VideoStudio :: Is There A Limit To Library Folders

Aug 2, 2011

I am using VideoStudioPro X3 and I am having a problem with my Library folders and I am thinking the problem is a limit in the number of video library folders I can have. Here's what's going on.

1. I create a new library folder. Lets call it Test1
2. I copy my raw video from my camcorder to Test1.
3. When I pull down the list of Folders I see Test1.
4. When I select Test1, it brings me to the Images folder not the folder Test1.

I was thinking about upgrading to X4, if there is no limit on the number of folders I can have. If that is indeed the problem I am facing.

I really like using the folders in the Library Manager as it works to keep my videos organized instead of just dumping all of them in the Video Folder.

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VideoStudio :: Lost Library Manager Folders And Clips After Reinstall?

Sep 22, 2006

Due to reinstalling VideoStudio 10 Plus because of a reported problem with Service Pack 1 [URL], I have lost the clips I placed in special Library Manager folders I had created. Are those gone for good or is there a way to relocate them on my computer?

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VideoStudio :: 4GB Limit On MP4?

Jul 24, 2013

I am having difficulty generating a 43 minute video in .mp4 (1920x1080). I was able to successfully generate the (.mp4) video at 1280x720. I was also able to successfully generate an 11gb .wmv version and a 9gb .avi version. I have 120GB free space on a 500GB (NTFS) SSD.

Each time I try and generate the video using .mp4 and 1920x1080 the process dies after about 3 hours, always at 85% completion and the temporary work files created in the output directory are always very near 4gb (3.99gb) in size (but never over). That fact and the fact that I can generate all the other versions makes me wonder if there is some kind of 4GB limit to mp4 (in VideoStudio).

I have tried to do some research and it appears there are .mp4 files > 4gb in the wild but my version of Video Studio X5 Ultimate sure seems to have this limitation. If upgrading to X6 would fix this, I'd be happy to do this. But don't need to upgrade if it doesn't fix this issue.

I actually have 2 laptops (both Dell Latitudes) and have attempted to generate the video at the 1920x1080 resolution on both and both fail exactly the same way (85%, just under 4gb temp file).

Event viewer entry looks like this:
Faulting application name: vstudio.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5149e750
Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17725, time stamp: 0x4ec49b8f
Exception 0xc0000374
Fault offset: 0x000ce6c3
Faulting process id: 0x3108
Faulting application start time: 0x01ce87fcea000a4a
Faulting application path: C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel VideoStudio Ultimate X5vstudio.exe
Faulting module path: C:WindowsSysWOW64
Report Id: fcc5db0d-f409-11e2-a2b9-005056c00008

I am running 64-bit Windows 7 (Ultimate).

Is there a codec or driver or something I can download that might fix this? I'd have to mention although I've owned video editing software for years (beginning with Ulead - Media Studio Pro) I would not consider myself very well read in the technical video arena.

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VideoStudio :: Limit Available Fonts?

Aug 7, 2011

Any way reducing the number of fonts Videostudio offers? Many are so similar to each other there is little point in having the variety. Only about half in the list show examples of their style and many are not suitable for video, so there are a lot to click through and try when looking for something a bit different. I think, of the hundreds available, I would consider using only about 30. I am reluctant to completely get rid of most of them but it would save a lot of time if I could sort through them once initially and cull them into a group suitable for use in VS [and have VS offer only those].

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Lightroom :: Best Way To Delete Folders And Collections From Library?

Jan 4, 2014

I have approximately 500 photographs in folders and collections. Want to delete them and start over. What is the best way to go back to Lightroom 5 cc as it was when initially downloaded?

Using Mac running Maverick.

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Lightroom :: Sorting Folders In Library Mode?

Nov 25, 2012

How do I sort my folders in the Library mode -- on the left "folders panel" -- by default it sorts alphabetically -- how do I change that default?

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Lightroom :: Renamed Folders Won't Appear In Library Module?

Aug 21, 2012

I attended Matt's Kozlowski's LR4 seminar a few months ago. He talked about not using dates to organize your folders but instead use a meaningful description.
So at the time of IMPORT, I add the metadata, keywords and rename the folder to something meaningful. He said the folders cold still be found by date.
So.....on a recent trip to NEW HAMPSHIRE, i did some work, imported files into LR and renamed the files at import into my PICTURES directory on my laptop.
Now that I am home I am exporting as a catalogue but only the dates and not the names I gave at IMPORT for the folders appear in the library module.
DOI now have to go back at the destination and rename all the folders
I must be missing something.
I want to transfer all this work to my main computer but I will just be going back to bad habits using dates to name files.

