I was just wondering as to whether its possible to keep the checkered base which you get when you remove part of an image or have it transparent to stay in the created image.
I am sure you all know this.
Here is the YouTube background which I have created and wondering if I am able to keep the checkered base or whatever in the image after I have saved it rather than print screening and pasting it back like a jigsaw puzzle.
I made this image earlier but the bottom part of the image isn't suppose to be there, I tried using cut on it but it just leaves a white rectangle at the bottom and messes up my image.
I've been messing around in paint.NET for a while and I'm about to be done with a project bigger than it looks, but I have a problem. I wanted to create a kind of intro for my Minecraft Youtube videos and all was going great until I rotated the shovel. The quality took a landslide and I really don't feel like visiting each individual pixel and sharpening it. Is there anything I can do to make the shovel look like it's actually part of the image?
if I cut a part of an image out, and want to replace with another image, is there any way to know the correct size (in pixels) to make it match the deleted image portion?
I tried Properties but it gave me the dimensions for the entire image.
And I have no copy of the deleted portion to check its size because I enlarged it when I placed it originally in the entire image and didn't save it separately.
I've run into Paint.NET a few weeks ago. I think it's a very good choice for beginners (and maybe professionals too) at a graphic field. I've made some cool pictures (with some cool plugins inside Paint.NET or published at the forum) and now I wanna to make my own plugin.
The question is how to move and rotate a specific part of image at source canvas. The rest of the image must be untouched. I consider it's impossible to use Layers -> Rotate/Zoom tool directly (correct me if I'm wrong). So I should use a piece of C# code. I think source code of Rotate/Zoom tool would be very useful too but I couldn't find it.
I am working with transparent images. An example is the image below. I've added borders so you can see what I'm doing.
As you can see, the background is solid white, but the image itself is primarily white. I want only the background to be transparent.
I've dabbled with the GIF Optimizer feature to make the background transparent, but part of the actual image becomes transparent also, since it contains white.
One thing I tried doing was use the color replacer to change the white background to another color, but in doing so, some of the image itself changes to yellow, despite my trying to avoid that.
Is it possible to configure PSP so that only the background is transparent? If so, what's the most practical method?
I'm looking to take a certain part of an image (a small shape of it) and then apply darkening, progressively, from that small area. That is, the image gets darker and darker as it radiates out from that shape. Like a vignette, but progressively darkening from the point rather than a strait darkness.
Tried playing around with curves and didn't really do this effect.
But I only have (can only afford) the Photo Net free Version 3.3x, 3.5.I have a photo, say 2000 x 1500 px. But it is distorted. It looks like the two people in it have 25-inch legs. So I need to select the bottom half (rectangle select)
- and "stretch" that selection (not the whole image) from 1000 x 1500 px to 1250 x 1500 px! The revised image with therefore be 2250 x 1500 px.
- but it will no longer be distorted
- and will include all the data in the opriginal photo.
All Serif PhotoPlus does is:-
- stretches the selected rectangle
- but keeps the same 2000 x 1500 dimensions
- simply by cropping off the bottom 200 or so pixels. This is not what I want. instead, whether or not Photo Net Version 3.3x, 3.5 is capable of resizing / changing the dimensions of a selected part of an image, i.e. stretching it along one axis?
It will really get me out of a hole that could never have been envisaged for such a simple, routine photographic requirement.
I wasn't really sure how to put that into a title, but yeah. I'm sure it's pretty easy to figure out, but I just don't really feel like it.. I basically mean, how do you select a part of an image and move it onto another one without it being on top of the other image?
In my image there is an white sky background, where in front there is an person wearing white shirt.
I want to select a by color part of the sky. So I am using magic wand (match mode "color"). The problem is that it select the white shirt as well.
So, using freehand selection, I selected just the sky. Once I want just a color (not all sky), I am trying to to use magic wand (match mode "color" in mode "replace"). But once already exist a selection, the magic wand isn't available to "replace" (just in other modes - add or remove).
How could I make this selection without selecting the shirt? The intent of my first freehand selection was to protect the magic wand of selecting the shirt...
I realize this will be a ridiculously basic question for most of you since I'm very new to Paint Shop Pro, but I've been trying all sorts of tools today trying to find the most efficient way to do something.
I sell clothing online, and I'm looking for the best way to quickly remove the price from an image of the retail tag. Everything I've tried seems to be tedious, so I don't think I've got the right tool so far. I just want to be able to do what was called a "Smart Erase" in my old Digital Image Pro program -- I simply drew a quick outline around the area to be erased, and then clicked on the erase button, and the price was gone off the tag (it inserted the same background area there).
creating text with a clear background. I need to be able to create text and then apply effects (emboss, diffuse, etc) and then save it as a gif or png with a clear background. Every time I try to emboss text it automatically changes the background of the entire image to the same solid color as the text.
Corel says Athentech's Perfectly Clear plug-in comes with the Ultimate version of X6. I can't find it in the Plugins folder - either in the 64 or 32 bit versions. I ordered X6 and am currently using the trial version of X6.
