VideoStudio :: Edit Mode - Limit On Orange Strip?

Dec 28, 2010

On the edit screen, the orange strip, which I assume means content, stops at approximately 7:31 on my timeline. All vide I have added stops here on my preview. I cant get past it.

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VideoStudio :: X4 Playback In Edit Mode Not Smooth?

Sep 18, 2012

I am using VS Pro X4 with Windows 7 home premium, Processor Intel (R) Core (TM) i7 CPU Q820 @ 1.73GHz 1.73 GHz. 8 GB RAM. 64 bit op syst. NVIDIA GeForce GTS 360M. Also I am mostly using GoPro 2 Mpeg4 files (which I have updated so I can finally use it in VS) When I am edit mode and click play back to view what I have edited prior to rendering. It often plays ok until it goes from one clip to another then it starts to play jumpy or jerky video including the sound. Which makes it impossible to see how well your edit is. If I leave it for 1/2 hour or so and come back to it, it sometimes plays fine. But then add more clips to the vid or add in a transition or effect it will then play back jerky again.

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VideoStudio :: Missing Video In Edit Mode

Oct 16, 2011

Using VS X2, There is only black screen when editing sample file or any other video. All load correctly and can be viewed as individual clips but only black screen when playing "project" . Have re-installed program (repair) - no change.

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VideoStudio :: No Sound In Edit Mode When Playing Project?

Mar 7, 2013

In VS Pro 4, in edit mode, I get no sound when I play the project but sound is OK when I play the clip. Then if I switch on the sound mixer I get sound when I play the project.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X3 - Chapter Points Not Transferring From Edit Mode?

Oct 17, 2010

I am using Pro X3.

When I create a home movie and add chapter points through the edit mode, and then go to burn a DVD, the Chapter points that I created in the edit mode are not showing up in the Corel DVD Factory burning software.

I can re-add the chapter, but why would the chapters that I just added, not show up? What is the point of having the options to add chapters in the edit mode, if this information was not transferrable to the burning process?

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VideoStudio :: Meaning Of Orange Bar On Timeline?

Aug 6, 2010

What does an orange line between the timeline and the chapter / cue marker line indicate. (see picture below).

I am halfway through a project and suddenly notice this orange line that wasn't there before. I've looked through the documentation and see no mention of its meaning, and what I did that triggered it to show up.

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VideoStudio :: Orange Time Line Too Short For Project?

Jun 4, 2013

I've just upgraded to X6.

My first project is just 2m 3secs long. The top video track has 2m 28secs of video, and the a still photo in place for 3 seconds.

However the orange timeline stop before the final clip (still photo) so when I render/share the project this last slide isn't included.

how I can change the project duration?

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Photoshop :: Two Strip/Three Strip Technicolor

Nov 25, 2006

how to achieve the old two-way and three-way Technicolor look? Im sure one can do it with the channel mixer.

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3ds Max :: Unable To Edit Vertices In Edit Poly Mode

Apr 2, 2012

I was trying to play around with the software to get to know it, and... well, I think I made something weird in it. Everything was flowing nicely when I was following the tutorial about Editing Objects: I created a box, I selected that edit poly option from the modify tab and I could edit vertices totally nicely.

But then, I really don't know what happened, but, I don't know exactly when, I suddenly could not move the vertices AT ALL. They are pretty visible, but when I select them, they turn red and the axis are not editable! I'm so confused! I can edit the axis very normally if I'm using an option like Select and Move but... With the edit poly thing I just cannot! I tried everything I thought of: Made a new box, restarted the program, restarted the PC! But NOTHING worked.

EDIT: It took me almost an hour to figure out I wasn’t selecting the Select and Move tool!

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VideoStudio :: 4GB Limit On MP4?

Jul 24, 2013

I am having difficulty generating a 43 minute video in .mp4 (1920x1080). I was able to successfully generate the (.mp4) video at 1280x720. I was also able to successfully generate an 11gb .wmv version and a 9gb .avi version. I have 120GB free space on a 500GB (NTFS) SSD.

Each time I try and generate the video using .mp4 and 1920x1080 the process dies after about 3 hours, always at 85% completion and the temporary work files created in the output directory are always very near 4gb (3.99gb) in size (but never over). That fact and the fact that I can generate all the other versions makes me wonder if there is some kind of 4GB limit to mp4 (in VideoStudio).

I have tried to do some research and it appears there are .mp4 files > 4gb in the wild but my version of Video Studio X5 Ultimate sure seems to have this limitation. If upgrading to X6 would fix this, I'd be happy to do this. But don't need to upgrade if it doesn't fix this issue.

I actually have 2 laptops (both Dell Latitudes) and have attempted to generate the video at the 1920x1080 resolution on both and both fail exactly the same way (85%, just under 4gb temp file).