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Lightroom :: How To Locate Folders In The Library Module

Sep 19, 2013

How do I locate my folders in the Library Module? All that is showing is the "Navigator", Catolog, and "Collections". 

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VideoStudio :: X5 - YouTube Upload Limit

Mar 26, 2012

I'm now running X5, I must say it is much faster. However, when I try to upload to youtube there is a 15 minute limit and the only option I have is to let it clip the video to 15 minutes or cancel (i.e. I can't render the video and then cancel the upload and do it manually because it CLIPPED the output to 15 minutes)

So, I try to create a template to use for Create Video File so it will match my other uploads. I can't set the frame width and height. Without a template the Create Video File, mp4 etc... the default is 1920x... In the Make Movie Template the highest I can set it is 720x... the custom size is greyed out. I don't understand (and maybe I don't know) why I can't set the video parameters to anything I want them to be. Why is 720x the highest available...

In X5... Is there a way to turn off the 15 minute limit? Is there a way to HACK and turn off the limit? Is there a way to create the videos and set the settings where I want them so they match my previous uploads?

Note, the "cancel the upload after file created" trick no longer works. If you think I can create a template, why I can't set the parameters.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X5 - 4GB File Size Limit On NAS?

Apr 7, 2012

I've been a long-time VideoStudio user and recently installed the trial of X5 (my last purchased version was X2, but, it's time for an upgrade ). VS X5 is installed on a Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit PC. If I capture to an internal NTFS drive, the tapes capture as a single ~19 GB AVI file; however, if I capture to my Linux NAS server with ReiserFS file system, VS breaks the captured files into 4GB chunks and I end up with five files per tape. There is no 4GB file limit on ResierFS. I have copied several 25+ GB blue-ray files to the NAS with no problem. ReiserFS has an 8TB file size limit. Captured through another video editing program, I do not have this problem. It appears that VS X5 assumes a 4GB limit on network devices (or, at least, on my Linux - ReiserFS NAS).

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VideoStudio :: Fit Video To DVD - Size Limit?

Feb 9, 2013

I did not know there would be a size limit to fit a video file to a DVD. I thought the premise would be to fit any size video file to a DVD, and the the sell-out would be the larger the video file the poorer the DVD quality.

I got two error messages:

"The miminum size be reducing the bit rates still cannot fit once disc."

"Convert step got some problems."

What are the minimum requirements for fitting a video file to a DVD?

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VideoStudio :: YouTube Upload Limit?

Aug 3, 2011

How to override the 15 min limit while export to youtube ? My account does not have 15 min limit so why the corel application forces me that limit


i cannot find other settings to make so good video "1280 * 720" 25 frames etc that are used when clicking youtube button.

Want semi-HD (not full-hd) but it would nice to be able to adjust the bit rate so that the size is under 2gb

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Project Library Folders - 2014

Apr 22, 2013

I don't normally use libraries. I'm just not a big fan of them, so if I'm wrong here about a basic concept it's no surprise. My understanding was that if you add a folder location to a project under the library heading (see image) then everything in it automatically becomes read-only when that project is active.

My intention was to test some of 2014's functionality on products that I have drawn in 2013 without mucking up my other designers who I'm not ready to upgrade, yet. So, I copied some assemblies over to a new folder on my network completely outside of the root folder of the normal working directories. I then assigned that working directory as a library in the new project file I created in 2014 specifically for testing it. I expected this to allow me to open my files without a bunch of unresolved reference problems and not have to worry about accidentally migrating files that I'm not ready to migrate.

So, why did I still manage to migrate a bunch of file that are located in the working directory that's supposed to be write protected?! Now I have actual product files that can't be opened in 2013. Luckily, I can restore these from a back-up, but what did I miss here? Did I not check a certain box somewhere or am I missing the whole concept? I really doubt this critical function of Inventor is somehow bugged in 2014.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Use Mouse Scroll To Navigate Through Library Folders

Dec 23, 2011

I cannot use my mouse scroll to navigate up and down the numerous folders I have in my library.  I can grab the page bar and move up and down (and while I'm hovering over the page bar, I can scroll up and down with the mouse wheel) - but only when I'm actually over the folders, the mouse wheel doesn't work!
It works fine when I'm in develop mode and I can scroll through all the presets and history.
But when I'm in library mode, the mouse scroll doesn't move my folders up and down ?

