Lightroom :: How To Edit A Photo In PS (CS6) But TIFF File Is 10X Larger Than Original RAW File
Aug 16, 2012
Whenever I tell LR to edit a photo in PS (CS6), I get back a TIFF file that is 10X larger than the orginal RAW file, and I ultimetly delete it to save space (after first converting it to a jpeg). Why doesn't PS do LR style non-destructrive editing, i.e., why not simply return a record of the edits made in a format compatible with LR?
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Jan 21, 2014
I have been working on a file in photoshop cs5 that had come from lightroom 5.3. This was then saved (automatically becomes tiff file in Lightroom). I then wanted to make some more adjustments to it in lightroom (using local adjustment clarity). I then tried to copy the settings of the adjustment brush from the tiff to the original raw file. This is where it gets very strange. The adjustments are copied but they are rotated ccw by 90 degrees! I can replicate this every time.
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Apr 21, 2013
I have a scenario that I can't seem to get working the way I want.
Scenario: I edit a file in photoshop with multiple layers (.tiff or .psd). I then add that file to my lightroom catalog and would like to have it automatically updated in lightroom when making changes in photoshop. I know this is possible when using the "Edit in Photoshop" option but I can't seem to get it working when I had the file in photoshop first.
If I import the file into lightroom and then make changes in photoshop the changes are not applied in lightroom. If, in lightroom, I choose "edit in photoshop" then I get a flat image generated from the lightroom file that does not have all my previously created photoshop layers.
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Jul 28, 2013
The external hard drive with wedding photos was corrupted. I still see the thumbnail in program(LR4) but it will not let me do anything with it. How/where do I use the memory of thumbnail to make a new file so that I can save my marriage?
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Apr 2, 2013
I just noticed that some of my photos are missing from the library in lightroom, specifically the original versions of photos that have virtual copies edited in photoshop in folders that have since been synchronized. Weird, and very anoying. The files are still there (in wondows explorer) but when I try to re-import them lightroom doesn't see them, only the PS edited copies (.tif files). I told lightroom to allow duplicates and it sees all the photos in the folder except those missing ones. This does not happen to my PS edited virtual copies in folders that have not been synchronized. It is not a matter of stacking, or at least Lightroom does not think the PS copies are stacked at all so I can't unstack them. How to get them back into lightroom (preferably with the accompanying development settings) and also how to avoid this problem in the future.
PS: I import files from my camcorder using a different program because lightroom does not acknowledge that particular video file format. That's why I have to synchronize some folders and not others.
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Nov 9, 2011
Once changes developed I want to save them onto the original file. I export the selected image (original photo + changes) with overwriting choice but the result file has only the original and not the changes
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Nov 27, 2011
After editing a photo in an external application, only the original raw file can be seen. The edited photo is hidden, even when searched for by name.
I have been reduced to the following workaround, which has the drawback of deleting all the original raw (.cr2) edits: Edit the photo; edit in external application; save and close. Back in lightroom, delete the raw file (from lightroom only); then close lightroom, reopen it and then at last I can see my edited file. Then I have to re-import the raw file and of course the edits have disappeared. But at least the final result can be seen.
The photos are supposed to be in a stack, but there appears to be a bug in this function because you can only ever see the raw file.
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Oct 3, 2012
Attaching a JPG to an email, says its a larger size than the original?
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Oct 10, 2011
I recently built a new PC dedicated to my photo work.
i7 2600k, 16gb DDR 3 ripjaws, 128GB crucial m4 SSD, (2) x 1TB 7200 HDDs (mirrored), Sapphire Radeon HD 5570.The first month or so of use LR worked great. However, recently I have been getting several errors and oddities.
1) Randomly closes. I can restart it without a problem and pick back up where I left off. There are not warnings or signs that it is about to close.. it just does.
2) "Unexpected end of file". Unable to edit photo. Preview does show, however. I have never seen this error before on other machines.
3) Memory dumps. I assume this is related to LR3 as that is the only program I am actively using when it happens (Chome is always open as well, however) I will have the dump files examined to know for sure.
