3ds Max Modeling :: Convert To Edit Poly Turns Random Polygons Black
Dec 14, 2011
I don't know what is going on but it is getting on my nerves. I created an OBJ file for my Glock model that I'm working on and re-imported it into 3ds Max to remove any five sided polygons. 3ds Max fixes them automatically this way. This fixed model won't export as an editable mesh, it gets stuck on "preparing polymesh for poly export" and I have to ctrl/alt/del to shut the program down. After some research, a few boards say to change the mesh to a poly. Tried that and I have random black polygons appear and I don't know what to do to fix it. I've attached both the file and an image to this post. The glock on the left is my original model and the one on the right is the OBJ I imported to have four sided polys throughout.
I have created a big spline. When I tried to "Convert to poly", it doesn't work. Usually, as result, the spline appears with a filled. In my case, the spline disappears. I thought it might be because the spline is not closed, but it is correct.
is there any way to convert a bunch of splines into a poly? Its going to be a city, the shape is given. I need it as a poly, now its just a bunch of splines.
When i try to convert Poly to Subdiv I get this message in script editor:
polyToSubdiv -ap 0 -ch off -aut on -maxPolyCount 1500 -maxEdgesPerVert 32 |polySurface8|polySurfaceShape9; // Warning: Nothing is selected. Select objects or components to delete. // // Error: Command polyToSubdiv failed. Open Script Editor for details. //
It is strange, because I fixed all non-quad faces. I also tried all cleaning options with no success.
I made a staircase rail made out of splines etc...
Converted the object to edit poly and duplicated + attached all the piece.
So I have this one object that is really long and this is the rail of the whole staircase.
Now I created a spline and once I select the object and add a Path Deform, the object isn't rotating correctly along the spline. At the beginning of the spline its @ 90 degrees and further down it starts to spin.
How do I make it so it's always 90 degrees to the ground?
Maya 2012 64bit, Win7..I can not convert a polygonal model to subdivision with proxy (command failed),do not see error description in the script editor. What typical problems of convertation (poly->subdiv) do you know ?
Whenever I try to collapse a group of edges in Edit Poly mode there is always 1 edge that is left intact therefore creating undesired results. This doesn't happen in Edit Mesh mode, and also behaves accordingly in previous versions of Max.
Currently using Autodesk® 3ds Max® 2014 Version 16.0 commercial
I was trying to play around with the software to get to know it, and... well, I think I made something weird in it. Everything was flowing nicely when I was following the tutorial about Editing Objects: I created a box, I selected that edit poly option from the modify tab and I could edit vertices totally nicely.
But then, I really don't know what happened, but, I don't know exactly when, I suddenly could not move the vertices AT ALL. They are pretty visible, but when I select them, they turn red and the axis are not editable! I'm so confused! I can edit the axis very normally if I'm using an option like Select and Move but... With the edit poly thing I just cannot! I tried everything I thought of: Made a new box, restarted the program, restarted the PC! But NOTHING worked.
EDIT: It took me almost an hour to figure out I wasn’t selecting the Select and Move tool!
Problem i encountered by attaching two objects together. These problems may occur only in the viewport, haven't tried rendering or anything, but it's still pretty annoying:
When i finished attaching the head to the body in a proper way, i mirrored that as well, and the polys don't blend in pretty well even tho i welded all points along the attach line
I mirrored half body and all these weird shadows appeared (they disappear when i activate turbosmooth).
All polys have same ID set and are all in the same shading group.
I'm having trouble with shading objects I imported from SolidWorks using SimLab's plug-in. My problem is two-fold:
First, the polygons appear to have bizarre twists and bends in them, but there are no corresponding edges to create these deformations. Also, Maya thinks all the faces are planar. I tried cleaning up the objects and it yielded no results. These weird twists appear in both the work space and when rendered. I have tried deleting overlapping edges, but it didn't work.
Second, when I try to apply a bump map to my objects, they don't work. I tried using a noise and a fractal bump map and neither appear on the rendered image. However, the Brownian bump map works. I have tried creating other objects in the scene and the noise and fractal bump maps work just fine on those, just not on my imported geometry. I figured out a brute-force method to make the bump maps work - I delete a polygon and use the append tool to create a new polygon - but I have over 110,000 polygons on this thing.
I'm working on an 8-core MacPro running Windows 7 64bit with 32 GB RAM and two GeForce 9500GT video cards.
Is it possible to lock some polygons in a object and when e.g. twist it a little bit? I'd like those polygons to keep their shape while rest polygons deforming.
I have a bit of a pickle, I am doing some models for Skyrim, I now have the mesh imported, have already done some modifications to it, but fot the parts that are going to beng I need to turn some polygons into faves(three sided) so they would bent better.
I have converted a NURBS object into Polygon Object, however it has still kept the riginal" NURBS object. How do I take the visibility off the NURBS object?
i have a problem converting polygons to subdiv .when i convert i can only see the object like in wire frame and when going back to polygons i get the same issue.i get this error "// Error: line 0: No object matches name: polyToSubdShape4.
i was creating a simple character(blobs withen blobs). It was going pretty good until i camme across an issue that i can't seem to fix. I first had his neck as a nurb but i realized to do what i wanted i would need to deleted a couple faces so simple create a polygon the same size and shape. So i draged the nurb over clicked create polygon and i made it. The issues was that i can not seem to get them the same size i went to the channel box and typed in the same numbers for size. It was similiar but, was off the entire object was too big. I tried extruding it to match the same rough height and i got that nurb was on a scale that was about 1.626 times larger this. I forgot to mention that i am running maya 2014 student edition.
I have a minor problem with creating some polygons on the edge of the window - inner and outer side. As you can see here: I need to connect neighbouring vertex and I do not want to do it manually by creating polygons one by one. Isn´t there any modificator in max I could use to do that automatically??
I'm brand new to Maya just started last night. I'm trying to join two edges of two seperate polygons to achieve one nice smooth edge. I select the merge edge tool and select one edge - its all good - then I try to click another and nothing happens; and ofcourse when I hit enter it says select more than one edge .
I have download building model in 3ds format, when i import the model into scene. the polygons of the model colliding each. what may be the problem. they have used very low mesh with lot of Boolean. how to recover this model or i have to create new? . i have attached the screen shot also.
how do I scale a group of polygons in their local axis? I have seen people doing this fine in Maya.
I have attached an image that explain this clearly. It's a simple cylinder, extruded and when I scale the extruded polygons in local x axis, they get scaled in crazy different axes.
I am having a problem with extruding faces on polygons and then smoothing them. Maya does not seem to want to keep my faces together, and instead, splits them up.
I extrude without smoothing and it looks fine, but after smoothing, everything splits up.
I'm trying to model glasses. I have completed the frame and the handle. They are different parts of the 3D object. [URL] ...
Now I would like to connect them together. I tried to choose some vertixes and use cap poly tool to cap them. But it doesn't work: [URL] ....
Then I tried to move those vertixes close to each other and use the weld tool but it doesn't work either.
I have had many problems connecting different objects together with cap poly and weld vertixes tools in the past and now I would like to know is this a bug or what I'm doing wrong?