VideoStudio :: Project Output As AVI File?

Apr 12, 2012

I have captured 16:9 DV CAM footage from a Sony A1 camera using ULead Video Studio 11, using a firewire, as AVI DV files and edited it in a project in the same format:

PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps
Lower Field First
DV Video Encoder -- type 1
DV Audio -- PAL, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo

I want to render it into the same to create an AVI master file.

I don't know about Audio data or Video data rates and how to set them for capture or rendering - I'm pretty new to editing.

ULead for creating the best quality output file at this stage, or do I just do a Same as Project Properties render? Are there any drawbacks / issues to those tips?

I'm using my HP Probook 4710s with 32 bit Windows, Intel Core 2 Duo T5870 / 2GHz (Dual Core) processor, 3GB Ram DDR2 SDRAM 800 MHz, 2MB-L2 cache memory, 512 MB video memory.

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VideoStudio :: Create Smart Package From Project File That Has Smaller Component Project Files?

Aug 22, 2011

I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.

Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.

Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?

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VideoStudio :: Chapters Not Created In X3 Output File

Oct 4, 2010

I used VideoStudio Pro X3 to create a project and I created 30 chapters, but when I create the output video file (Blu-Ray NTSC H.264 1920x1080), the chapter information is not retained, so all I have is one big video file and don't have the ability to skip to other chapters.

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VideoStudio :: MPEG-4 HD Output File With Glitch

May 7, 2012

I have the following problem. I've created a project which takes about 20 minutes. The projects contains foto's and video's (MTS 1920x1080). When I create an output file in the MPEG-4 HD format there is one point is my video where there is a Glitch.

There is one MTS file in my video where I see some white flickering, which is very disturbing.

I've performed some tests to try to solve the solution, but I think it seems that there is a fault or error in the VSX file.

Below I've added some of the results of some things I've have tried:

When I drag that one MTS file in my project to another location the flickering seems to stay at the same place but then in another video.

When I remove that one MTS file from my project the flickering is gone. It's a solution, but not at this point, it should be working.

When I play the video in Windows Media Player then I see the flickering, but when I play it with Video Lan then I don't see it. If I play the video on some computer with Media Player it also should be working.

Also when I export the video in the AVCHD (1920x1080P) format the flickering doesn't occur.

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VideoStudio :: Save Output File As M2TS For PS3 Viewing?

Dec 10, 2011

I am evaluating VS Pro X4 (trial version) and one of my tests consists in importing a .m2ts clip, strip some parts of the original clip and save it in the same formats (codec, resolution, aspect ratio, file) as the imported clip.

The original clip is a NTCS HDMV file format (with the .m2ts extension), H.264 video 720p60 (16:9), digital Audio Dolby (AAC).

I'm able to do the first 2 steps without any problem. However, when I want to save the result in a file, I cannot find any way to indicate the software to save in the same format as the original clip. So I am looking for any way to save the video in a 720p60 (59.94 to be accurate) with the same video and audio codec that can be read by a PS3 console (H264, AAC) as a .m2ts file.

Is it possible to do this using VS Pro X4? Or do I need to use a non-trial version? Or do I need to use the Ultimate version? Or is it simply impossible to do this (yet)?

Things I tried:When I want to create a video file, and choose "as per project's parameters". But it appears they are set to NTSC SD for DVD-like output. If I go in the project's parameters menu, there is no way I can set the resolution to 720p60 HD.Among the AVCHD outputs in "Create a video file", I only find 1080i and 1080p resolutions. Same for Blu-Ray outputs. Why is there no 720p resolution in both outputs?In the "Customized" output, there is no way I can set the resolution to 720p60 HD. Is it normal?

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VideoStudio :: Photos Flickering / Stroking In MPEG Output File

Sep 11, 2013

I have created a video consisting a many photos with some video. Some photos, e.g. a horizontal close striped golf shirt, gives a flickering effect in the output video file.

I do have the anti-flickering filter checked. Ran a test with filter off, but this did not correct it. Offending photos are approx. 2.5 meg JPEGs.