4) Something new that just started today. In the preview bar on the bottom, as I scroll through the photos I see the previews of other photos.. some photos from other folders I took weeks or months ago. When I hover over the image it changes to what it should be.1 with a photo from this particular shoot and one from one I did over a month ago. Everything I scroll back and forth (rapidly or not) as the previews load it loads the wrong files first, multiple times (around 8 or 9 in a row) and then they slowly change to what it should be.
I am not sure if I am properly describing this error but it is really weird.Also, this seems to only happen on the images off a CF card. I was borrowing a friends D200 as a 2nd body for a party. When I scroll through the images off my SD card I do not see the issue appear. When I get to the CF portion of the folder is when I see the problem..I just updated LR today but these issues occured prior to the update and still exist afterwards.
Do I need to do a fresh install of LR?What precautions do I need to take in doing so to insure my catalogue stays intact?
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Nov 2, 2013
How can I make available "Refine edge" when advised in (Elements 11 - Guided - Depth of field - Custom - Blur - that the "Command refine edge is not currently available" ??????
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Sep 3, 2013
I am trying to access the edit original (edit with) option to edit a photo that has not been edited yet. I right click and go through the edit menu and does not appear or is not available? Would I have to reopen it manual in photoshop or is there a way around this to access that setting? it sometimes does not appear on my already edited photos.
I would prefer not to open each photo again, as some files i do not have and were imported into the document with another computer.
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Apr 16, 2013
When I edit a photo in Photoshop from Lightroom 4 and save it back to Lightroom, the photo ends up somewhere else in the folder than it's original location. This is a hassle as my folders can have hundreds of photos. Is there a setting that will place the file back to where it came from?
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Dec 29, 2012
In following Julieanne's Adobe TV topic here -> http:[url].....-creating-32bit-hdr-images-in-lr-41/ a problem arises when trying to save from Photoshop CS 6. According to Julieanne you hit ctrl-s so that PS saves the HDR image and then it should show up in Lightroom. What I have found is that hitting crtrl-s saves it as a PSD file which does automatically show up in Lightroom, however Lightroom but can't read it. If I do a save-as, and select TIFF as the extension Lightroom will not automatically see the TIFF file. I have to synchronize the folder in order to have Lightroom import it.
Why would Lightroom automatically see a PSD file (that is of no use) and not see the TIFF file?
Is there a setting in PS that will change the preferences to save as a TIFF instead of a PSD file?
Using Lightroom 4.2 and Photoshop CS6.
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Mar 20, 2014
URL....I am using PSE 12 as a photo editor for Aperture 3.5.1 and the photo is duplicated (as a tiff) in Aperture and PSE editor opens with the image. When I close the file and say to save the file it brings up the save as window.
I tell PSE 12 to "on first save -- save over current file" it now brings up the "save as" window and won't save over the file (changes the file type from .tiff to .tif)
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Dec 18, 2011
I accidentally included a file rename when I just imported a batch of several hundred pictures. I violated a rule that I teach my own Lightroom students, and that is to look carefully at the import panel choices before proceeding.
How can I correct this so that the files are named as they originally were? I know how to easily fix the filenames in Windows (using a tool called BulkRename, for example), but then I'd have to "find" each image one-by-one and correctly point to the renamed version. I tried selecting all the images and then using F2 to rename, but none of the templates allow deleting a portion of the filename.
P.S. Here is an example of what I mean:
IMG_0001 {shot by John Doe}.NEF
IMG_0300 {shot by John Doe}.NEF
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May 15, 2013
When opening a multi-page TIF file, there are options to open a specific page, a range of pages, or all pages. Unfortunately, the options for range of pages or all pages are dimmed, and cannot be selected. What can we not select these other options?
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Sep 19, 2012
I can not figure out how to maintain the original file size of my photos when I open them in Paintshop For example, the original file might be 3.78 MB but once it opens in Paintshop it is only 706 KB. Do I need to change settings somewhere?
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Oct 28, 2012
Recently changed file names and now need to revert back to the original file name created via camera. Can this be done in LR 4 or is this info deleted?
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Dec 16, 2013
I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2. Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3. RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.
I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy".
I reset all dialog warnings and nothing. The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.
It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.
Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.
