Photoshop Elements :: Avoid Importing Same File (Picture) From Camera To Organizer More Than Once
Mar 18, 2013
How do you avoid importing same file (Picture) from camera to Organizer more than once? I am in the habit of keeping pictures in my camera for a longer period of time. This is easy to control using Picasa - but what about Elements11?
I changed Adobe Elements version (from 10 to 11) and Brand New all-in-one Dell XPS computer that comes with Windows 8 as OS (From XP SP3) ... Now my import in Adobe Organzer gets stuck. Adobe Elements sees the camera, and compares the files on my camera to the photos in Organizer and knows how may are duplicates. I then select all the photos it finds as Non-Duplicates and tell it what directory to import into and select (Finish/Import) and it just sits there. I can change anything on that screen for options, but it really is locked up. I have to use Task Manager to end the task so that I can get back into Adobe Organizer.
Is there a way to import my raw file with the camera picture settings from my camera. I use a personally edited version of the camera vivid from my d300. The files are imported without the settings and get set to adobe standard in my camera calibration. I use lightroom 4 with cs5 64 bit.
I take high school sports photos using a Canon 7D camera, that can take about 9 pictures per second, which is great for capturing events. I've noticed with several versions of Photoshop Elements (9 &11), on Win 7 Pro 32 AND Win 7 Pro 64 versions (on multiple computers) that when I use Get Photos & Videos|From Camera or Card Reader, then in the photo downloader dialog box, use the Rename Files option, that my picture files get renamed in jumbled fashion. Not all pictures are jumbled, but many. If I have files on my Canon such as DIG001.jpg, DIG002.jpg, DIG003.jpg, DIG004.jpg, they may be renamed as RenameFilename001.jpg (which is acutally DIG001.jpg), RenameFilename002.jpg (which is actually DIG003.jpg), RenameFilename003.jpg (which is actually DIG002.jpg), RenameFilename004.jpg (which is actually DIG004.jpg) - in this case original picture files 2 & 3 have been reversed. This is very confusing when reviewing a photo sequence that is renamed into an out of chronological order sequence (i.e. ball is hiked, ball is caught by receiver, ball is kicked, receiver runs with caught ball).
I have also confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the Canon 7D camera by taking high speed pictures of a video which is displaying video frame numbers. I can confirm that the files as stored in the camera are in the direct chronological order as taken (i. e. 001, 002, 003, 004, etc.). When I then download these pictures from the camera using Photoshop Elements 11, they are not all in chronological order (some are, some aren't).
I don't know if this is a bug in the program or there is something else I need to do to assure the pictures are imported in exact chronological order (as taken by the camera).
I have been running PSE 10 for a while with my Canon 60D, windows 7 and I have never had an issue with importing CR2 files to my organizer. Now all of the sudden they will no longer show up in the organizer or rather there is the icon with a question mark, and the "mssing file" error. When I use the downloader from my card reader I can see them in the preview screen, but when the downloader is done and the files are in the organizer, get nothing but the aforementioned icons.
I installed to the DNG converter as suggested, but that did nothing as well. So, I finally gave up, purchased PSE 12, installed it and guess what, still no luck. I have updated the RAW converter to the latest version and as near as I can tell I have done everything suggested. Like I said earlier, I can see the pictures clearly in the adobe downloader when I import the files from my memory card and I can open the pics fine in the Canon software, I can even open the picture in the Editor if I go through the editor; but I can't do anything with the picture in the Organizer.
Every time I try to open and edit a picture (specifically using a raw file in camera raw) after double clicking on it to open it, I get this message, "could not complete your request because of a program error" I have tried over and ove again and it wont work!
I'm using PSE10 on a Win7 (64bit) OS. When I delete a picture (from catalogue and harddrive) the PSE-Organizer tends to jump down several pictures (Haven't been able to determine a fixed number), so I have to go up again and browse through the same pics a couple of times.
I just installed Elements 12. How do I get my photographs on my laptop into Organizer? I have many sub-folders of my world trips, do I need to do each one seperately?