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VideoStudio :: How To Configure Output File In Best Possible Format For Uploading To YouTube

Oct 17, 2010

how to configure an output file in the best possible format for uploading to youtube using VS X2. The youtube tutorial here is a bit out of date. My input file is as follows:

PAL (25 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 16:9, 25 fps
Lower Field First
DV Video Encoder -- type 1
DV Audio -- PAL, 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Stereo

I have been creating an mpg file but I think its better to create an mpeg4 file as it is smaller and quicker to upload I think. I also want to maintain the 16:9 format.

I found the following recommendations on the youtube website: YouTube can accept almost any video format for upload, but for most users we have found the following settings give the best results.

Video Format: H.264, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 preferred
Aspect Ratio: Native aspect ratio without letterboxing (examples: 4:3, 16:9)
Resolution: 640x360 (16:9) or 480x360 (4:3) recommended
Audio Format: MP3 or AAC preferred
Frames per second: 30
Maximum length: 10 minutes (we recommend 2-3 minutes)
Maximum file size: 1 GB

My first question is - X2 has a built in mp4 "creator". Is this one OK or is the one downloaded and installed from better? What should the frame size be? On the compression tab what should the video settings be? As my input file is 25fps does that mean that my output should be the same even though youtube recommends 30fps?

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VideoStudio :: X4 - See Final Output Size Before Or After Selecting Create Video File?

Aug 23, 2011

When first making the video in Edit mode, is there any way to see the final output size before or after selecting Create Video File before the file is created.

If I choose Create Disk it will show the output size.

If not what would the maximum running time be for DVD output?

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VideoStudio :: Output Settings - Create Video File For Hard Disk

Jun 26, 2013

I've just completed my first project and when I attempt to create a video file for hard disk output I'm unsure what option I should select from the drop down box that gives me the highest quality without re-rendering the video.

My AVCHD 50p original files are according to the file properties in VSP -

H.264 Video
24bits, 1920/1080, 16.9
50.000 frames/sec
Variable bit rate (max.26000 kbps)
Dolby Digital Audio
48000 Hz, 5.1 channels 384 kbps

So it looks like I need to select AVCHD 1920x1080 50p however in the properties for that file creation, the video bitrate is max 20000 kbps (my video 24.7) and audio is only 2.0 (my audio 5.1).
I really would like to retain the 5.1 audio and my higher video bitrate.

Also when I view the project properties the video is shown as 1024 x 576.

PAL double (50 fps)
Microsoft AVI files
24 bits, 1024 x 576, 50 fps
PCM, 48.000 kHz, 16 bits, 5.1 Channels

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VideoStudio :: Pro X5 Can't Open Project - File Already In Use

Jan 1, 2013

When I try to open a vsp project in X5 using Windows 7 I am getting an error message saying, File is already in use, and a number 15055:1:1. I have been using this computer with X5 and XP professional and it works fine. I have a selection of vsp files that I use as templates, the only time I have had this message before is when I had my template vsp files write protected, which I have stopped doing. I have now installed Windows 7 on this same computer but cant open any of my previous projects. These projects were created using X5.

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VideoStudio :: Corrupted Project File

Feb 15, 2012

I've got a project file that I've been working on for a few weeks. I made a couple of changes to it today and now it will not play through completely. It stalls right at the same spot each time and no matter what I delete in the project (trying to remove the offending element) it still stalls. What I mean by stall is that the player stops and the play button reappears. if I press play again, it plays a few frames and stops.

I'm using VideoStudio 4.

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VideoStudio :: Project / File Management

Dec 3, 2011

How to manage files and projects in VideoStudio X4 properly? When I create a new project, all the old libraries pop up --if I archive the files, it goes through and attempts to relink all the older project files, forcing me to sit there and hit "don't relink" for every file (which involves hundreds of files). Now suppose I go through all of this, start with clean libraries, and build a new project --but a month later, I need to open an old project and make some tweaks to it. Since the libraries are empty, when I go to open the old project, it wants to relink all the files again.

This total lack of file and project management is really maddening --couldn't the libraries be included as part of the project? I understand the original files can't be, but at least include a library collection in with the project information, so you don't end up unable to archive older material you're not currently using (forever), unless you want to risk blowing up any possibility of ever opening that project again (forever).

