Lightroom :: Develop Mode 2nd Monitor Not Showing Edit Adjustments
May 26, 2012
I am using Lightroom 4.1 RC2 on a Windows 7 64 bit system with dual monitors. When I am in the develop mode and make edit adjustments on any setting the 2nd monitor does not update. If I move to another image then come back the image is updated but it does not work in real time. I have never had this problem before and it worked fine in Lightroom V4.0
setting up presets for making adjustments to more than one image, I keep hearing about doing that by way of the "quick develop" panel, but I don't like that panel... its a bit too basic or something... I don't like making settings where I can't see a bit more about what I'm doing.
Is there a way to create presets when in the Develope mode? I don't see any clues on the the basic panel, but hopefully I'm missing something. Is there not a way to record the settings I've made inside the basic panel into a preset?
i imported images into LR3 and was about to close the catalog when i got a backup reminder popping up on my screen. so i did the obvious thing and clicked Backup. I later opened the catalog to find to my dismay, details of the each photo showing up in the Develop screen. This doesnt show when viewing in the Library mode though. so each photo has the following details showing on the upper left corner of the image
File Name-8. CR2 date and time image size
how do i get rid of this unsightly details so i can work on the images?
I´ve got about 133.000 pictures - all with keywords. In connection with backup of the cataloque -unfortunately I lost the connection with my external HD - and thereafter the cataloque has corrupt in the way, that all pictures are to be find in the keyword list,. Most of the pictures can be viewed in "Library" - but I can´t edit them i "Develop". I get the message : "The folder could not be found"
Restoring it back to "normal" order to have full control over my photos again?
My Lightroom is 5.3 and my OS is Win7 proff.
The cataloque is on my C-drive and all of my pictures are on a external 2 TB HD
I have recently opened a LR catalog from an external hard drive connected to a new mac pro. All the 'user templates' are there and all the images in each respective collection, although I had to re-connect them as the originals had moved to a new external hard drive but... most (not all), but most of the images I had adjusted in 'Develop' have gone. Most of the images I made a virtual copy of before adjusting have reverted back to the original raw image without the adjustments.
If I have to start all over again from scratch or is there a magic 'LR Develop adjustments' file I haven't transfere to the new laptop and hard drive?
I would like to be able to sort a set of photos by those that have Develop Adjustments and those that do not. For now, I don't want to sort by the type of adjustment.....just whether or not an image has one.
Did I lose my adjustments in Develop when I clicked on Library in Lightroom? I have been working on a group of about 300 photos for the past several days. Today I was in Develop and went to Library to get a couple of new photos. When I got back to Develop all my adjustments were gone. Can I get them back?
I have a 27" adjustable monitor to take advantage of larger portrait views.However, when in Development module can you manipulate the controls so that I don't have to make adjustments "sideways"?!?
I frequently export pictures from LR-5 to Phanfare. Up until today this process has gone smoothly. Now, suddenly, the file sizes are small, but with their develop adjustments applied. I use Chrome on an iMAC. Everything is up-to-date. It would appear that the exporter is dipping into the 1:1 previews. If so, how can it be rerouted to the proper source?
Is there any way to filter on the "Photo has Develop adjustments" flag? I can't find it, but the filtering capability seems a bit opaque to me so maybe I'm just missing it.
I was about to export some photos and realized that I have lost all the develop adjustments I made over a month ago. If I go back to an ealier catalog file from the beginning of October, I see all the adjustments, but it looks like the photos have moved (I get a blank thumbnail with the question mark). Couple questions:
why the develop adjustments are absent from the photos in all my recent catalogs? I always move my photos in LR.Is there anyway to "export" the develop adjustments from the older catalog and associate them to the correct photos in the newest catalog?
I have recently installed Lightroom 4. In the develop module, any adjustments will not show in the photo on the screen. The photo frequently will not load onto the screen. If I select crop mode, the photo disappears and the screen turns to gray. If I select before/after, the screen turns to gray. I have read the manual multiple times and have watched the video. I do not see any step that I am omitting or doing incorrectly. Should I uninstall & reinstall the program, or what?
Last day i made a massive rename operation at all my DNG files with Bridge in order to reflect the capture date and hour in the filename. Then when i synchronize the Lightroom catalog all the develop adjustments was whipped-out.
