3ds Max :: Assign Material To Sub-object Selection In Poly Edit Mode
Sep 3, 2013
In mesh edit mode, when you assign a material to the selection, it works as expected, it assigns the material only to what is selected, for example, a face.
In poly edit mode, it works differently, if you try the same approach it assigns the material to the entire object and you have to deal with multi-materials and material IDs to achieve that, what is very boring and totally unintuitive imho.
Is there an option to make the poly editing mode work like the mesh editing mode, or at least another way to achieve the same result in a intuitive or at least 'visual' fashion?
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Apr 2, 2012
I was trying to play around with the software to get to know it, and... well, I think I made something weird in it. Everything was flowing nicely when I was following the tutorial about Editing Objects: I created a box, I selected that edit poly option from the modify tab and I could edit vertices totally nicely.
But then, I really don't know what happened, but, I don't know exactly when, I suddenly could not move the vertices AT ALL. They are pretty visible, but when I select them, they turn red and the axis are not editable! I'm so confused! I can edit the axis very normally if I'm using an option like Select and Move but... With the edit poly thing I just cannot! I tried everything I thought of: Made a new box, restarted the program, restarted the PC! But NOTHING worked.
EDIT: It took me almost an hour to figure out I wasn’t selecting the Select and Move tool!
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Dec 19, 2013
Whenever I try to collapse a group of edges in Edit Poly mode there is always 1 edge that is left intact therefore creating undesired results. This doesn't happen in Edit Mesh mode, and also behaves accordingly in previous versions of Max.
Currently using Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2014 Version 16.0 commercial
Mesh mode example:
Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2014 16.0 SP3 commercial
Windows 8.1 x64
Nitrous (Direct 3D 11.0 Feature Level 11 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780)
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Jul 17, 2011
I made a staircase rail made out of splines etc...
Converted the object to edit poly and duplicated + attached all the piece.
So I have this one object that is really long and this is the rail of the whole staircase.
Now I created a spline and once I select the object and add a Path Deform, the object isn't rotating correctly along the spline. At the beginning of the spline its @ 90 degrees and further down it starts to spin.
How do I make it so it's always 90 degrees to the ground?
Pic included
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Feb 24, 2013
I'm working on Autodesk VBA, and I'm trying to get user input on which vertex to use for a constrain. I want to make a macro that can go into part edit, allow user to select a vertex, and then automatically set up the constraint. Initially I wanted to do this in a single macro, using this short piece of code
while oSelectSet.Count <>1
While this worked when run directly from VBA, if I call it as a macro in Autodesk itself, the DoEvents doesn't seem o work because I wasn't able to make any selection at all. I googled and it seems like this is just how macros are.
So I split the code into a 2 subs and a function (as attached), and put them into separates rules that I call using a form in Autodesk. The first sub "Meta1Pin1_1" works, then I would select a vertex in edit mode. But when I go ahead and call the second sub "Meta1Pin1_2", I get the error message that I created which says no vertex is selected. But if I select a vertex and call the second sub again, it will work.
So I've been trying different things and I realize that every time when I first call the second sub, my selection is erased teh moment it goes into the sub. But, for some unknown reason, the selection will remain when I call it the second time. I can't figure out what exactly happened between the first and second call of the same sub, that allowed the selection to remain.
' prepares assembly for user input by grounding bones and going into part edit
Public Sub Meta1Pin1_1()
Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument
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Mar 16, 2011
How to assign more than 0-15 material IDs in the old material editor?
I don't use Slate. Does it allow more than 0-15 material IDs?
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Jun 29, 2011
I am wondering if it is possible to assign a newly created or current material to multiple selected objects? I've searched in the forum and investigate right-mouse menu in Mudbox 2012 but still couldn't find a way to assign a material to multiple objects at once.
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Dec 1, 2013
Is there a way to make an editable mesh or poly somewhat transparent when a material is applied? Think of the material being a thin cloth such as nylon. You can't see directly through it, but it isn't like a thick material such as jeans etc. I also want to make this object deform like a balloon inflating, so I don't know if that will cause issues with transparency.
