Lightroom :: Recover Unexpected Loss Of Develop Adjustments In LR4?
Nov 25, 2012
I was about to export some photos and realized that I have lost all the develop adjustments I made over a month ago. If I go back to an ealier catalog file from the beginning of October, I see all the adjustments, but it looks like the photos have moved (I get a blank thumbnail with the question mark). Couple questions:
why the develop adjustments are absent from the photos in all my recent catalogs? I always move my photos in LR.Is there anyway to "export" the develop adjustments from the older catalog and associate them to the correct photos in the newest catalog?
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Jan 5, 2014
Up until now lightroom has behaved perfectly, now when i make an adjustment in the develop screen, the picture just goes grey. If i switch to library then back I get the picture back in the develop screen with adjustments made. This means that I cannot see to make fine adjustments. I have reloaded from lightroom4.4 all the way back upto lightroom 5 and there is no there a setting i have accidently changed?
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Jun 3, 2013
I have recently opened a LR catalog from an external hard drive connected to a new mac pro. All the 'user templates' are there and all the images in each respective collection, although I had to re-connect them as the originals had moved to a new external hard drive but... most (not all), but most of the images I had adjusted in 'Develop' have gone. Most of the images I made a virtual copy of before adjusting have reverted back to the original raw image without the adjustments.
If I have to start all over again from scratch or is there a magic 'LR Develop adjustments' file I haven't transfere to the new laptop and hard drive?
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Jun 2, 2012
I would like to be able to sort a set of photos by those that have Develop Adjustments and those that do not. For now, I don't want to sort by the type of adjustment.....just whether or not an image has one.
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Apr 30, 2012
Did I lose my adjustments in Develop when I clicked on Library in Lightroom? I have been working on a group of about 300 photos for the past several days. Today I was in Develop and went to Library to get a couple of new photos. When I got back to Develop all my adjustments were gone. Can I get them back?
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Jul 21, 2013
I frequently export pictures from LR-5 to Phanfare. Up until today this process has gone smoothly. Now, suddenly, the file sizes are small, but with their develop adjustments applied. I use Chrome on an iMAC. Everything is up-to-date. It would appear that the exporter is dipping into the 1:1 previews. If so, how can it be rerouted to the proper source?
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Oct 9, 2008
Is there any way to filter on the "Photo has Develop adjustments" flag? I can't find it, but the filtering capability seems a bit opaque to me so maybe I'm just missing it.
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Sep 7, 2013
I know there is a recommended way to use PSE catalog backup to transfer a catalog to a new pc [URL] This is fine for when I have planned to move to a new pc.
But what about if the move to the new pc is unexpected (such as after a loss of the pc or the pc stops working)? In this case, I would have an up-to-date backup of the old pc (because this is done automatically on a schedule), but would not have an up-to-date backup of the built in PSE catalog backup (because it is not automated).
How do I use my regular drive backup to restore the PSE catalog to the new PC, whilst preserving my albums?
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Dec 30, 2012
Applying adjustments in the Develop module - Basic workflow
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Mar 3, 2013
I have recently installed Lightroom 4. In the develop module, any adjustments will not show in the photo on the screen. The photo frequently will not load onto the screen. If I select crop mode, the photo disappears and the screen turns to gray. If I select before/after, the screen turns to gray. I have read the manual multiple times and have watched the video. I do not see any step that I am omitting or doing incorrectly. Should I uninstall & reinstall the program, or what?
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Nov 25, 2012
setting up presets for making adjustments to more than one image, I keep hearing about doing that by way of the "quick develop" panel, but I don't like that panel... its a bit too basic or something... I don't like making settings where I can't see a bit more about what I'm doing.
Is there a way to create presets when in the Develope mode? I don't see any clues on the the basic panel, but hopefully I'm missing something. Is there not a way to record the settings I've made inside the basic panel into a preset?
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May 26, 2012
I am using Lightroom 4.1 RC2 on a Windows 7 64 bit system with dual monitors. When I am in the develop mode and make edit adjustments on any setting the 2nd monitor does not update. If I move to another image then come back the image is updated but it does not work in real time. I have never had this problem before and it worked fine in Lightroom V4.0
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Apr 25, 2013
Last day i made a massive rename operation at all my DNG files with Bridge in order to reflect the capture date and hour in the filename. Then when i synchronize the Lightroom catalog all the develop adjustments was whipped-out.
There are any thing i can do to recover de adjustments?
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Jan 15, 2014
We have a bunch of shots taken using natural light - the shots all have completely different exposure and white balance adjustments.