Or is there some way to create a project with a clean set of libraries, and then reload a set of libraries later on?

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VideoStudio :: Project Vs Clip With MTS File

Dec 22, 2010

I downloaded a 20 sec RAW .mts clip taken with a Panasonic TM700. I wanted to test it in VS X3 to see if the program would handle the file.

I noticed that when selecting "Project" to play the file in the preview window that certain elements of the clip look very noisy or overly sharp...Grainy, if you will. Other elements look slightly blurred. The playback seems smooth though.

However, If selecting "Clip" it looks much better. When I drag the sliders to expand the preview window to it's max size, the "Clip" playback looks flawless yet the "Project" playback, while slightly better, still looks less than desirable.

1). Why?

Here are the properties copied from the Time-line.

2)assuming I were to edit several clips from this camera in X3 to create a short 5-10 min film for upload to Vimeo, how would I best render to maintain the highest quality?

Before I decide to buy this camera, I just want to be sure that X3 can handle the files and that I have a fairly decent grasp of how to properly render the final video. In the mean time, I'll keep editing some sample clips and see how the program handles them. I'll also attempt to render a short film or 2 and see how that goes.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Missing Project File On Disc

Aug 13, 2013

I am successfully creating a DVD using the Create Disc (DVD) option under the Share menu. I am adding multiple Project files that I have created (.VSP) files to it. Once it is all set up, I select Burning Options add Copyright Information and then I have also clicked on the add Project File to the disc option. However once the disc is created, I cannot find the Project File (.VSP) on the disc.

I am using VideoStudio Pro X4 with all the patches to SP3 installed. PAL system, and I am not receiving any errors.

Am I missing something simple? Does the Project File added to the disc not use the same file extension?

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VideoStudio :: MP4 File - No Audio Playing In Project

Jan 2, 2013

I am using VS Pro X2 - I have 3 small MP4 files in my project timeline (filmed on my mobile phone) and for some reason although they play fine on the clip, the audio doesn't come out on the Project, or on the finished DVD, which is a real pain...I have 94 minutes of good quality DVD and 45 seconds of silence! If there was no audio at all I could understand it, but the MP4 clips all play fine on the "clip"''s just that when I play them under the 'Project', there is no audio.

My original DV files (which are all ok) are MPEG Audio Layer 2 files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 224kbps

The MP4 clips are MPEG AAC Audio files - 48000Hz, 16 Bit Stereo - bitrate 113kbps

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VideoStudio :: How To Get Media File Entries To Save With A Project

May 29, 2012

I have X5 and am trying to figure out how to get the specific entries in the Media File area to save with the project they were used and saved in.

If I use 5 video and 1 audio files in a saved project, I would like those 6 entries to show up in the media library each time I open the project.

Is there a way to do that?

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VideoStudio :: Heartbeat Sounds In X3 In Project But Normal In File

Oct 17, 2011

I've seen a few references to this in the boards. The sound is like "bleeps" or "heartbeats" only when playing the project. To hear the normal sound, you have to play the file. But if you have an overlay track, this makes it impossible to see how the main track and the overlay track look together while listening to the sound.

One recommended "solution" says to look at a particular youtube video (link provided), which I did. I thought it would provide a solution, but all it is is a demonstration of the problem.

Some say to re-install x3 without the service pack. It seems to me I was having this problem before I downloaded the Service Pack, and I hoped the Service Pack would FIX this problem. That makes me doubtful that the suggested re-install of x3 without the service pack will resolve the problem. And doesn't the Service Pack have other important features that would be missing without it? It's hard to believe the only component to the Service Pack was to screw up the audio.

Furthermore, uninstalling x3 and re-installing it looks like a very long and complicated process. I don't understand why, if Corel is aware of the problem, they don't provide a patch or update that fixes it. Why is it left to the presumably tens of thousands of users to each go through the difficult uninstall and reinstall process?

Do I have to invest in x4 to resolve the problem? I'm very bothered by that. Is there any guarantee that x4 doesn't have the same problem? Corel is aware of a problem with x3 and their response is to shell out another $50 to $99 to fix it? How do I know that x4 doesn't have a major problem that when Corel becomes aware of it, their answer will be to pay yet another $50 to $99 to buy x5?

