VideoStudio :: X5 Application Will Not Load

Jan 20, 2013

I've been using this product for a few weeks and this morning it stopped working. Searched the forums, applied all of the fixes. Manually uninstalled, re-downloaded, reinstalled and still crashing on application loading. 6 hours of pure frustration. Never had an issue with X4. before I completely uninstall and purchase a new video editor?

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3ds Max :: Backburner - Application Load Timeout (20 Minutes)

Aug 4, 2011

Application load timeout (20 minutes).I googled it and found here on The Area some1 also posted this a few years back, but didn't get a reply.

Yes I know you can set the timeout limit, but surely max shouldnt take 20 minutes to start up. And as I said, it was working fine one day, then next day suddenly this.Its on Max 2012 64bit with Backburner 2008.1.1..I'm running it as a service with my username

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Photoshop :: R6034 Application Has Made Attempt To Load C Runtime Library

Nov 15, 2012

After installing and opening PS6 I get 'Runtime Error! R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library (Win7 64bit)'Clicking on this it will come back seven times, after which PS6 starts. I've tried the following:
Checked all my updates
Checked for viruses and malware
Run CCClean and SysMechanic
Uninstall PS6
Run Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner
Install CS6
Install updates
No change! I've also reinstalled the MS runtime library, tried to start in safe mode, all to no avail.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Map Application Setup - Load Tool From User Installation Directory

May 6, 2012

How can I create a setup for autocad  map application. I just want to load the tool (dot net Arx C#) application from user installation directory.

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Error R6034 - Application Has Made Attempt To Load C Runtime Library Incorrectly

Jun 12, 2012

Error message:R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly

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VideoStudio :: X3 Won't Load Projects That Would Load Before

Dec 24, 2010

I have a project that suddenly won't load. I have 25 versions of it, I save it under a new file name each time in case I need to go back to an older version.

Trouble is most of the versions won't load! Only the very early versions will load. Some of the later version start to load then disappear.

Hardware hasn't changed on the PC, maybe the video drivers have been updated, thats about it.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Cannot Initialize Application?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm trying to run the trial version of VS Pro X4 after picking up a disc at Focus on Imaging at the NEC in Birmingham. I've trioed installing it on two different PCs and get the following message on both: Cannot Initialize Application Invalid Parameter [16345:1:1] [15034:1:32]

I was very impressed with the demo at the NEC and am keen to buy, but not if it's going to misbehave.

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VideoStudio :: The Burner Is Busy For Another Application

Jan 28, 2013

When I go to burn a disc I get "The burner is busy for another application". If I restart the computer it works fine, but it is annoying having to do that. Videostudio 11 didn't do that.

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VideoStudio :: X4 Pro Ultimate / Can Install SP1 Without Uninstalling Whole Application

Jun 7, 2012

I have already installed Service Pack 2 for VS x4 pro. I somehow missed Service Pack 1. Can I still install SP1 now, without uninstalling the whole application? I don't know whether it may be necessary to install them chronologically.

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VideoStudio :: Reset Library When Open Application

Apr 3, 2012

I have a problem with media libraries in Corel Video Studio Pro X4.

When I close and reopen Studio X4 the library does not contain any media (photo, video, audio). Library exports and imports no luck. It looks as if start Studio the library is reset. A smart package no luck too.

Deleting C:Documents and settings....Ulead SystemsCorel Videostudio Pro14.0pl-PL no luck.

The problem is so serious that adding a HD video again- new proxy file is created- it takes a long time. The old proxy file is correct, but in proxy manager is absent.

AMD Athlon 7860 (DualCore) 2,8GHz, 4GB RAM, NVidia GeForce GTS450 1GB CUDA, Windows XP SP3. VideoStudio with servicepack, DirectX 9.0c. Administrator acount. 40GB free on C: HDD.