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Aug 9, 2012
I made a dumb mistake when I first started using LR and I thought files once downloaded into the catalogue were saved and accessible. I removed the files from bridge and now I cannot open them in my catalog. My photos will show up in LR, but the message says "cannot open because cannot locate original file"
I can SEE them, I just can't do anything with them. Is there anyway to recover these files?
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Jun 8, 2012
Lightroom - Can I import RAW files, re-order them, then change the original RAW file numbering?
I used two different cameras and several memory cards to shoot a recent wedding. Unfortunately, the camera's times were one hour different, so the capture time does not order them correctly. Obviously neither does the file name...
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Oct 20, 2013
When I hit "Delete" to delete a photo I usually get to choose between deleting original file or remove from Lightroom 5. Just now, am getting message: "The original file can not be deleted because it is missing or on a volume that is offline." I did not delete the original file. How can the file be returned to "online"?
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Jul 1, 2012
Isn't writing metadata to the XMP space of a file (jpeg or dng) altering the file? I assumed that non-destructive meant not changing the original file in any way, and this rewrites the file and thus changes the modification date. And if the Develop settings are included, then doesn't that confuse things as to which version will be displayed by an application that opens it? Do I need to store the original somewhere else? Or am I misunderstanding how this all works?
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May 10, 2012
I am currently using PC version for Lightroom. All of the photos I am taken are in .RAW format. I want to switch over to a MAC and purchase CS6. What's the best way to transfer the photos I have developed in LR on the PC?
Will the original RAW file be transported and will my changes port over as well? The way I understand LR is that you can develop the image and revert back to the original whenever you want by clicking reset - this removes all changes/edits - is this correct? Just want to make sure all that hard editing work doesn't disappear and I lose images.
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Jun 21, 2013
Photoshop cc is crashing when i try to edit original photo from illustrator cc or cs6. and when i try to open photo from Photoshop it crashes again.
then i try to set my default program for all my jpegs to Photoshop cs6 and it doesn't let me do that.
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Dec 4, 2011
I am a new lightroom user. I have a catalog of 2600 images that are jpeg files. I would like to change to file type tiff.
What would be the best method to get things changed?.
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Dec 1, 2012
this is in regards to a Lightroom 3.5 exported JPG. This was a year ago when I had been told it was best to export files with simple renumbering of them from 1 to x... instead of retaining the original RAW 4-digit file name.
I've currently lost the original files, and need to do a search for them via these 4 digits to see if I have them tucked away in any of my drives. I downloaded a metadata explorer, and it's telling me all the lightroom editing information, and everything else, but somehow does not have the simplest of information — that 4 digit original file name.
Am I grasping at straws or is there likely to be any way to find this information out? I don't work with metadata, so there wouldn't have been any customizations to how Lightroom configures this...
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Apr 21, 2012
Is there a way to tell whether a DNG is the result of converting a cr2/nef vs. jpeg or tiff? I seem to remember an "original file" field in the metadata in the past.
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Feb 21, 2013
I imported 900 RAW images from my desktop into Lightroom, edited them, renamed the filename, and exported them into JPGs. Since I no longer needed the RAW images on my desktop I moved them over to an external hard drive. So now the images are still visible in my Lightroom catalog, but there is no photo to back it up since I moved the original files to the external hard drive. After realizing that I exported the images at 150 dpi instead of 300 dpi I need to re-export the images from lightroon at the proper resolution. But since I moved the originals to the external hard drive there is no photo to back it up in lightroom anymore. So I went to locate the files by clicking on the "?" but since I renamed the file when I exported them, the original filename on the external hard drive is now different from the filename in the catalog. Is the only solution to locate the file one by one? Is there any way I can do them all at once even though the original filename is different from the filename in my lightoom catalog? The original filename is still listed in the metadata, but since the originals are missing it can't change it back.
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Apr 2, 2013
When exporting images, how do I export/save all of the original metadata to the file(s) when using LR4?
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Aug 27, 2013
I have many files which I created by making a copy of the original and editing it. I have the original file with no edit history. The copy which shows the results of the editing is marked as a missing file and the edit history is greyed out. Both file share the same name with the exception that one is a copy. Is there any way to re-link these files? When I try to search for the missing file and point to the original, it tells me that the file is already linked to a file and can't be linked to a second file.
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