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Lightroom :: 4 - Filtering By Folders In Library No Longer Works

Aug 6, 2012

in LR3 folder panel if I wanted to filter missing photos or smart collection for selected folder-s, it was possible by crtl+click on a folder to see the selection in the grid which I used quite often. Now it no longer works. I wonder why it's not possible with LR4.

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Lightroom :: Folders Missing In Windows 7 Picture Library?

Aug 18, 2012

Very new with this software...watched several videos, and I'm still confused.  Went to send some pics to a friend last night, and noticed that many "folders" are not in the pictures library in Windows 7.
In LR4, some folders have a destination of C://users/eric and brenda/windows/pictures...which is great, but others have this destination C://Brandon(which is just the folder name).
how can I get the folders in the Windows Library?

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Lightroom :: 5 Does Not Show Folders On Left Side In Library

Feb 13, 2014

Previously shown folders from Pictures (iMac / Mavericks)  on left side, no longer show up. When selecting Import, they show up on the lower right side. LR5 will not let me select from library so that I can work with the folders.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Extract Image Sequences Within The Folders From Library

Apr 17, 2013

I need to open about 50 folders and extract the image sequences within the folders from my library. A flame demo artist showed me how to do it at NAB and I can't remember how to do it now.

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Lightroom :: How To View Folders In Library To Make Sorting Easier

Dec 12, 2013

I want to view folders in library to make sorting easier but my template of folders (created in Finder) will not show.  Before I cull my images,  I'd like to be able to sort/shove specific images into specific folders before culling.  It appears that the only way to see these folders is to have an image in them.
How do I get these folders to appear in Library?

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Lightroom :: How To Show Only Lowest Level Of Folders In Library Module

Jan 19, 2013

I want to show only the lowest level of folders in my LR LIbrary module. Used to do that but somehow got changed. Now shows parent folder, 2nd and 3rd levels. If I uncheck INCLUDE SUBFOLDERS it just gives me a zero photo count for the parent but still shows the folder and I still ahve to click levels to get to the photos. If I right click on parent folder....someone said to click Promote Subfolders......I do ot have this choice!

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VideoStudio :: Edit Mode - Limit On Orange Strip?

Dec 28, 2010

On the edit screen, the orange strip, which I assume means content, stops at approximately 7:31 on my timeline. All vide I have added stops here on my preview. I cant get past it.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Clips In Medial Library Within Folders Are In Sorted Order

Jun 18, 2012

1. When creating a subclip from the source sequence, I then go to edit the name of the new subclip in the Media Library. After doing this, the sequence timeline switches to what looks like a viewer, and won't switch out of that mode until I double-click a sequence in the Media Library. This appears to happen when I create a new folder and drag the subclip into it.

2. Clips in the Medial Library within Folders are in sorted order. Please allow the editor to place clips, folders and sequences in whatever order they want, via drag and drop placement.

3. Shift-/ (play in-out) does not appear to work.

4. Names in the Media Library that are too long only show the end of the name. Standard Mac behavior is to show the beginning, then an ellipsis, and finally the end.

5. When viewing a source "timeline" (which rocks, BTW), please remove the name of the source from the timeline track. It gets in the way of audio waveforms, and in this case, is redundant since there's only the one clip anyway.

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Lightroom :: Folders With Subfolders And More Than 3000 Pictures Cannot Be Displayed In Library Mode

Mar 12, 2012

I use a file structure in lightroom with subfolders within folders to organize photos; some of these top level folders contain many thousands of pictures; I have found that any top level folder with greater than 3000 photos will no open, and therefore all photos within that top level folder are not searchable. When I try opening such a large folder, the phrase "no photos in selected folder" is displayed. This has never been happened in LR3, but is happening in LR4.  Folders less than abour 2500 photos can be opened and searched easily.

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VideoStudio :: Adding Folders PX4

Nov 21, 2011

I became so frustrated with VSPX4 a few days ago because the previous day I had added my own music folders, images and video.... they have all gone. All I have is the Samples.

What I would like to know is, why would the all disappear?

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VideoStudio :: Disappearing Custom Folders

May 14, 2012

In VSPX5 as in VSPX4 one is able to add their own folders under Samples. I had created a very nice list of items filled with images, videos and music of my choice only to find, one day I open the software and they are all gone.

I had the very same thing happen in X4 and now in X5. Why isn't this software remembering one's custom features?