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VideoStudio :: The Installed Version Of The Application Could Not Be Determined

Feb 2, 2013

I tried to download this SP but got a message "The installed version of the application could not be determined. The set up will now terminate"

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VideoStudio :: Burning DVDs - Burner Is Busy For Another Application

Dec 29, 2008

Projects do not finish burning to DVD. After I have finished editing my video I try to create disc using DVD format. Project completes video rendering but doesn¡¦t complete writing to disc. It stops half way. Then a message pops up saying ¡§The burner is busy for another application.¡¨ I press ok and another message comes up: ¡§The drive is busy or is being used by other applications. Please make sure the drive is ready, close all applications that may be using the drive (including folder windows), and try again. [534:-2147216300:0]¡¨

Drive: External drive Samsung SE-S204S USB CDDVDW
Video Studio 11 Plus

I have made sure no applications are open and the drive works fine with other software. I have included Print Screen shots of when I encounter the problem.

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VideoStudio :: Screen Resolution Size Is Not Sufficient To Launch The Application?

Nov 4, 2013

I just upgraded from VS Pro5 to VS Pro 6. Will not launch.

Get error msg "Screen resolution size is not sufficient to launch the application"

Screen resolution is currently set at 1366 x 768 which is "recommended" I have reset resolution and restarted with each attempt at changing resolution... still get message..

Not a happy camper... Seems they should be sophisticated enough to check that system is set properly.... and if not, to give information on how to correct.

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VideoStudio :: Master File Application Uses To Reference Video Locations

Dec 13, 2013

I have Corel VideoStudio X6 and am experiencing a relink problem. I moved all my media (pics and vid) from c:HomeMediaFiles to d:MediaFiles. I open VS and relink to the new location.

I noticed it didn't relink properly, I have videos with the same name in different directories. In the end it linked to the incorrect video.So, here's my question:

Is there a master file the VideoStudio application uses to reference video locations? I would assume it’s the library and I was hoping I could possibly open the file (with notepad or something) 'find and replace' c:HomeMediaFiles to d:MediaFiles and avoid the relinking through the interface.

I reloaded my library so I still have everything with the old references after I tried to relink through the UI. Good thing I backup regularly.

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VideoStudio :: Upgrade To X4 From X2 Fails / Installed Version Of Application Could Not Be Determined

Sep 1, 2011

Downloaded X4 upgrade. When trying to install it fails with the message "The installed version of the application could not be determined".

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VideoStudio :: X4 Won't Load?

Apr 2, 2012

Having a problem with VS x4. For some reason, when trying to open, a windows 7 dialogue box appears asking " do you want the following program to make changes to the computer?" Program: Corel File: hard drive on computer.

Unable to click "no". Click "yes" the dialogue box disappears. When trying to open program afterwards, the same box appears.

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VideoStudio :: X4 Will Not Load

Jan 8, 2012

Alright so I had VS X4 working fine in the past, now when I go to load it it always gives me this error:


I tried reinstalling the program numerous times but it keeps saying the same thing. You can download a .DMP file here:


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VideoStudio :: Cannot Initialize Application / Screen Resolution Is Too Small To Play Video

Dec 1, 2010

I Just bought a new HP laptop and it came with Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 pre installed. When I go to open the program I get the error message 'Cannot initialize application. The screen resolution is too small to play the video. The screen resolution must be set to at least 1024 x 768". Well the screen res is on 1600 x 900, so i thought i would have that covered. I tried changing the screen res to 1024x768 and get the same message.

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VideoStudio :: X4 Thumbnails Won't Load

Jun 11, 2012

I can't put video thumbnails into the library. I had deleted previous projects from the library and now the library won't accept anything - even new captures. I can add titles-just not anything into "samples".

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VideoStudio :: X3 Crashing When Trying To Load MP4

Jul 15, 2011

I saw a thread that had something to do with X4 and .mp4 issues involving some other software or something? I'm using barebones X3 and when trying to add some .mp4 files, X3 crashes. Some of them work and are added to the library, but most do not and crash X3.

This is the most recent dump file: [URL] ...

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VideoStudio :: Can't Load AVI File

Oct 6, 2011

Videostudio 11+ won't load any .avi files,it just gives the message 'catastrophic failure'. Even if I scan the dv tape with the program it will save the files as avi but it still won't let me use them.

