Photoshop :: Why Does TIFF Image Look Blurry When Placed In InDesign File
Jan 23, 2013
I've placed a logo in my InDesign file that I saved out of Photoshop. It appear blurry when in InDesign and I do have it set to high image quality display so that isn't the issue. It is also set as CMYK and I haven't resized it after saving from Photoshop.
I tried saving a jpg so it would be crisper but then I have a white box behind it when placed in the InDesign file.I need to send it to print but can't let it go until I'm sure it won't print like a blurry mess.
What I have is an alias bitmap (Not anti-alias bitmap) in Phtoshop, when I save it as psd format (photoshop format), the bitmap is preserved. But when I save it as gif or png or whatever, the bitmap become blurs around the edges, making the images be anti-alias bitmap. I don't want that. I want the images to continue to stay alias when saving it into jpeg or png or whatever.
I use CS5.1 and just recently when I go to save my edited file as a TIFF, the file is now blurry. I even tried to save a RAW file as a TIFF (with no editing) and it is still coming up blurry
I tried to use some flags in an ai. file. The flag size I want is very tiny, less than 1cm. It's very strange that when the printer show me the pdf proof, some flags(png and TIF) looks blurry while the others(also png and TIF) looks ok. I download those flags online and the image looks very big and I only need them in a tiny size so I just shrink them and think it should be alright; I don't understand why they are blurry. My question is can I use the SVG flags that I download from Wikipedia and use them on the ai. file?
P.S. I guess it's the complexity of the flag that affects the quality. Because I have a TIF flag sized 4.2MB and still shows blurry.
I have created an image on illusrator CS6 and am ready to save it.
I have saved it as a pdf format and the image stays as a sharp vector image and not blurry at all.
But I also want to keep the image as a jpeg. So when I go to export the image from illustrator CS6 as a jpeg, the end result comes out blurry and not sharp anymore, but more jagged on the edges of the image.
Is there anything I can do to keep my file as a jpeg with it staying as a sharp crisp image?
I'm using Draw X5 to make a diagram using lines, circles, etc. When I try to export this to .tiff, the resulting images are very blurry and unusable. I'm using 300dpi without compression. I've tried with and without anti-aliasing. I can export the exact same thing to .jpg or .gif and they look perfect. Unfortunately I'm submitting this for publication and they require 300dpi .tiff files as the format.
I'm trying to combine a monotone image onto a grayscale image to use in my Indesign file. The whole job has to print two colors.
How can I easily make the diaper a PMS color and add it to the grayscale baby and still maintain two colors (PMS + K)
Right now, I'm cheating and combining the PMS diaper onto the grayscale baby in Indesign..... but I really need to have this in Photoshop so I can add shadows to make it more convincing. I tried converting the grayscale to CMYK and deleting all channels but black, didn't work as it took away all the information from the image.
I've created a mono, bitmapped image approx 400px square. Then saved the file.
If I go to 'get info' (I'm on an Apple Mac), it says the file size is 97k. If I open the file in P'shop (CS5.5) and go to 'Image Size', it says the file is 19.2k.
I am using PSE 12 as an external editor for Aperture. When I ask to use an external photo editor, Aperture creates a .tiff file in my Aperture folder, launches PSE 12 and tells it to edit that .tiff file. This all works great. When I am done editing in PSE 12, I ask it to save the file and it saves it back to the original Aperture folder with a .tif extension. I can instead say "save as" and then it suggests the file name with a .tif extension. When I correct the extension to .tiff it warns me that I'm going to overwrite the file (exactly what I want!). I say yes and then I find out that PSE did not overwrite the file, but wrote it as a .tif file anyway. I have to go to the folder, delete the .tiff file and rename the .tif file to .tiff and then everything is fine - but what a hassle.
I'm having a problem seeing a file in LR 4.2 when it is in the folder where I want it to be.
I created a composite tiff image from two raw files that reside in two different folders. I had exported the two raw files from LR as tiffs, opened the tiffs in Photoshop CS5, then combined them into a multi-layer tiff to create a 600+MB composite file. That composite was saved in Photoshop under a new file name using "Save As" . I knew the new composite file would not be in the LR catalog until I imported it. When I imported, the image went into a new date-named folder (call it folder "A"). So far, it all made sense to me.
From this point on things got funny. Working within LR, I tried to move the uniquely named composite from folder A into the folder that one of the component files came from (call it folder "B"). The Move failed. Instead, I got an error message saying the file already existed in "B." I could not see the file in "B" using lightroom, but MS Explorer revealed that the file was indeed there. I don't understand how it got there.
Still trying to get my composite in "B" recognized by LR, I first deleted the composite from "B" using explorer, then went into LR and moved the file from "A" (where LR recognized it), into "B". Still no good. LR does not show the file in "B", yet it appears in explorer.
I suppose I could live with this composite file in its own folder, "A," but that is not really where I want it. More importantly, I don't understand why I can't see it in LR in the folder where i want it.
