PSP loses image with Crop under the following circumstance:
Make a selection --> Paste as new Image --> Make a Selection but then "accidentally" Move the selection, Choose the crop tool, Snap crop rectangle to current selection --> Apply.
My image now disappears: all gone ... so UNDO!
My scenario: PSP X3 Windows 7, lots of memory.
Trying to separate & cleanup many old photos scanned several at a time at 300x300 on an 8.5"x11" size scanner. So I select, copy, paste as new image for each photo.
I realize this will be a ridiculously basic question for most of you since I'm very new to Paint Shop Pro, but I've been trying all sorts of tools today trying to find the most efficient way to do something.
I sell clothing online, and I'm looking for the best way to quickly remove the price from an image of the retail tag. Everything I've tried seems to be tedious, so I don't think I've got the right tool so far. I just want to be able to do what was called a "Smart Erase" in my old Digital Image Pro program -- I simply drew a quick outline around the area to be erased, and then clicked on the erase button, and the price was gone off the tag (it inserted the same background area there).
I'm having an infuriating problem with the crop tool. I click on the side bar to crop an image, set the ratio, then left click and hold on the image to either move the selection or expand/contract it and PSP crops the image before I can do anything.
Having difficulty setting the CROP tool outlines. It seems to snap to the CENTER of pixels? and the edges are difficult to grab, especially when zoomed way in to the corners/pixel level. Also dragging the outline edges seems sluggish and I don't see four numerical readouts in the CORP tool palett like earlier Jasc versions.
p.s. I almost always crop to the hearest 5 pixels, i.e. 675x495.
PSP is and has always been THE best graphics app with a truly intuitive interface and useful set of features & tools.
I have been using it for many, many years... sniffed around other products, but always returned, fully satisfied with what I can achieve. I've also written a suite of scripts to further enhance my use of it alongside my photography hobby.
HOWEVER... since Corel took it over and the start of the X series, there has been a serious and very annoying omission concerning the Crop tool. Previous versions up to v9 allowed the user to grab hold of the edges of the crop box ANYWHERE along ANY side, and drag/extend/reduce the size of the box. This allowed us photographers to zoom in to pixel level and grab any part of the visible box to adjust the crop dimensions very accurately. This is a very important feature for photographers.
The new X interface has changed the crop box to 'vector node handles' only for adjustment, which are not always visible when zoomed in. This means that instead of being able to align the box accurately to an image feature or row of pixels, you have to zoom out until you can find the nearest handle to use, or scroll up/down left/right, which either takes you away from the area you want to work on, or zoom too far out to see the detail you want for alignment.
option/preference to ditch the vector handles and grab the sides as before. I know you may think it a backward step, but you've taken away the very function that photographers need for cropping a composition, which is available in other products.
I've been using x4 for several months, and in the past few weeks I've been encountering strange artifacts of the Crop tool. If I move the crop rectangle, it sometimes (but not always: see below) leaves a black line or lines of varying thickness where the rectangle had been. Here are a few possible clues:
- It appears to happen only with images that contain layers. - An F5 refresh does not get rid of the artifacts. - Flattening the image does. - It appears, I think, to occur only when moving the crop rectangle (not resizing), but I won't swear to that. - I have on at least one occasion been able to save the file with the lines as part of the image.
I am really enjoying Photoshop CS6 and familiarizing myself with some of the new features and changes. Love the new user interface and the speed. But miss some of the control layouts in CS5. For example the CS5 Crop tool with the ability to specify the size of the crop along with setting the resolution.
This was a great productivity tool cropping for a specific Matt window and the final resolution for print. With CS6 we have the size parameters but the resolution box is buried menu item. Is there any way to bring the resolution box back to the crop tool bar?
I have done this before but I need to crop an image to 2X3 for a yearbook photo. When I go to the crop tool it doesn't stay at 2X3 but when I start cropping the picture large numbers appear in the crop box for width and height.
Suddenly today when I use the "Section tool" on a photo and then 'Crop to Selection' a new image is produced of the cropped selection and the old image remains. I don't want this and it has never happened before in the years I have been using PSP.
I want the existing image to be cropped and then I will save it.
How I can reset the "Selection tool' to do what it has always done? BTW I had earlier today used the "Crop" tool and ever since the 'Selection tool' has been creating a new image.
I've got some pictures and Corel Paintshop photo pro x3. It's a nice program but I cant figure out how to crop photos into shapes without using the "lasso". My hand isn't so great with fine shapes so any way to cut a shape by using one of the presets?
I am working with transparent images. An example is the image below. I've added borders so you can see what I'm doing.
As you can see, the background is solid white, but the image itself is primarily white. I want only the background to be transparent.
I've dabbled with the GIF Optimizer feature to make the background transparent, but part of the actual image becomes transparent also, since it contains white.
One thing I tried doing was use the color replacer to change the white background to another color, but in doing so, some of the image itself changes to yellow, despite my trying to avoid that.
Is it possible to configure PSP so that only the background is transparent? If so, what's the most practical method?
