Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Find Toolbox In Edit Mode
Apr 11, 2013Just downloaded elements 11 to imac. Cannot find toolbox in edit mode. Where is toolbox? Not shown in left hand margin.
View 1 RepliesJust downloaded elements 11 to imac. Cannot find toolbox in edit mode. Where is toolbox? Not shown in left hand margin.
View 1 RepliesI am hopeful that somebody who is familiar with Photoshop can help me in my desparation. I've lost the Toolbox in Photoshop 5.0 and can't find it anywhere. Clicking Show/Hide Tools under the "Window" pull-down menu reveals nothing.
Is there a short-cut key to make it appear?
I own photo elements 6 (photo premiere 4). Photo elem. 6 takes forever to open photo in the edit mode. Why? I am using window 8. It was working ok. Now a problem. I uninstalled it reinstalled.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a PSE 12 file stuck in the "edit mode". I ran completed a repair and an optimize on the catalog and the file is still stuck in the edit mode--I can't even delete the file from the catalog as the "delete" option is grayed out.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I click Start >Adobe PSE PSE starts in Organizer mode. I want to go directly to Full Edit mode. I looked for a setting in Edit > Preferences, did not find a setting there. How can I tell Adobe, PSE what mode to start in?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm using pse10 on a computer with an i7 processor with 12GB of ram and windows 7 with a color laser printer. The print function works fine while in organizer and sharing mode, but not from full edit. When I try to print from full edit, I get an error message with a red "X" on it that says: "Before you can perform printer related tasks such as page setup or printing a document, you need to install a printer." I can't figure it out. The printer is in "ready" state, and works fine in the organizer mode, and in share.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was trying to get rid of text and change it. I have no clue how to use this product but thought I would mess around with it. I think I really messed up. I clicked on the letter and then drug to the garbage can thinking I was deleting the text. It said permanently deleted and I now don't have the text option under content. How do I get it back?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using GIMP 2.8 on a windows machine. In single window mode I accidentally dragged the edge of the toolbox across my window and now it won't drag back. I get the resizer double-headed arrow but the edge won't move. I don't know what to do. It's entirely unusable in single window mode now, which is what I usually use.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm working in guided or quick edit I'm fine but if I switch to full edit mode I lose the gray background and my workspace turns parent with my desktop showing through. I can still work on the photo but the workspace itself is changed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI accidently changed the color of the background outside of my docked image from grey to black and can not figure out how to reset it to the default grey. The workspace dock color is grey until I dock an image and then the color surrounding my image changes to black. This is occuring in the Full Edit Mode.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't figure out how to adjust the size of the program screen when in Full Edit Mode. I can see portions of the Quick Fix menu and none of the Guided Fix menu. There seems to be no way to resize the window.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am just starting out with the Photoshop CS5 trial. I am trying to apply a triangular pattern to a thin rectangular shape. I used the custom shape tool>triangle, then defined the pattern successfully.However, when I apply the pattern it partially repeats it along the vertical as well as the horizontal axis. Please see attached screenshot:
I only want it to repeat horizontally, what am I doing wrong?
Also, I am Fireworks CS5 user and am really missing the properties inspector panel which allows you to quickly and esily edit sizes of objects, is there a Photoshop equivalent of this? the moment the only way I can find to edit objects is through Edit>Free Transform.
I was trying to play around with the software to get to know it, and... well, I think I made something weird in it. Everything was flowing nicely when I was following the tutorial about Editing Objects: I created a box, I selected that edit poly option from the modify tab and I could edit vertices totally nicely.
But then, I really don't know what happened, but, I don't know exactly when, I suddenly could not move the vertices AT ALL. They are pretty visible, but when I select them, they turn red and the axis are not editable! I'm so confused! I can edit the axis very normally if I'm using an option like Select and Move but... With the edit poly thing I just cannot! I tried everything I thought of: Made a new box, restarted the program, restarted the PC! But NOTHING worked.
EDIT: It took me almost an hour to figure out I wasn’t selecting the Select and Move tool!
I installed Elements 11 on my Mac OSX ver 7.5. It worked properly the first few times I opened it, but now the tool box doesn't appear in any editing mode. "Tools" is checked under window. I am also unable to drag the opened PSE window the way I could with the earlier version.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan I move the Toolbox and Menu panels in Elements 12 Editor to one side when the monitor (1920x1080, 16:9) is in the lanscape position, and to the bottom when the monitor is rotated to the vertical position, so that I can work on the largest image possible?
