Photoshop :: CC - Working With Paths / Direct Selection Tool
Jun 19, 2013
Since version CS it was very easy working with paths with the direct selection tool. I just upgraded to Photoshop CC, and noticed this annoying bug:
When I select and anchor point using the Direct Selection Tool, I can no longer de-select it clicking inside the shape. This is so frustrating when working with icons.
I used to grab the Path Selection Tool to select the entire vector shape, then I switched to the Direct Selection Tool if I wanted to modify a specific anchor point. All I needed to do was clicking inside the shape, then select the anchor point I wanted to work with. Now if I switch from the Path tool to the Direct Selection one, if I click inside the shape it doesn't deselect anything, if I click on an anchor point, it doesn't deselect the other anchor points. I figured out that if I click on the path of a different vector shape, then I can go back and select an anchor point on the vector shape I was working with, but it's too much work for de-selecting a point.Is it a bug or a new way Photoshop CC behaves?
Using the selection tool i should be able tp reduce or shrink the size of the box or an image as a whole without changing the format. Iam not able to do that. I think i disabled something in my illustrator.
This morning, my Selection Tool (the filled-in arrow) is acting like a Direct Selection Tool (the hollow arrow), but only when I click and drag on a group. It ends up select the anchors within the group rather than the whole group itself.
I've checked my preferences, quit and relaunched Illustrator a few times, and nothing seems to fix it. The problem briefly went away a few minutes ago, but came back when I quit and relaunched for good measure.
It's happening in Illustrator CS 5.1. I have CS6, and that version works fine, but I'm waiting on some plugins to be updated for it, so I'd like to use CS 5.1. I'm also running the latest Suitcase Fusion 4.
I don't understand if the problem is the same of this: [URL]
Any way i do not understand with after using -convert point tool- the tool -Direction tool- (2) do not leave me to manage both the direction handles (3). I try to upload a screenshot:
(1): how work Direction tool (it moves both the direction handles).
Prior to Photoshop CS6, a curve on a path could be moved using the Direct Selection Tool without altering the path beyond the two enclosing points. If you manipulated the curve, only the inside handles of the two points (that create the curve) would change - and only in length - as shown below:
Unfortunately, in Photoshop CS6, if you manipulate the path curve with the Direct Selection Tool, the handles both sides of the points move freely - affecting the path beyond those points:
- is there a way to revert to the prior behaviour? The Photoshop CS6 behaviour may seem more intuitive (or something), but it's less precise and alter parts of the path that are fine already.
Nothing is more tedious than not being able to use the direct selection tool to grab multiple points because there is another shape under it on a different layer. I'd think that locking those layers would prevent selection, but it does not.
When I try to select points in my vector shape (this one is selected), and I have other vector shape behind that one, I start dragging with Direct Selection Tool in order to select those two points, I got selected three points, two from first vector shape, and one more form shape that was behind and in the area where I was dragging selection. Also, now both vector shape become selected. Why is this happening if only one vector shape was selected?
Noramlly in CS5 and any other version of Photoshop or Illustrator that I know of, if you click a point in an object, it will show the handles for transforming the line. As I'm creating something today, it works for a while and then stops. Yesterday I had the same problem. I drew a few things and then suddenly, the Direct Select Tool is not showing any transform handles.
I can get them to show if I can click and drag a box over the point, but this is slow and doesn't work well for layered art. I already tried resetting my illustrator preferences.
Also, in CS5 there's a simple icon that you can click to convert the currently selected point from a curved point to an angled point. Is there not such a thing in CS2?
When I use the direct selection tool to select multiple objects that also contain an image within a clipping set, occasionally the clipped image is included in the bounding box, even if it and its clipping mask are not selected. Selecting other objects includes them in the bounding box, but even after deselecting everything the bounding box around the image remains and the only way to remove it is to drag a handle (which resizes the image) and then undo the action. Obviously this is annoying and seriously interrupts workflow. I've had this issue ever since CS4.
When I click and drag with the direct selection tool, I'm getting a drag on the object rather than a marque for selecting points. As soon as I click, the tool switches to the black arrow tool. Did I mess up a setting somewhere? I'm not using any modifier keys.
When I click on an item with the direct tool I used to get a small square on each bounding box line which I could use to adjust the size of the object. Somehow it's gone away - how do I get it back?
Photoshop CS5 - Working with the pen tool is something I do a lot but it is such a pain because I can barely make the lines out sometimes. It can get so bad that my eyes hurt. I found, adding an adjustment layer and changing the level. This kind of works but I find it difficult to believe that they can't be made more visable. Turning off the anti-aliasing hasn't seemed to have made any difference either.
Periodically I am having problems selecting text! I will select my text tool and go to edit text and the type tool changes back to the selection tool. I have to fiddle around an click on different layers then go back to the type tool and then it will start working. I am not the only person in my company who switched to CS6 and is experiencing issues with this new program running slow. Switing from layer folders also causes thing to freeze up. I am running off a Mac Book pro with OS Lion 10.7.4. I uploaded CS6 just over a week ago.I only used the CS5.5 trial version so there should not be a conflicting problem with a CS6 trial version.
