Lightroom :: Make White Balance / Exposure Adjustments On Top Of Current Adjustments Across Multiple Shots?
Jan 15, 2014
We have a bunch of shots taken using natural light - the shots all have completely different exposure and white balance adjustments.
Now that the shots feel like they've been shot at the same time of day (and on the same day) we'd like to start adjusting the white balance accross multiple shots - but use the current white balance/exposure from each individual shot as the starting point - not reset the adjustments.
Kind of like baking the current settings or making adjustments on top of current adjustments - or make new adjustments relative to the current adjustments.
I have a batch of photos that are adjusted individually for exposure. Now I want to increase the exposure to all of them by say. .10 stop. Is there a way to do this in LR4 without having to adjust each file individually?
I have a photo i am enhancing in which my point of focus at center (an arch structure) is being colored by artificial holiday lighting and there are sodium-vapor street lamps surrounding it on adjacent streets with the foreground dark asphalt and objects (I used a wide angle) having a yellowish hue. I want to know what is the best way to localize the center arch, leave that with it's own adjustment (of 5600K) and bring down the rest of the image with the yellow-orange tinge down to 2500-3200K (or otherwise have them look like nice xenon or white fluorescent lamps) with good blending (so the intersection of both lighting does not look stilted) and while keeping the same tonal range. Global adjustments are just not doing it for me here. Layers and blending? Gradients? What would you recommend? Please post anything that also relates to adjusting for conflicting lighting locally and any limits on this.
I have been using Lr 5.3 to adjust some RAW images. My Develope pane is now missing the pane for White balance, hue and also the pane for Exposure, Contrast, highlights etc adjustments. I don't know how this happened or how to restore them. I am using iMac.
I will be shooting a series of photos that inludes a gray card in each image. How can I use Lightroom to obtain the same exposure in each image relative to the gray card?
I just grabbed the upgrade to Ultimate (already had VSX4) because the product page said "Advanced video stabilization and image enhancement - Fix even the shakiest video with proDAD Mercalli SE—rock-steady video stabilization, rolling-shutter correction and zoom/pan optimization. You can also adjust color, white balance, tone, exposure and more with multicore processor-accelerated color correction, Advanced DeNoise, Auto Exposure and Lensflare filters." and I need some of these features.
Now that I installed it, I need to find where they hide everything.
I found the Mercalli filter for the "shake, rattle and roll" stuff but I haven't found the "Auto Exposure" stuff and I need to turn down the exposure of this video I am working on (lots of light flares). From the above description/paragraph, I would have though the exposure stuff was under Mercalli, but I haven't found it.
I am a novice with PSLR 2.When I make adjustments to images in develop ie, exposure, color etc. the changes show in LR but not when I display them on my Apple TV from my "photo file". I save the changes to disc but this does not work, they show unadjusted in the "photo file". When I edit the image in PS Elements and save they display corrected on Apple TV.
I love using the Black and White feature under Adjustments, but I was wondering if there was an option to replace Black with another colour? (Blue and White, Red and White)?
Question 1: If I create two levels layers and, adjusting the center slider, I enter 1.5 of lightening on one and .5 darkening on the other, and then flatten the image do the two equal and opposite adjustments cancel each other without altering the image?
Question 2: Assuming the answer to Question 1 is yes, there's no alteration to the image -- if I adjust the first to 1.5 and the other to .6 does this create the same effect and using only one layer with an adjustment of 1.10?
I'm trying to Key some footage in AE but one of my clips has jacked up exposure making it very difficult. I found the easiest way for me to fix the problem without having to re-shoot is to import the footage into PS converting frames to layers and adjust it accordingly then export back to QT mov. On a test layer I found that the shadow/highlight adjustment works the best. The problem is there doesn't seem to be a new adjustment layer that does shadow/highlight. I don't want to adjust every layer individually because there are over a thousand frames and it could take a long long time. My question is, Is there a way to apply the shadow/highlight to each layer at once?
I understand the benefit of shooting camera raw and I like the adjustments you can make without effecting the photo itself. The one thing I can't get used to is the limiting workflow in raw that allows you to undo only one change. Being a long time user of Photoshop I'm spoiled by all the image changes I'm allowed to make in combination with one another and the ability to back out of all or some of them.
I'm I missing something in the raw workflow? I wasn't sure if this should be posted in the Photoshop, Bridge or Raw forum. If any of you know of a forum that discuss's this sort of stuff,
I'm using Photoshop CC. After using a process known as frequency separation the stamp visible layer does not allow me to use any tools to make adjustments.
I'm makeing a demo video for an iPhone app and I have a really good PSD template for an iPhone but I'm not seeing a way to move any of the layers around. The reason I need to make adjustments is because it has a nice relfection on the screen and I need to gett the footage from the video underneath the reflection.
After re-installing pse 9 and the camera raw plug in, I have been unable to open raw files to make adjustments. When I open a raw file in my editor it says "reading camera raw" but then never opens with the option to make the usual adjustments.