View 7 Replies View RelatedCan I adjust the displayed size of items in the toolbox/toolbar? (program=elements9/OS=Win7) Changing screen res doesn't work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I remove three images on the cursor when I have selected certain tools from the toolbox in Elements 9? I have just gotten a new computer and 9 was transferred to it from my old computer. Have never had this problem before.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow I can edit 3d texture color in HEX mode [Texture Edit Panel]? There is no HEX mode Option.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can't find blur gallery to edit pins
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm editing an editable poly and I select vertices they disappear. I'm using max 2012 design and the nitrous driver. It only happens in wireframe and hidden line mode.
Max Design 2012, Windows 7 64
Quadro 4000
Dual Xeon X5650 2.67 GHz, 24Gb Ram
I click on the Massing & Site Tab, then on the Topo surface Icon. The tab automatically switches to the Modify/Edit Surface Tab. Then I place the points and generate the topo surface. Then I try to save this work and get the following popup window"
SAVING IN EDIT MODE: Changes made in this edit mode will not be saved. The project will be saved as it was before you entered this mode. SAVE CANCEL.
I was trying to find all the photo files on my drives with X5 in manage mode. Ran very slow, when I went to close message said clipboard very full. How do I get into the clipboard and reduce it's size?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am using VS Pro X4 with Windows 7 home premium, Processor Intel (R) Core (TM) i7 CPU Q820 @ 1.73GHz 1.73 GHz. 8 GB RAM. 64 bit op syst. NVIDIA GeForce GTS 360M. Also I am mostly using GoPro 2 Mpeg4 files (which I have updated so I can finally use it in VS) When I am edit mode and click play back to view what I have edited prior to rendering. It often plays ok until it goes from one clip to another then it starts to play jumpy or jerky video including the sound. Which makes it impossible to see how well your edit is. If I leave it for 1/2 hour or so and come back to it, it sometimes plays fine. But then add more clips to the vid or add in a transition or effect it will then play back jerky again.
View 7 Replies View RelatedUsing VS X2, There is only black screen when editing sample file or any other video. All load correctly and can be viewed as individual clips but only black screen when playing "project" . Have re-installed program (repair) - no change.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI´ve got about 133.000 pictures - all with keywords. In connection with backup of the cataloque -unfortunately I lost the connection with my external HD - and thereafter the cataloque has corrupt in the way, that all pictures are to be find in the keyword list,. Most of the pictures can be viewed in "Library" - but I can´t edit them i "Develop". I get the message : "The folder could not be found"
Restoring it back to "normal" order to have full control over my photos again?
My Lightroom is 5.3 and my OS is Win7 proff.
The cataloque is on my C-drive and all of my pictures are on a external 2 TB HD
In VS Pro 4, in edit mode, I get no sound when I play the project but sound is OK when I play the clip. Then if I switch on the sound mixer I get sound when I play the project.
View 14 Replies View RelatedOn the edit screen, the orange strip, which I assume means content, stops at approximately 7:31 on my timeline. All vide I have added stops here on my preview. I cant get past it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using Pro X3.
When I create a home movie and add chapter points through the edit mode, and then go to burn a DVD, the Chapter points that I created in the edit mode are not showing up in the Corel DVD Factory burning software.
I can re-add the chapter, but why would the chapters that I just added, not show up? What is the point of having the options to add chapters in the edit mode, if this information was not transferrable to the burning process?
Below is the image of my ribbon after I begin the edit boundary command for a floor slab. For some reason the ability to finish or cancel the edit mode disappears and I'm unable to close out of the command without undoing everything I've done.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow can I add "Edit with Photoshop CS5" to the Edit With options?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIn mesh edit mode, when you assign a material to the selection, it works as expected, it assigns the material only to what is selected, for example, a face.
In poly edit mode, it works differently, if you try the same approach it assigns the material to the entire object and you have to deal with multi-materials and material IDs to achieve that, what is very boring and totally unintuitive imho.
Is there an option to make the poly editing mode work like the mesh editing mode, or at least another way to achieve the same result in a intuitive or at least 'visual' fashion?