Now that the shots feel like they've been shot at the same time of day (and on the same day) we'd like to start adjusting the white balance accross multiple shots - but use the current white balance/exposure from each individual shot as the starting point - not reset the adjustments.
Kind of like baking the current settings or making adjustments on top of current adjustments - or make new adjustments relative to the current adjustments.
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Feb 11, 2014
The main develop module controls have disappeared from the develop window. How do I recover them? I'm working with Lightroom 5.3. The missing controls are the sliders for exposure, contrast, clarity, etc. I must have inadvertantly clicked something that made them disappear but nothing I've tried brings them back. I've never had this experience in the years I've been using Lightroom (since version 1.1).
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Jun 29, 2013
I can't process any images as the basic tab has suddenly can I get it back?
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Jan 9, 2012
I have imported a series of old jpegs into Lightroom 3.6 taken in 2002-2003 and I noticed an unexpected date on the thumbnails in the Grid view.
In the Library View Options (Ctrl-J) I have selected to show the Capture Date/Time on the thumbnails.
Since the pictures do not have Exif data I had expected that Lightroom would show the regular system date/time of the picture files. Bad luck, Lightroom is showing the Date/Time of the FOLDER containing the picture files instead of the date of the files themselves.
So last week on 06-01-2012 I created a folder on a harddisk and copied a series of jpegs in there with a file date of 20-06-2003. Lightroom however is showing 06-01-2012 on the thumbnails. Not excactly what I want.
Lightroom 3.6
Windows Vista Home Primium
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Aug 8, 2013
LR 5, not 5.2, is giving me "Unexpected error opening catalog" with the suggestion I attempt to open another catalog. All my recent catalogs give me this error.
I'm using Windows 7 with fully adequate ram and storage. The program was working OK until today.
I back up daily and that always includes optimization. I did find an earlier catalog that comes in successfully.
The Lightroom program demands lots of hours of study and work and if errors like this are frequent I'll have to reconsider its usefulness for my photography.
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Feb 9, 2014
I cannot open one of my catalogs in Lightroom 4 .
It's a large catalog, created in LR4, and it's always worked fine. It lives on an external hard drive (along with all the pictures in that catalog).
The other night, I set another hard drive down and touched the first drive, accidentally disconnecting it from the computer while LR was open (or possibly while LR was in the process of opening).
When I reconnected the drive and tried to open the catalog again, I received a message that the catalog couldn't be opened since it was open in another application. (Nothing else was open or using it, obviously.)
I researched the internet, found a suggestion, and removed the .lock file from the catalog folder. NOW I am getting the message "Unexpected error opening catalog. The catalog could not be opened due to an unexpected error."
---- IF I have to reload the software, do I lose anything? Do I lose my edits, my history, my preferences?
I want to preserve the history of all of the edited photographs, not just the "composite LR adjustment" or whatever you call it... some of the folders of pictures have matching .xmp files and some do not. I think this might be due to a preferences change a few months after I created the catalog - I guess it doesn't apply this change retroactively, or perhaps it would have had I opened those folders... not sure. I had backed up the original RAW files (which are still present on the external hard drive and seem just fine), but the catalog hasn't been backed up recently. I think I have to re-install LR4, and I just want to make sure I can keep all the work I've done.
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Sep 22, 2013
I have been using lightroom 5 today and it suddenly asked me to update my catalogue to LR5, which I did and now I cannot open up the programme at all.
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Mar 14, 2014
i am getting "unexpected error opening catalog" message when opening a catalog that worked fine 2 days ago. Other catalogs open on the same drive Mac pro LR5.3 ..Lots of worked had gone into that catalog.
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Mar 21, 2013
I just started using LR4.3. After importing about 1000 photos and establishing my collections of chosen images, I noticed that every image had the same settings already in the Basic panel. These are temp:5500, tint:4, exposure .28, contrast: 24 and Vibrance: 6. All other settings are 0 or some other LR default. I do not recall telling LR to do this on import, and in fact, don't know how to do that. Am I forgetting that I did that? Also, I set preferences to use the default specific to my camera serial number. MIght LR be making these settings based on that selection?
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Jun 21, 2012
PC/Vista x64bit
I've been running LR 4.1 for a few weeks without a hitch.
Just now I tried to open it and I got an 'Unexpected error opening catalog' message. Since there is only one catalog, I chose 'Choose a different catalog' and created a new one. LR opened fine then.
However, I could not open the existing catalog, even from within LR.
Holding down the Alt key before clicking the LR icon in the System Tray opens a window headed LR 4.1 64-bit Properties. There are various tabs in the window. I'm not sure what I should be doing with any of them. If I click on OK at the bottom of the window, nothing happens.
