VideoStudio :: How To Eliminate Flicker In Videos
Nov 21, 2010
Back in the late 60s and 70s I had a 8mm video camera. One of those take 50' of film and send it off for developing. In the 80s I got my first talky Hi8 video camcorder. Back then I had to set up a screen, set my camcorder next to the projector and shoot away. Now I am transferring these videos to DVD so I can open them in VS X3. As might be guessed there is a lot of flicker in the videos.
Is there any way to Eliminate this flicker during post edit in VideoStudio X3?
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Mar 8, 2013
I was wondering if there is some equivalent in Smoke to Final Cut's flicker filter, which I use frequently to eliminate flicker and 'buzzing' caused by fine lines, especially evident when HD is down converted to PAL for broadcast?
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Sep 19, 2012
Strobe/Flicker effect alternating between 2 clips in VideoStudio?
Say I have 2 clips, one of movie A, one of Movie B. I want one to play for half a second, then the other to play for half a second. Repeat for about 30 seconds. I could take each clip, split it up into half second increments, then insert each one alternating. But that is about 60 splits and a lot of redundant mouse work!! See the problem??
Is there a way, either through effects or other dev tools, to speed this process up?
Here is example of the effect i'm trying to achieve:
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Jun 13, 2012
I've created a dvd slideshow and also added two music tracks to it. I then used the original file and put two different music tracks on it. I hoped it would then play the slideshow twice and I would hear 4 music tracks (i also want it to repeat continuously).
When I used Share- Create Disc the disc played as I wanted it to on my computer, but when I play it in the dvd player at work it just plays the first video with the first two songs on and keeps repeating this.
Is there a tick box I've missed somewhere for it to play both the videos on a loop not just the first one?
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Mar 20, 2013
I have been trying to add an MP4 video to edit in VSP. Every time I select the file, it would tell me that "The file had no video data" when it does.
I tried to install the Service Patch which is said to include imports of MP4 files, but it won't install. It tells me " The installed version of the application could not be determined"
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Jan 17, 2011
How do you have 2 videos side by side in PD9. Look´s like this video from youtube:
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Jul 6, 2012
I am trying to publish several videos to one DVD. I used the menu template and everything works fine after burning the DVD. The DVD auto plays and shows the main menu.
The previews are fine. When I click a video to start, it looks good.However, I cannot find a way to easily return to the main menu so I can start the next video. I tried adding navigation buttons but when I previewed the DVD, they did not work.
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Sep 6, 2013
I am making some videos.. And i really liked the flashback transition. but there's only one transition. i saw some tech videos online where they used somewhat same transitions.. where can we get more transitions?
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May 12, 2013
Have Sony HDR-TD20V 3D camera and transferred 3D videos to PC. Starting X6 program files are recognized as 3D (little box bottom left) putting videos in timeline. Went to "Create Video File" and selected 3D per manual.
Now here is what I need to know my options as presented. I want to use a Bluray disc to burn with burner (BD) and play in my Sony S570 3D player to 3D Tv. Do I use the Bluray setting and what format (1920x1080)?
I know there is AVCHD, MVC and so on as choices. In other words (in case others have similar camcorder and X6 software) what are the steps I need to follow. I was wondering if I had to leave file as is or have it side by side, etc.
My 3D Tv is able to play any formats (side, Up/DN, etc) I used the Sony Play Memories and burned a bluray successfully but played only in 2D. I've read about players needed to be AVCHD 2.0 to play Play Memories 3D made disc.
I want to be able to use X6 to create discs, burn them and play in BD 3D player.
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Sep 21, 2011
I have a Sony HXR-MC50U HD camera. I have been recording videos and then transferring them to my computer using the USB cord. They are in the AVCHD format. I use VS X4 to edit my movies. The video plays great when on the camcorder, however when I transfer it to the computer something happens. In scenes where I "Pan" I sometimes get what can be described as a "squiggle" that runs in the middle of the screen. Sometimes there is more than one of them. The squiggle looks sort of like when cinemax late night is squiggled out.. It is a blurry line that runs across the middle of the screen. This "squiggle" will then transfer to any output file that I select. Whether I choose HD AVI or HD WMV, it still does it..
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Mar 26, 2011
I had a topic disapproved yesterday, "Can't create 3D videos", as I had not filled in some details on my profile.I've now updated my profile - hopefully to the required standard.Is it possible you can approve the topic now, or do I need to create it from scratch?
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Jul 26, 2012
How to stream HD videos to Apple TV 3?
