I have Corel PaintShop Pro X6 v, both 64 and 32 bit versions installed. When I click the check for updates in the help menu, I get 2 blank dialog boxes. I cancel out of the last one by clicking the red X in the upper right hand corner and I get a dialog box that asks me if I want to cancel.
i found PSP3 to be WAY over my head, and uninstalled it,, only now, using windows movie maker ][5.1] i find the "preview" of text in video is blank. is there some thing about PSP that would have caused this? i reinstalled PSP and it and windows movie maker worked ok, then i removed psp again and the problem has returned. the preview of text in movie in blank/black..in the windows movie maker. the text DOES go on,,
Cannot find any additional templates for project creator. Quite a limited selection. Would prefer a completely blank page (Cover & inside) so that I can create an image in it's entirety elsewhere & load it as an image. Am trying to find the template in the project creator folder so that I can edit it & make it completely blank. If no one knows where I can download one that is already blank, how to edit the file that the existing templates are using?
For some reason when I use the cropping tool the floating tool bar has blank icons on it. Sometimes there may be lines in them like they tried to load but most of the time they are just completely white.
They still work and everything but you have to run your mouse over them and wait for the box to pop-up thats says what it is to see which one you need.
I'm just getting started with PSP. In a book I bought it saves that, after I enable the Auto-preserve function, the dialog box should come up after I click on file, then save.
The Box isn't coming up. Why is this.
Also, what's the best way to save a RAW file before I stare working on it?
I have started getting dialog boxes at launch about having duplicate items for Patterns, Textures, Gradients, and Swatches. I am not sure why or what to do about it. Attached is a screen snip of the dialog.
I recently got a new computer, with Windows Vista. I used my wife's existing CD to install Paint Shop Pro 7 (from 2001 - yikes!). It seems fine, except for a few of the preferences. The BIG problem is that the [Printer] button on the Page Setup dialog no longer appears! Here's the verbiage from the PaintShopPro7 user guide:
6To surround the image with a color, click the Background button. When the Color dialog box opens, choose the color. The area of the paper from the image edge to the paper margin will be covered with this color.
7Click the Printer button to open the printer.
8Click OK to close the dialog box and save the settings.
I am not liking the new features of X4 text. First, is there anyway to make the default text use the dialog box with holding down the shift key? Second, I am so use to previewing font styles by simply highlighting my text and then scrolling through the fonts drop down menu with version 10. This seems impossible with X4, MAJOR BUMMER and it really slows me down.
I just installed PSP X3 Ultimate on my second data drive on a new computer and it will not take the updates.It says you have to have PSP installed first because it's trying to install the update on my operating system drive and not the drive I have PSP installed on.What can I do?
Also where is that Corel uninstall tool as I can't get this mess uninstalled.
I downloaded and installed Service Pack 2 for X4 some time ago. It created havoc with my highly customized workspace and I reverted to the System Restore point set before installing SP2. So, no SP2 on my system.
Corel Guide>Settings>Messages, both messages UN-ticked.
Clicked on Check for updates using the Corel Guide and also under Help>Check for updates, to see what happens.
Nothing happens, they just stop running I then close X4 and (quite a while later, usually when doing something else) a screen appears "An important update is available for PSPX4 Download update now!
my prior editing program was Serif Photoplus x5 and ACDSee Pro 5 for management.I purchased PSPx4 to see if I could get photo editing and photo management in one program .I've been able to figure most things out but I have a problem with the following:
1. Tags: my keywords are embedded in the file but when I looks at PBP tags they only show a couple of photos. I did notice if I selected one of the photos it was added to the tag list. I even tried selecting more files (at one time) but no luck. So, my questions is, how do I update PSP tags?
2. explorer view: is it possible to select the parent folder and view the contents of the children folders?
3. in ACDSee you can select the parent folder and it give you a count of the keywords (beach = 50, lake = 30, etc.,) in all folders. Is this possible in PSPx4?
I'm fumbling around with a Python script. Is it possible to make an input dialog with a "Browse" button so the user can find a folder (to be loaded into a variable in the script)?
After installing the latest fix/update/patch Paintshop Ultimate X6 crashes continuously. After startup it goes for a minute or so and then crashes. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it without any change. I've emptied the temp directory.
I have a user with AutoCAD LT 2007 SP2. Whenever he clicks on File > Open... the drop-down list to browse to another directory is blank. It doesn't show any local or network drives. He can open files just fine from Windows Explorer.
I am just starting to use PS CS4. I am using a PC with Windows XP 64, 8 GB of RAM etc. The problem I am having is that when I try to add a caption to an image by going to File Info, I get a blank dialog box. It gives the filename at the top but just plain white blank inside the box. The same thing happens in File Info within Bridge. In the metadata panel in Bridge, I can see the metadata is there, including previous captions. But I cannot access them in File Info and I also cannot activate the caption within the metadata panel to edit the caption text.
On Mavericks. I'm getting white blank dialog boxes in Photoshop CC. Doesn't happen right away. It lets me work for a limited time then I get the blank boxes and can only Force Quit. I don't use Suitcase but I do have a Wacom. iMac.
I am using autocad 2013, and My properties dialog is blank. Pick-first is set to 1. I have completely repair, registry cleaned, but now this problem is continues.
I have a user who is experiencing a blank or improperly rendered layer dialog box from time to time (see image attached).
I've seen this with another user at a different office as well. I assume its a video driver issue but as I'm strictly a CAD manager and not IT support, messing around with that is outside my responsibilities.
A restart usually fixes the issue but I figured I try to at least find out of its a known issue with a known cause (and a known fix).
I recently updated to CC from CS6 and am having issues when working with PSDs containing video layers, or are set up as frame animations: When attempting to Save As, the dialog will be completely blank except for the Save and Cancel buttons. If I press cancel, then return to Save As, CC then often crashes.
So far I am only having these issues if I have been working with video layers and then frame animations. Frame animations in particular seem to cause instability as I can often work with video layers all day without a problem. Then if I import video frames to layers, or open a PSD containing a frame animation, the Save As may not necessarily work.
Sometimes closing and restarting Photoshop will allow me to save again, but then sometimes a whole system reboot is required. It is only temporary though.
I am not running antivirus software or other apps aside from what starts at boot.
In dialog boxes the drop down menus appear blank until I drag the mouse over it then the contents appear as I drag the mouse across. Also the cursor doesn't echo back (flash). I have tried updating drivers to no avail.
I have a little dialog box with seven radio buttons and a text box that generically accomplishes what it's supposed to do. To retain the current dialog values, I use the write-lline function to store the information and then use read-line to bring that information back in for other Lisps that I use. As long as the user doesn't open the dialog, whatever options were last selected will remain in effect.
However, if the user re-opens the dialog, then whatever defaults I have initially set up in the dialog will then become active (in other words, whichever of the radio buttons I have set to "1")
My question is whether or not I can have the dialog box set up so that if a user selects an alternate radio button, that radio button will keeo it's value whether or not the dialog is opened and until and if the user changes it..
As it is now, whenever the user opens the dialog box to change, say one radio button, the user then has to change the other radio buttons if the defaults don't match the current run requirements.
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.
I have a image that has everything on the background layer. I want to delete some text and replace them with different text. But when i use the selection tool to delete the text, i just get a white/black check box area. How do i delete a portion of the picture and replace it with white blank space?
Oh and how do i adjust the size of the text box when inserting new text?