Question 1: If I create two levels layers and, adjusting the center slider, I enter 1.5 of lightening on one and .5 darkening on the other, and then flatten the image do the two equal and opposite adjustments cancel each other without altering the image?
Question 2: Assuming the answer to Question 1 is yes, there's no alteration to the image -- if I adjust the first to 1.5 and the other to .6 does this create the same effect and using only one layer with an adjustment of 1.10?
We have a bunch of shots taken using natural light - the shots all have completely different exposure and white balance adjustments.
Now that the shots feel like they've been shot at the same time of day (and on the same day) we'd like to start adjusting the white balance accross multiple shots - but use the current white balance/exposure from each individual shot as the starting point - not reset the adjustments.
Kind of like baking the current settings or making adjustments on top of current adjustments - or make new adjustments relative to the current adjustments.
I'm not sure if this is possible in PS, but I was hoping someone could confirm it one way or the other.
Is it possible to have the screen divided in PS in some way so that you can work in one section fully zoomed in, but in the other section see the 100% zoom?
When i work on small UI elements etc, I often need to work with highly magnified stuff, but I often don't know how it works when viewing it at 100%, so end up zooming in/out all the time to check.
I'm trying to Key some footage in AE but one of my clips has jacked up exposure making it very difficult. I found the easiest way for me to fix the problem without having to re-shoot is to import the footage into PS converting frames to layers and adjust it accordingly then export back to QT mov. On a test layer I found that the shadow/highlight adjustment works the best. The problem is there doesn't seem to be a new adjustment layer that does shadow/highlight. I don't want to adjust every layer individually because there are over a thousand frames and it could take a long long time. My question is, Is there a way to apply the shadow/highlight to each layer at once?
I have a building with 2 levels & I have one stairwell. My 2 levels are in a shell.dwg - (first floor level & second floor level). I have a simple stair & landing, which is an element. I insert that element into the first floor level. Everything is fine there, but when I set up a view drawing with the shell (construct) & stair (element in construct) for the second level the stair is diplayed as if it is going up from the first floor level - I need it to show going down from the second floor level. Is there way to show that with one stair?
What we have done in the past is to not have levels, 1 construct for first floor & another for second floor - creating a stair styles for each floor. But when you do a model you have stairs on top of each other (not really using the software like we should). So my question is how do I have 1 stair for 2 different levels & show it correctly for each level. When I set my cut-plane height for first floor level - looks great, but when I set it second floor level - either it remains the same obviously or when I uncheck the override display config. in other on the display tab in the style the stair disappears. I'm trying a new way of creating models/plans & I can't think on how to create the stairs correctly. What am I missing in order to look correctly in plan view without making 2 stairs.
I have a batch of photos that are adjusted individually for exposure. Now I want to increase the exposure to all of them by say. .10 stop. Is there a way to do this in LR4 without having to adjust each file individually?
I'm currently Building a Library Technology Hub that has 3 story atrium. I'm trying to create a 3d camera view that shows the multiple levels that open to the atrium. However, only the 1st floor and mezanine floor (within 1st floor ceiling heights) are in my 3d view. The rendred view shows as if I have a solid ceiling across the entire 1st floor. I am almost positive that this is an issue with my camera settings since my 2nd and 3rd floors are cut around the atrium opening. I have clicked on almost every option in my properties menu and am at a loss!
Just btw, I'm an intermediate level, self-taught revit user (I have used it on a daily basis for about a year now). I'm no guru, but I'm quite savvy on making things work like I want them to.
I have attached a test render of the space. the "ceiling" should be open above my mezanine, and extend to desk at the right and the lounge seating at the left. However, it has rendered as a single plane.
I am modifying topography to include multiple building pads at varying levels and also including sloped pads. I am having a non-consistent problem at the common boundary of some pads. A small sliver of topography sometimes 'sticks through' the common boundary. The height it sticks through seems arbitary, sometimes to the height of the original topography when cutting and sometimes much higher. I have used the copy/paste aligned commands to ensure the boundaries are exactly common but this does not work.
I have read that some users cut the topography globally and then build up the various levels and ramps using floors and the variable floor thickness command. This seems a bit cumbersome and I imagine would cause problems when cutting sections etc.
I understand the benefit of shooting camera raw and I like the adjustments you can make without effecting the photo itself. The one thing I can't get used to is the limiting workflow in raw that allows you to undo only one change. Being a long time user of Photoshop I'm spoiled by all the image changes I'm allowed to make in combination with one another and the ability to back out of all or some of them.
I'm I missing something in the raw workflow? I wasn't sure if this should be posted in the Photoshop, Bridge or Raw forum. If any of you know of a forum that discuss's this sort of stuff,
I can no longer adjust levels. I go to Layer / New Adjustment Layer / Levels and get the box that says "New Layers" and asks "Name" (Levels 1) "Color" (None) and "Mode" (Normal). No changes here.
I click "Ok" and instead of giving me the box with the histogram, it adds a layer to the Layers Control box and gives me an eyedropper with instructions "Click image to choose a new color" If I click on the image, it changes the foreground/background colors but nothing in the image. I can't get out of this dialogue without closing the application using the Windows Task Manager.
Is this a bug? A setting? - I've changed nothing on my computer...
I have a situation where my image is 'faded' from left to right.
The left hand side of the picture is 'not bad' (but could use a little touch up). As we progress to the right the image becomes lighter and could use more and more touch up.
I've tried selecting narrow vertical adjacent rectangles and using the levels tool (to greater effect as I moved to the right). I suppose that with enough time and patience (and narrow enough selected rectangles) I could come up with a consistent colouration across the face of the image but---!!
