I have both GIMP and Digikam on my ArchLinux system.
I have set up the system so that it auto-mounts my camera when I plug it into a USB port, and I can read the images on its card using Digikam.
So far I have not been able to do this using Gimp - extensive searching using Google suggests that it should be possible File/Open/.. or File/Acquire..
Is it possible to read raw image data into Gimp? By raw, I mean image data without a header or compression, i.e., RGB, 16-bit unsigned, or 32-bit floating point grayscale, etc.
I see "Raw image data" under "Open > Select File Type", but grayscale isn't listed. Is the only option? Are there any add-ons for grayscale?
if it is possible to take a camera raw file from lightroom and open it directly in Camera Raw for editing rather than use the editing in LR itself. I thought I read somewhere that it is possible to do this as an automatic setting - when choosing the "edit in Photoshop" menu option a raw file will be opened in Camera Raw and the changes tracked in LR. I prefer the Camera Raw interface in Ps so am hoping I can do this and then proceed on to Ps if I need to do further processing. I am using LR4 and Ps6 on a Mac with the latest updates. I am a recent convert to LR/Ps from Aperture so am still learning.
I have updated to ACR 7.3, my Photoshop is version 13.1 x64. However, I still cannot read the RAW files from my Nikon D600 with the message to check if there is an update for my cameras raw files available.
Is it possible to directly edit the alpha channel? I need to edit it for a 3D model I've made, and its showing up as too shiney (The engine is looking at the alpha for reflectivity).
However, I have yet to see a way to edit the alpha channel directly.
I am having a serious problem with gimp on my mackbook pro, running os x mavericks, but the problem also existed in mountain lion.
When any dialog box appears where there is a text box for keyboard input, the keystrokes go to the background gimp main window instead of the foreground dialog box. So it's impossible, for example, to type in a new file name on a save as dialog box. Another example is it's impossible to type in an image width in the scale image dialog box. This is true of all the dialog boxes I've checked.
This makes gimp practically unusable on a mac, and is therefore a serious problem. I know of a workaround that involves typing in data into the mac text editor and pasting it into gimp dialog boxes, but that's ugly and unacceptable.
I have a PSPIMAGE file with a plenty of images as different layers. I am adjusting the images having one image "size" as reference (make same width and height). But I could select the multiple images just through layers pallete
whether is possible to select multiple pictures (each in different layer) by using the "pick tool" direct in the canvas (or other means)?
I need to look at the pixel intensity of a gray scale image to write some code. I have used some trivial softwares like paintshop pro earlier where you can see the pixel intensity being displayed along with the co ordinates of the pixels as you slide your mouse pointer across. In Gimp 2.8 for windows, i can see the co ordinates but not the intensity. My image is a grayscale image.
I'm trying to get my head around color profiles. I created a test image with the GIMP...
and then converted it to CMYK (ISO Coated V2 300% ICI) using [URL] (I checked that the color profile data survives the upload, so if you want to try it yourself, click on the image to get it full size and then download it)
Then I compare the two images side by side on the monitor using various viewer apps. Depending on the app that I use, the colors in the converted image either look the same as the original or darker and washed out:
1) SlowView and IrfanView display the colors as identical to the original.
2) Windows photo viewer, windows explorer and the GIMP display the colors as darker.
See screen capture below of the 2 different outputs ...
So maybe some viewer apps are not reading the embedded color profile. But which one is correct? CMYK is for printing and it has a smaller range of colors, but surely if the viewer app is doing things properly, it will read the embedded profile and convert teh pixels so that they will appear very similar to the original.
(In the GIMP settings I have Edit > Preferences > Color management > File settings = 'ask what to do', but it doesnt ask me when I open the image so I am suspicious that it may not be seeing the profile information).
Consistently when opening images in Photoshop CS3 the image as viewed in PS and LR 3.6 is considerably redder than in Camera Raw 4.6 and the Save-for-Web image displayed in Firefox.
I principally want my images to be suitable for print media but want then to display properly on the web.
Various screenshots attached.
My proof setup is set to the monitor icc file. Monitor is a LaCuie 321 calibrated using LaCie Blue Eye. What do I trust?
I've just loaded for trial Photoshop CC 64 bits but unable to open astrophotography images from my CCD camera with FITS extension as in other PS version even in adding Fitsplug file in the plug-ins directory. Is it an Apps for these files specific to Astronomy?
I recently purchased an Olympus EM1 digital camera. I have PSCS5: however I cannot open my camera raw imagesin PSCS5. Photoshop updated the camera raw to 6.1.
I understand I need version camera raw plug in 8.3 to be compatible with my Olympus EM1.what steps to take to make the program and the camera raw plug in compatible?
