Softimage :: Faking Lights With Constant Shader And Flicker
Aug 31, 2011
I have some windows that i'm trying to simulate light coming from. I'm just assigning a constant shader to some polygons. The polygons are animated moving from a distance to the camera but i can't stop them flickering. Each window seem to take turns at turning itself on and off!
No FG in the scene, i've tried all the different filter types, set the sampling contrast to .01 and tried different options such as same sample pattern on all frames but i can't eliminate it.
I have an issue that every time I render a scene with photometric lights and have the exposure control set to Mr. Photographic exposure, outdoor night time, I get flicker. It appears to be an interlacing problem, but looks like the lights are flickering bright and dim. I am rendering as a .jpg sequence.
how you would go about adjusting an image in photoshop so it apperars overexposed and under exposed, so I can then use them to complie a hdri map in hdrshop.
The attached is a jpeg of an InDesign file. I have the image of the guy that has text wrap around him and would like fake that in Photoshop. Is that possible?
I was wondering if there's any way to manipulate text to look like it was written in real life by a marker or a sharpie - both in writing and in color that will fit the lighting in the image.
I have set up an additional 4 machines as satellites to use with mental ray dbr.
While the test renders I have performed complete successfully, every time I run a distributed render, I receive the following errors:
LINK20.0 6 MB error 191007: cannot load .shaders_standardmentalrayshaders/SubstanceShader.dll, The specified module could not be found. LINK20.0 6 MB error 191012: Unable to load file: SubstanceShader.dll LINK20.n 9 MB error 191007: cannot load SubstanceShader.dll, The specified module could not be found. LINK20.n 9 MB error 191012: Unable to load file: SubstanceShader.dll
These are all installs of 3ds Max Design 2013, with Update 1 installed, and recently PU05 installed. All machines are running Windows 7 x64
I've checked the folders on each render node and they all have the SubstanceShader.dll installed and available. I tried setting the permissions on the AutoDesk install folder to "Everyone" having full access.
Can we have the ability to add pixel shader type code in a similar way to shake and lightworks?
This could alleviate the need to add more plugin Apis whilst allowing the ability to start to Build macro type functionality. Course we'd need access to cfx nodes as plugs to make it really powerful but given that so many pipelines these days are built around python, c, tkl and gto it's about time we got some programming capability in AD boxes.
This kind of thing: [URL]....
All's well that ends. That's why its called finishing.
Why is maya 2012 and 2013 displaying shader group nodes in my outliner?
I have display only dag nodes checked! SG nodes are DG objects! I do not want them listed in my outliner they are just cluttering the outliner!
I have spent over an hour searching for how to make them stop being displayed and it's really starting to piss me off that something so simple is turning into an entire day of effort.
I am getting sick ans tired of having to wipe my Maya folder because some obscure option gets turned on and then there is no logical place to find out how to undo it! Every time I have to wipe my Maya folder costs me hours to rebuild my custom settings!
I have a Multi-Material on an organic surface (see image below). The Bumps are created by a displacement-shader in an arch&design material. When I render it out, i get these artifacts. Of course I know where those are coming from and why. But i have no clue of how to get around them. I dont wanna use the Displacement Modifier because of polygoncount-reasons.
I've Recently updated to Photoshop CC on windows 8, and I'm getting a really bad flicker whenever I use it (it feels like I'm having a seizure). I have seen on various forums as well as in the offical Adobe section that this is an issue. The recommended solution was to reduce graphic processing setting to basic. I did but nothing has changed. I also read that people had turned graphic processing off completly, this also didn't work.
I'm am using a Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 in a Dell xps.
Back in the late 60s and 70s I had a 8mm video camera. One of those take 50' of film and send it off for developing. In the 80s I got my first talky Hi8 video camcorder. Back then I had to set up a screen, set my camcorder next to the projector and shoot away. Now I am transferring these videos to DVD so I can open them in VS X3. As might be guessed there is a lot of flicker in the videos.
Is there any way to Eliminate this flicker during post edit in VideoStudio X3?
i am facing a problem while making animation walkthrough for an exterior scene.when i render lot frames in mental ray n thn make a movie of it, there are lot of flickers and patches seen in the scene.URL...
The issue happening when 3Ds Max is NOT on maximize viewport mode and showing 4 viewports at the same time and viewports start to jump, flicker and change randomely as if there is no specific view assigned for each viewport, and that causes a problem when I want to see and work with my model in 4 different views at the same time.