I am using element 9 and am having problems importing files into the organizer . It has imported most of my images (jpg) from other folders. One folder does not import. I get a message saying the files are not supported or already imported. All the files are jpg's and none have been imported. I have changed the names of some of the files and then they get recognized and imported. Is there a maximum character name for files? How can I tell what files are not supported? The pop up window giving this information is so small I can't read the list. I removed anything from the folder that was not a jpg in case the import process stop when it encounters a file it does not recognize.
path for importing photos which have been sent by email from varying sources such as Iphones, Ipads, etc. These photos are easily opened from the email in the Elements 11 Editor mode. However, I have tried a dozen ways to get them moved from Editor to Organizer. Also, I am having difficulty creating a folder for these types of photos. Those that I load from my camera create their own folders which I can rename. The paths I have had to utilize are ridiculously complex.
I am trying to import some jpg files into organiser from a windows folders. What turns up in organiser is a thumbnail (there is no image) for each photo. Properties indicate that it is the correct jpg. I can open the file in Elements. There is something about the files that is causing the problem. Moving the file to another folder makes no difference.
I just bought a new computer with Windows 8 and an SSD-Harddrive and installet the Photoshop Elements 12 trial version. I copied my RAW-files via LAN to the SSD-Harddiskdrive. Now when I import these into the organiser some pictures are fragmented. If I check the pictures in the windows explore with the RAW-codec the particular picture is alright.
Can I stop the Photoshop Editor from automatically causing photos to be imported into the Organizer? I want them to remain where they are until I want to cause them to be imported. One gets way too many 1 photo imports.
When I import my collection of images and videos using "Import / From file and folders...", Photoshop Elements 12 Organizer crashes when importing one of my .m2ts files. When I debug it I get:
Unhandled exception at 0x1543025B ( in PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe: 0xC0000094: Integer division by zero.
Is there a way for me to import m2ts files successfully? If not, then is there a way to skip importing these files.
I am a new Mac user - recently insalled Photoshop elements 9 and tried to import my photos which are all in iPhoto at the moment into the organiser. I went via the 'Get files > import from iPhoto' menu and I keep getting a messsage tab saying 'no suitable media'.
I clicked the share in iPhoto and also tried via the getting files directly route (you only get the 'iPhoto library' that way not the individual files - any combo of clicking wont seem to let me see the files there).
I am just starting to use Photoshop Elements 12 Organizer. I do not want to import my entire iPhoto library however, so how can I import ONLY ONE or a select group of events or albums?
When I open a picture on my computer with PSE9 it appears in the Editor. After I make changes in the picture I would like to be able to add it to the Organizer without having to open the Organier,Find the file on my computer and then see it in the Organizer.
Some of the thumbnails do not display a picture in Organizer but only in Editor which makes it very difficult to organize and choose which to work with.
I have PSE 11 and it will not import Canon RAW files directly from the camera. It only "picks up" the jpg files. However, it does recognise Canon RAW files which are already on my hard drive.
I recently upgraded from PSE5 to PSE12. The installation went smoothly and my old Catalog was imported without a hitch. After my first test run to edit a file, I did a "Save As" in a version set with the original. I then closed the file, but when I went to the organizer, it was not there. When I go to the folder in Windows Explorer, the edited file is present - I just can't get it to appear (alone or in a version set) in the Organizer. (FYI, I am running Windows 8).
1. Elements 11 Organizer often creates multiple copies of the same picture. How can I stop this?
2. Many pictures has a small questionmark in the upper left corner, stating that the file is missing, even though I can see the picture (a bit blurred, but still). What's wrong?
I have a problem with the organizer 10. Im using the program for longer times without any problem.But since nearly a week the new pictures, i import to my PC will not shown as a miniature in the organizer screen. i only see a sand-glass. Older pictures are already to see and i can select a single picture to see just this will be shown.
Recently I used PS 11 on 250 pictures without problems. Now I can't save a picture to a file. Also I cannot rename a file or picture as it just pings at me.
I am using Lightroom CC on my iMac to catalog my photos, a task I really find Lightroom perfect for.
However, I am also using my DSLR for shooting video´s, which I edit with Final Cut Pro. Lightroom is _not_ a part of the video import/editing workflow, so I really do not want to have Lightroom import all videos in addition to all my photos.
How can I set up Lightroom so that it no longer import videos? My current workflow is tedious, and really not one I like: I import everything into Lightroom, and then manually delete all the video´s.