Even though I've been a professional photographer for over 25 years, I finally decided it was time to go digital. Little did I know how overwhelming and frustrating the learning process would be, especially for an old timer like me. Well, the 10 day return period on the digital equipment and software purchase is up, so I have no choice but to move forward in the learning process. :)
Actually, I'm excited about all the photographic possibilities that digital has to offer over film.
The first batch of photos were taken with a new Canon 40-D in Raw + JPEG. When I open my picture folder (containing those photos) in Bridge, a CR2 icon appears next to each thumbnail image that was loaded from the camera flash card. The Bridge program is part of Photoshop CS3 that I purchased, and the 40-D has the latest firmware. (If relevant, the computer is a PC using Vista Home Edition.)
Problem: When I double click on a JPEG image, I am able to load that image into Photoshop. When I double click on the CR2 icon, however, I get a message that says, "Could not complete your request because it is not the right kind of document." What am I overlooking?
Also, shouldn't a thumbnail Raw image appear along with its corresponding JPEG thumbnail when the content of the picture folder is opened in Bridge? As it stands now, I get only a CR2 icon next to the JPEG thumbnails.
Since I downloaded & installed camera raw 4.6 to deal with raw images from my Nikon D90 I have had the following problem with Photoshop cs4 (on XP + SP3). Any images I open from within bridge or Picasa or directly from windows explorer get opened in Adobe Raw 4.6. From their I have to open image to get it into photoshop. This applies to all images, jpg, gif, tiff, psd etc.I've looked at the file associations & made sure photoshop is selected & I've tried open with & browsed to the photoshop directory & selecting the photoshop.exe file but always they open with the adobe raw. How do I get this set back to default so that all regular images open in photoshop & raw images open in camera raw? Lastly I tried deleting thus ressetting my prefferances, no good.
I just got a new digital camera today (Canon Powershot Pro1). source that explains print resoultion?
My camera is 8 megapixel and I'd like to be able to print some of my images after doing some minor adjustments to the images. I have never had to print from photoshop and want the best quality possibe.
I'm trying to open RAW images in CS2. When I try to do it, an error box pops up saying that it's an unknown file type(.nef). I've even tried using the software that my camera came with, but that won't let me either.
Also, the image RAW dialog box doesn't even come up when I try to open a raw image...
I can't download any images with Lightroom 4.4 from any of my cameras, NIkon NEF, or Canon IMG, or Sony DSC images.I used to download all my images with the previous versions...3.0 I have Mac 10.7.5.
I am editing in camera raw from Bridge, I edit, then save. At first the thumbnail remains the same then shortly it becomes 2 half images. Very frustrating!!! I just started this new workflow giving bridge a try and I was very excited about it .. until now! I have resaved some of the images with the same problem 600 more to go! I am using CS5
I am using Photoshop cs5 extended on windows 7, Unable to load camera raw images into photoshop directly or via adobe bridge. I download all the Camera Raw file ready, but still not working..I open my CS 5 Extended and open with the CR2 file, it pop out "Could Not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of camera Raw,
I used to use Photoshop Elements and that adds a keyword to its catalog showing which camera took the image. Lightroom doesn't seem to do this. I recently bought a new camera and non of the images imported from it have the camera name as a keyword. Is there an option, which I have overlooked, that will force Lightroom to add the camera name as a keyword to images?
How do I see a tagged image from the camera (tagged using the lock button, to remind me of a image I want to find quickly) once imported into Lightroom? This is possible to do in Photomechanic, as I can see all of the tagged images from the camera once opened in Photomechanic. Yet so far I have not found a way to allow me to do this in Lightroom so far.
I have been importing and editing photos from a Canon Powershot S3-IS and never had a problem until today. This is the first time I've tried it with the latest upgrade to lightroom.
I first tried importing from my camera memory card slot. Lightroom froze. Then I tried using my card reader and inserting that in the USB slot. Lightroom froze. I tried to connect the camera directly to the computer with the USB cord. Lightroom told me that it could not import the files.
I tried importing the images to my computer and then from my hard drive copying them into Lightroom. That worked. Is the camera too old to use with the latest update from Lightroom. I would think a jpg. file would be pretty standard. how to import to Lightroom without the extra step?
I have a G6 Canon digital camera that I primarily shoot JPG images with, and wanted to experiment with raw images.
I took about 15 RAW images the other day with this camera and tried to open up. I went to canon and downloaded their Zoombrowser 6.0, which I can view the RAW files, but it does not edit them. I'm looking for something similar to Adobe Camera raw to hopefully view and edit them.
opening the photo. I had to remove the photo for obvious reasons.
I am unable to import raw files to E11 from my Panasonic Lumix 200. I get a response that says "nothing imported - no supportive file types" also "can't complete request as file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by installed version of Camera raw". I think I understand that I need at least a 7.2 version and don't know what I have. The camera is a fairly recent model.