Photoshop :: Paint Bucket Tool, Whats Going On With It?
Jul 11, 2008
Well in any other program I've used if i create a selection with the selection tool and fill it, it fills just the selected area, when I click now it fills the selection and thers like a huge AA or feather around it, I turned both off and it's still there, how can I make it just fill the selection? Below is an example of what's happening now.
I am used to work with Photoshop. Unfortunately there is a bug in the paint bucket tool of Photoshop CS6. I made all updates up to 13.0.1 (x64).
Description: The paint bucket tool is very tricky to use now. If you want to fill a certain empty area of a picture with a simple color, it often does not do that. My clicks are totally correct, also the position ... but it does not take it. Sometimes I have to zoom in some 100% until my clicks are successful and the desired areas are filled with color.
i know this is probably very easy but im somewhat new to photoshop.. basically i am using the paint bucket tool wanting to only fill in the selected area i've created but it's filling the whole page what do i need to do to only fill part of the image i am working on?
Ok, this is about as basic as you can get. What would prevent the paint bucket tool from working? Here are the steps I am taking to try to create a web page: Clicked on:
File->New Set 800 x 600, RGB Color, 72 Pix, and Contents is White.
Selected my foreground color and set it to E0EFFF
Clicked Paint bucket Tool
Clicked in the middle of the page.
Nothing happens.
Also tried using the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select an area within the page, and tried using the pain bucket to fill that in, but that didn't work either.
On a new layer, I used the line and curve tools to draw the outline of a human figure. I want to fill the shape with a color. However, I can't figure out how to select the entire figure so that I can fill it using the Paint Bucket tool. How can I do that?
I have been using the bucket tool in order to fill the background of some images, but after a while the color I selected resulted in a different shade. For example, black resulted in grey and so on. What can be the source of this? Have I accidentally selected something which does this?
Another problem I have is about creating rounded corners for an image. I used this tutorial
and it worked great the first few times, but than the area around the corners became white instead of being transparent. I followed the exact steps as in that tutorial but with no effect.
Example: it looks OK, but that's because of the white background of the page, move it to some place which is colored and the white areas appear. Also, is there another, easier way to create this rounded corners?
Is it possible to fill an area with content-aware using the paint bucket tool? i have been able to fill the exact area I would like to be replaced with a general swatch. perhaps it is possible to create a swatch which uses the content-aware filter?
I've been having an issue with the paint bucket tool; when I fill in an area with the tool it leaves a thin white border between the area and any lines drawn with the paintbrush tool.
(see attachment) how this can be remedied? Since I'm working on a comic and going back over every line filling in the color takes far too much time.
What is the best choice to use when applying the sharping tool. I was told unsharp mask - but what does this do? also is there anyway to reduce motion blur in a jpg pic?
I made an outline of an image with the line tool and I read online that it only creates vectors or something. The solutions online told me to rasterize or flatten my layers. So I rasterized them but the paint bucket fills the whole screen with no regards to the lines I made.
Bottom Line: I made an outline using Line Tool, rasterized all my layers, used the paint bucket but the paint bucket covers the entire screen. I'm 100% sure there aren't any "holes" between the line segments btw.
I finally found the paint bucket tool - but when I try to use it, I get the circle w/ the cross in it (like the ghostbusters background ) didn't work with .tif or .psd files, but it DID work w/ a .jpg file!
paint bucket. After drawing with pen, i use paint bucket to fill this object, but all layer be filled with the color, that i used to fill this object. I can't fill what i've drawed (but in Corel i can do that). Besides, sometime I can't fill any object because of uneditable error,
when i try to fill in an object area that i have created with the pen or the rectangle tool etc the paint bucket fills in the entire screen (no i havent left any gaps open), it only seems to work when i fill into marquee tools.
I have been working with for a couple of years and have never had this issue before. Suddenly, today, I tried using paint bucket to fill in a square and it filled in the entire image. I don't know if I accidently changed some setting on accident or what. how to make this stop so that the paint bucket only fills in the area I have outlined for it?
I am working on a project where I am doing hand drawn rotoscope (think waking life). For larger areas I am drawing the outline and then filling the shape with the paint bucket. The problem is that the fill doesn't go all the way to the edge of the outline. The anti-aliasing on the brush seems to be creating it, but I don't want to turn anti-aliasing off. It will be a huge time saver for me to figure this out.
I would like to know how to fill an object on a layer using paintbucket and then isolate the fill onto its own layer. I swear I've done this before, but may have been dreaming. I am using a base drawing and would like to overlay fills and have the ability to control what is seen by turning on and off layers of paintbucket without having to duplicate that base drawing. Did that make sense? I am trying to avoid drawing an excessive amount of shapes.
I was trying to go through the blue metal shpere tutorial and I got stuck. I drew mt circle with the marqee tool and then I tried to fill it with a different color.
The paint bucket did put the other color in but it didn't fill it all the way. It was a solid color in the center of the sphere but it started to fade out the further out you went. I just want it to fill in solid not fade. What is the problem here?
using PS CS. i have selected a circular area with the marquee tool on a transparent background and i want to fill that area with colour, using the paintbucket tool i attempt to fill area but what happens when i do this is it acts like a spray can does, dark colour in the centre fading aways towards the edges also it does not actually fill the selected area it's as if i have not selected it, but i have.
I have an image which is a series of icons, on a colored background, and i want to get rid of the background, and have it as just transparent. The only way i can think of doing it, is by cutting each icon out individually,
I'm a relative newbie to Photoshop and recently upgraded from 5.5 -> 6.0 (yep I'm new and already behind ). For some reason the Paint Bucket tool does not show up in the Toolbox and I can't figure how to find it. I know its still there because its in the help and I tried all the Shortcuts trying to make it show up but no good. Any ideas how to find the Paint Bucket tool and better yet how do I make it permanent part of the Toolbox again.
First off, I am in RGB mode, with Photoshop Elements 6. I am trying to fill in an area of the business center (the building on the left) in my drawing but it is going over both the door lines and the text on the building. With the student center (the building on the right), it does the same with any of the grey lines (but not the text). And this is all under one layer (They used to be made up of multiple layers but were merged into one). What should I do? Here is a picture of it down below:
I made a selection with the magic wand (with the anti-alias box checked), made a new layer, and dumped a color in with the paint bucket (anti-alias box is checked). But, the edges are not anti-aliased. I am running Photoshop CC on Mac OS 10.6.8, and this problem occurred in a .tiff file and a .psd file.
I have CS5 extended. I know with coral draw I can use a paint bucket to fill an area with a premade pattern and on CS5 I found the pattern stamp tool where I can paint a pattern but is there a way to dump or fill a set area with a pattern? I find when I paint a pattern even the smallest mistake of painting a section twice can lighten or darken the pattern.
I’m getting a strange cursor when I use the Paint Bucket tool. Instead of the bucket with the pointy bit to show where you’re aiming, I get three tiny paint buckets in a horizontal line, looking a bit like a fragmented ruler, so it is impossible to see where the point of the paint bucket is. I have used CAPS LOCK to get the crosshairs but would refer the normal setting to be available too.
I have shut down the PC and restarted with PS9 as the only app open but I still get this funny cursor. Some of the cursors from other tools are also affected, esp. when I left-click.Have I changed a setting by accident?
Does the paintbucket require something specific in order to fill? I am drawing shapes with the pen tool but I can't fill them with the paintbucket. What am I missing and what are the alternatives? Is there a way to fill the pen-drawn shape with textures that will look like topography?