I'm cureently using 3Ds Max 2013 and previously the issue was exactly the same for 3Ds Max 2012. I should add that this issue is gone when I use OpenGL, but I really want to use it with "Nitrous" feature which gives more realistic real-time results.
I have just bought a new laptop to try and be a bit more mobile.I have upgraded and loaded AutoCad 2012, no problems so far.The problem I have is when the program is opened and I hover the mouse off the drawing area over the ribbons etc,I unplugged my wireless mouse and used the touch pad as I thought the mouse was the problem, no good.
I have checked the display and graphics drivers and they are all up to date.I did a bit of a search regarding this problem. One suggestion was to change the display settings from 32bit to 16bit, this did no good. Also another was to change the Hardware Acceleration, and some people said this worked for them. However I tried this but the button was greyed out and wouldn’t allow me to change.I had no problems with XP Pro, I am beginning to hate this Win 7 operating system, I can’t understand why Microsoft always have to change things when it’s not broken.I eventually wanted to have this Laptop plugged into my 27inch monitor and use it as a desktop computer, but have the mobility.
When I publish to Flickr, I want to use a white watermark for some and others I want to use my black watermark (because the background colors on the photo warrant one or the other, otherwise the watermark will not show). Do I have to publish each photo separately and not in a combined group or is there a way to indicated which photo I want the white watermark on and which I want the black watermark on?
After buying Photoshop CS6 Extended due to it's amazing 3D options I realized my videocard sucked because it is a CSU and not a GPU as required.So I looked up what the requirements are to enable the GPU options and it stated that it requires a OpenGL 2.0 and Shader Model 3.0.
I have been searching for a videocard that matches exactly that without any result (I live in a country the size of a peanut that doesn't sell a 2.0 and a 3.0).But I did find shader models of 5.0 and OpenGL 4.1 and I wanted to know if that is acceptable too.
Are the OpenGL 2.0 and Shader Model 3.0 the minimum requirements and can I go higher?Or will Photoshop Extended not enable that GPU option if I do go above the requested OpenGL 2.0 and Shader Model 3.0???
I'm wondering if there's a plugin to do a shader effect sort of like this photo. Something almost comic-bookish, using dots and such.I've looked briefly at the grid-based plugins, but haven't come up with anything solid.
When I import an object with a SSS shader into my scene, it will randomly turn black and have no shader at all. If I go to hypershade and to reassign the sss shader, it has no effect. How can I import an object with SSS?
I have a problem with the shader nodes in the outliner. I have Maya 2013 SP2(x64).
When im modeling, save, quit maya and open it again... sometimes i found a blank screen and i have to change the view to see my model, everything is in wireframe, my mental ray disappear and i have to load the plugin again and i found (Grey Icon) shader nodes in my outliner and i cant move them from there.
The "DAG objects Only" dont make them disappear, the optimize Scene dont work.How i can move them from there?
I have photoshop cc currently and it works fine other than when i try to transform an object. The view of the document flickers, the background goes through alll the possibe colors and the work space flickers from the image to a complete black block... Is it my computer or the program?
Strobe/Flicker effect alternating between 2 clips in VideoStudio?
Say I have 2 clips, one of movie A, one of Movie B. I want one to play for half a second, then the other to play for half a second. Repeat for about 30 seconds. I could take each clip, split it up into half second increments, then insert each one alternating. But that is about 60 splits and a lot of redundant mouse work!! See the problem??
Is there a way, either through effects or other dev tools, to speed this process up?
Here is example of the effect i'm trying to achieve:
Having a screen flicker problem since 5.cRC came out, but only in Library/Grid mode when scrolling or selecting from the grid. But only when there are more images than can fit on one page in the grid.Seems to use an unusually low amount of memory with nothing else running on the system.
Image below shows 6 core usage during edit of an image using LR 4.2RC. Image import was running in the background. This only occurs when I use the develop module sliders (it doesn't matter which slider).
I'm trying to understand why adding colour correction, or auto contrast to my some of my clips is causing them to have flicker. It's not a consistent flicker either, but random.
The footage affected is 720p at 29.97fps in a timeline with the same settings. The raw footage appears fine. Once effects are added, the image stutters. I have rendered the preview files and the issue remains the same, likewise when exported.
I was wondering if there is some equivalent in Smoke to Final Cut's flicker filter, which I use frequently to eliminate flicker and 'buzzing' caused by fine lines, especially evident when HD is down converted to PAL for broadcast?