Paint Shop Pro :: X2 - (duplicate Items Detected) Dialog Upon Launch
Apr 24, 2012
I have started getting dialog boxes at launch about having duplicate items for Patterns, Textures, Gradients, and Swatches. I am not sure why or what to do about it. Attached is a screen snip of the dialog.
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Aug 31, 2011
It shows me a splash screen for three or four seconds and then nothing.
Brand new install. All service packs applied.
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Sep 27, 2011
I recently installed the Developer Preview of Windows 8. I already had PSP x4 installed in Windows 7 and it worked fine. Once I tried launching it after the upgrade if failed to load. I completely uninstalled PSP x4 and reinstalled. Still will not launch.
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Apr 4, 2013
When I'm working on a project, I sometimes create bits of artwork that I may or may not want to use in the piece. However, when I move the items off the canvas, they pretty much disappear. Is there any way to store items "off canvas" and have them visible for quick selection?
One option, I guess, is to make the whole Edit preview area the canvas and only crop the item to final size when I'm done, but that seems wonky.
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Mar 7, 2013
Every time I launch Paint Shop Pro X5 my recent file list is empty. I thought the program was supposed to remember the last four images that were opened. I then have to select File > Open but now the program defaults to a folder called My Pictures. I store my images in my own folder elsewhere. I would like to set my folder to be the default folder. I have to navigate to my folder ever time I launch the tool. If I go to File > Preferences, I do not see a place where I can change the setting.
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Oct 4, 2013
I was working in Corel PaintShop Pro x4 when I noticed that there was an additional tab that was named the same as the file that I was currently working on but they were numbered 1 and 2. As I work on one file the other updates at the same time. I tried selecting "duplicate" under Windows but this duplicates the window as "Image #" and does not update when I change the original file.
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Dec 27, 2011
Is there an easy way (program) to prevent duplicate file names when transferring pics via card readers from multiple Canon EOS devices which all have the same filename format "IMG-xxxx". Specifying downloads to a dated folder name exacerbates the problem when combining the pics into a common folder at a later time. We have been manually renaming but this is becoming burdensome. Was wondering if PSP X4 has a front end downloading program that could handle this.
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Mar 5, 2012
Is there a way to switch between items without closing out an item while in edit? ie: You have two (or more) items open in edit, and you want to cut from one item and paste on another but you don't want to close out the one you just cut on. I tried using the little arrows on top of the edit workspace, thinking these would be the way to switch items, but they don't do anything, at least for me anyway. I tried looking in the user guide but no luck.
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Mar 27, 2012
I am trying to create different bend tables for different thickness material. If I have two radii that are the same for different thicknesses it gives me an error message on the second one that it is a duplicate column heading value. The values of the bend table are dependent on the thickness of the material. Why can't I have several different thicknesses with the same radii?
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Jun 28, 2012
I purchased and installed version PSPX4 in Jan. 2012, and started noticing, what appears to be, a duplicate copy of the same file with an Asian type file format in the Recent Doc folder. When I attempt to do a weekly scan of my system for spyware, malware, etc. and weekly clean up of my registry, temp files and other files taking up space, one of my programs finds files listed in the registry under the Recent Doc folder that it cannot clean as the format is not recognized. Even though the properties of the file link the file back to the folder the .jpg file is stored in, there really isn't a file with that format. This is just a reference, and very annoying.
Recent Doc folder showing reference to a duplicate image after copy and pasting as a new image.
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Dec 9, 2013
I have Corel PaintShop Pro X6 v, both 64 and 32 bit versions installed. When I click the check for updates in the help menu, I get 2 blank dialog boxes. I cancel out of the last one by clicking the red X in the upper right hand corner and I get a dialog box that asks me if I want to cancel.
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Apr 6, 2012
I'm just getting started with PSP. In a book I bought it saves that, after I enable the Auto-preserve function, the dialog box should come up after I click on file, then save.
The Box isn't coming up. Why is this.
Also, what's the best way to save a RAW file before I stare working on it?
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May 23, 2011
When I wish to open MP4 files in programs other than PSPX3 a dialog box always pops up
The title of the box is "Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3"
The text is
"Please wait while Windows configures Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3
Gathering require information"
There is a process bar which moves very slowly, and a Cancel button.
If i hit Cancel the dialog box goes away and my file loads right away in what ever program I'm using.
My request is: How do i get this stupid box to pop up all the time, when i'm not even wanting to use PSPX3?
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Mar 2, 2008
I recently got a new computer, with Windows Vista. I used my wife's existing CD to install Paint Shop Pro 7 (from 2001 - yikes!). It seems fine, except for a few of the preferences. The BIG problem is that the [Printer] button on the Page Setup dialog no longer appears! Here's the verbiage from the PaintShopPro7 user guide:
6To surround the image with a color, click the Background button. When the Color dialog box opens, choose the color. The area of the paper from the image edge to the paper margin will be covered with this color.
7Click the Printer button to open the printer.
8Click OK to close the dialog box and save the settings.
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Dec 4, 2011
The dialog box for "Adjust/Highlight-midtone-shadow" has become "locked" at the very top-left corner of my monitor screen.
It's top "grab-bar" and "shadows-value-field" are outside the edges of my monitor.
I cannot "grab" it with my mouse cursor to relocate it. How can I move it into the visible area of my monitor?
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Oct 15, 2012
I am not liking the new features of X4 text. First, is there anyway to make the default text use the dialog box with holding down the shift key? Second, I am so use to previewing font styles by simply highlighting my text and then scrolling through the fonts drop down menu with version 10. This seems impossible with X4, MAJOR BUMMER and it really slows me down.