In my image there is an white sky background, where in front there is an person wearing white shirt.
I want to select a by color part of the sky. So I am using magic wand (match mode "color"). The problem is that it select the white shirt as well.
So, using freehand selection, I selected just the sky. Once I want just a color (not all sky), I am trying to to use magic wand (match mode "color" in mode "replace"). But once already exist a selection, the magic wand isn't available to "replace" (just in other modes - add or remove).
How could I make this selection without selecting the shirt? The intent of my first freehand selection was to protect the magic wand of selecting the shirt...
I'm looking to take a certain part of an image (a small shape of it) and then apply darkening, progressively, from that small area. That is, the image gets darker and darker as it radiates out from that shape. Like a vignette, but progressively darkening from the point rather than a strait darkness.
Tried playing around with curves and didn't really do this effect.
when I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.
I am a labtech at a community college and look after 48 mac pros in which the students use the entire creative suite. (I only mention this becuase any answers need to consider variations in system settings or photoshop settings. college students get into everything!)
But the issue is when you select the crop tool and enter a custom constraint and crop
The image size is sometimes a full 2 inches off of what you set as a crop?! I havn't run into this before
[I do know you can use the drop down box and use {size and resolution} but I want to know why it doesnt work under custom and unconstrained]
It try bring an image into paint layer. I found that there is this function:
PaintLayerImporter() and it takes 4 parameters. They are:
1) const QString &sFileName, ///< Name of the file to import 2) int iFileTypeIndex, < Index of the type of the file in the array returned by SupportedExtensions
3) Mesh *pMesh, ///< Mesh which contains the paint layer 4) TexturePool *pTarget ///< Destination of the import operation
But I'm not able to get this function to work. Any small example how to use it.
I think that main problem for me is that I don't know exactly what 2) parameter means(int iFileTypeIndex). It says that you get that from SupportedExtensions but When I look at it:
This may or may not be an issue. If a crop size is set for a source image and "Crop As New Image" is clicked, the NEW cropped image will appear, however the Crop frame appears on the NEW image only scaled smaller. Is that normal? I'd not necessarily want to crop the NEW image a second time immediately afterward. This seems like strange, illogical behavior.
I have Corel PaintShop Pro X6 v, both 64 and 32 bit versions installed. When I click the check for updates in the help menu, I get 2 blank dialog boxes. I cancel out of the last one by clicking the red X in the upper right hand corner and I get a dialog box that asks me if I want to cancel.
PSP X4 does not save the last crop settings which I used. In older versions the program saved the last used settings (dimension of the crop frame in pixel) and this was a good thing. Now in version X4 this does not work anymore. Is there a setting to switch that on or is it a bug?
When I tried to crop picture, I couldn't find option to crop through a rounded (circle) shape (just rectangle seems to be avalilable).
1) How to crop using rounded shape?
2) After crop rounded, how to save just the rounded picture? Its because when I use Photoscape (I come from this software) it crop rounded, but save with a white retangle background? So I just want the rounded picture
I want to take my out of camera image, which is at 314ppi at about 9x12 and crop it to 8x10 at 300ppi. But, when I go to the crop tool, and click 8x10 preset, the resolution is set at 72ppi, and i can't see how to change that. So, the preset crop tool gives an outline of the crop area that is very small. The picture itself when it comes up is something like 33 " x 38" at 72ppi. If I go into resize image, it gets time consuming; you'd think I could just select the 8x10 preset at 300ppi and get a file that is about 2400 x 3000 ppi....8x10, 300ppi.
I created some crop preset sizes that I no longer need, but I can't figure out how to remove them from the dropdown list of crop sizes. Reset to Default doesn't refresh the list.
I'm just getting started with PSP. In a book I bought it saves that, after I enable the Auto-preserve function, the dialog box should come up after I click on file, then save.
The Box isn't coming up. Why is this.
Also, what's the best way to save a RAW file before I stare working on it?
in PSP X3 I got several options when I selected the crop function. I saw and could change the count of pixels in X and Y direction and so on. All this options have gone in PSP X4. Or is there a setting I have to change?
I do not use most of the default presets in the crop pallet. I use my own and when I go to the Corel X4 presets dir. Mine are there but the default set are not listed (hidden files?). How can I delete the ones I do not want from the default set so that the ones I have created stay on top?
I have started getting dialog boxes at launch about having duplicate items for Patterns, Textures, Gradients, and Swatches. I am not sure why or what to do about it. Attached is a screen snip of the dialog.
I recently got a new computer, with Windows Vista. I used my wife's existing CD to install Paint Shop Pro 7 (from 2001 - yikes!). It seems fine, except for a few of the preferences. The BIG problem is that the [Printer] button on the Page Setup dialog no longer appears! Here's the verbiage from the PaintShopPro7 user guide:
6To surround the image with a color, click the Background button. When the Color dialog box opens, choose the color. The area of the paper from the image edge to the paper margin will be covered with this color.
7Click the Printer button to open the printer.
8Click OK to close the dialog box and save the settings.