page size as well. I just want to have an artboard that is 11" x 8 1/2" but there is nothing I see in menus or in palettes that give the old comfortable page orientation change that you used to be able to do in older versions of Illustrator. How do I set page or artboard size and orientation?
I like to attach a .aim or import a inventor DWG into a section and a plan in autocad.
But how do I select the right orientation on import? The default Inventor view is a sideview and won't work on a plan.
Right now it seems like I either have to go into 3D model view and rotate the object or have to change the orientation Inventor for plan and then reorientate it for section...
I'm working on a dynamic door, that has specific parameters to change its size and orientation. Everything works pretty good, only the arc for the door won't react the way I want it.
The transform gizmo is visible in the modeling vieworts and function normally, however if I go into the UV editor and select a sub-object, there is no gizmo. I can select sub-objects, and move them, but there is no gizmo to use to move stuff accurately.
My main gizmo (move, scale, rotate) is vanishing from the scene and I am unable to execute simple move/rotate/scale actions. The gizmo will reappear if I shift the viewing angle in the viewport. However this is getting frustrating because I might be viewing at the angle I need to execute a move/rotate/scale, but I can't and have to shift viewing angle to bring back the gizmo.
Also at present I am unable to view vertices when in sub-object mode (Edit Poly). I don't know if I accidentally triggered something or what, but the vertices suddenly disappeared and all I can see is the lines for the edged faces (not the vertices). Oddly enough, I am able to see the last vertice that I was interacting with, but cannot click or view any other vertices of the object.
I am using 3ds Max 2009, and am starting to get a grasp of UVW unwrapping, however, for some odd reason the transform gizmo is hidden in the Edit UVW window, and I can't figure out how to unhide it. I tried pressing X, I tried pressing a bunch of other keys to see if maybe I accidently pressed a hotkey.
I'm rotating my object using the hotkey combo alt-middle mouse button to view my object as I work. The problem is that the object is not rotating at the gizmo. It makes my workflow turn into a workless flow because it is rotating at the object origin instead.
I'm fairly new to Max and not completely comfortable with all the tools yet.
3D Studio Max 2010 Perpetual 3D Studio Max 2011 Educational 36 Month
Also, I have the same problem with both versions of Max. Obviously some setting that I'm not aware of...
Is there a why of applying say a "Xtransform" onto an object, say like a ball. rotate the ball inside the Xtransform while keeping the transform gizmo locked in place.
I am referring to in an animation, not a one time thing.
I am having a problem with my create and move tools. It has just started happening that every time I create an object it automatically is created at the origin. I am unable to move any of the objects i am creating from this position. I can rotate them and scale them but just cant move them. I have checked everything i can think of, they aren't locked or on a locked layer. I converted them to an editable mesh and could move them like this but the gizmo remains stuck at the origin.
Probably something really simple, just never came across it before.
1. How do I make the angle of the Gizmo appear when I'm rotating the gizmo plane with 'e'?
2. Also, how do I rotate the gizmo itself, so that i can rotate it in any ambiguous axis as well if I wanted to.
For example, let's say I'm slicing a hollowed box usnig Shell modifier. I want to cut the box diagonally. I make the slicing plane vertical using x rotatin axis (red) at perfect 90 degrees (this is why I want to see the angle displacement when rotating a gizmo), then becaue I want to cut it vertically, I rotate the plane on z rotation axis (blue) 45 degrees. Now, I want this cut to be slanted. That means I have to change BOTH x and y axis with equal amount to achieve symmetrical cut I want. ("5 snaps of rotating the slicing plane on x axis and y axis" something like this)
What I want is change the orientation of the gizmo itself so that x or y rotation axis becomes the angle I want the box cut to be slanted at.
3. I've been using 3ds max for rendering most of the time, and didn't really have time to ask myself, why is it such a pain in the a** to get the correct effect I want from max? Viewport and renderd product doesn't match at all for me. Rendering should be just a way of making the viewport image much prettier, not turning garbage into an artwork. Because of the difference between the viewport and renderd image, I constantly have to do test render at 320x240 to see how it looks.
When I say the two doesn't match, it includes but not limited to:
-Lighting Both daylighting system and artificial lights(photometric/standard) -Intensity -Shadow casting accuracy -Material
Scale mismatch of rendering and viewport.
-Color -I'm guessing it may be because of the lighting that the colors are very off. -Unexpected glow on my model from other surrounding objects.
Sketchup or Rhino shows vaguely how it's going to look when it's rendered, just poor quality. Why is it so not intuitive in max?
I'm using 3D Max Design. I am unable to move an object on the Z axis of the gizmo. When I attempt to do so, a yellow line follows the path of my drag. I can move an object up and down only if I drag by all 3 axis.
The move handles can be selected independently but when the snaps toggle is on the selection is locked to the center box handle. Rotate and scale gizmos are uneffected.
I am wondering if it is possible to move/focus the manipulator gizmos in Maya.
If I for example am working on a tall plank and want to align the bottom part with something I'd zoom in to be more precise, but since the manipulator is stuck in the middle of the plank I have to zoom out anyway and find a spot where I'm fairly zoomed in but still can see the manipulator.. If there is a way to make the manipulator follow on the screen when i zoom in (without altering the pivot point) I'd be able to work so much easier.I am of course talking about all the manipulators (move, rotate and scale).
Another annoying difference between Max 9 and 2012: I have to select the Freeform Gizmo for every instance of an Unwrap UVW editor. It seems the new default is Move Mode and in Max 2012 there is no memory of the last selected state. Ug!
The 'Save Current Settings as Default' is not useful.
Any ini setting which will set the Freeform Gizmo to the default?
In 3DS MAX 2011 my transform gizmo jumps to the origin every time I go into sub-object mode making it very difficult to edit. I have been through the help file looking for fixes without success. I have major deadlines to meet this week and this is severely hampering progress. How to reset the gizmo? When I pick an object the gizmo is in its proper location, it's only when I go to sub-object mode that it leaps away to the origin.