CorelDRAW X5 :: Change RGB Recipe For Multiple Objects
Nov 1, 2012
Any macro like the "wOxxOm Curve Channel Mixer", that works for RGB colors? I am working on a project where I need to select multiple RGB objects that have all different (but specific) color values and edit just one of the values (eg. green) without affecting any of the others. I know I can use various effects and adjustments to do this, but I need the resulting color formula to be precise. This is because I am creating color charts and swatches, so the formula within each swatch needs to be exactly what its label says it is.
The CMYK channel mixer saved me hundreds of hours when I did a similar project in CMYK and prompted me to make a donation to the author at that time.
ps. The body text of my post just wouldn't appear in the preview when I used IE9. I had to use firefox to make a successful post.
Surely the Find/Replace Objects dialog boxes don't just restrict itself to searching on the current page... that would be stupid but it seems to be that way.
I have long used the following lisp to convert multiple single text objects into multiple mtext objects (i.e. make each text entity into separate mtext entities).
; T2M - convert individual Texts/Dtexts to individual MTexts ; modified by Xanadu - ; (defun C:T2M (/ ss i elist)
However, the mtext entity always moves position slightly (compared to the original text entity) after converting the object. better lisp that converts multiple text entities into mtext entities (which are all separate still, i.e. not joined together) without the position of the entity changing?
Is there a way to select a number if not all objects in a drawing and then change the properties (specifically color) from the command line i.e. without a dialog window?
Custom Build with Win7 Pro 64Bit SP1 Gigabyte Tecohnology Co. X79-UD3 3.60 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3820 16GB GSkill Ripjaw Z PC3 2133 PC17000 PCI-E ATI FirePro V7800 2GB 256bit ATA SanDisk SDSSDX24 SCSI Disk Device (256 GB) Dell 2001FP and (2) 2407WFPHC Triple monitor setup
I am trying to select multiple objects and change them. However, the following code lets me only change one at a time. Even when I select a window around obejcts, it only changes a single item.
start of Same_Cannoscale.lsp(defun C:SCS ( / anno-v ent dict cansc entsc sc-list test oce) (setq anno-v (getvar "ANNOALLVISIBLE")) (setvar "ANNOALLVISIBLE" 1) (if (= (getvar "CVPORT") 1) (princ " In Paperspace. ") (if (setq ent (ssget ":S:L")) [Code] ........
I have a series of images that have been designed - very basic shapes (a straight vertical line with a ball on top in which ascending numbers are placed in each one. So effectively each image is made up of 3 seperate parts and look like numbered lollipops. Each of these images are currently evenly spaced apart and formatted so the text is all properly aligned and sized etc - I would like to be able to copy certain groups of these images and paste them into a new working document which is fine, but I then need to somehow re-space them out to scale once they've been pasted in. So for example i have copied them in and they are 20mm apart to each other (as per my original drawing that i copied from) - is there a way of then altering this spacing so that for example so that they are all 33mm apart but still retail the original formatting properties so they are not stretched etc?
I can't seem to select more than one text object at a time.....
I will select a paragraph or artistic text object, press and hold shift, and then continue selecting text objects. Nothing happens.... well, it seems to be 'thinking' but nothing ever happens until I release the shift key and then only the last object selected gets highlited.
I find it extremely annoying to have to Ungroup named groups and then regroup and rename them in order to do a multiple selection of group members. I find I'm constantly ungrouping and regrouping in order to select/edit.
Note that the multiple items are often not the same type of object (e.g., text, line, shape, etc.).
Today i started to experience this crash while moving multiple grouped objects. These objects were from a powertrace and had transparency. this is on vista 64bit. doesn't happen all the time.