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VideoStudio :: X5 Won't Let To Load File

Oct 23, 2012

I have VS12. I downloaded the trial version of X5, mainly to see if it could read my VS12 files. It could. I used X5 to render a VS12 file that had continually crashed when I tried to rendered it with VS12. Not only did it render it successfully, but it did it about twice as fast as VS12 - great. However, that was yesterday. Today I've been trying to reload the original file into X5 again & I just get the message "File xxxx is already in use". Running X5 by double-clicking on the file, running X5 first & clicking the filename from the file menu or clicking Open from the file menu & selecting the file from the list - all give that result. The only way I have loaded the file is to run X5 & drag the file to the timeline. The file has opened, but the project is shown as untitled, even though there is a title. Also the project is shown as a single entity on the timeline, not made up of individual frames & captions. Where has my project gone? Is it still in X5? I've tried to open other projects, & they all give the same message! I can't try out my trial version I it won't load my projects!

PS I've just spent a few minutes holding the mouse pointer over various icons on the X5 screen & clicking a few to see where I got. After that, I had another go at loading the file - & it loaded successfully!! I assume when I loaded X5, it came up in some mode & I managed to get it out of it.

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VideoStudio :: X5 Will No Longer Load?

May 28, 2013

I am using VSX5 Ultimate. I installed a program called drop box and another called Helium. After installing these programs, VSX5 will no longer load. The intro screen does not even come up. I click on my short cut and my mouse pointer spins for a few seconds, then nothing. I have checked my programs and I do not have browser protect, browser manager or babylon. I uninstalled the two programs I mentioned above and restarted my computer but nothing happens still. Should I try uninstalling VSX5 and reinstalling?

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VideoStudio :: Load From Stream Error - X5

Oct 12, 2012

what does this message mean: "Load from stream error"? It appears all the time and I cannot put any picture in the timeline. Some pictures are white with two black crossed lines.

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Load AVI Files

Apr 29, 2011

I've a large number of DV AVI (Type 2) files I've edited several times using VS. But in the last couple of days X3 has stopped loading them into the project timeline. I suspect I have inadvertently deleted, or unlinked, the Type 2 codec. Strangely, the files play OK with Media Player, it's just X3 that's refusing to work! I've reinstalled X3 but that's not made any difference. How do I identify the codecs available?

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 - Slow Load / Rendering?

May 13, 2012

I created a 30min video, with a lot of photos mixed with live video, transitions, music, etc. Now, when I try to reopen the file for futher editing, it appears the software needs to re-render all the thumbnails in my video track stream. As I mentioned, I have a lot of photos in there, so it's taking forever.

With the previous software I used (Pinnacle Studio), I could flush the cache and have the program rebuild (and store) all the thumbnail info for faster loads in subsequent sessions.

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VideoStudio :: Getting Load From Stream Error

Mar 28, 2011

when i upload klips to the libary i recive this massage "load from stream error" what is thate?and what i must to do to not receive this massage?

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VideoStudio :: Place Holders Do Not Load?

Mar 7, 2013

The Place Holders do not load as they did in the past. This is with the new VS Pro X6 that I just got. How can I load them so as to be useful? In X5 I used to just open the folders and they would load.

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VideoStudio :: 11 - Can't Load MOV Files From Drift Camera

Jan 17, 2012

I can't load my MOV files from my Drift camera. I get the "file format mismatch". is there a patch for VS 11?

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VideoStudio :: Unable To Load MTS Files From Computer

Nov 23, 2012

I first tried capturing the video from a Sony camcorder but VS keeps freezng up on "change field order". So then I just downloaded the files to my computer and tried to load them that way. But the program does not see MTS files in the folder.

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VideoStudio :: X5 - When Load AVI Video It Doesn't Play

Nov 18, 2012

I just installed Video Studio Pro x5. When I load a .avi video it doesn't play. When I click play after I imported the file, the screen is black. If I play the avi in windows it works. How to get it visible so I can edit it it in x5?

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