This error message appears when I have the Direct Selection tool selected, but have not selected an object. Every time I press Enter I get the alert: "Could not complete your request because of a program error." It doesn't matter what file I have open.
I'm running Mac OS X 10.7.5, 2.2 GHz, 16 GB memory. This is just one of several weird bugs I've encountered in CC.
The lasso selection tool in PSE9 is malfunctioning. When I draw a selection, I immediately get a message saying: "Warning: No pixels are more than 50% selected. The selection edges will not be visible."
This is the kind of message I would normally get when I select wrong numbers for feathering. But now the message comes up when I use the lasso tool to try to select an area. When I hit cancel the message, the selection disappears. But the pulldown menu shows that I can "deselect." When I do that, and start all over, I get the same problem.
I quit and restarted PSE9 to try to fix this but it didn't work. Then I restarted my Mac computer, but that didn't fix it either
I'm experiencing this incredibly annoying behavior in PS over the past 10 days. Dragging with a selection tool (or shape tools) used apply a thin dotted outline only when the mouse was depressed—very useful for knowing what area would be selected. Now I don't see that outline until I release the mouse button (or stylus) at which point the outline persists (see attached screenshot). The behavior is sometimes corrected with a restart, other times not.
I'm on a macbook pro 2.4GHz with 16GB of RAM running 10.8.2 and CS6 13.1.2 x64 Extended.
I can't figure out why the selection tool won't work. When active, I can't grab an object to move it and the icon next to the selection arrow is a line with an arrow pointing to the left, like this
Using the Direct Selection Tool I will often click and drag over one corner or side of a shape to select those specific anchor points. This works perfectly on a shape. However, I've noticed this doesn't work on a text frame. Using the same technique on a text frame results in all anchor points being selected. The only way, to my knowledge, to select specific anchor points on a text frame is to actually click on the anchor points themselves. If my memory serves me correct (Though there's a good chance I'm imagining things.) in past versions of Illustrator the aforementioned technique would've worked. What gives, CS6?
I am facing small problem with inverter drafting. I am unable to show hidden line of pattern by direct selection of all object . I have to select one by one item from pattern.
In my drawing there is tie rod item ( find attached file) i have shown hidden line of only this part . and i have to select all items one by one.
I may have changed a setting somehow. When I go to "make selection" of my path it only selects the very outside border of what I outlined and not anything inside of it. Also I have to select "inverse" before I copy and paste to get the part of the image I want.
I have a PSPIMAGE file with a plenty of images as different layers. I am adjusting the images having one image "size" as reference (make same width and height). But I could select the multiple images just through layers pallete
whether is possible to select multiple pictures (each in different layer) by using the "pick tool" direct in the canvas (or other means)?
I have a whole bunch of photos I need to batch process, but, when creating an action for this, I stumbled upon the problem that the paths I selected with the pen tool, and saved under the "Paths" tab need to be in every image for to be used in the action.
The black lines would be the pen paths (curved shapes) with a brush stroke, but then I would like to select an area of all those pen paths lines (like you for example do when using marquee tool) (in the example green color) and fill the path lines with for example green only on that selected area and the rest stays black in this case and only the lines would be filled, so not the white space between. I kind of did it in Illustrator using scissor tool, but cutting all the paths takes a lot of time and precision so I thought there might be a better, easier, more precise way to do this in photoshop. how to accomplish something like that?
I have been continually annoyed, when creating a vector mask-heavy document, with trying to select vector mask points by dragging a rectangle only to find that it instead selects a layer higher up which has a larger vector mask.
The only workaround is to manually select the points of my mask or to drag a rectangle from outside the canvas, meaning I have to zoom out or scroll to the edge - sometimes annoying if I am zoomed in quite far.
I know that the move tool can be set to automatically select a layer, depending on what part of the image is clicked, but why is there not an option to turn this off for vector editing?
If you look closely in the attached picture, there is a spot of light blue on the player's helmet, that looks like a mistake (think it should look like the grass behind it)...though it actually may be part of his helmet.
Regardless, I'd like to take it out. My idea was to select the blue with the quick selection tool, then bring that selection out to the grass, select the grass with that size/shape of selection, copy/paste and then bring the grass selection into the blue part so it looks like grass in what was the blue part.
The problem is I don't seem to be able to move the selection without taking the blue with it (so it's not an empty selection and therefore can't select a piece of the grass.)
Basically, I open photoshop, and I select the pen tool. I then make a small shape, like a square or circle or something with it. So now obviously, I have a closed work path in such a shape.
Black is my foreground colour. I right click the path with the pen tool still selected, and choose 'Fill Path' and click ok. But for some reason, it's everything but the path that gets filled with black!
how I did this, but does anyone know how to change it so that it's the area that's boxed off which gets filled, rather than the area outside it?