I downloaded VS X5 and I want try NewBlue FX, but when I download trail of NewBlue, the installation ask me where install the plugin ! But normally it's automatic ? perhaps it's NewBlue whoes isn't available for X5,
I've previously paid for 3D Explosions from NewBlue and just today activated and installed the effects. They don't, however, show up in my FX file. I don't know why, and need to use them. How to get them to appear and be usable in VSX4? Do I have to find them somewhere and manually put them in the program file?
I have just downloaded the VS Pro x4 program. Among the other extras to download there is the application "NewBlue Lighting Effects for VideoStudio Pro". I will be very grateful to understand what is this application.
Do these NewBlue FX Plugins work in C VS5? I was trying to install the free Cartoonr plugin but I do not see it after install.Perhaps it's in the wrong folder, or the plugin is not compatible with VS5?Also was considering purchasing the following. Are they compatible with VS5?
I have a number of the Topaz Labs plug-ins and have recently downloaded and installed D x O film pack. I cannot get PS5 to recognize all the filters at once.
When I go to the preferences/additional plug ins window, I can get PS5 to "see" either topaz labs directory or the DxO directory. What do I have to do to get the filters drop down menu to see all my installed plug ins?
I have started my project with the Instant Project function (middle category) and I am trying to apply the Old Film filter effect to my project but I want most of the original colour to come through. Rather than have the whole thing sepia with scratches and dust, I would like it mostly colour but with scratches and dust etc.
I have clicked on the strip of film that I want to edit the filter on and clicked 'Customize Filter' in the options. From there I clicked 'Duotone' and edited the picture there to how much colour I would like to show through. The problem is, when I click 'Ok', the colour hasn't changed when I go back and replay it. It is still all sepia and not colour.
I have a problem with Pro X4. With Studio 11 Pro, I was able to view the film during saving to file but I cannot with X4. I can't find a solution in the user guide.
I have used VideoStudio for many years. I am currently using VideoStudio Pro X2 and I am trying to burn a film I have just put together on a DVD. I have got to the Preview stage which works perfectly and then I am told to click on "Next" but all I am offered is a "Back" button. The instructions say that I should click on "Show more output options" but that is not there.
Is there any way to use the "old film" effect, but keep the original colors. I really enjoy the look of the scratches and dust, but I do not want a grey movie.
I have used Corel Video Studion for a number of years. I purchased VideoStudio Pro X4 some months ago and have no problem until now.Having edited a film into five segments. I have re-edited each segment with success until I got to the last one, having saved the earlier ones at each stage so only dealing with one at a time. On saving the last segment all went well until playback when I got the correct audio BUT the picture is now just a BLUE screen and nothing else. In desperation I delted the programme from the computer then reloaded, updated with service pack 1 and 2. Also, followed an on line recommendation to putin a new dll detail. Restarted the computer, downloaded the film and re-edited the final segment. It did seem to save quicker but AGAIN i have the correct audio BUT the same BLUE screen and for the life of me I do not know why.
The problem is that when I put a 2minute film in AVI format it works great, but I want to put a piece of it, so I use option to cut the film and I'm doing from it let's say 30s clip. The problem now begins, because when I play this clip in "Clip" option tagged I got the sound, when I change it to "Project" the sound vanishes... Using full film the sound is available in "Clip" mode and "Project" mode.
I have just received back a 15min 8mm movie from a film transfer company. They suggested for editing purposes that it has been transferred as a AVI file.
Having transferred the AVI file to my Video folder in Windows 7 i have tried to enter the file into Coral Video studio 12 by right clicking on the time line, this will not open the file for me to edit.
The file plays straight from the disc ok on the computer ok but does freezes intermittently. the file size is 3.36Gb
Any list of what the little symbols mean in the video clips? I stumbled (the usual method for finding anything out in Video Studio) upon somebody posting that twin icons that look like movie film mean that the clip has been through Smart Proxy. what all these cryptic symbols/icons/whatevers mean? I have the Picture Yourself book and the pamphlet that comes with VS4 and I can't find a simple page that explains these. How lame.
I'm trying to import files from my GoPro's, i can watch the video's on Quick Time player, but when i go to import them to either V4 or V5 it comes up with a invaild file error.
I have created a short film using numerous clips. The footage is shot with a ratio of 16:9 and this is how it is viewed on my PC.
However if I export it to any format other than MPEG the first and last second of each clip stretches horizontally and then returns to the correct ratio (see images). I have tried every possible conversion with no luck. It is always the first and last second of a clip and happens for every clip in the film. The only time it doesn't happen is with the title templates.
I'm trying to find a way of adding "film burn" or "light leak" effects (which give a faded, colour distorted, 70s look) to clips while editing in VSProX4. I'm working with SD avi clips, in a 4.3 aspect ratio (made with Mpeg Streamclip). find something like a "grunge" effects plug-in, compatible with VS ProX4, that is not too expensive.
My OS is windows vista, 32 bit with a 98G hard drive and 4G of ram (on Toshiba Satellite Intel duo laptop).
I am using video studio X5 ultimate. I am importing video footage from a dvd. VSX5 has imported all of the files. When I get to the screen that asks what folder and if I want it inserted in the timeline, I keep getting an error message "The parameter is incorrect." It then goes back to the folder, and sits there and VSX5 is frozen. I have done this many times.
I've installed all the software and I can use the Boris FX as i can find it in the effects list and drag it on to a clip. However i Can't see Mercalli in the list or find anyway of accessing it from Video Studio
NB I've checked the ProDAD folder that installed and it's only 15mb in size and the .corel folder is empty
I used ROTOPEN plugin in VS5 Ultimate, but i don't know how make transparency background in my personal icon used into ROTOPEN. I have my icon in white background picture .
After not having much luck with the last video card, I changed my video card to a device with the Philips 713x chipset
Now when I select video capture I get the following message: failed to initialize the video capture plugin Open driver failed (15200:43:0) (15023:4:2) cannot create the video capture filter
I have just installed card (SAA7130 TV PCI card) with latest drivers excluding the software so Video Studio 12 pro is the only capture software on the machine . I also re-installed both card and Video Studio after doing a complete system restore and used CC cleaner to remove any residual data before re-installing.
I need to use video capture within the Video Studio software as I need to use the scene detection functionality.The reason I had to change the card in the first place is that video studio only allowed me to capture in AVI 320x240 and gave 'capture failed' errors with anything else.
I recently installed X4 Ultimate which comes with the proDAD Mercolli SE image stabilizer plugin. The problem I'm having is after I apply proDAD to a video clip and burn it to a disc or video file, an error message is displayed over the scene in the clip telling me I need to run proDAD's analysis mode again.
I've tried deleting the video filter by clicking on the X to the right of the filter box. It goes away indicating the proDAD filter was deleted properly. Then I reapply the proDAD plugin filter. The proDAD analysis mode runs OK and the final image stabilized result runs correctly INSIDE the VS editor. BUT when I have VS render an MP2 video file or DVD file with project content that has a clip with the proDAD filter applied, the proDAD error message appears telling me to re-analyze the clip.
I have user parameters that are no longer needed and are not being used anywhere. They each takes 4-5 seconds to delete, prior to 2012 this would happen instantly.