Lightroom :: Importing Camera Picture Setting With Raw File?
May 22, 2012
Is there a way to import my raw file with the camera picture settings from my camera. I use a personally edited version of the camera vivid from my d300. The files are imported without the settings and get set to adobe standard in my camera calibration. I use lightroom 4 with cs5 64 bit.
How do you avoid importing same file (Picture) from camera to Organizer more than once? I am in the habit of keeping pictures in my camera for a longer period of time. This is easy to control using Picasa - but what about Elements11?
Where to set this preference in Camera RAW? This note is from the Lightroom 4 ReadMe. I can't seem to fine prefs for "Camera RAW."
Viewing Lightroom settings in Camera Raw
Before working in conjunction with Lightroom and Camera Raw please set the Camera Raw preference to: Save image settings in: Sidecar ".xmp" files. By default Camera Raw will display the image adjustments exactly as performed in Lightroom‟s develop module.
I'm trying to import photo's taken on a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS, in a camera raw format with a CR2 file extension. No luck - the pictures are greyed out on the import screen. Added the Camera Raw program, version 7.4. Didn't find our camera in the supported camera's list, but there are plenty of Canon EOS Rebels in there, so thought we'd take a chance.
I always get an error "The following files were not imported because they could not be read. (152)" when try to import photos from my iphone 4s and nikon p310
I have to import useing image capture or use a card reader
LR 3.6 has worked OK before, but now stopped importing photos (jpeg and raw) from my cameras (Canon 5D Mk 3, Canon Powershot 100). Program goes to "does not answer" - status and must be closed. The problem seems to be similar in my Elements 8. Importing from my Canon G10, LR says that there is not preview available, but importing succeeds. All cameras import photos to Windows (7) or Picasa normally.
When I import photos using iPhoto or Aperture, I get an option to delete them off the camera when the import completes. That feature is really useful when there are deveral hynred photos in memory. How do I accomplish the same thing using Lightroom 4?
Every time I try to open and edit a picture (specifically using a raw file in camera raw) after double clicking on it to open it, I get this message, "could not complete your request because of a program error" I have tried over and ove again and it wont work!
When I try to connect my Nikon D610 with a USB cable to import RAW files (i.e. .NEF), I need to open manually LR and click on the Import button to start importing even if Automatic Import is activated.
When I import CR2 files (Canon RAW) that have XMP files alongside them into my Lightroom 4 catalog, Lightroom correctly reads image adjustments from XMP files and assigns them as Develop settings for the newly imported photos. This is how I expected it to be. Lightroom assigns older process version to these files, as it should be.
One quick question I have though: once I imported all these CR2 files into my collection, is it safe to delete all those XMP sidecar files immediately? I assume that Lightroom stores all Develop settings in the catalog file at the moment of the import and that XMP sidecars are no longer necessary. Is that correct? Or do I have to enter the Develop mode with each imported file first, before deleting the XMP in order to make old settings to "stick"?
LR4 seems to have a bug when importing images from a camera where it randomly does not display a thumbnail of the image before invoking the import process. Usually it is whole blocks of images following a few that are properly shown. Perhaps it is dropping the communication link to the camera early?
Furthermore, once the images are imported, different images are not displayed in the thumbnail panel with filters off.
I have been doing identical import procedures on all previous versions of LR without any similar behavior.
I import photos direct from camera (5DII) into Lightroom 4.3 the folder automatically created in Lightroom is one day out from the date photo created. Camera, computer and metadata info of file all have correct date. Windows 8 OS.
is there an option to delete photos after importing from a camera or smart phone? For example, import selected photos from a camera and then delelte those photos on the camera after importing them.
When I go to send a picture from LR4 to PS5 it says I need to update to camera raw 7.2 I did this but it keeps coming up telling me to do this? Why is this happening?
For certain shoots it would suit me to have my pictures import and look like the embedded jpegs which are created using Canon's standard picture styes. Is there an easy way to create LR develop settings to match the popular Canon styles such as Standard, Portrait and Landscape so that I get approx the same amount of sharpness, contrast, colour balance. Perhaps someone has already done that and they've shared the Lightroom Presets.
When I send a file to Ps from Lr, edit that file then save it, Lr puts that file at the end of the line instead of next to the file I was working on. When you have 600 photos in a down loud, it is a pain to scroll through the photo's to find your place again.
Is there a setting to force the saved file back in line next to the file that was edited in Ps?
I have lightroom 5.3 and Photoshop CS5.I want to open RAW file in Camera Raw, however, I get a message "This version may require the PS Camera Raw plug-in v8.3 for full compatibility." I checked both PS and LR and both say they are up to date.
Using Pro X3. I capture from DV camera using DV setting. I edit in AVI project properties. When I convert to MPEG and burn to a DVD the result is not very clear-not a sharp image. Should I capture or edit in MPEG? Our projects are for Public Access TV broadcast.
I have upgraded from LR4 to LR5. LR4 allowed duplictes to be imported - one a jepg the other same file name but raw (CR2). LR5 does not allow me to do this. Am I mistaken or am I over looking something?
if it is possible to take a camera raw file from lightroom and open it directly in Camera Raw for editing rather than use the editing in LR itself. I thought I read somewhere that it is possible to do this as an automatic setting - when choosing the "edit in Photoshop" menu option a raw file will be opened in Camera Raw and the changes tracked in LR. I prefer the Camera Raw interface in Ps so am hoping I can do this and then proceed on to Ps if I need to do further processing. I am using LR4 and Ps6 on a Mac with the latest updates. I am a recent convert to LR/Ps from Aperture so am still learning.