Problem signatureProblem Event Name: APPCRASHApplication Name: CorelDRW.exeApplication Version: Timestamp: 50b2a2e4Fault Module Name: CdrTra.dllFault Module Version: Module Timestamp: 50b2a50fException c0000005Exception Offset: 000000000003b757OS Version: 6.0.6002. ID: 1033Extra information about the problemBucket ID: 94246814
With a number of of paragraph text objects selected, the interactive rotate becomes increasingly sluggish in keeping up with my mouse position when dragging round. I've got a calendar artwork with 12 paragraph objects, and after I've let go of the mouse button, the screen will continue trying to update for anything up to 10 seconds afterwards, during which time I can't do anything.
I was just fooling around with it one day and I made 2 guidlines intersect (one at 0 degrees and one at 90). I added a third one at 45 and tried to center it at the intersection of the first 2. It made a tiny tiny microscopic right triangle for some reason.
Also, sometimes the center is off on either the object or on the page. Like when I rotate copies of an object around another object (like making a clock face) the copies don't go perfectly all the way around. I redo it and it works fine.
I have a large group of objects, all one color. I need to make a subtle change to the color. Is there a easy way to change all the colors in a group of object to another specific color? Some objects only have an outline, and some only have a fill without having to go through each object one by one in the object manager?
Long of the short of it is, when I export a vector graphic as eps format it is changing my pantone colors to black. Not just 100% black but like 2% Magenta, 4% Yellow, 95% black. When I export rgb or cmyk objects, not a problem. It only has issues when it involves a pantone colour.
I have never had issues with this from the past 8 years I have worked with CorelDRAW. This was also something that just randomly happened, no computer upgrade, no major software changes, nothing.
I am currently running Windows 7 64bit with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5.
Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?
I have one layout. On that layout I want to have 2 viewports. I also have ssay block A and block B I want to insert.I would like Viewport1 to display block A and viewport 2 to display block B.
What happens to me is when I created Viewport 1 and inserted block A. I go on to create viewport 2. But viewport 2 displays only block A, which I cannon delete to insert block B.
I often produce graphics in CorelDRAW, export it as en eps file and insert it inside a MS Word document as an image and finally convert it to pdf. This way my vector graphics (often linedrawings with or without fill) usually is preserved in the final pdf document. I can zoom in and the lines keep on displaying perfectly sharp. This is important, since it easily looks bad when thin lines are turned into bitmaps, even when watched from a distance.
Now, in some graphics I created today, I had a circle with fountain fill and outline (symbolizing a sphere) put behind a filled rectangle, which had a uniform transparency applied to it. In the resulting pdf file, the 'sphere' was turned into bitmap. Inside CorelDRAW everything was vector graphics, but something was loast in the process. what happens with the graphics in the different steps in the process and eventually could explain a workaround to make everything look as vector in the final pdf file.
I have this script that basically makes a shape expand by adding an outline, conveting the outline to an object, and then welding the whole thing together.
I have the script set to execute with hotkey ctrl+numpad+
The odd thing is, when I run it once, it seems to work fine and only one object is left, but when I hold down ctrl and press numoad+ over and over again, it seems to produce a new copy of the object everytime.
I'm not sure why this is happening, but I need to get it to stop.
Sub Expand() EventsEnabled = False 'Dim vars Dim c1 As New Color Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange Dim OrigColor As Shape Dim width1 As Double Dim height1 As Double Dim minSize As Double Dim Thickness As Double 'copy color of current selection Set OrigColor = ActiveShape If OrigColor Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If OrigColor.Fill.Type <> cdrUniformFill Then Exit Sub c1.CopyAssign OrigColor.Fill.UniformColor 'get thickness to increase by Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange OrigSelection.GetSize width1, height1 If width1 <= height1 Then minSize = width1 If width1 > height1 Then minSize = height1 Thickness = minSize * 0.035 OrigSelection.SetOutlineProperties Color:=CreateRGBColor(0, 0, 0) OrigSelection.SetOutlineProperties Thickness, ScaleWithShape:=True 'weld Dim s1 As Shape Set s1 = OrigSelection(1).Outline.ConvertToObject Dim s2 As Shape Set s2 = s1.Weld(OrigSelection(1), True, True) 'auto reduce 's2.Curve.Nodes.All.AutoReduce 0.001 's2.Fill.ApplyUniformFill c1 'delete remnants OrigSelection.Delete s1.Delete 'OrigColor.Delete EventsEnabled = TrueEnd Sub
i have this scene that has multiple tools that cross each other etc etc. So i would like to fade out the tools when there complete. I could do a visibility track but the problem is each tool has multiple objects, and i cant attached them because there rigged. I was wondering if there is a way to fade them out as a hole.