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VideoStudio :: Upload Project To YouTube - Not Supported File?

Jan 2, 2012

ok i am trying to upload a project to youtube and it says that it isn't a supported file. so i went online to look for a file converter and didnt find any that worked. how can i convert it from .vps to something i can upload on youtube/face book?

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VideoStudio :: Batch Render Project File To Keep Their Properties?

Feb 2, 2012

If I have multiple project files (.VSP) with different properties, can I batch process the individual files to their own respectful files? That is, if A.vsp is a HD edited video file, B.vsp is a SD file, C.vsp is a SD with different bit rate and screen ratio, etc, can I batch render all the files while they keep their respective properties (Same As First Video Clip)?

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VideoStudio :: Create Word / Text File And Import It Into Project?

May 18, 2011

I would like to create a Word/text file and import it into my Video Studio project file for the credits at the end of a play that I have taped.

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VideoStudio :: Render 23 Minute Project To WMV HD 720p It Gets To 6% And Says File Reading Error?

Dec 11, 2011

When I try and render my 23 minute project to WMV HD 720p it gets to 6% and says file reading error.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Project Number Be Assigned To Project File

May 6, 2013

Is it possible to assign a project number to a project file and have it fill in the project Iproerties field?

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VideoStudio :: Creating WMV 720 By 480 Output?

Feb 15, 2011

In creating a video output I am looking for WMV Frame Width 720 Frame Height 480. I have created outputs with WMV HD 720 30p that is 1280 by 720... My issue when I stream that wireless over to my game systems or even my laptop. I am getting lagg. I get no lag on video outputs with WMV 720 by 480. Those video I created with Microsoft MM. I just got VideoStudio and its great! , but my issue I would like to output to WMV 720 by 480 and I do not see that option.

I have been on game forums and wireless forums, and since the WMV 720 by 480 and still working. I am trying to use VS3 to output to that for testing.

My setup is that my game systems and laptop are connected to TV in the house so I stream our events to them for people to see.

WMV HD 720 30p that is 1280 by 720 - is causing the lagg...
WMV 720 by 480 - no lagg...

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VideoStudio :: Output Quality On The DVD

Apr 15, 2011

I use the VideoStudio Pro X4 to edit my videos.

This time I have some problems with the quality of my finished projects. I have tried to burn my project as both DVD and AVCHD. On DVD the quality was really poor with grainy picture.

The AVCHD disc was much better but there was lots of "strobe" in the movie. Especially where I have added transitions and text fields.

My raw video-files is HD video (MTS-files). I also use the proxy tools to make the editing go smoother. I think my computer should handle this without the Roxy, but it doesn't.

I use this settings for my project: Settings --> Project Properties:

Edit File Format: MPEG
PAL (25 fps)
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Lower Field First
(DVD-PAL), 16:9

Create Disc --> AVCHD:
MPEG files
24 bits, 1920 x 1080, 25 fps
Lower Field First
(HDMV-PAL), 16:9
H.264 Video
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 16000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo

Create Disc --> DVD:
MPEG files
24 bits, 720 x 576, 25 fps
Lower Field First
(DVD-PAL), 16:9
Video data rate: Variable (Max. 8000 kbps)
LPCM Audio, 48000 Hz, Stereo

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VideoStudio :: Output As For Input

Mar 1, 2012

Is it possible to edit a video, and have the output format, frame rate, etc r3epeat the input? So edit scenes etc, but not alter the quality from input.

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VideoStudio :: Preview And Output Are Not The Same?

Feb 22, 2012

I am working on a simple video with two (3 second) overlay video clips. In the preview window everything looks great. After compressing the overlay clips shrink in height revieling the top & bottom of the main clip. If I over-stretch the overlay clips they still shrink down. I have gotten it to work once (don't know why) but that rendering the audio dropped off when the overlay started and never came back. That's a separate issue.

I saw where one person trying to solve a different issue mentioned to streach the overlay clip by the corners only? Is that important? I also tried turning on and off the "stretch to fit" option. I am not seeing a patern? I have also tried keeping the aspect ration on and off but that does not seem to give consistant results. I am sure it is a combination of some type.