Event viewer entry looks like this:
Faulting application name: vstudio.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5149e750
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17725, time stamp: 0x4ec49b8f
Exception 0xc0000374
Fault offset: 0x000ce6c3
Faulting process id: 0x3108
Faulting application start time: 0x01ce87fcea000a4a
Faulting application path: C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel VideoStudio Ultimate X5vstudio.exe
Faulting module path: C:WindowsSysWOW64
Report Id: fcc5db0d-f409-11e2-a2b9-005056c00008

I am running 64-bit Windows 7 (Ultimate).

Is there a codec or driver or something I can download that might fix this? I'd have to mention although I've owned video editing software for years (beginning with Ulead - Media Studio Pro) I would not consider myself very well read in the technical video arena.

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VideoStudio :: Limit Available Fonts?

Aug 7, 2011

Any way reducing the number of fonts Videostudio offers? Many are so similar to each other there is little point in having the variety. Only about half in the list show examples of their style and many are not suitable for video, so there are a lot to click through and try when looking for something a bit different. I think, of the hundreds available, I would consider using only about 30. I am reluctant to completely get rid of most of them but it would save a lot of time if I could sort through them once initially and cull them into a group suitable for use in VS [and have VS offer only those].

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VideoStudio :: X5 - YouTube Upload Limit

Mar 26, 2012

I'm now running X5, I must say it is much faster. However, when I try to upload to youtube there is a 15 minute limit and the only option I have is to let it clip the video to 15 minutes or cancel (i.e. I can't render the video and then cancel the upload and do it manually because it CLIPPED the output to 15 minutes)

So, I try to create a template to use for Create Video File so it will match my other uploads. I can't set the frame width and height. Without a template the Create Video File, mp4 etc... the default is 1920x... In the Make Movie Template the highest I can set it is 720x... the custom size is greyed out. I don't understand (and maybe I don't know) why I can't set the video parameters to anything I want them to be. Why is 720x the highest available...

In X5... Is there a way to turn off the 15 minute limit? Is there a way to HACK and turn off the limit? Is there a way to create the videos and set the settings where I want them so they match my previous uploads?

Note, the "cancel the upload after file created" trick no longer works. If you think I can create a template, why I can't set the parameters.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X5 - 4GB File Size Limit On NAS?

Apr 7, 2012

I've been a long-time VideoStudio user and recently installed the trial of X5 (my last purchased version was X2, but, it's time for an upgrade ). VS X5 is installed on a Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit PC. If I capture to an internal NTFS drive, the tapes capture as a single ~19 GB AVI file; however, if I capture to my Linux NAS server with ReiserFS file system, VS breaks the captured files into 4GB chunks and I end up with five files per tape. There is no 4GB file limit on ResierFS. I have copied several 25+ GB blue-ray files to the NAS with no problem. ReiserFS has an 8TB file size limit. Captured through another video editing program, I do not have this problem. It appears that VS X5 assumes a 4GB limit on network devices (or, at least, on my Linux - ReiserFS NAS).

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VideoStudio :: Fit Video To DVD - Size Limit?

Feb 9, 2013

I did not know there would be a size limit to fit a video file to a DVD. I thought the premise would be to fit any size video file to a DVD, and the the sell-out would be the larger the video file the poorer the DVD quality.

I got two error messages:

"The miminum size be reducing the bit rates still cannot fit once disc."

"Convert step got some problems."

What are the minimum requirements for fitting a video file to a DVD?

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VideoStudio :: YouTube Upload Limit?

Aug 3, 2011

How to override the 15 min limit while export to youtube ? My account does not have 15 min limit so why the corel application forces me that limit


i cannot find other settings to make so good video "1280 * 720" 25 frames etc that are used when clicking youtube button.

Want semi-HD (not full-hd) but it would nice to be able to adjust the bit rate so that the size is under 2gb

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VideoStudio :: Is There A Limit To Library Folders

Aug 2, 2011

I am using VideoStudioPro X3 and I am having a problem with my Library folders and I am thinking the problem is a limit in the number of video library folders I can have. Here's what's going on.

1. I create a new library folder. Lets call it Test1
2. I copy my raw video from my camcorder to Test1.
3. When I pull down the list of Folders I see Test1.
4. When I select Test1, it brings me to the Images folder not the folder Test1.

I was thinking about upgrading to X4, if there is no limit on the number of folders I can have. If that is indeed the problem I am facing.

I really like using the folders in the Library Manager as it works to keep my videos organized instead of just dumping all of them in the Video Folder.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Can't See Vertices In Edit Mode

Jan 19, 2012

When I'm editing an editable poly and I select vertices they disappear. I'm using max 2012 design and the nitrous driver. It only happens in wireframe and hidden line mode.

Max Design 2012, Windows 7 64
Quadro 4000
Dual Xeon X5650 2.67 GHz, 24Gb Ram

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Revit :: Saving In Edit Mode

Nov 22, 2011

I click on the Massing & Site Tab, then on the Topo surface Icon. The tab automatically switches to the Modify/Edit Surface Tab. Then I place the points and generate the topo surface. Then I try to save this work and get the following popup window"
SAVING IN EDIT MODE: Changes made in this edit mode will not be saved. The project will be saved as it was before you entered this mode. SAVE  CANCEL.