I have about 13 different 3D objects, each on their own layer, and I want them to be able to cast shadows from lights all on the same ground plane. I know the setup for an individual object but when I go to set it up for each one they keep generating their own ground plane and the end result is no where close to where I want them. It's vital for this project I'm working on and I can't find any guide for the 3D features in the extended edition that is free.
I have a set of brushes from images of similar objects. My ultimate goal would be to combine 3 or 4 of these objects into one brush. So basically, I want to choose a brush, click to stamp, then click again to stamp a different object. Is this possible, to have multiple brushes work in one brush?
expansion of the 3D toolset within PS CS4. It is *not* a 3D app, which is fine, but it does make texturing imported 3D objects considerably easier. It essentially simplifies the ZApplink workflow using ZBrush while maintaining your layers [rather than flattening to export back to ZBrush]
Now for my question...
I have imported 3 separate OBJ files as 3D layers. Is there any way to move all 3 objects on the canvas together? As it is, I can only move them independently which throws them out of registration with each other.
I have tried selecting all of the layers at once [shift-click] but the manipulation tools get nulled out. Same thing happens when I group the layers together. I am also not seeing any way to link the layers like you can with a pair of 2D layers.
[also... in order to get all three objects imported with the same scale and registration, I exported a pair of planes above and below each asset to create a bounding box.]
I'm trying to create an animation of a group of objects being assembled, then being placed in a box. once i've assembled each object, how can I move / rotate all objects simultaneously as if one complete object?
When I try the attach command, it removes all previous animation on each individual object.
I want to simulate coal flying off the end of a conveyor belt.Is there a way to give thousands of dynamic objects an initial velocity (going up the conveyor belt at 15 degrees off horizontal) then apply gravity to them as they pass through a plane (the end of the belt) ? Maybe apply gravity to those objects to pull them up the conveyor, then once they pass the plane the other (real) gravity takes over.What about just creating the dynamic objects with an initial vector and velocity right at the end of the conveyor belt? Sounds like some scripting would be involved there.Is there a better way?
In Auto CAD 2007, if I want to extrude multiple objects, I can give reference length by pointing start and end(the obeject will extrude with positive value), but in 2012 I can’t use reference length. Sub-command “Direction” can use z-axis length only. How can I use like 2007?
Is there a way to alter the space between multiple objects without changing the objects themselves? Kind of like inflating/deflating a balloon with dots on the surface (the dots would get bigger/smaller). I've tried Transform>Move>Distance, and Effect>Distort & Transform>Transform>Move>Horizontal/Vertical, but both methods just moved all selected objects away from the origin point - no change to the space between objects.
CS6 - Is it possible to rotate multiple objects independent of one another? In other words selecting say 9 object in a grid then rotating the all 30 degrees on their own axis.
I am exporting a design for 3D printing, and it includes multiple objects. If I save each part as a separate STL file, and assemble them in my 3D printer software (Object), the alignment of different parts is lost.
If I save it as a single STL file all the objects are grouped, and I cannot select them individually to assign them different properties.
I am using Autocad 2012 student version, and it does not allow me to select any option at the moment of exporting the files.
I've been having trouble selecting more than one object with the pointer. the program was just reloaded on the computer, but this problem has happened multiple times now. everything will work fine for a while, then suddenly, when trying to select objects during a command, i can only select one. (ex. trying to copy multiple lines, i can only select one to copy at a time).