CorelDRAW X3 :: Find Objects Across Multiple Pages
Oct 14, 2009Surely the Find/Replace Objects dialog boxes don't just restrict itself to searching on the current page... that would be stupid but it seems to be that way.
View 15 RepliesSurely the Find/Replace Objects dialog boxes don't just restrict itself to searching on the current page... that would be stupid but it seems to be that way.
View 15 RepliesAlso see my FREE macro GDG Doc Font Lister which has similar capability.
Part 1 of 9
lock all objects on all pages (one click) in coreldraw x5 & x6?
View 9 Replies View Relatedwhen we set a document to print in landscape in Corel and then leave it as portrait in the printing preferences, it will print landscape which is fine, then if you put it to landscape in print preferences (still having it as landscape in the program) it will print portrait!
if we set a document to print in landscape in Corel and then leave it as portrait in the printing preferences, it will print landscape which is fine, then print 1 copy it will stay at landscape, if you then print 3 copies it will switch to portrait.
Both of the above are happening on a HP 5550 laser printer, we have 4 classrooms each with a 5550 printer in.
I create a pdf page and save. when i add a second page to the document and save, the second page is not saved in the pdf. how can I get the whole document to save in one pdf file?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am preparing a multiple page document and would like to know if there is a method of importing separate .eps files into individual pages, with only one image per page. I have been using CorelDRAW X3 for awhile, but do not know any Visual Basic to create a macro to do what I am looking for. Is there any method of importing each file to a new page, rather than adding a new page and importing the file separately?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to copy paste more than 5 pages through page sorter view from one file to another. When i try to drag and drop pages from one file to another, coreldraw x4 crashes.
Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM
When I export a CorelDraw file with multiple pages to an .ai file, the resulting file has only the first page. Is there a way to export all pages of the document to .ai?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am trying to put together a document with about 20 illustrated pages which are created by others in pdf format, They are all A6 size.I wanted to know if Coreldraw x5 can do this (as I have a copy of this) and how - I may need to make some changes to these pdfs, but would be minor editing only (hopefully).
I know this is possible in Indesign - but wanted to do it in Coreldraw as this is the package i have.
I want to import 10 photographs - jpg files and insert it into 10 separate/individual pages of documents automatically. Can I do this with import.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIt would be useful for me if CorelDraw could do multiple Drawing scales for different pages instead of it being a global thing for the entire document.
3/16 = 1' (page 1) 1/4" = 1' (page two.)
I've been exploring migrating my Design and PrePress departments away from Illustrator & Flexi and transitioning to Corel. Unfortunately I've hit a major stumbling block
Right now I have a team of designers laying out sign designs. They draw each sign and we generate a message schedule for those signs in excel. From there, we've been able to use the print merge function in Corel to transfer all the messages from the data sheet to the signs. The problem is, each sign is placed on a separate page within the Corel file. I know you can then use print imposition to gang those signs for printing...but the problem is we have a laser engraver, rotary engravers and routers that are all being run. I've fairly certain we could "print" to the laser without any issues but I'm not as confident regarding the other machines.
Typically once we have the drawings of every sign created (currently doing this in Flexi), we have programmers that gang all similar components together on files that are used to power the rotary engravers. Because the print merge function in Corel puts each sign on a separate page, I'm not sure how we'd be able to transition without having to copy, paste and place each sign back on to a single page. Our jobs often run into the hundreds of signs so the extra labor required would kill any savings such a transition might bring us.
Is there a way to combine pages post print-merge, to get all the objects on a single page? I had really hoped to be able to gang all objects together on a single page within a single file.
I am creating an object that has four text boxes in an object that is about 2" x 4". When I do the merge, I end up with multiple pages, all 2" x 4". How can I now move those pages spaced about a larger page, say 11" x 17" so I can have positioned and print multiple 2" x 4" objects on the larger sheet?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible in CorelDraw X5 shifting of multiple pages placement at once. For instance if we have a file of 50 pages (1-50) and we require shifting of page nos 41-48 with their contents after page no 8 than how should we proceed to get the resultant.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a document with multiple pages. I need each page saved as a separate JPEG file.
I can do this by exporting each page individually, but this is painful - I have 29 pages to export.
Is there any way to export all pages in one step? I would like the JPEG files to be created with the page name as the file name.
I used an image in the design on 20 pages. now the requirement has come to update that image but I don't want to go on every page and update it.
is there way, I will updated it once and it will update automatically on the other pages
so I've recorded a macro to find all drop shadows and seperate them from whatever they're attached to. Now my problems is how to deselect the objects leaving just the drop shadows selected
Sub Macro173()
ActiveDocument.CreateShapeRangeFromArray(ActiveLayer.Shapes(3), '
ActiveLayer.Shapes(1)).Cut ActiveLayer.Paste Dim Paste1 As ShapeRange
Set Paste1 = ActiveSelectionRange
End Sub
Why does the find and replace functionality have to be so sloppy to use? I have a customer that sends me cmyk drawings and I need them to be rgb. They also have lines that need to be changed to hairline from .25pt. It's frustrating how difficult this is to accomplish due to the sloppy interface that CD has had ever since I've been using it - since v12.