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Photoshop :: How To Edit 3D Texture Color In HEX Mode

Nov 28, 2013

How I can edit 3d texture color in HEX mode [Texture Edit Panel]? There is no HEX mode Option.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Edit Pictures In Develop Mode

Mar 4, 2014

I´ve got about 133.000 pictures - all with keywords. In connection with backup of the cataloque -unfortunately I lost the connection with my external HD - and thereafter the cataloque has corrupt in the way, that all pictures are to be find in the keyword list,. Most of the pictures can be viewed in "Library" - but I can´t edit them i "Develop". I get the message : "The folder could not be found"
Restoring it back to "normal" order to have full control over my photos again?

My Lightroom is 5.3 and my OS is Win7 proff.

The cataloque is on my C-drive and all of my pictures are on a external 2 TB HD

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Revit :: Boundary Ribbon - Edit Mode Disappears

Feb 13, 2012

Below is the image of my ribbon after I begin the edit boundary command for a floor slab. For some reason the ability to finish or cancel the edit mode disappears and I'm unable to close out of the command without undoing everything I've done.

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Photoshop Elements :: Open Photo In Edit Mode

Mar 27, 2013

I own photo elements 6 (photo premiere 4).  Photo elem. 6 takes forever to open photo in the edit mode.  Why?  I am using window 8.   It was working ok.  Now a problem.  I uninstalled it reinstalled. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Find Toolbox In Edit Mode

Apr 11, 2013

Just downloaded elements 11 to imac. Cannot find toolbox in edit mode. Where is toolbox? Not shown in left hand margin.

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3ds Max :: Assign Material To Sub-object Selection In Poly Edit Mode

Sep 3, 2013

In mesh edit mode, when you assign a material to the selection, it works as expected, it assigns the material only to what is selected, for example, a face.

In poly edit mode, it works differently, if you try the same approach it assigns the material to the entire object and you have to deal with multi-materials and material IDs to achieve that, what is very boring and totally unintuitive imho.
Is there an option to make the poly editing mode work like the mesh editing mode, or at least another way to achieve the same result in a intuitive or at least 'visual' fashion?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Collapse Function Broken In Edit Poly Mode

Dec 19, 2013

Whenever I try to collapse a group of edges in Edit Poly mode there is always 1 edge that is left intact therefore creating undesired results. This doesn't happen in Edit Mesh mode, and also behaves accordingly in previous versions of Max.
Currently using Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2014 Version 16.0 commercial
Mesh mode example:

Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2014 16.0 SP3 commercial
Windows 8.1 x64
Nitrous (Direct 3D 11.0 Feature Level 11 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780)

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Release A File In 12 Stuck In Edit Mode

Mar 17, 2014

I have a PSE 12 file stuck in the "edit mode".  I ran completed a repair and an optimize on the catalog and the file is still stuck in the edit mode--I can't even delete the file from the catalog as the "delete" option is grayed out.

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Photoshop Elements :: Boot To Full Edit Mode Not Organizer

Apr 1, 2013

When I click Start >Adobe PSE PSE starts in Organizer mode.  I want to go directly to Full Edit mode.  I looked for a setting in Edit > Preferences, did not find a setting there. How can I tell Adobe, PSE what mode to start in?

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Lightroom :: Develop Mode 2nd Monitor Not Showing Edit Adjustments

May 26, 2012

I am using Lightroom 4.1 RC2 on a Windows 7 64 bit system with dual monitors. When I am in the develop mode and make edit adjustments on any setting the 2nd monitor does not update. If I move to another image then come back the image is updated but it does not work in real time. I have never had this problem before and it worked fine in Lightroom V4.0

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Allow Read Only Xref Files In Edit Reference In Place Mode

Jun 6, 2012

I am working on Xrefs in autocad, I come across one scenario as below,

AutoCAD application is not allowing me, when tring to  "Edit Reference In Place"  mode for read only xref file. and displaying below dialog box.

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Xara :: Close Documents Dialog When Exiting Edit Group Mode?

Sep 21, 2011

When X7 and its Group Editing mode first came out, there were grumblings about the "Closing Document" dialog that appears when clicking on the little "X" found on the Edit Inside tab.

I am sure most folks have found that can all be bypassed (assuming you want to keep the edits you just made). But for those that haven't, simply click the Save Icon in the Standard Toolbar.

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 Will Print From Organizer And In Sharing Mode But Not From Full Edit

Dec 22, 2012

I'm using pse10 on a computer with an i7 processor with 12GB of ram and windows 7 with a color laser printer.  The print function works fine while in organizer and sharing mode, but not from full edit.   When I try to print from full edit, I get an  error message with a red "X" on it that says:  "Before you can perform printer related tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer."  I can't figure it out.  The printer is in "ready" state, and works fine in the organizer mode, and in share. 

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