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VideoStudio :: Location Of Temp Folders

Jun 3, 2013

Having just installed Video Studio Pro X6 on a Windows 8 laptop, I have what may be a basic question about the folders the software creates automatically on installation.

By default, installation of the VS Pro X6 software placed in my C drive's Documents folder a folder called Corel Video Studio Pro along with a sub folder called 16.0 (and, I believe, a sub folder called My Projects, though it's conceivable that I added the My Projects subfolder manually and just forgot); the 16.0 subfolder contains a subfolder called DMF_TEMP, which, in turn, contains additional subfolders. After creating just a few short movies, the DMF_TEMP folders and subfolders already contain almost 4GB of data, and I worry about the folders eventually overwhelming my internal hard drive capacity. So I have two questions:

First, will the software eventually remove the presumably temporary files stored under DMF_TEMP, thus also removing concern about taxing my internal drive's storage capacity?

Second, is it possible without loss of simple functionality to configure VS Pro X6 so that the entire Video Studio Pro folder, along with its 16.0 and other subfolders, resides on an external hard drive, with much larger capacity?

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VideoStudio :: Automatic Add Folder To The List Of Folders?

Jun 12, 2011

I want to create a movie using video studio x4 I have around 20 folders with pictures and videos I want to add all of them to the list of folders in the Video studio x4 folder list so i will have all the media organized there for editing I dont know how to add all the folders automatically, is there an easy way to do it? I tryed to drag and drop but it wont let me, how to do it without creating each folder on its own (it will be lots of work)

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VideoStudio :: Rendering Blu-ray Folders - No Change In Slider Bar

May 29, 2013

I have a file that is 31gb, have attempted to render to Blu-Ray 4 times. It keeps stalling at 6% - no change in the slider bar for the last hour, currently at hour 06:39 and counting.

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VideoStudio :: Saving Oversized DVD Folders To Hard Drive?

Oct 19, 2010

(I'm using Corel Video Studio Pro X2. ) My video projects exceed 4.7 GB, so I've tried to "create DVD folders" to the hard drive so that I can run them through DVD Shrink. However, Studio Pro prevents this, with a pop up warning that the project exceeds DVD capacity, and allows no option for rendering it solely to the hard disk. (I have deselected "Create Disc")

Is there a way to save/render large DVD folders to the hard drive with this software?

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VideoStudio :: Creating And Burning BDMV And AVCHD Folders With DMF 7 SE?

Jan 3, 2011

How can I burn the folders created at Step 3 of DMF 7 SE on a disc?

in AVCHD mode :

1.the folders are created in a folder named "AVCHD" (that consists of a BDMV sub-folder) . Do I have to burn the AVCHD folder on the disc or just the BDMV folder (that is a sub folder of the AVCHD folder created) ?

2.if I use Nero to burn AVCHD folders on a DVD, what type of DVD format do I have to select ? DVD-Video? (the AVCHD folders do not contain any VIDEO_TS files)? DVD-ROM(ISO)? DVD-ROM(UDF)? DVD-ROM(UDF/ISO)?

in Blu-ray mode :the folders created are in a folder named BDMV. Is it what I have to burn on a blu-ray disc (the BDMV folder or just the sub-folders)?

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VideoStudio :: Dozens Of Files In Sub-folders But Nothing In Main Folder

Jul 20, 2011

I have failed on 6 attempts to install VS x4. I've tried:

1. running vs_cleaner first
2. installing the visual basic 2005 x86 & 64-bit runtimes manually
3. running in a different profile.

Installation states that it is successful but here's what is installed.

C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel VideoStudio Pro X4>dir
Volume in drive C is Home-PC-C
Volume Serial Number is 94FE-65EC

Directory of C:Program Files (x86)CorelCorel VideoStudio Pro X4

2011.07.20 01:48 PM <DIR> .
2011.07.20 01:48 PM <DIR> ..
2011.07.20 01:49 PM <DIR> AVControl
2011.07.20 01:49 PM <DIR> profiles
0 File(s) 0 bytes
4 Dir(s) 438,264,254,464 bytes free

there are dozens of files in the sub-folders but nothing in the main folder.I also looked at the events viewer and found 1 error; that v. of Quicktime was newer so installation would not proceed (but I presume this refers only to QT installation, not overall).I'm running W7 -64-bit on quad-core intel with 3 gigs RAM & 1.5 TB hard drive. Nvideo 8500GT video.

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