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Oct 29, 2012
i was wondering if there is anyway to assign a layer to each type of material used so that i can have the material shown in different colors on my drawings?
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Oct 10, 2012
I dropped in a bunch of windows from an AutoCAD file into 3DsMax. I'd like to assign material to all of them without individually selecting each window frame, each window sash and each window glass. How would I go about isolating and selecting for instance, all window sashes at the same time or applying the same type of material to a particular type of object?
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May 21, 2012
When in vertex, edge or poly mode, usually I was able to switch between them by pressing number 1,2,3,4,5. What also was useful, is if for instance I press the same number twice, then I would exit the sub mode. This was very useful. Now in this version this option is disabled by default, similar to the zoom extense all, but I was able to changed this in the UI settings.
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May 12, 2011
I upgraded to 3DsMax 2011 and still have some problems navigating the Slate Material Editor. I want to create a Mix material as the "first" material but I'm only able to double click on the Sample Slot to get a standard material in the "View1" as my "first" material. I am able to create a "Mix" node here, but it has to be connected to the "Standard" material and this makes it so that i can not drag the material in to the "Environment and Effects" tab as my "Environment Map".
When i go back to the "Compact Material Editor" (which waists time), I can select the Standard icon but "Maps" is not available in the "Material/Map Browser" when i right click on an open space.
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Nov 21, 2011
Searched the net and did find some official tutorials where its says the Poly mode could be toggled. Like hitting "2" once switches Edge and hitting twice toggles poly mode "off". But I don't find the option where it can be set.
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Mar 14, 2013
I'm a 3D artist, and I've been using photoshop for texturing my models for so long. Now that photoshop has improved it's 3D features, It's making my life so easy, but there's a problem(other than the memory consumption).
I have to change my navigation from rotation to panning and zooming by clicking on the buttons on top, and for a long run it would be devastating , and I haven't found a way to assign any shortcuts to them so I can easily and quickly hover around my 3D model to texture and paint it.
I personally Believe that It won't be addressed until CS7 or some other version.
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Aug 29, 2011
Basically I want to create a WP selection set from an existing polyline that the user picks. The selection set should select everything inside of the closed polyline.
Here is what I have so far:
Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database Dim acEd As Editor = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor '' Start a transaction Using acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() '' Lock the document Dim [code]........
I cannot seem to get a 3d collection of points from a polyline. I have tried a few different things like converting the polyline to a polyline3D, but no luck.
My assumptions are that I need to get the collection of vertices from the polyline. Then, I need a new collection of points to create the Window Polygon. I pass those points to the Select Window Polygon method to get my selection window.
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Oct 17, 2013
I cant solve this problem with edge selection tool, my task is to create an oil barrel and when I select the barrel with edge selection tool then press setting button next to connect there is that triangle pattern in between two lines that I don't want, how do I get rid of it?
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Aug 2, 2011
I am having problems assigning materials as when I do the 'assign to selection' is disabled - what to do. I have tried everything but there must be something that I have not done.
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Jun 27, 2011
Imagine that you have couple of spheres in your scene and you want to manually rearrange them. You click on one and immediately drag your mouse to move it, and it works just fine and fast while they are sphere primitives. But, if you convert them to edit poly things get messed up, now if you click and start to drag you need to wait for about a second for the thing to start moving. And it's the bloody edit poly's fault. It's command panel UI is just drawing too slow. Why is this? Is this something that just is in max now? Because the same thing annoyed me in 2011 and now in 2012. Or is it me who is doing something wrong? Also interesting is that this problem completely disappears when I add some modifier with a "small ui", like PUSH, to all of the objects. Everything is back to fast and snappy again.
This slowness also happens when I want to switch sub-object levels, it redraws every time, and it redraws slowly.
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Apr 5, 2013
I have a problem when im modeling on 3ds max 2011.