Main clip:

Data rate: 9421 kbps
Video: Windows Media Video 9
24 bit, 1920x1080, 29.970 frames/sec
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1.00

Overlay clips:

Data rate: 1309 kbps
Video: Windows Media Video 9
24 bit, 1280x720, 25 frames/sec
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1.00

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VideoStudio :: X3 Stuttering MPG Output

Feb 10, 2013

I have a project with a number of mpg files in it. These mpg files were created using X3 from mts files.

I have done this many, many times. I created an mpg a few weeks ago without problems. Now, all of a sudden, I try to make the same mpg files and the exported video will stutter in places. It doesn't matter how many times I render the same project, the video stutters in the same exact spot. Like I said, I've done this many, many times and never had this problem.

what may have changed or been installed on my computer recently to cause this? I even reinstalled X3 with no luck.

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VideoStudio :: Converting 4.3 To 16.9 Output

Jan 8, 2012

Is there a way that you can convert a 4.3 import to a 16.9 output? I have imported a musical from a disc which is recorded in 4.3. I would like to output this as a widescreen video. I have tried putting in on the overlay track which gives a better output result but still has the borders each side.

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VideoStudio :: X5 No FLV Output Option

Oct 22, 2012

I recently upgraded from VS Pro X4 to VS Pro X5 and was shocked to see that there is no option to output a project to FLV under '3 Share > Create Video File'. Is this a feature removal or am I cursed with a defective copy of VS Pro X5?

As you can see in the screen above, the option (which was located at the bottom of the menu in VS Pro X4) is absent in VS Pro X5.

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VideoStudio :: No 3D Output And Or 5.1 Sound?

Mar 13, 2012

I am using Corel Video Studio Pro X4, I have asked the below questions previously, so far there has not been a solution. It appears Corel do not have any way to contact them when there is a problem

I chose this programme over Cyberlink Power Director as it had the 5.1 mixer and 3D capabilities. I now find Power Director Ultra 10 now has the 3D Capability, the 3D works very well, but no 5.1 mixer only a pesudo type 5.1 sound, the programme itself looks to be excellent quality.

Should there be no solution to my above problems, then the only choice I have is to use Power Director, a pity.

My previously posts are below -

3D Anaglyph - viewtopic.php?f=1&t=44703
5.1 Sound - viewtopic.php?f=1&t=41984

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VideoStudio :: Output HD MP4 Video

Nov 6, 2013

Nowadays, MP4 is widely used video format in our daily life and slowly it became the best popular video format. For some DIY lovers, It believes that you always edit your movies using a video editor like Sony Platinum Suite, Magi Movie Edit Pro Plus and Corel Video Studio Pro, etc. to make a your own style video.

Really happened, I am also a DIY lover and I always to edit my video with Corel Video Studio Pro X6 for playback on my portable device or burn movie to DVD. For example, I am an office worker and I always take much time on my way to work. So I rip the DVD to MP4 on Mac and then edit it with Video Studio Pro X6 for a better enjoyment.

Now let’s cut to the chase! It is really a big and exacting Serendipity. Yesterday I rip and convert my DVDs to my Mac computer and then edit it with my Corel Video Studio Pro X6. To my surprise, Seven minutes HD mp4 video, it just takes 9 minutes to output it. Then suddenly I got an idea, have a test with the entire popular video editor and Make a comparison.

After the test,I found that The same material, the same color and then same configuration,Corel Video Studio Pro X6 is obviously faster than Magi Movie Edit Pro Plus, Premiere CC、EDIUS7.0 and Vegas12, etc. Then I Immediately the video to my MOTOROLA ME865 SD CARDS and then play it with my smartphone, it is very smooth; then I copy the video to my U disk, and inserted it into my hisense flat-panel TV, it works well, too.

Seven minutes of hd MP4, the volume is 592 MB, and then a minute within 100 m on average, that is, an ordinary DVD, hd can hold 45 minutes MP4, convenient to keep the family film. The Conclusion is that ulead video studio has a bright spot, the new version of their X6 version described output hd MP4 has unique advantage! That’s all!

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