I've been using Photoshop 7 for years and have some .png graphic elements with clear backgrounds, which I use to make cover photos for a Facebook page. When I open these graphic files with paint.net I expect to see two layers - one for the clear background and one for the graphic itself, but instead I see just one layer. If I then open a photo and try to paste the graphic overlay on top of it the clear background doesn't work, the checkerboard pattern is displayed instead.
is there a simple way to make these files work as they used to in Photoshop, i.e without going to the trouble of masking things off and clearing backgrounds all over again? Can they be opened in paint.net with the see-through background fully functional from the off?
I got married a few weeks ago and took some digital pics of the evening disco that have come out rather blurred and out of focus. I have tried to find a way of using paint to sort out the pictures but with no luck. I have looked at the plugins that are available but cannot find anything suitable.
I have been trying to batch edit several JPG files using "perfectly clear" but I keep getting an error. It complains that FileSaveAs is crashing. I spent some time looking at the corel files and they says something about "FileSaveAs" won't work if it not in the "Scripts-Trusted" folder. However I cannot find it (FileSaveAs) so I can move it over to the Trusted Folder. I CAN find the scripts-trusted folder.
Batch processing several files using "Perfectly Clear"?
I just installed PSP X6 Ultimate 32 bit and the Perfectly Clear Plugin. It works really well part of the time but will often crash saying that Photoshop is not allowing enough memory. I'm using Windows 7 with more than 3 gb of memory. I also have Aftershot Pro running.
I have a logo that was designed in ps 7 but i do like the way it looks, it's blurry. how do i make it clear? I wish I could attach it here but it says I may not attach files-- why?
I always have trouble taking a small image and making it larger because it always gets blurry and pixelated. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make the image (whether it be a logo etc) larger without making it pixelated?
I have upgraded from CS5.5 to 6. I work on web design and am currently completing an image map of a series of rectangles with text in them which will involve slicing and placing on the web page. To me, the text appears to be very blurry and not clear, despite the settings I use - font smoothing, different font types, etc. I have also tried an example of making the image triple size, doing the fonts and then reducing to required size, but as a small blur filter is applied, it comes out quite illegible. I'm thinking I may need to try this in Illustrator, but I have never used the product and am not sure how to go about doing what I did in Photoshop. I've actually had to reduce the font size to less than 6px to get it to fit in the image map I am undertaking, which I am sure is not working (2.5 and 3px, it's ridiculous). I'm not sure if it's something I am doing wrong or if there is something different in version 6. Image size is 685x880px, 72dpi (but have tried it on 300), RGB. I am saving them as png's, but the blurriness is there while in PSD format. I have attached examples for you to peruse - unfortunately, I have to work with the colours provided.
The fonts I have used are arial, calibri, verdana and tahoma. I've attached a copy of the word document I am redrawing from - it's gorgeously crisp and clear in that, shouldn't I be able to get the same effect in a graphics program?
How can I make the image (photo,bmp,jpeg,etc) as clear as possible to vectorize? I'm finding the more I get into this the more detail I want to add. I can't add the detail if I can't make it out.
Why don't my photos have strong enough resolution to be printed? Even 4x6. I'm shooting with Canon70d. Would this be corrected by a setting on my camera, or is there an option in Lightroom that will allow me to resize my image in order to print a crisp and clear 8x10.
I am pretty new to Photoshop and I have come across a few things that I would love to do but I cant figure out how to do them. Also, I have elements so I'm not even sure if I can do them. Anyway one of the things I am trying to learn is how to put lines over an image. For example the very first picture on this site: ...
I have a PNG image with only one layer as a start point. It has a faded map on it.
I have a second PNG image with a hex grid on it. I do colour to Alpha to establish transparency on the hex grid for white filled hexes (others are not filled with white).
Now, I wish to overlay a portion of the first image with the faded map with the non-transparent part of the second image.
So I select by colour (for the hexes not filled with white) on the second image (the overlay) and I then paste to the first image (after creating a transparency layer and selecting it to receive the overlay).
I see the desired overlay section (minus any transparent stuff as expected), however it is centered over the map in the first image, not where I want it to be. It is a floating selection and must be anchored. So I select the anchor icon in the layer dialog and I think I anchor it into the transparency layer on the first image (that's what I'm trying to do anyway).
And then my problem:
I want to move the thing I just pasted in to the right place with respect to the underlying faded map. I attempt to use the move tool, but all I move is the background map (pretty much the opposite of what I want).
Nothing I do seems to let me reselect the pasted-in overlay so that I can move it.
Why I can't ever reposition the pasted in overlay? It should be in the transparency layer I created but even if I select all, I don't seem to be able to move anything other than the background image.
I have been using gimp now for about 2 months and have just upgraded my OS to Mavericks and upgraded Gimp to 2.8.8.
Upon doing this I seem to have lost the ability to copy/cut an image or part thereof from one open image into another... Example:
I have an image window open with a picture a car and I have an image window open with a race track back ground.
I want to copy the car from image 1 into image 2, but for some reason I cannot do this function anymore. When attempting it, once the item is copies to the clipboard and I then swap to the second image, when I paste as a new layer it pastes the clipboard from that image and not the image from the first window...