Revit :: Create Multiple Panels In Window?
Dec 12, 2012can we create multiple panels in window (revit2013)
View 1 Repliescan we create multiple panels in window (revit2013)
View 1 RepliesI have created a operable window to insert in a curtain wall system based on the "Window - Curtain Wall" family. I created a simple extrusion for the glazing panel and assigned it the subcategory of "Glass". When loaded in the project, the cut lines of this panel are a much heavier weight than mullions, other glass panels, etc. The lines are so thick, the double line just becomes a fat single line as they merge together. Adjacent glass panels don't have this line weight problem. I can find no override or other control/parameter that fixes this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat's the best way to create tilt up concrete panels? In the screen grab bellow, I used an extrusion, gave it concrete material, and left a 10mm gap between each panel to create that illusion.
Can this be done as a wall, if so how do I add those gaps/voids?
What's the best way to create the attached: EQ ashlar panels, and wall sweeps with joints?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI beleieve this is the right name.
I have linked a file that is far away from the window (cropped or not) and I am having issues with trying to locate it on my view how can I relocate it to where my work is?
or maybe its called the view window?
I am using Revit Architecture 2013 and am trying to create a window family that has different grid options built into the family. I have included a copy of one of my window families I am working on and an image for an examples of what happens when I load all my windows into a project and place them. Some of the grid families do not automatically adjust to the size it should be. But if I click on the window (lets say it as no grids) and then select the no grid parameter again then it will adjust. How I can get these windows to adjust automatically so I don't need to do an extra step to make them look right!?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a Window with adjustable colonial and prairie grids. I have created many windows like this so I know I am able to do it. I am currently working on creating the colonial grids. I have it partially working. I can adjust the height and the grids will move correctly with the window with no problems. But when I try to adjust the width I get the error "constraints are not satisfied" I have no idea why I keep getting this error message because to me this should work and I have run into this same problem multiple different times. Why can I adjust the height and not width?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWe have just installed a new server at work. We have transfered all of our Revit files to the server and resaved them as central files. We cannot seem to create more than one local file per Revit file even though we have already set up the file as a worksharing file. The one that sets up the Revit file is the only one that can create the local file. For the other user the create local file tab is grayed out.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Revit file with over 1,000 materials and associated appearance assets. It was created in a previous version of Revit before library support. What I want to do is create libraries from them. However, the only instructions to add them one at a time using dragging and dropping. That will take me days to do. Is there a way to simply create an asset or material library out of multiple materials from a project file at one time without having to individually select them?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI modified a Window Family file by adding a Window inset parameter. When I inserted the window into a wall, otherwise the window worked fine, but when I changed the window's Window Inset value, the frame depth changed instead of the frame's location. The frame was originally made by Sweep tool, but now when I made it by Extrusion tool, the window works fine. Anyway, for future purposes, I would like to know how to be able to use the Window Inset parameter with a frame made by Sweep tool. How do I lock the depth of the frame sweep?
The file is attached.
I've been added and removed specific mullions along curtain wall grid lines and now have the mullions where I want them. Unfortunately, some of the glass panels remain divided along the grid lines even though the mullions have been removed. Is there some way to join the two panels into one?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI created a curtain panel family and loaded it into my project where I had created a mass and divided the surface, and changed the panels to be my curtain panel family i created. The mass has a curve that I want the panel to be on the inside of, but the panel is always placed on the outside. File is attached. So on the smaller curve on the north side of my building, the panels are placed on the inside of the building instead of the outside. How can I place the panels on the outside of the building along the curve?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm missing some buttons from the panels in Revit LT 2014. I've installed updates 1 and 2.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am trying to export my floor plan to dwg file and I have curtain wall there which have panels as regular wall types. The problem is that exporting it will put those panels on the wall layer. I need them to be on curtain wall panel layer. I tried to use "Function" parameter in wall family by changing certain wall types to Retaining (since I don't use this parameter) and changed Wall/Retaining category layer to curtain panel in dwg export setup. But it seems it has no effect.I also noticed that walls inserted as panels into curtain wall do have a parameter under "Identity Data" with the name "Categorize as" where are two values - wall or panel. But this does not have any effect either since there is no category for it in export setup.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created a curved, sloped wall (it's actually a tower) using in place mass, model by face - wall. I need to place reveals in the wall to simulate ACM panels. I've tried using the reveal tool in the wall drop down but it won't allow a reveal to be placed in the custom wall.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am running Windows 8. I have used multiple .NET Framework removal/repair tools, tried uninstalling all versions of .NET and reinstalling 4.0 from its official Microsoft standalone installer. However, every time I try to install 4.0, I recieve a message stating that it or a higher version of .NET is already installed.