For example, i go to "create" then "geometry" and then "box". While Im creating the box, i can change views with de P key (perspective), T key (top view) etc... or maximize my viewport o miniminze it (alt+W)... but if a apply an "Edit poly" modifier to the box, i cant use any of the shortcut key , because they have other effects...
Is there a way to use the shortcut key while i have "edit poly" modifier???
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Mar 17, 2013
I have another newbie question. How to select visible polygons only in the Edit Poly modifier? Now I can only select through the object. I can't find an option to turn it off.
3ds Max Design 2013 Student Version PU6
iMac 27" Quad-Core i5 2.8 GHz
ATI Radeon HD 5750 1 GB
VMWare Fusion 5 / Windows 7
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Sep 11, 2013
When creating a selection Command using the PromptXXXOptions and PromptXXXResult. The entities are selected on the current view, but once the selection ends the entities return to an unselected state.
Is it possible to leave them in selection mode.
I want to this, because it will be better to use Editor.SelectImplied() instead of saving the last selection object Ids.
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Jan 13, 2012
I need to assign the same creation date to several pictures. On the modify file format (batch process) window there is the possibility to include date but I cannot find a method to modify the date only.
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Jul 1, 2011
Fired up 2012 and I find the new modeling dialog boxes quite annoying. For example, within Edit Poly, the chamfer, extrude, etc. Is there any way to switch back to the old, standard windows style dialogs?
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Oct 6, 2011
I have simple meshes with vertex paint, color and alpha.The problem is when I collapse the modificators and get simple edit poly and then select some faces or whole mesh (select element) then settings from 'polygon: vertex colors' overwrite my painting! is in English language word 'color'? Dictionary from firefox say 'no' but in 3ds max there is 'color' slot.
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Dec 13, 2011
Am trying to cut a circle into my geo but i cannot cut between vertex, its snapping to the vertex, and i currently don't have snapping on is their another option for the cutting tool somewhere?
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Oct 10, 2012
I am trying to find a way to assign keyboard shortcuts for different selection sets functions/commands.
I failed to find selection set commands in customize user interface menu. seems that they named it in a manner so that people cant find them when they simply look for "selection" or "set" or "create selection set" or "make selection set" .
what I need is:
1. when I select a group of objects I want to make them a selection set with one keyboard shortcut. (to go to the sets menu window and press that "create a selection set" button is too time consuming. I am also aware that just writing a letter to the selection sets dialog creates a set but still I want that shortcut.)
2.select an object and immediately jump to the whole selection set with a keyboard shortcut. or toggle through selection sets.
3.delete the active selection set with one keyboard shortcut.
are these functions available as native commands in customize user interface?should I go looking for a maxscript ?
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Dec 14, 2011
I don't know what is going on but it is getting on my nerves. I created an OBJ file for my Glock model that I'm working on and re-imported it into 3ds Max to remove any five sided polygons. 3ds Max fixes them automatically this way. This fixed model won't export as an editable mesh, it gets stuck on "preparing polymesh for poly export" and I have to ctrl/alt/del to shut the program down. After some research, a few boards say to change the mesh to a poly. Tried that and I have random black polygons appear and I don't know what to do to fix it. I've attached both the file and an image to this post. The glock on the left is my original model and the one on the right is the OBJ I imported to have four sided polys throughout.
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Jul 21, 2012
I'm new to 3DS Max and am coming from C4D. How do I separate a poly from an object into its own object?
I have a box which I want to convert all 6 sides/polys to their own object.
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Sep 12, 2011
I activated the Poly Count from the Display Menu; but it shows the components that are in the view at the moment. I'd like to know instead if there is a way to display the number of the components selected.
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Feb 11, 2014
I'm new to 3ds max. Why on some objects when you try to select elements off the object only a single poly is picked when on other objects whole elements or blocks are picked?
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Mar 2, 2012
how to switch a texture at certain keys, or Keyframe a file texture on a shader at one key and then change the file texture to something else on a later frame, on the same polygon face. Like this...
How to switch or change these two images at different textures at different frames.
Click animation. Here I just keyframed and switched two poly planes. But I want to swap out the textures by keyframing them instead.
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