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Feb 17, 2011
I have dual role video which i am trying to merge as one. But when i placed one video in the video track and other in the over lay track, i am able to see both clippings in preview. But when i tried to make both videos equally to be shared in the screen, the clips shrinks and the picture quality becomes thin rather i want to reduce or cut the half portion of each clip so that when both half porting of the clip will fit the screen size to show as a single clip to have the dual role scenes perfectly.
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Apr 6, 2012
I using the Trial version of VisualStudio X5. I am wondering if there's a "best" way of synchronizing two different videos of the same event. Example: Say I have one camera that is of someone shooting a rifle. The other camera is of the target impact. Now say I want the video to show this person shooting the rifle, with the target impact shown in a smaller window superimposed on the main video. What is the best way to make sure the two videos are in sync with each other?
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Oct 10, 2013
I want to create videos for Instagram, but I'm having trouble making a template that outputs a video that I can upload from my Samsung S3 smartphone to Instagram. I'm currently using VideoStudio X5 and would like to get started with these videos as soon as possible.
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Mar 23, 2012
I've tried to compile videos in Quick time format at 800 x 600, 65% quality, using MPEG4 compression and each time it compiles at a much lower resolution than it should be, I used the Indeo compression for AVI and THAT compiles to my liking at 800 x 600, 65% quality, DivX is only free for 15 days, Xvid and Windows Encoder makes no difference (that can be noticed), Quicktime, DirectX and Windows Media Player is up to date.
I'll try compiling it using a compressor other than MPEG-4, but I'm not too hopeful of improvement, why it can compile AVI, but not Quicktime, I tried batch converting AVI to Quicktime, it still doesn't work.
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May 2, 2012
I´m trying to edit some gopro videos in X4 (i already got the fix so i can import them ). The problem is to save the final video. The original videos are 1280x720 and i would like to keep the same quality and frame size but i cannot seem to find any option that would do and if i choose "same setings as first video clip" it just crashes.
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Aug 29, 2012
The last version of VS I've used was V10. Just installed X5. I'm making a disk that has 2 videos in it. I want 2 menu options, one for each video file. The way I used to do it was to create 2 projects. In each project I'd edit the video as I need. I'd then create a 3rd project and add both projects with the edited videos in them.
Is this still the way to create a disk with multiple videos in it or is there a better way? If I do it this way will I get any audio sync problems? Had that with older versions.
Also, can I edit 2 videos in the same project without having them both in the same timeline?
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Aug 31, 2011
I recently upgraded both my computer (to an Intel i7 processor) and editing program from VideoStudio X3 to X4. Suddenly, the FLV videos I convert are appalling quality. Just two weeks ago, I was converting videos to FLV on X3 and the quality was fine. If I use any of the standard options for FLV conversion, the video is such bad quality that it's almost smeared. Even when I increase the bitrate to 1000 (the maximum), it's incredibly pixellated, but less smeary.
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Sep 19, 2011
I used trial x2 and x3, but after upgrading to X4 and bought it, it became very slow when making videos. Takes over 2 hours to make a simple vid in mpg 480*320 Or other formats for that sake.. Could it be related to my other video plugins installed in windows? ffdshow ?
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Oct 1, 2013
I'm using Corel videostudio Ultimate X6 and regularly record live bands, upload them to youtube after I convert them to a MP4 format using videostudio. A few months ago one of the venues installed a set of quick flashing lights, now my videos look blocky and you can't even make out their faces.
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Feb 8, 2013
I am using Video Studio X4. if I can capture You Tube videos for future viewing off line. I am a fairly new user and really need some detailed instructions if it can be done. There are some really informative tutorials regarding my husband's GPS unit and other gadgets but we don't always have access to an internet connection.
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Apr 25, 2011
I am a new user of X4 and have used X2 for only about six months so some of my questions may seem lame, but here they are.
First, I upgraded to X4 to get rid of that annoying AVCHD blip problem (it worked). But, I have become increasingly frustrated that the quality of my DVDs are still fairly poor to my mind. I have been taking HD videos of my daughter playing soccer and the videos look good on my computer (in clip mode, anyway, as opposed to project mode, which probably takes more processing power than I have). However, they don't look that good to me when I watch DVDs I have created.