How hard would it be to allow you to change the palette, line width and colors on lines and outlines in one step? Right now it's multiple steps and don't forget once to change the target color palette or you'll convert everything back to cmyk...
let's say I have a page with 6 images and 6 captions. is there anyway to crop out more than one at a time and save them? Currently I have to crop out all but one, then save that one, then reload the image and crop out another one and save etc over and over. is there a better way?
View 4 Replies View RelatedLooking for a nice script that can search a complex design with lots of linework and find all coinciding duplicates and select them all and delete them but leave (1) good copy.
Basically when I use Outline Pathfinder in Adobe Illustrator, then bring back into corel, sometimes get a lot of redundant objects. I already set the settings in Adobe Illustrator to minimize that as much as possible.
Is there any way to set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to customized find objects option (.fin file)? I am a average Coreldraw user, knows almost all basics, but lacks advanced use of Coreldraw. I like to use any techniques that saves time. I know it with adobe Photoshop (like action etc.) but not with Coreldraw.. I heard about macros.
For Now I need to
1) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to customized find objects option (.fin file)
2) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button or macros for repetitive find & replace options...
3) create macros for simple moves & then after combine these type of simple macros in one macros...
4) set keyboard shortcut or toolbar button to that macros...
5) and any these type of time saving technique. (in selection making, replacing, finding, batch process etc..)
I want is make actions & then combine them to script & then set keyboard shortcuts for same...
I know my code below wont work, just putting here to hopefully explain more exactly what im trying to do
Sub FindbyFill()
Dim sh As Shape
dim findColor
ActiveSlection.GetColor = findColor
For Each sh In ActiveLayer.Shapes If sh.FillColor = findColor Then ActiveSlection + sh
End If
Next sh
Any macro like the "wOxxOm Curve Channel Mixer", that works for RGB colors? I am working on a project where I need to select multiple RGB objects that have all different (but specific) color values and edit just one of the values (eg. green) without affecting any of the others. I know I can use various effects and adjustments to do this, but I need the resulting color formula to be precise. This is because I am creating color charts and swatches, so the formula within each swatch needs to be exactly what its label says it is.
The CMYK channel mixer saved me hundreds of hours when I did a similar project in CMYK and prompted me to make a donation to the author at that time.
ps. The body text of my post just wouldn't appear in the preview when I used IE9. I had to use firefox to make a successful post.
I have long used the following lisp to convert multiple single text objects into multiple mtext objects (i.e. make each text entity into separate mtext entities).
; T2M - convert individual Texts/Dtexts to individual MTexts
; modified by Xanadu -
(defun C:T2M (/ ss i elist)
However, the mtext entity always moves position slightly (compared to the original text entity) after converting the object. better lisp that converts multiple text entities into mtext entities (which are all separate still, i.e. not joined together) without the position of the entity changing?
I have a series of images that have been designed - very basic shapes (a straight vertical line with a ball on top in which ascending numbers are placed in each one. So effectively each image is made up of 3 seperate parts and look like numbered lollipops. Each of these images are currently evenly spaced apart and formatted so the text is all properly aligned and sized etc - I would like to be able to copy certain groups of these images and paste them into a new working document which is fine, but I then need to somehow re-space them out to scale once they've been pasted in. So for example i have copied them in and they are 20mm apart to each other (as per my original drawing that i copied from) - is there a way of then altering this spacing so that for example so that they are all 33mm apart but still retail the original formatting properties so they are not stretched etc?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to select more than one text object at a time.....
I will select a paragraph or artistic text object, press and hold shift, and then continue selecting text objects. Nothing happens.... well, it seems to be 'thinking' but nothing ever happens until I release the shift key and then only the last object selected gets highlited.
I find it extremely annoying to have to Ungroup named groups and then regroup and rename them in order to do a multiple selection of group members. I find I'm constantly ungrouping and regrouping in order to select/edit.
Note that the multiple items are often not the same type of object (e.g., text, line, shape, etc.).
Today i started to experience this crash while moving multiple grouped objects. These objects were from a powertrace and had transparency. this is on vista 64bit. doesn't happen all the time.
Problem signatureProblem Event Name: APPCRASHApplication Name: CorelDRW.exeApplication Version: Timestamp: 50b2a2e4Fault Module Name: CdrTra.dllFault Module Version: Module Timestamp: 50b2a50fException c0000005Exception Offset: 000000000003b757OS Version: 6.0.6002. ID: 1033Extra information about the problemBucket ID: 94246814
With a number of of paragraph text objects selected, the interactive rotate becomes increasingly sluggish in keeping up with my mouse position when dragging round. I've got a calendar artwork with 12 paragraph objects, and after I've let go of the mouse button, the screen will continue trying to update for anything up to 10 seconds afterwards, during which time I can't do anything.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was just fooling around with it one day and I made 2 guidlines intersect (one at 0 degrees and one at 90). I added a third one at 45 and tried to center it at the intersection of the first 2. It made a tiny tiny microscopic right triangle for some reason.
Also, sometimes the center is off on either the object or on the page. Like when I rotate copies of an object around another object (like making a clock face) the copies don't go perfectly all the way around. I redo it and it works fine.
Is precision an issue in CoreDRAW?
Im trying to do multiple pages .pdf from .psd in PS CS 8.0. My .psd is just like text and some lines.
I can do the pdf from psd, but just as picture, so i cant select txt in .pdf.
Can i make in PS CS pdf where I could also select text in pdf document?
In Illustrator the pdf is oki, but i cant make there more pages in one pdf document.