I don´t know why, but suddenly there seems to be no way, I can get edit in PS with LR adjustments. There used to be an options box in LR when selecting "edit in Photoshop". Now I get no options, and my adjustments from LR does not show in PS. I have tried both the tiff and PSD setting in preferences/external editing, but no luck. I have also used the "Reset Warnings" in LR, hoping this would bring back the external edit dialog box, but no luck.
as I have a lot of urgent work to do, and I go back and forth between LR and PS a lot.
Mac OS 10.8.5 Photoshop CS6 13.0.5 x64 Camera Raw 8.2.094 Lightroom 5.2
I have recently opened a LR catalog from an external hard drive connected to a new mac pro. All the 'user templates' are there and all the images in each respective collection, although I had to re-connect them as the originals had moved to a new external hard drive but... most (not all), but most of the images I had adjusted in 'Develop' have gone. Most of the images I made a virtual copy of before adjusting have reverted back to the original raw image without the adjustments.
If I have to start all over again from scratch or is there a magic 'LR Develop adjustments' file I haven't transfere to the new laptop and hard drive?
Are the modifications that you make during development added consecutively as you make each one or are they all added up and applied once at the end?
In other words: say I have a RAW file, well exposed, but it's flat and boring. So I choose to knock the whole thing down 1 eV in exposure. Then I use the adjustment brush and add 1 eV to just my subject. Is my subject essentially untouched as to exposure, or has the subject been brought down and taken back up and thus would have some inherent noise and whatnot?
And does the same apply for adjustments other than exposure, like clarity or tint?
I am using LR4 and PS-CS5. I just upgraded to LR-4 but now when I select an image to edit in PS, the LR adjustments have been stripped. I have looked at preferences and menu items but cannot find how I can change this.
I have reinstalled LR4.1 to the new hard drive on my computer. Had to import all the images again, and all my LR adjustments seems gone? Mapping, keywords, rating, development adjustments etc... The old catalogues are on the new hard drive. How can I get LR to find my ajustments? Or do I have to do it all over again :S ?
When I use send an image from LR to PS using "Edit in..." Only some of the LR adjustments show up in PS. (E.g. color adjustments are visible while crop and exposure are not). All versions (LR, PS, ACR) are the newest. I am on mac OSX 10.9.1.
I upgraded to LS4 without a hitch, and updated my catalogs. Everything seemed to work fine for a few days. Then I tried to drag my LR catalog onto another drive and open it from there. Afer that, it all went down the tubes, regardless of which copy of the catalog I open.
Normally I'll make adjustments my my imported RAW files in LR, then hit "command-E," and edit original to PS CS5.1 (all software is current release), with LR adjustments rendered to that TIFF file. Now, I don't ever get that dialog box, but I do get another box telling me to update to Camera Raw version 7.0, which I understand is not available yet. So I hit "open anyway," and the image appears in PS but without any adjustments. Furthermore, it appears to be an opened CR2 file, rather than a TIFF. I didn't even know PS could open a CR2 file without the Camera Raw plugin dialogue launching. So, it appears I have a CR2 file opened rather than a TIFF, despite the external editor presets being correct (TIFF, 16bit, etc.).
I can render it using lightroom, but that doesn't work for me because I need to be able to not save a tiff I've created (layers of different adjustment settings I discard), I need to be able to click "don't save" but that way just automatically saves them. Also,
I am running windows vista with lighroom 4.1 and CS4 11.0.2.
If I edit a photo with lighroom and send it to CS4 for final editing I am not getting any lighroom adjustments transfered with the image. I have been using lightroom 2.5 with no problems and now I have upgraded to lightroom 4 I am having problems..
I'm having a problem exporting a DNG file as an original or as DNG with adjustments. All the exports is the original DNG file. I do get a clean export with adjustments when I export to jpg.
here's the details: software is lightroom 4.1 and camera raw 7.1. File was NEF converted to DNG on import. numerous adjustment to tone, w/brushes, etc. xmp written to file. tried dng export preset as well as through the export module. exported to various versions of camera raw. all with no luck. opened in CS 5 and Preview, with the same results: no adjustments to DNG.
I have won a free high-end print and the printer says DNG will be better.
I have upgraded from LR4 to LR5, but my adjustments from developer module, stars, keywords tag etc is missing. I think I moved the catalog from 4 to 5 instead og copied
As you can see, I am in a frantic stage. I just finished editing through close to 800 photos of a wedding that I recently shot. After I finished editing them I went to the floder location, in Windows, not Lightroom 3 (huge mistake), and I made a folder inside of that folder called "raw". I selceted all of the photos and then moved them into the that folder. So, the files were in weddings/021812/ and I put them in weddings/021812/raw/ . When I went to Lightroom, of course it said that the files were offline. Instead of finding the missing folder, I clicked "synchronize folder" and pointed towards the "raw" folder. I noticed that the images were importing without their setting and I cancelled the synchronization. I went back to windows and moved all of the photos back to their original folder and now when I try to "update folder location", the photos do not show up in Lightroom.
I would like to be able to sort a set of photos by those that have Develop Adjustments and those that do not. For now, I don't want to sort by the type of adjustment.....just whether or not an image has one.
I use [k] to get me into local adjustments, and [z] to zoom in, how I can pan around without deselecting the local adjustments (which loses which local adjustment I have selected). I tried [fn]+[arrow key] without any luck. This is very disruptive for me.