Lightroom :: Direct Editing Of Raw File In Camera Raw?
Aug 13, 2012
if it is possible to take a camera raw file from lightroom and open it directly in Camera Raw for editing rather than use the editing in LR itself. I thought I read somewhere that it is possible to do this as an automatic setting - when choosing the "edit in Photoshop" menu option a raw file will be opened in Camera Raw and the changes tracked in LR. I prefer the Camera Raw interface in Ps so am hoping I can do this and then proceed on to Ps if I need to do further processing. I am using LR4 and Ps6 on a Mac with the latest updates. I am a recent convert to LR/Ps from Aperture so am still learning.
I have both GIMP and Digikam on my ArchLinux system.
I have set up the system so that it auto-mounts my camera when I plug it into a USB port, and I can read the images on its card using Digikam.
So far I have not been able to do this using Gimp - extensive searching using Google suggests that it should be possible File/Open/.. or File/Acquire..
Is it possible to directly edit the alpha channel? I need to edit it for a 3D model I've made, and its showing up as too shiney (The engine is looking at the alpha for reflectivity).
However, I have yet to see a way to edit the alpha channel directly.
I'm using Lightroom 5 and Photoshop CS5. The problem is that if I apply a custom camera color profile created by X-Rite Passport Color Checker, I can no longer use an external editor, such as Photoshop, to edit my photos. Before I apply the custom profile, the external editor function works just fine. If I apply a custom profile in the Camera Calibration panel, then the ability to use external editors no longer works. There is no error message, but nothing happens when I try to edit in an external editor. If I go back and turn off the custom profile and go back to Adobe Standard, then the external editor function works again. What is going on? Is there a way to make it possible to apply a custom profile in Camera Calibration and still be able to use the external editors?
I am playing with a design in simulation where the balance is effected by gravity. I have a part at a set angle to start off so a constraint is place and set to this angle,then in simulation I suppress the angle prior to starting the simulation to see what happens. Then I unsuppress the angle then edit it to adjust the simulation to a new angle I then resupress the angle to free it up and run the simulation again.
This can go on a few times until the angle is found in the simulation.The problem I have is it takes ages to do this. Basically it seems in simulation the tree is always collapsed and I want it expanded, how ever after each change the tree collapses?
Is there a way to have the tree always expanded so I can quickly find and adjust my constraint? Or even better is there a way to pull the constraint into the main edit window for direct editing?
It would be good if a small bow / window could be opened with the ability to add a setting/constraignt that needs constant updating.
I have lightroom 5.3 and Photoshop CS5.I want to open RAW file in Camera Raw, however, I get a message "This version may require the PS Camera Raw plug-in v8.3 for full compatibility." I checked both PS and LR and both say they are up to date.
I just purchases LR3 and am shooting with Canon's T3i. When I import the RAW files (CR2), LR3 does not recognize the files and will not open them for editing. I am using LR3 on a Mac.
I am importing into iPhoto and then copying the RAW files into a folder designated only for LR3.I've downloaded the Adobe Camera Raw 6.6 update and the LR3 Mac 3.6 update.what I am doing incorrectly as Adobe states LR3 supports Canon's CR2 RAW files.
Why does Lightroom 5 show "embedded" as an option for camera profile for .dng files created by my pentax k-30? I thought that "embedded" profiles did not apply to .dng files?
When I first installed LR4, I used an external HD, which I called Photo Library, for all my images. I also had a second Ext. HD, which I called Photo Library Backup. Unfortunately, Photo Library crashed. I have now replaced it with another, which I now call New Photo Library. For many of my images in LR, when I access them, I get the message that they are either missing or offline.
My question: I now want LR to find ALL my images on New Photo Library. There are 4 folders which I recently downloaded, which are on New Photo Library, but most are not. Many are on Photo Library Backup, and those LR can find. But I'd still like them all to point to New Photo Library.
