I want to create a highlight around a player; I think I can use track motion (Pro X6) to follow the player, but is there a way to highlight a small area around him? See an example in the video linked below (not my video) at the 0:24 mark. URL....
how to have a video playing & have a object on screen playing a video inside of it & the object moving around the screen? For example if I put a video into a picture frame I can the render as a file & use that as my object, but if I then want to move this on the screen say up/down/left /right tilt etc how can I do this? I've been looking & looking but the more I look the less I see.
Is it possible to attach an identify marker or title to a moving object in Video Studio X4 PRO. I video trains. As the train comes toward me in the video I would like to attach the number of the diesel and type to it and each unit behind it ,if there are any. As it comes closer the marker gets bigger and more readable then, as the diesel disappears from view it's marker goes with it and the next one does the same thing, then the next.
For example, during NASCAR races an identifying marker, showing the drivers name and car number, is applied on screen and stay "attached" to the car as it travels through traffic around the raceway until it's turned off.
I don't know if it will look good or not but I would like to try it. Is that possible or have I gone way beyond VS x4 pro's capability?
How to lock an picture (png, for example) to a moving object in Corel VideoStudio X5? maybe i might use some plugins? i know that in some video editing software this option exist and simply to use. is it real in videostudio x5?
1. Lately I can't resize an object. The surrounding border of the object is with filled rectanglers and not with hollow rectangler.Thus, I can't resize objects - how can I fix it ?
2. When I try to mark text, it's mark it perfectly but I can't see the higlighting even though I choose it. How can I mark text and see the text marked (chosen text marked)
How to disable border highlighting when selecting a smart object in the layers panel? Designing pixel-to-pixel is cumbersome when the highlight appears and temporarily extends the size of the shape by 1 px.
I've imported a short (2 second) video into PS as layers together with a still of the same scene. I want to create a mask for a flower which is moving. Do I need to mask each individual frame or is there an easier way of achieving this? I can't just create a big mask round the flower and it surrounding area as the colors won't match in both versions.
How do i copy and move objects from one layer to another?
I have been copying the objects to a new location in the old layer, then move the objects to the new layer, then move the objects back to the original location in the old layer, but this is obviouly an ad hoc solution.
I want to prevent an object to be moved on first click even if select and move tool is active. It is tiring to always press Q key or toggle select object tool, cuz after some transactions are applied, it automatically activates move tool. I want to move tool to act for first click to just select and second click and afterwards to move.
- The effect is only needed at some point of the video, it must appear, and then disappear, not being on screen the whole time.
- The object is moving, and changing shape, the blur must adapt to it.
- I've been trying to use the "Track Motion" option with Position & Rotation, then the "Analyze Forward" button, but the thing makes a mess all over, it's not following the object at all, then if You try to adjust it manually, it's only done in 1 frame, in the other frames the thing is off the object, then the "Tracking" stays on screen.
The problem in Coreldraw x6 is that when I move an object placed on a box powerclips, the movement is very slow and not fluid. There should be some option to avoid this problem. In Corel x4 this defect was not present.
I have some "insert" constraints for DIN rails in holes. I've moved the holes, but the DIN rail doesn't move. The refresh button isn't "lighting up", or when it does, it does not do anything to move the rail. Is there something that's been "shut off" to keep things from moving?
I am trying to use it to do something for school. I imported a 3d object from a dwg file and there is a channel that curves along it cut into that. I want to move a cylinder in this channel. I cannot seem to find anything that will allow me to make a spline that mirrors the edge of the object or to constrain the cylinder to the object.
Is there any way to move a object using its width? ex: "move to left a box with 10cm(width) using this value (10cm)". But I want to capture the width of any selected object.
Another thing: i want to select objects with same fillcolor and do something like: pathfinder>>add;
we have a problem with Illustrator.Illustrator pulls behind selection. You can't select an object with the Selection tool, without afterwards draw the object by moving the mouse. A new installation and resetting Illustrator was unsuccessful.
whereby I can draw an arrow on a clip within AE CC and have the point of the arrow locked to a person head as they move along i.e. I wish to 'point out' an individual in marathon. This will be transferred back into PremPro for further editing.
is it possible to move a layer (with a mask) without affecting its mask position and without precomposing the layer? Much like in Photoshop, where you can achieve this by using vector masks. Let`s say I have a video-layer that has a square mask added to it. The mask is already perfectly positioned in the comp. I don`t want to move or adjust it any further. But I`m not pleased with the framing of the source material. If I`m moving the frame then, the masks moves along with it. Is there a way to get rid of this cohesion of mask and layer?
I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.
If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.
The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.
How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."
when I click on an object from the object manager... then I want it at the top of my drawing
so I hit Shift+PageUp
(or Ctrl+PageUp)
instead of working... it takes me to "Page 1" at the top of the object manager
HOWEVER, if I click on the thing from the canvas, it works...
this is a silly bug... the whole point of me selecting it from the object manager is so I don't have to hunt for it... because it's UNDER some other stuff.
... that's why I want it shifted to the top of the layer.
As far as I know this problem is reproducible... I'm using a circle and it's under a bunch of stuff like rectangles. I can be more specific if necessary, but it's pretty basic.
How do i move an object lets say for example 34 pixels down?
I know how to move an object with the mouse and i know how to nudge with the arrow keys, but but i need to make a macro that moves my layer the sam amount of pixels everytime, or even better if theres a way todo like this, "move object to x-234, y-103"
I used an example to represent a more complex animation that I am working on. Basically I have a block moving in vertex space because it is morphing.A proboolean cut has been applied to the block with a diamond shaped object, so that as the block morphs through space, it is being cut by the boolean operand (diamond shape object).
However, I want to achieve an outcome that when the object moves through the boolean cutting operand, whatever geometry that has been cut, stays cut and removed. So in a way, the boolean cut operand object acts as a "geometry eraser". Obvioulsy I would like to be able to control this behaviour too (soft selection, animating boolean cutting operand).
Is this achievable? Or do I have to look at another set of tools/modifiers?
I have a 2D plan and a 3D plan. The data is essentially the same on both, the only difference being that the 2D plan has several hundred points on it (all at elevation/z coordinate of 0, of which can easily be copied to the 3D plan).
I want to move those 2D points to their respective 3D positions. I.e. if point X is at coordinates 15213.321, 51646.632, 0 I would like to search in the Z direction above (or below; although in this data set it would always be above) for any object (line, polyline, 3dpolyline or an arc only I think) that crosses or is on this coordinate and then move the point (or place a new point) to that z coordinate. So if there is a line whose z value is 895.265 at coordinate 15213.321, 51646.632, then the point (that was originally 2D) would become 15213.321, 51646.632, 895.265.
Any lisp or other method in AutoCad that could accomplish this (ideally without having to select each point individually)? Surely this must have come up a few times before although I'm not too sure what search words to be using to look for info.