- Is my catalog file damaged? -Might the XMP files have anything to do with this? -Is the size of the file (>600MB) a factor?
I have a image that I have seperated the layers, however some of the text edges are jagged. I have expanded the pixels but it's still ugly. Can anyone give me a tip on how to clean this up.
I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
I always have trouble taking a small image and making it larger because it always gets blurry and pixelated. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to make the image (whether it be a logo etc) larger without making it pixelated?
i've just been using the brush tool to draw and paint around with, and today when I tried to open up a saved project from last night, It came up all blurry and very undetailed compared to when i saved it. I think it might be the saved file was 16 bit, and maybe it's opening it up in 8 bit which is making it blurry? Or maybe my computer can't handle the 16bit and my resolution on the saved file was too high?
Also, I was wondering some recommended starting specs (like when I open a new window)
I have a project in which I am designing a website in Photoshop at 72 dpi. Everytime I bring in a photo be it an AI file, or jpeg or even tif that is much, larger than the 72 dpi .psd file I am working in, the image becomes blurry as I scale it down. Why is this and what then should I be doing to get my images crisp for a final file that will be used to slice out web assets during the build.
I created an image using the new Gimp 2.8 update, but when I try to upload the image to Facebook it gets all blurry. Any other photos I upload are fine, and I made another image in Gimp 2.6 of the same size (2400 pixels x 1800 pixels) which uploads normally, but for some reason no matter what I do the new picture made in 2.8 always uploads blurry.
I exported the image to jpeg format (although I also tried png) without messing with the export settings at all. Do I need to change them to make it upload to Facebook normally?
I took an image off the internet.. used it on a project. When you look at the completed page, the image (LOGO) looks good, my client loved it, called it excellent. I printed it and sent to him.. well, that logo is rather blurry. Is there a way to make it crisper, more clear? Somehow make it sharper?
I have created specific pixel height and width images for Facebook and other Social-Media applications. When I export or save for web, the images are pixelated or blurry. I have tried for art or for type, both seem to provide pixelated images for both png or jpg.
When I zoom to 1:1 with LR5 in the Develop module, I get a sharp image almost instantly, but when I then go to full screen (or go to full screen first and then zoom to 1:1), the image is blurry and stays that way, and the only way I can fix that, strangely, is to use the left or right arrow key to go to a neighboring image, and then return, at which point the blurry image comes into sharp focus in a second or so. My system seems to handle everything else in 64-bit LR5 with ease. Any thoughts re what's happening and how to fix it. A great product overall, and I love the full screen feature in other respects.
I've been using illustrator to vectorize some of my png files I've modified and rasterized in photoshop. The image trace feature has worked fine for me until yesterday when it started making my images very impreciese and blurry. I'll attach a before and after shot of exactly what I'm talking about.
Whenever I tell LR to edit a photo in PS (CS6), I get back a TIFF file that is 10X larger than the orginal RAW file, and I ultimetly delete it to save space (after first converting it to a jpeg). Why doesn't PS do LR style non-destructrive editing, i.e., why not simply return a record of the edits made in a format compatible with LR?
I have just bought a new quad core pc with 4 GB RAM, but XP SP2 only accepts 3,25 GB. Furthermore I have installed Abode Suite CS3 and did all the updates.
I have to merge 2 TIFF-file and make some corrections, after doing this I generated a 300 dpi CMYK tiff-file of 1 GB. At this point PS crashes and I can't open the file any more, it blocks when reaching +- 70%
I have selected to use the maximum memory via Photoshop preferences. But is not possible anymore, the only thing I can do is to close photoshop via the task-manager...
I have a large .psb file which i am trying to convert to.tiff.The file size says it's: 759MB and I understand that the .tiff will convert upto 4GB.But when i try to convert it says the file is to big!The error message "File exceeds 4GB limit...etc" comes up...
I have CS4 on Mac, and CS5 on PC I searched but there are soooo many results and I tried several of the suggestions I found for compressing, none worked.
Here's my challenge. I've got this image, as you can see it is solid white, and solid black only. This is going in some kind of program that needs it to be 200 PPI AND only12Kb or less AND if has to be a tif.
My dad works there and he sent me a file that is 10.8 Kb, PPI, and is 7.9" x 3.5", and it was (Bitmap)
So I changed the information and when I save it, the smallest I can get it to be is ~20Kb.
What I've tried so far:
Save for web as PNG with 2 colors, reopen it, and save that as .tif. Change it to Grayscale, then save it with JPEG Bitmap and Compressed with LZW Bitmap and Compressed with ZIP Bitmap and Compressed with NONE I even tried saving it as .25"x.125" but the file size stayed about the same.
Should I be using another program or is there a way to do this in Photoshop?
I installed Photoshop CS6 extended full version on Mac Os 10.7.4. When I try to save an image as a tiff I get a .raw, if I choose jpg I get .dcm, for pdf .jcm and so on. I already deleted CS6 prefs.psp,