Finally, in C/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4/ the Master Catalog.ircat is visible. But, just below this, in /Lightroom 4.1, there is no Master Catalog.ircat. Is this normal?
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Feb 17, 2013
I used to have all my photos on an external hard drive along with my lightroom catalog file. I recently transfered them all to my main harddrive on my imac and linked them and everything so they all show up and i can access them. However now when i try and export them they are saying "An unexpected end-of-file occured" and thats it. Also some of the photos have like a ulticolored streak through them and what not. They where literally working before i moved them...
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Sep 23, 2013
My most recent photo import in Lightroom 4 unexpectedly changed destination. All previous imports appear in the LR "Folders" panel by date. This one appears under "Desktop" in that panel and places a blue folder of the images on my computer desktop. I do not want this! I deleted the images from lightroom, placed the folders in the trash and emptied it in order to attempt a re-import in the Folders location. LR said the files could not be read. It will only import the images as separate, dated folders appearing on my desktop. I did not purposefully change anything. Can I move these two dated folders into the Folder's column and get them off my desktop?
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Oct 17, 2012
I cannot open LR4. I get an, "Unexpected error opening catalog. The catalog could not be opened due to an unexpected error." This occurred after a WIN7 update failed. It restored the system to an earlier version. In doing so, it also reverted LR4.2 to LR4.1. I have seen other threads to open a different catalog and/or create a new. The problem is that once I go to "Choose a different catalog", I get the Windows screen where I can select my backup. I select the backup catalog and click "Open". The window goes away, but the underlying LR "Select a Catalog" window still only shows 1 catalog to original catalog. The backup doesn't show up in the list. (The backup is not a network drive and it is not read-protected.)
I then try the "Create a new catalog", get the Windows screen, enter a new name and click "Save". The same thing happens. The Windows screen goes away and the LR "Select a Catalog" window still shows the orignal catalog in the list. Thus, I cannot create nor choose a different catalog.
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Oct 10, 2011
I recently built a new PC dedicated to my photo work.
i7 2600k, 16gb DDR 3 ripjaws, 128GB crucial m4 SSD, (2) x 1TB 7200 HDDs (mirrored), Sapphire Radeon HD 5570.The first month or so of use LR worked great. However, recently I have been getting several errors and oddities.
1) Randomly closes. I can restart it without a problem and pick back up where I left off. There are not warnings or signs that it is about to close.. it just does.
2) "Unexpected end of file". Unable to edit photo. Preview does show, however. I have never seen this error before on other machines.
3) Memory dumps. I assume this is related to LR3 as that is the only program I am actively using when it happens (Chome is always open as well, however) I will have the dump files examined to know for sure.
4) Something new that just started today. In the preview bar on the bottom, as I scroll through the photos I see the previews of other photos.. some photos from other folders I took weeks or months ago. When I hover over the image it changes to what it should be.1 with a photo from this particular shoot and one from one I did over a month ago. Everything I scroll back and forth (rapidly or not) as the previews load it loads the wrong files first, multiple times (around 8 or 9 in a row) and then they slowly change to what it should be.
I am not sure if I am properly describing this error but it is really weird.Also, this seems to only happen on the images off a CF card. I was borrowing a friends D200 as a 2nd body for a party. When I scroll through the images off my SD card I do not see the issue appear. When I get to the CF portion of the folder is when I see the problem..I just updated LR today but these issues occured prior to the update and still exist afterwards.
Do I need to do a fresh install of LR?What precautions do I need to take in doing so to insure my catalogue stays intact?
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Dec 25, 2013
Its Lightroom 5.2 64 bit
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Nov 12, 2012
How do I correct this error, "The catalog could not be opened due to an unexpected error."?
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Oct 21, 2012
why my Lightroom 4 program will not open? Yesterday it worked fine. Today I get a message that "an unexpected error occurred". If I try to repair the Lightroom 4 program in the control panel, I get the message "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable". SO much of my work is sitting in those catalogs.
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Aug 4, 2012
I just bought Silver Efex pro 2 after uninstalling a pirated version my sister downloaded. When I try to edit a photo in Silver Efex 2 through Lightroom 4 a box comes up and says unexpected error performing command: bad argument #1 to lower (string expected, got nil). I am not good with computers.
Also is there any way to restore factory defaults all throughout Lightroom. Maybe doing that and reinstalling Silver Efex would work? Even when I deleted the pirated version of Silver Efex the Silver Efex still showed up in the Edit In box. I need to get that one to go away so the new Silver Efex will appear in Edit in box I guess.
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