We just got our updated release of AutoCAD 2012 and I noticed it now supports direct import of Pro-E models, which is what our engineering department uses for one reason or another...
I'm currently using 3DS Max 2011... If Max 2012 support direct import of Pro-E models like AutoCAD is now doing??? It would be REALLY handy! Currently they export a either an STL or OBJ to me that I then can import into Max... would be nice if I could just take their native file and run with it!
Is this possible using Corel X5 suite? Photopaint? Draw?PShop has this in the extended version - looks like a very "must have" feature for model painters.
actually for my job i've designed an assembly in "catia" and now i gotta animate that in "Max" for next two monthes.URL....actually when i import catia model as ".igs";
1.all the assembly will come in such a part (this is normal i think) 2. but another problem is that i dont have a smooth surface on my part. (just like it has low segments).
Why is it that Photoshop doesn't import 3D models for popular software like Cinema 4D (C4D) while the U3D extension of that weird and unpopular unprofessional heavily copied but little used Ulead cool 3D is in the list? I think it would be much more important to be able to import C4D files.
I'm looking to import a model with materials. Is 3DS the only file format that will carry this along? That would suck for me cause my animator does not use Autodesk software. I have an obj with the material jpegs but can't seem to find find the proper wrap mode that makes it all come together. Maybe FBX is a better option.
i've modeled a character or two from scratch in max. (nothing spectacular) I also used a character pack a few years ago. I was wanting some info on the best way to model a new character. I would like opinions on zbrush, poser, etc. Something that is very compatible with max.
What is the process that you take when creating a character. Don't feel the neeed to write a book I get the basics. Been out of the game for a while, but very glad to be back. Been playing around with fumefx, houdinni ocean, and ivy lately.
We are looking for a workflow example of developing casting models into machining models.
Typically our castings are made from different materials (Fig-1) and then machining (Fig-2) are created from these castings.
Is creating the casting as an iPart (with different materials) and then deriving the machining from the casting the proper method?
Doing it this way seems to force us into making a machining for each casting material instead of just one machining that is an iPart. How should this be set-up for BOM purposes and for use with Vault (Base Version)?
I have been working with Corel VideoStudio X2, X3 and X4 from a long time now. At this moment I have to questions:
- where to find more templates (eg direct projects) other than the free downloads and the ones on the new Corel share site - how to move the templates from X3 to X4?
Since i bought a new machine, i've been having issues with the trial of Max 2012.Drivers, DirectX, etc. is all fully updates to the latest version, and Max started having these issues after (i think) a win7 update (I've attached a pic).
I've tried changing the settings to Direct3D and OpenGL, but the last one, makes it so Max crashes when opening (forcing me to change manually the config back to Direct3D), Aero is disabled by default too.
When I first installed LR4, I used an external HD, which I called Photo Library, for all my images. I also had a second Ext. HD, which I called Photo Library Backup. Unfortunately, Photo Library crashed. I have now replaced it with another, which I now call New Photo Library. For many of my images in LR, when I access them, I get the message that they are either missing or offline.
My question: I now want LR to find ALL my images on New Photo Library. There are 4 folders which I recently downloaded, which are on New Photo Library, but most are not. Many are on Photo Library Backup, and those LR can find. But I'd still like them all to point to New Photo Library.
All the images that are in LR are now in the HD called New Photo Library.
There is a new command in Premiere Pro: direct link to speedgrade. What change is meant by the choice of new wording, from "send to" to "direct link"? Is there a dynamic link now between Premiere and Speedgrade? I haven't seen anything to that effect in "What's new."
In previous versions of Photoshop it was default behaviour to affect the shape in the currently selected layer when using the Direct Select tool. In Photoshop CC it's default behaviour to affect all shapes (in seperate layers) within the selected area. I often want to change some anchor points on a single rounded rectangle, for example, to make it fit perfectly.
Is there any way, without selecting "isolate layers", to restrict the selection to the currently selected shape layer?
I just got my student/teacher copy of CC. In PS, under preferences for plugins, there is no option to allow me to direct to an alternate folder for plugins. Am I missing something? It says it's up to date, but no matter what I do I can not get any plugins to show. No matter what folder I put them in.
Where the CUI custom files are so I can use them to update a new install of Acad 2010? My computer crashed, and I had to reinstall from scratch, so I just need to get the customization files off the old hard drive and put them somewhere to use for the new install.
IV 2010 Suite Digital Storm PC: EVGA & Intel components Win 7 Pro 64 bit
so I am working on tis project in China and rainfall stats and soils are not available, instead i get a measurement of 50 year peak flow at various river sections. in order to model this in SSA I put in juctions with direct inflows at each measured section. is there anyway I can apply an SCS typeII curve to these userdefined inflows to generate volumes for sizing of detention ponds and check dams?
why am i not allowed to have multiple direct links for a node (junction/outfall)? i have a situation where i want to add the flows to two junctions, one for each side of the property, then add the two junctions to an outfall (overall site). i do not want to model the pipes, just want to add hydro graphs.
my each junction has two direct links coming from two other upstream junctions, and then this junction flows out by a direct link to the overall site outfall (the set of junctions from the other site does the same). i cannot run the model because of the error:
ERROR 134 : Node TOTAL-EAST has more than one DIRECT outlet link or DESIGN pump. ERROR 134 : Node TOTAL-WEST has more than one DIRECT outlet link or DESIGN pump.