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Aug 1, 2012
I'm fumbling around with a Python script. Is it possible to make an input dialog with a "Browse" button so the user can find a folder (to be loaded into a variable in the script)?
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Feb 21, 2014
How do I prevent Lightroom to auto-start after introducing an USB-stick or otherwise in my computer? I want to start when I need it.
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Nov 18, 2013
Whenever I bring up the crop tool I see a dialog box covering part of the image. I never use it. Is there a way to hide or get rid of it?
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Jul 13, 2013
My menu bar has duplicates of some items such as "edit", "view", etc. How can I access it to remove these duplicates?
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Nov 23, 2013
I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS3 10.0.1.
When launching, the window labeled "Adobe Design Suite Premium CS3" opens - it's only filled with white, and no text or graphics (I think it's usually the window asking me if I want to register, which always comes up when I launch the program (rather annoying in itself). However, now it seems that the launch gets "hung" on this window, as, even the the program starts, all the menus are grayed out, and I can't open any files or do anything. Also, the window mentioned above only has the yellow "minimize" button available in the top left corner, so I can't close it or otherwise get rid of it. Since even the Quit function is grayed out, I have to quit the program with a force quit. Also, this same thing happens in my other CS3 programs (In Design) as well.
I tried trashing the photoshop plist file (com.adobe.photoshop.plist) and also the com.adobe.118.registration file, which had no effect.
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Oct 27, 2012
I've been working with Mac CS5 since it came out. And Mac Photo Shop in general since the early 90's. That said. This just started today right in the middle of a project:
Normally I hold down my Option Key and drag a layer down to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers pane. Now I get a dialog popping up asking me if to give the duplicate a name (if it's multiple layers), or to ask if the default name is OK.
This wasn't happening earlier in the day. Why has this all of a sudden started happening? How can I turn the pop-up off? I've tried resetting the prefs with Cmd-Opt-Shift on reopening PS5.
Yes, I know I can do this with Cmd-J, but I've doing the Opt-Drag methods for many years, and that's now how I'm used to working. Running i Mac with 8 GB RAM, OSX 10.8.2. RAM usage set to 70% default. Photo Shop CS5 10.0.4 x32.
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Oct 27, 2012
I've been working with CS5 since it came out.This just started today right in the middle of a project:
I hold down my Option Key and drag a layer down to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers pane.I then get a dialog popping up asking me if to give the duplicate a name (if it's multiple layers), or to ask if the default name is OK.
This wasn't happening earlier in the day.Why has this all of a sudden started happening?
How can I turn the pop-up off?
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Dec 2, 2011
I have a friend using Lightroom 3 on a Windows 7 PC. She uses multiple catalogs. (one for each client) as do I. Now when she launches LR the list of recent catalogs is empty. Could this be cleared some where? Why do they not show up and will they start showing up again after she opens different catalogs?
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Feb 15, 2013
I am unable to get this code to launch the File Save As Command. I Think I have the sytax correct, because if I Replace "AppFileSaveAsCmd" with a different command name (i.e. "AppFileNewCmd") it works as expected. I have tried this with "AppFileSaveCmd" and "AppFileSaveCopyAsCmd" and both have also failed. It seems any kind of save command wont work... I am trying to creat a rule that will fire on "New Document" iTrigger that will Force a user to save the newly created assembly document in preperation for further iLogic rules that depent on the assembly Filename and path. Maybe there I am not telling it What file to Save? I have pasted the code below..
Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML: 165 EndHTML: 3048 StartFragment: 314 EndFragment: 3016 StartSelection: 314 EndSelection: 314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
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Apr 18, 2013
Create shape > Transform > Move horizontal or vertical > select number of copies (missing!)
This was one of my favorite tricks but it looks the ability has been removed in CS6! So now if I want to make a sequence of shapes how can I do it?
Adobe fail? or am I missing something?
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Dec 31, 2011
I can't add and/or duplicate layers. I want to make a button (which I've made many times) But I can't add the appropriate amount of layering (in fact, I can't add any at all!
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Feb 11, 2011
I want to make a duplicate of this image: [URL]......
But I don't know how to make it...So I need a tutorial for that... If you still don't know what I want to do, I want to make a sword like that image there.
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Sep 17, 2011
I'm not sure why it took me so long to realize this, but apparently I have a bunch of double brushes loaded in my Custom Brushes Mini plug in. From the looks of it, I did two things: 1) I added several sets of brushes twice, and 2) On the majority of the sets, I loaded both the brush and the brush preview (from ABR). So now it is registering that I have over 600 brushes, when the number is closer to 350.
Is there a way to delete out those extra brushes and previews from the plug in? I'm expecting it to be slow loading, because of the brushes anyway. But taking off all of those extras would still work quite a bit in speeding things up.
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Dec 24, 2011
Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:
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Jul 15, 2012
drop shadow plug-in?I know how to create drop shadow effects without the plug-in, but I'm trying to use the plug-in and am having no success.
1. I open 3.5.10 and click the NEW button, then click OK in the New dialog box.
2. I create some plain text. I am using Arial 26 font and solid black color. The Layers window has one layer named Background.
3. I open up the Drop Shadow plug-in and just mess around with it, but nothing happens.
I have a feeling I'm missing a step in between steps 2 and 3. Do I need to duplicate the layer, or add a new layer? If I do, what do I have to do once the second layer is created?
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