The camcorder is a Sony HDR – CX150 and its native MTS files are 1440x1080. After some reading, I discovered that standard DVD conversion plummets the resolution to 720x480, or 480p. So, perhaps that is part of the answer for why a standard DVD format of the soccer game doesn't look so nice on a 37" 720P or 1080i LCD Vizio TV? The 720x480 picture is being stretched to fit? OK, but why does motion look so bad? The image is decent when people are standing still, but I see a lot of blur and, sometimes, streaking when the camera pans or people start to run. What can I do about that?
I tried upping the bitrate for the DVD MPEG settings (from 6800 to 9800), but that did not work. I thought perhaps I could try making an AVCHD DVD using the 1920x1080 resolution and play it on my Blu-ray player (a Samsung BD-P1590) to see if that might look good. It didn't. In fact, it seemed to be the same or even slightly worse.
So, how do I get the good quality videos I am taking to translate to the TV screen? I have tried two different DVD players and TVs as well as my laptop.
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Feb 10, 2013
I want to make my videos 480p. How do I do that?
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Apr 8, 2013
I am having a problem viewing some previous videos that I made (I have had two different photo cameras since then and had used some of their software) could that be a problem?I get a message that the computer or disc player cannot find the file to open it.I have read articles about not being able to open VOB,BUP,IFO FILES but I am at loss on what or how to properly correct this concern.I am running windows7.0 and have corel video x5 software .
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Oct 5, 2011
I have a video, recorded from a TV broadcast, that has a station logo on the screen. I understand EditStudio Plus has a way of "removing" this. Does Video Studio have a similar function (other than just super-imposing a black box over the logo)?
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May 15, 2013
I am continuing to edit old videos to transfer them to DVD. I am currently trying to edit what I assume are old analogue 4:3 clips and find that even when played in the windows viewer, and again when I transfer them into Videostudio, that the Audio is about one third shorter than the film clip. I can understand the audio by dragging out the length to match the length of the clip, but the resulting sound is pretty dreadful.
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Feb 6, 2011
I would like to know if I can make screen capture videos with VP3 like you can with camtasia or one of those. I'm ready to download camtasia but I wanted to check here first.
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Mar 12, 2012
I have been using VideoStudio since version 8 (and all subsequent versions). I have also successfully used versions 9, 11, and now X4 on this same machine. About 2 months ago, every video file that I bring into VS no longer plays back with audio and when I render a video with these clips, the out-putted video file (regardless of file format) also has no audio. It doesn't matter what type of clip I insert (mpg, AVI, MOV, etc) none of them playback with audio within VideoStudio. All files ALL play audio back in a stand-alone media player just fine. I downloaded the AC3 file & filter with no success as well.
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Dec 29, 2012
Have a JVC HD Memory Camera GZ-E10. Filled up the SD card and I wanted to upload to the computer. I tried to upload directly to computer and then realized it wouldn't work without VideoStudio Essentials X3. I loaded it and when I tried to upload I get the "either no video capture driver is installed in this system, or no device is connected."
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Oct 6, 2013
I need to do some editing on captures made using Bandicam before uploading to YouTube, but Corel VideoStudio just refuses to open the video files, telling the format is not recognized. Only Windows Media Player can play them. Since I purchased this computer. With my Pentium D computer running Windows 7, I was able to capture videos with FRAPS and edit them with Corel VideoStudio. Now with that Core i7, even with a NVIDIA graphic card, FRAPS crashes all the times and BandiCam, which I tried as a replacement after the failure of many others (EzVid, Total Screen Recorder, Dxtory), produces unusable video files.
There is absolutely no good way to convert these videos. All Windows applications for this are just pain, offering a multitude of useless and nonsense options and just taking years to process a single video. There are some Linux conversion tools I had success with in the past, but the command line is so complex that it takes hours to figure out. It is easy to blame BandiCam and stop there. I did this error myself before thinking that VideoStudio should be able to open videos in MPEG format. VideoStudio was my only choice, because the other candidate, Premiere Elements, is unusable, with too small fonts impossible to enlarge.
BandiCam is the only way I found to record videos with audio. Other tools are just unusable (Total Screen Recorder even impossible to start), impose music I don't want (EzVid) or make the game freeze temporarily and audio stuter (Dxtory). FRAPS, which was working great under Windows 7, is unstable with Windows 8, making the screen flicker and finally freezing the game all the times. I am to the point of considering the purchase of HDMI input card and recording the screen output with another computer!
Any success with editing Bandicam videos using VideoStudio? Maybe this is yet another Windows 8 issue so I now need a second computer running Windows 7, or REINSTALL everyting again with Windows 7.
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