So, is anyone aware of a plugin that would provide a gradation of the effect of the levels tool across the width of the image?
surfing around the Web I've read several advices on how to set Level's Black & White values. I mean Levels, double click on Black and White eyedroppers ->RGB-> Black values 10? 5? White 250? 255? Which are yours?
I want to reduce the colour levels in a picture to four, or limit the amount colours of an image to 4 colours.
I have many black and white images and I want to remove all but 4 scales of colour so that I have
Light Grey
Dark Grey
The closest thing I have found is in the filter gallery bu using cut out and reducing the number of levels to 4 the problem is this tends to blurr some of the details as part of the effect whereas I want to maintain the crisp edges of my image so that it just looks flatter
I would also like to know if there is a method to do this and have it somewhat scaleable so I can decide on the range of colours in the current image that would fall into each of the new colour categories so that I can adjust itcase some details are incorporated into say the dark grey layer and they should be black ect?
I'm sure I have seen a very simple feature to reduce the colour range of an image, maybe that was in paint shop pro it was a long time ago.
upon flattening layers in CS5, any changes made seem to vanish? This occurs when flattening adjustment layers and has even happened after e.g. Image>Adjustments>Curves (when I close the adjustment dialogue the changes aren't applied.) This doesn't happen on every photo ( I can have two open and it will only be seen on one) and I havene't ever had it happen before. It seems particularly likely to happen after applying HDR toning although I'm sure if there is any connection.
I have a project consisting of scans of an early version of a book, all the files I have are bmp's. Most need adjustments like shadows/highlights etc. I make the adjustment, image looks fine until I click OK to apply, then photo reverts back to original state. I've tried saving as tif, jpg, pdf and nothing works.
During the HDR process in CS6 a menu come up with an assortment of adjustments. I am able to grab the sliders and slide them from end to end of the adjustments, however as far as I can tell there is no effect on the image.
Is it possible to make image adjustments such as contrast in a gradient manner?
For example, if when fixing an old photo, the photo is bright in one corner and dark in the opposite corner, it would be nice to apply a gradient type of adjustment.
Suddenly I am no longer able to make any adjustments to images. When I try altering the curves, or levels, it looks like a change is happening,(shows up in preview)but when we hit OK, the change I made completely disappears and the image looks the same as before I tried to apply the adjustment.
After opening the file, I change the mode from bitmap to grayscale for making adjustments. I usually need to get more contrast, ie make the paler lines darker and more visible. So, Image->Brightness/Contrast or Levels. I get small window to work with and I have preview option checked. I can see the result on the image, when I make the adjustments. Fine so far.
But then, when I press OK, it will go back to the original situation with no changes made.
I have some questions about adjusting a (digital) photo in photoshop. I have read some books about this but everybody says something different. What things should i use to improve my photo? Should i use Curves, Levels, Color Balance, Selective Color or only one or two of these? Wich of these should i use first and wich are more important and wich not?
Also I would like to know if CMYK or RGB color is better for printing. And if there's some general diagram about how much magenta, yellow and cyan one photo should contain? Or is this just personal taste.
I already know Unsharp Mask is the last thing u should add to an image in most cases. But i'm really curious about color adjustments because i want to make the best image possible.
I work for a music publisher that wants to make older publications available for download via their website.
I scan the sheet music and get a PDF as a result.
Some pages are too light; some need to be rotated a bit.
I open the PDF and export each page as a TIFF.
Then I open the TIFFs in Photoshop.
Rotating the image is no problem.
A Levels Adjustment Layer gives me darker blacks, higher contrast.
I save the TIFFs, then use Acrobat Professional 8.x to create a PDF from multiple files.
I combine the TIFFs, save the new file.
The rotation changes are there in the new PDF, but the level changes aren't.
If I open the TIFFs again, they look fine -- meaning that the Adjustment Layer is still present.
Next, I tried merging layers (there are just two: Background and the Adjustment Layer) and saving the TIFF again.
Close the file; reopen it in Photoshop.
One layer (Background) which seems to have no change from the pre-adjusted original.
I've tried saving in different formats (Photoshop PDF, JPEG, EPS, PSD) before and after merging or flattening.
The only thing that seems to work is the Photoshop PDF format. When I open that in Acrobat, the level adjustments are preserved.
But the resulting PDF is huge. To illustrate:
A 12-page folio typically contains only simple lineart (no photos) and text on page 1 and music (just a font, not an image) on pages 2-12. Sometimes there is an EPS barcode on the final page.
The PDF my scanner produces usually weighs in at 3MB.
The recombined PDF made of 12 Photoshop PDFs (TIFFs extracted from the original PDF, then adjusted in Photoshop and resaved) is typically 60+MB. Using Acrobat's PDF Optimizer gets the size down to 20MB or so.
But this is huge. These files should be around 1-2MB tops.
I have hundreds of pieces to scan, adjust, and prep for downloading.
I am losing my levels adjustment when converting from PSD to any other format here is the list of it...
levels layer...........taking the contrast way up saturation layer....saturation up invert function find edges layer duplicate layer background layer
At the point that I convert to jpg or another file type I lose the levels adjustment. Also flatten image or merge visible layers causes the same problem. I can supply a file if needed.
Ever since upgrading to CS6, when I click Levels>Load preset, I can no longer search in the window for the file. Previously, I could type in the file name and it would come up and I would select it. Now, when I search for the file name, there are no results at all. The file can be found by doing a regular search in a Finder window, but not through the window that comes up from the Levels window. I've reindexed Spotlight, and that has had no effect. The workaround is to open a Finder window, search, find the file, drag the file into the Levels' load window and select it there.