There are any thing i can do to recover de adjustments?
LR 4.1 RC2, OSX 10.6.8 - when I'm trying to use the develop module with my second monitor, the image initially looks accurate. After a second or two and before any edits have been applied, the images desaturate and look very flat. Images viewed with the second monitor in Library module look great.
I'm having a serious problem with the thumbnails in Library/Grid mode taking anywhere from 5-10 seconds to "pop in" the adjustments I've made in develop and/or via the quick develop tab. I need to quickly see if large batches of images are similar in color/exposure, and I've always used the Grid to compare them in bulk. Now it seems the previews refuse to update unless I hover over that image for an extended period of time. I've even tried jumping back and forth between Develop (in order to update the preview) and Library, but 8 times out of 10 it reverts to the old preview. I have tried:
1) Clearing my cache 2) Expanding the cache size from 3 GB to 10 GB to 40 GB with no avail 3) Optimizing the catalog 4) Updating Lightroom & Camera Raw 5) Removing Luminance/Sharpen adjustments from all the images 6) Reducing Preview size/quality 7) Using Smart Previews
Because of the sheer numbe of images I work with, I have to store them on an external drive, not my Mac (3.06 GHz Intel Core i3 and 16 GB DDR3 memory). Even when I edit images locally on the machine, I have this problem. All of my software and drives are up to date, and I've got around 90 GB free on my system. making my adjustments on faith and then "re-updating" the previews...but deleting the Smart Previews/Previews and recreating them doesn't seem to fix the problem.
I'm trying to create a photo montage. I have all my photos in cells on the page, but now I am trying to zoom in on and move photos around within each cell (sort of what you do when you upload a photo in Facebook). This was quite easy for me to do in Aperture, but I can't seem to find out how to do it in Lightroom.
I don´t know why, but suddenly there seems to be no way, I can get edit in PS with LR adjustments. There used to be an options box in LR when selecting "edit in Photoshop". Now I get no options, and my adjustments from LR does not show in PS. I have tried both the tiff and PSD setting in preferences/external editing, but no luck. I have also used the "Reset Warnings" in LR, hoping this would bring back the external edit dialog box, but no luck.
as I have a lot of urgent work to do, and I go back and forth between LR and PS a lot.
Mac OS 10.8.5 Photoshop CS6 13.0.5 x64 Camera Raw 8.2.094 Lightroom 5.2
Not all the time, but there are times when i am working on an image, generally after I've been working on it in Photoshop. Once it comes back into light room and I want to do just about anything to it everything goes dark and comes back with the adjustment I just made. Does this when I move the slider or make any adjustment to the image whatsoever.
Just downloaded LR4.1 trial version (upgrading from LR3 to work with raw Canon 5DM3 images) and am unable to use Develop mode. When I select a photo in Library and go to Develop it just says "no photo selected".
Why is it when I edit an image in lightroom 4 then go to retouch etc in photoshop cs5 those adjustements that I made on the image in lightroom ie contrast, saturation, exposure etc don't show up when I move the raw image into photoshop to do final retouching on the image but still have it in my lightroom catalog? It is the camera raw issue that comes up when you first try to edit an image and lightroom says it needs camera 7.0 which does't exist yet?
In Lightroom 4 develop mode, I have noticed that at the bottom of the righthand column there is a button, sometimes marked "sync" and at others marked "previous". It seems to change randomly between the two and I don't know why. I prefer it to be "previous". Why it changes and what I can do to return it to "previous" if it has changed to "sync"?
are the developing capabilities completely equal when it comes to gamut and histogram between ACR and LR5 (5.?) or to get equality do I have to develop in soft proof mode in LR5?
I am using Lightroom 5. In the Develop mode, is there a way to add a metadata item to a panel. I shoot with several cameras and the way I process an image depends on the camera I used. I would like to add the "Camera Model" to the Histogram panel just under the ISO, Lens length, f stop, and shutter speed. Now I must flip back and forth between Library and Develop to get the information.
So I just updated my mac and now my lightroom controls have changed. The tone/tint sliders and also the vibrance/saturation/hue sliders are missing the color. What I can do change it back? I have uninstalled and reinstalled... restarted my computer....
The left is what it should look like and the right is what my LR looks like...