Upon further research, I was informed that the .NET 4.5 Framework is an integral part of Windows 8 that cannot be uninstalled.
I cannot access any of the tools I need to in the program, so it is basically rendered useless (don't tell me to just use shortcuts because that is extreemely tedious and painful to make work properly, ive tried it). I have also thought about just installing Revit 11' and using that, but it is no longer available from Autodesk!
How do you create an alternating curtain panel pattern in a hexagon divided surface curtain wall without individually selecting the panels?
I want the "rows" of hexagons to alternate between solid and void.
I'm trying to figure out a small problem I have with creating a Blob-like form. I've created a mass by creating a form out of six (two per level) reference lines. The Form comes out nice, but whenever I divide the form, the two created surfaces don't align with each other. Therefore, when I create curtain walls or patterns on this form, they don't match up either.
I have attached two images and a Conceptual massing file with the mass inside.
I have 4 panels up on the screen and I want to end up with a jpg that has all four panels. How do I do that?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I apply a curtain system to a mass, the curtain panels flip inside to outside as shown in the attached image, when applied to a curved mass surface. Additionally, if these systems are applied independently the system justification (beginning and end) is reversed.
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View 5 Replies View RelatedWith multiple pictures now being tab'd at the top of the screen, I'm blind to understanding how to get them both visible at the same time. I don't see my minimize window trigger for the photo itself.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to open more than one acad drawing without having to open multiple acad windows? Sort of like word. You only have one window open and you can toggle between many files.
I have acad 2004.
We have a family that errors when certain values are hit. Its realated to Automatic Sketch Dimension reassociating with work planes when two workplans over lap... Anyway, the QA team knows about this.
The problem I have is that I have an IF statement to trigger an generic error message when these two rare conditions are met. I would rather a pop up window explaining what thy can not do. "Position of legs from ends can not equal half total length" and an OK button.
Is there a "say" style command for revit formulas?
I'm a relatively new user to Revit (almost a year). My issue is that all of a sudden my view control bar is located so far to the left in the view window, the project browser almost covers it. I know that I can move the project browser window so that isn't all that critical. My concern is that when I want to look at a schedule it also is so far to the left of the screen I have to move the other windows to see it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have several window types in my project. Let's say that the window is 3'-0" wide by 4'-8" high - Mark #1. I want to group three of these windows and schedule the group as Mark #2 - not three separate #1 windows. How do I set up the three windows together to become a single window schedulable for the entire opening of the three windows grouped together so that the opening would read 9'-0" wide?
View 6 Replies View RelatedCannot insert any window in this wall (its 140mm blockwork single skin trimmed to the roof above) and tried different window families. Yet I can cut an opening and also insert any door.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI created this little building with a pitched roof. at the 1st level I had no problems putting in openings for windows and doors, but now i created the roof and I want to put in window at front and back of the building and the window shows only up when I hold the cursor over it. what step am i missing? At one point i also got the message "rectangular opening does not cut its host"
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to center a window seat that extends out like a bay window. I cannot for the life of me figure this out. I am trying to center the 6' extension between an exterior (7 1/4") and interior (4") wall. I need it to be center on both interior and exterior and do not know where to measure from to accomplish that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't put my nested window family in a curved wall. Where the problem could be situated? It has to be a normal straight window so I use my nested window families from other projects. I compared my NWF(nested window family) with the ones autodesk provides with revit but I don't find the difference. The NWF from autodesk work in a curved wall.
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