Photoshop :: Whats The Best Way To Clear Up A Blurry Image
Aug 6, 2006
I always have trouble taking a small image and making it larger because it always gets blurry and pixelated. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make the image (whether it be a logo etc) larger without making it pixelated?
I got married a few weeks ago and took some digital pics of the evening disco that have come out rather blurred and out of focus. I have tried to find a way of using paint to sort out the pictures but with no luck. I have looked at the plugins that are available but cannot find anything suitable.
I have a image that I have seperated the layers, however some of the text edges are jagged. I have expanded the pixels but it's still ugly. Can anyone give me a tip on how to clean this up.
I have a logo that was designed in ps 7 but i do like the way it looks, it's blurry. how do i make it clear? I wish I could attach it here but it says I may not attach files-- why?
I have upgraded from CS5.5 to 6. I work on web design and am currently completing an image map of a series of rectangles with text in them which will involve slicing and placing on the web page. To me, the text appears to be very blurry and not clear, despite the settings I use - font smoothing, different font types, etc. I have also tried an example of making the image triple size, doing the fonts and then reducing to required size, but as a small blur filter is applied, it comes out quite illegible. I'm thinking I may need to try this in Illustrator, but I have never used the product and am not sure how to go about doing what I did in Photoshop. I've actually had to reduce the font size to less than 6px to get it to fit in the image map I am undertaking, which I am sure is not working (2.5 and 3px, it's ridiculous). I'm not sure if it's something I am doing wrong or if there is something different in version 6. Image size is 685x880px, 72dpi (but have tried it on 300), RGB. I am saving them as png's, but the blurriness is there while in PSD format. I have attached examples for you to peruse - unfortunately, I have to work with the colours provided.
The fonts I have used are arial, calibri, verdana and tahoma. I've attached a copy of the word document I am redrawing from - it's gorgeously crisp and clear in that, shouldn't I be able to get the same effect in a graphics program?
I've placed a logo in my InDesign file that I saved out of Photoshop. It appear blurry when in InDesign and I do have it set to high image quality display so that isn't the issue. It is also set as CMYK and I haven't resized it after saving from Photoshop.
I tried saving a jpg so it would be crisper but then I have a white box behind it when placed in the InDesign file.I need to send it to print but can't let it go until I'm sure it won't print like a blurry mess.
What I have is an alias bitmap (Not anti-alias bitmap) in Phtoshop, when I save it as psd format (photoshop format), the bitmap is preserved. But when I save it as gif or png or whatever, the bitmap become blurs around the edges, making the images be anti-alias bitmap. I don't want that. I want the images to continue to stay alias when saving it into jpeg or png or whatever.
i have recently switched to ps 7 and i find myself wanting to go back to my 5.5
what is wrong with the guides in there? when using the snap to guide, and i select something within the guides, the stupid selection sometimes falls short or too big by 1 pixel. this renders the whole purpose of the guides useless.
i also find that its much harder to set the guides to match up. i set them, sometimes even zoomed in at 200-300% and when i zoom in more 1600% i find the guide not quite where its supose to be.
i didnt have any of these problems with my previous version. i looked around in the options and couldnt figure anything to make it better.
I tried to use some flags in an ai. file. The flag size I want is very tiny, less than 1cm. It's very strange that when the printer show me the pdf proof, some flags(png and TIF) looks blurry while the others(also png and TIF) looks ok. I download those flags online and the image looks very big and I only need them in a tiny size so I just shrink them and think it should be alright; I don't understand why they are blurry. My question is can I use the SVG flags that I download from Wikipedia and use them on the ai. file?
P.S. I guess it's the complexity of the flag that affects the quality. Because I have a TIF flag sized 4.2MB and still shows blurry.
photoshop/ImageReady, then Lightwave, Director, Flash, etc... that it's been a while since I've installed a button onto a web page.
I've looked high and low for a tutorial that will show me how to do that, but they're all just showing how to make buttons, (gel, liquid, glass, metal, plastic etc...)
What I need to know is what do I do with the button after it's made. :]
I have a folder with "Pg_1" and "Pg_2", and I have this button I just made in ImageReady, and the rollover, and the down positions work well when tested. Now how do I get it onto "Pg_1" on the righthand side, and then have it take me to "Pg_2". What parts of the Javascript to I copy and paste into the header? etc...