All the images that are in LR are now in the HD called New Photo Library.
when i attempt to export, all editing that was performed in the DETAIL portion gets undone. my images become grainy just as the original RAW file. is there something i am missing here when exporting? do i have to change the RAW file after editing before i can export?
I have been trying all week to find out if there is a way to embed editing information into a file upon exporting it from LR. Can you use metadata? What I mean, is, years down the road, I want to remember how I edited a particular photo... Is there anyway for me to do that so it's in the photo's properties?
Is there a way to import my raw file with the camera picture settings from my camera. I use a personally edited version of the camera vivid from my d300. The files are imported without the settings and get set to adobe standard in my camera calibration. I use lightroom 4 with cs5 64 bit.
I have a Canon S100 which is one of the 6 new cameras added to LR. My existing LR would not open the CR2 file. This 3.6 RC opens it but does not list it as one of the canon cameras it profiles. How about the other 5 cameras? I don't have any of them so I can't comment. Only on the S100.
Lightroom is getting hung up when "Preparing file for editing" while trying to edit in external programs. Lightroom 4 did it when I tried to edit in Silver Efex Pro. Now I have a new computer and Lightroom 5. Lightroom 5 just started doing it when trying to edit in Silver Efex Pro AND Photoshop CS5.
When shooting RAW, the OM-D records 4:3 files no matter what the aspect ratio is set to. If you set it to 3:2 (for example), the camera records some sort of metadata to communicate this information to Lightroom, which honors the setting. So far, so good.
My question is, is there any way to override that setting? I have a photo shot at 3:2, but I can see from the in-camera preview that it'd be a better shot with the whole thing. But I can't figure out how to get LR 4.1rc2 to show me the whole thing!
Does Lightroom 3.6 have problem with file recognition from newer camera models? In my case does not recognize any of my raw photographs taken with Canon G1X
I just installed PE12 on my IMac (OS 10.8.5) and can not access directly the Photomerge module from Lightroom 5.2: the corresponding menu lines are inactive (dark grey). On the other hand, I cant open the files in Elements from LR, and once there, the Photomerge module works properly.
I shoot in raw and typically edit files as ProPhoto uncompressed 16-bit TIFFs. It's been a while since I set that as my default and I can't remember what the tradeoffs were for compression and even PSD vs. TIFF. Is there a handy reference to inform these choices?
After editing a photo in an external application, only the original raw file can be seen. The edited photo is hidden, even when searched for by name.
I have been reduced to the following workaround, which has the drawback of deleting all the original raw (.cr2) edits: Edit the photo; edit in external application; save and close. Back in lightroom, delete the raw file (from lightroom only); then close lightroom, reopen it and then at last I can see my edited file. Then I have to re-import the raw file and of course the edits have disappeared. But at least the final result can be seen.
The photos are supposed to be in a stack, but there appears to be a bug in this function because you can only ever see the raw file.
I have some TIFF files I need to do some adjustments on. Mostly darkening the sky. Where the sky meets the foreground it is made up of tops of Spruce Trees.
My question is, can/should I use the adjustment brush in Lightroom to do this, or should I make a layer in Photoshop to do this?
I have found that when using the adjustment brush over the tops of Spruce trees, it is best to just paint over the whole thing, or else it will look artificial. Not sure if doing this in Photoshop would make my life easier?
I have just edited some photos for a friend who was short on time, and now she would like a list of the steps I took in editing. Is there any way of listing those steps in a text file I could send her?
Can't open file from Nikon D7100 in Camera RAW Plug-In,i have Photoshop CS5 and plugin is upgraded.Format NEF from Nikon D 7100 is not in this plug-in photoshop.
where the suction cups and bar was still. Does anyone have any tricks or tips for getting rid of the rig in the shot? I've been using the clone stamp tool, along with the vanishing point tool.
Whenever I try to edit an image with Bridge I get a message saying: "Camera Raw editing is not enabled. Camera Raw requires that a qualifying product has been launched at least once to enable this feature"