Having an issue with Xara Pro 4 and AccuRIP (Epson1430). Not sure if it's Xara, The printer or AccuRIP issue.
THE ISSUE - when sending multiple pages to the printer, where the pages are spooled, the output will have vertical rasterized streaks of zaggies throughout the output.
THE SOLUTION - send 1 page at a time, wait for it to print, then send next page. FYI Corel has a similar issue when sending several spot pages at the same time.
I have tried searching the forum how to do this but all the posts I can find talk about using Illustrator etc. I wish to send a PDF/X, 300 pdi file to a commercial printer (A4 and then A3 versions) using just XDPX.
How do I include bleed margins and crop marks?
I tried to achieve this by creating a custom page oversized from A4 to accommodate crop marks and a 3mm bleed margin. When I exported this as a .pdf I got a displaced image within an A4 page. How do I create a suitable file?
Currently I have 30 .xar files that I have to export one by one to PDF, then I have to use a terrible PDF stitcher that cost me $30. Is there a way in either version 6 or 7 that enables you to create a single .xar document but actually have multiple pages within it?
latest updates installed correctly... cs5 and cc6 installed on same machine... now the problem... when sending an image to the printer in cc the program crashes.... but it does not crash when the image is sent using cs5 .
I have to two sheets layed out in one drawing in Auto CAD 2012, a tilte sheet and the building plan. How can I send that to one PDF file (one PDF file with both sheets) using the 'DWG to PDF.pc3' option?
does the new xarapro have a linked feature for placing 300 dpi images into a 50-60 pages? If not, is it even possible to have that many pages with those numbers of large size pictures? Just wanted to know if others have done such a thing. Also if possible, can a large document be divided into number of xara files and then exported as pdf and put together in adobe acrobat to make a large output for printers?
It seems a Live Copy change made on the page holding the original Live Copy will change all copies on all pages but not in reverse. If I change the copy of the Live Copy on Page 2, only the page 2 object changes (local change) but if I change the original Live Copy or any other copies of it located on Page 1, then all copies on all pages change (global change.)
Not a problem, just trying to understand. If I want to change all Live Copies of an object on all pages of a document then must be be done from the page of the original Live Copy?
I know one of the new features in X9 is the web publishing feature where you put page numbers and those with tablets can flip through the pages. I have an Android and went to the pages that were designed using this new feature but saw nothing but a website that I had to scroll down like any other except there was page numbers on the bottoms as I scrolled. In fact, I had to left and right scroll to see the full pages before scrolling down. What am I missing? How is this feature any better than just normal scrolling?
I make pdf ainally and if I just paste texture into all pages = huge size pdf. When I make it in microsoftword all background pictures have weight as one pic.
My site has 22 pages, but only 11 of them are product pages which are set-up the same way. I want to make the same change to all 11 product pages. Is there a way to do that without having to repeat the change on all 22 pages?
For some reason I am not able to link my accordion widget to other pages within my web site. The pre-existing link to xara.com works fine. When I remove it and put in my own link (and follow protocols within the linking function in the web properties box) it simple won't work.
I somehow screwed up all my pages so that they're linked together to share all the same width and height dimensions. I need some pages only a certain height and others shorter, taller, etc. When I edit the size to say 1000x width and 3000x height somehow all the other pages either lengthen or shorten and cut content.
My exported gray scale jpeg image is coming back from the printer with a reddish tone. I'm applying a black 0% saturation transparency, using the gray scale color model in the Color Editor and applying it over the color drawing on the top layer.
Still, the print comes back with a reddish tone to it.
I've been using Photoshop to create a series of web pages. I have about 20 such pages right now.Unfortunately, I need to change the navigation menu that is found on all 20 pages.
To make these changes, do I need to change 20 different files? Or is there a way to link one layer group to multiple PSD files so that editing it once results in it changing on all 20 pages?
My brother sent me a TIF file that had multiple pages within it. I never knew this was possible. Is this something that can be done in Photoshop then converted to a TIF file? Once I opened the TIF file, it allowed me to flip from one page to the next so the pages weren't all scanned side by side.
Surely the Find/Replace Objects dialog boxes don't just restrict itself to searching on the current page... that would be stupid but it seems to be that way.
when we set a document to print in landscape in Corel and then leave it as portrait in the printing preferences, it will print landscape which is fine, then if you put it to landscape in print preferences (still having it as landscape in the program) it will print portrait!
if we set a document to print in landscape in Corel and then leave it as portrait in the printing preferences, it will print landscape which is fine, then print 1 copy it will stay at landscape, if you then print 3 copies it will switch to portrait.
Both of the above are happening on a HP 5550 laser printer, we have 4 classrooms each with a 5550 printer in.
When I publish multiple pages with either pdf or printing, it only prints the first layout. I tried to repair/reinstall AutoCAD and the problem still exist.
how would i print an image larger than one sheet of paper at 100% so i could overlap the sheets of paper or cut them out? All photoshop does for me is print out a section at 100% on one sheet of paper.
How do I insert multiple pages from AC2012 LT into PDF?
I'd like to make several drawings * see attachment* , add in the text.....add in some jpgs.....and have ONE document with multiple pages for my customers.
So far I can only seem to make one page at a time. Operator error I am sure.
The drawing I just finished and need to plot is 19"L x 9-1/2"H. The printer I have here only does 8-1/2x11 sheets. How do I plot this drawing on a 1:1 scale so it will print on multiple sheets of 8-1/2x11 to make the single complete drawing? I've tried changing the plot setting but guess I'm over my head.
I work on Mac and would like to print a design over multiple pages. The recurring problem however is that the printed sheets have a thin unprinted, blank border. I've tried various options in the print dialogue box, including all the borderless page setup options. This 2mm border keeps appearing in my prints. This is for silkscreening, so even though its only a 2mm border, this gap prevents me from putting all the printed sheets together as one design. The design, via the print dialogue box, is being saved as a PostScript file due to doing colour separations.
I have a Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 and Photoshop CS5.1 and have just hooked up my Epson RX580. On the window platform in another software program the multiple pages and/or poster options appear in the print window. But not in Photoshop on my mac. I have made sure to download the newest drivers etc.
I create a pdf page and save. when i add a second page to the document and save, the second page is not saved in the pdf. how can I get the whole document to save in one pdf file?