I already have a webiste up, and all I have on it are "text links" because I can't get all these great buttons I've made onto it. How do I do that?
Well in any other program I've used if i create a selection with the selection tool and fill it, it fills just the selected area, when I click now it fills the selection and thers like a huge AA or feather around it, I turned both off and it's still there, how can I make it just fill the selection? Below is an example of what's happening now.
I created an image using the new Gimp 2.8 update, but when I try to upload the image to Facebook it gets all blurry. Any other photos I upload are fine, and I made another image in Gimp 2.6 of the same size (2400 pixels x 1800 pixels) which uploads normally, but for some reason no matter what I do the new picture made in 2.8 always uploads blurry.
I exported the image to jpeg format (although I also tried png) without messing with the export settings at all. Do I need to change them to make it upload to Facebook normally?
I took an image off the internet.. used it on a project. When you look at the completed page, the image (LOGO) looks good, my client loved it, called it excellent. I printed it and sent to him.. well, that logo is rather blurry. Is there a way to make it crisper, more clear? Somehow make it sharper?
I have created an image on illusrator CS6 and am ready to save it.
I have saved it as a pdf format and the image stays as a sharp vector image and not blurry at all.
But I also want to keep the image as a jpeg. So when I go to export the image from illustrator CS6 as a jpeg, the end result comes out blurry and not sharp anymore, but more jagged on the edges of the image.
Is there anything I can do to keep my file as a jpeg with it staying as a sharp crisp image?
When I zoom to 1:1 with LR5 in the Develop module, I get a sharp image almost instantly, but when I then go to full screen (or go to full screen first and then zoom to 1:1), the image is blurry and stays that way, and the only way I can fix that, strangely, is to use the left or right arrow key to go to a neighboring image, and then return, at which point the blurry image comes into sharp focus in a second or so. My system seems to handle everything else in 64-bit LR5 with ease. Any thoughts re what's happening and how to fix it. A great product overall, and I love the full screen feature in other respects.
How can I make the image (photo,bmp,jpeg,etc) as clear as possible to vectorize? I'm finding the more I get into this the more detail I want to add. I can't add the detail if I can't make it out.
Why don't my photos have strong enough resolution to be printed? Even 4x6. I'm shooting with Canon70d. Would this be corrected by a setting on my camera, or is there an option in Lightroom that will allow me to resize my image in order to print a crisp and clear 8x10.
I am making it for my clan for UT2004. Whats a eneral rule of thumb for quailty vs size of file? Not all of us have 100kbs+ connections, so I have to set a limit I guess for you 56ker. So... please take a look at what the site involves.
I currently have the quailty set to MAX. (Note: that im not done editing the interface... gotta edit the WELCOME and MENU lables so they match the big banner on top.) Also.... I just can't figure this out... take a look really closly at the bottom banner and the image under the iframes text and under the navagation.
It doesnt look right does it? The color isnt 100% gray... it seems to trail off to a darker grey or black... yet when I open it in Photoshop it shows that its all gray. Why does it do that and how can I fix it? Also: I dont have the photoshop file for the the MENU and WELCOME image... So how can I recreate the rounded off rectangle? So it has that shadow like appearace?
I've been using illustrator to vectorize some of my png files I've modified and rasterized in photoshop. The image trace feature has worked fine for me until yesterday when it started making my images very impreciese and blurry. I'll attach a before and after shot of exactly what I'm talking about.
What is the best choice to use when applying the sharping tool. I was told unsharp mask - but what does this do? also is there anyway to reduce motion blur in a jpg pic?
I am pretty new to Photoshop and I have come across a few things that I would love to do but I cant figure out how to do them. Also, I have elements so I'm not even sure if I can do them. Anyway one of the things I am trying to learn is how to put lines over an image. For example the very first picture on this site: ...
I'm working on a document and can't get text to appear clearly. It's certainly readable and not a big problem but how can I get text in photoshop to appear more like plain text on a webpage does?
The font is Arial and I'm trying different sizes along with switching from Crisp to Sharp with no luck.