Using Acad release 12. Have there been any fixes to direct entry. Draw a 3d 6" cube. On the top surface draw a 2" line from a corner by moving your curser in the direction you wish to go, direct enter 2". It will be a 3" line. Move with direct entry also does not work when placing an object on an object.
What happens when I drag a file directly from finder into smoke?What setting does smoke use? I don't see and option popup to interpret the footage or mp3.
Is it possible to directly edit the alpha channel? I need to edit it for a 3D model I've made, and its showing up as too shiney (The engine is looking at the alpha for reflectivity).
However, I have yet to see a way to edit the alpha channel directly.
I have both GIMP and Digikam on my ArchLinux system.
I have set up the system so that it auto-mounts my camera when I plug it into a USB port, and I can read the images on its card using Digikam.
So far I have not been able to do this using Gimp - extensive searching using Google suggests that it should be possible File/Open/.. or File/Acquire..
if it is possible to take a camera raw file from lightroom and open it directly in Camera Raw for editing rather than use the editing in LR itself. I thought I read somewhere that it is possible to do this as an automatic setting - when choosing the "edit in Photoshop" menu option a raw file will be opened in Camera Raw and the changes tracked in LR. I prefer the Camera Raw interface in Ps so am hoping I can do this and then proceed on to Ps if I need to do further processing. I am using LR4 and Ps6 on a Mac with the latest updates. I am a recent convert to LR/Ps from Aperture so am still learning.
Prior to Photoshop CS6, a curve on a path could be moved using the Direct Selection Tool without altering the path beyond the two enclosing points. If you manipulated the curve, only the inside handles of the two points (that create the curve) would change - and only in length - as shown below:
Unfortunately, in Photoshop CS6, if you manipulate the path curve with the Direct Selection Tool, the handles both sides of the points move freely - affecting the path beyond those points:
- is there a way to revert to the prior behaviour? The Photoshop CS6 behaviour may seem more intuitive (or something), but it's less precise and alter parts of the path that are fine already.
This error message appears when I have the Direct Selection tool selected, but have not selected an object. Every time I press Enter I get the alert: "Could not complete your request because of a program error." It doesn't matter what file I have open.
I'm running Mac OS X 10.7.5, 2.2 GHz, 16 GB memory. This is just one of several weird bugs I've encountered in CC.
Since version CS it was very easy working with paths with the direct selection tool. I just upgraded to Photoshop CC, and noticed this annoying bug: When I select and anchor point using the Direct Selection Tool, I can no longer de-select it clicking inside the shape. This is so frustrating when working with icons.
I used to grab the Path Selection Tool to select the entire vector shape, then I switched to the Direct Selection Tool if I wanted to modify a specific anchor point. All I needed to do was clicking inside the shape, then select the anchor point I wanted to work with. Now if I switch from the Path tool to the Direct Selection one, if I click inside the shape it doesn't deselect anything, if I click on an anchor point, it doesn't deselect the other anchor points. I figured out that if I click on the path of a different vector shape, then I can go back and select an anchor point on the vector shape I was working with, but it's too much work for de-selecting a point.Is it a bug or a new way Photoshop CC behaves?
I have an SSA model that has multiple on-grade inlets along a city street. Each on-grade inlet has a roadway/gutter bypass link defined (the link is defined as 'direct' in the conveyance link properties) and where applicable an upstream roadway link. Therefore most inlets have a direct link coming in and a direct link leaving to represent the gutter bypass flows. The model will successfully run under kinematic wave routing method. When changed to hydrodynamic, I get Error 134 stating:
ERROR 134 : Node CB-13 has more than one DIRECT outlet link or DESIGN pump.
I know that it is fairly self explanatory error except the error does not appear for every inlet that I have defined direct links for. Some inlets that have one incoming direct link and one outgoing direct link are not listed in the error listing, while some do. In review of the model, I do not appear to have multiple direct outlet links (I also don't recall drawing more than one per structure in my model). Based on my review of SSA documents, it seemed like modeling bypass flows using direct links as opposed to open channel flow was the most common practice. That said, if I change the outgoing direct link to open channel, that inlet is removed from the error list.
I'm just starting to learn how to use the 3D environment in AutoCAD (2014 version). I'm following some tutorials but I'm a bit confused regarding direct input values when using the polyline command.
I've drawn a 50mm square, starting at coordinate 130,130,0 (lower left corner) using the polyline command (NOT using the Close command to complete the square). The next step then states draw a second polyline using the following input @7<45,55 to locate the first corner, then draw a 40mm square. It doesn't quite put the inner square where I'd have expected it so I wanted to tweek the command to correct any error but I haven't used the @ symbol or < sign before. What the input description means? From testing it appears to base the starting point of the inner square in relation to the outer square.