Lightroom :: How To Change To JPEG File Type To TIFF
Dec 4, 2011I am a new lightroom user. I have a catalog of 2600 images that are jpeg files. I would like to change to file type tiff.
What would be the best method to get things changed?.
I am a new lightroom user. I have a catalog of 2600 images that are jpeg files. I would like to change to file type tiff.
What would be the best method to get things changed?.
It is convenient to add each image name as a text on each figure by Slideshow. Could I use each image name as the exported file name?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow do I changs JPEG to TIFF?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
I have a Nikon D800 (software up to date) and bought Lr 5 yesterday (software up to date). Watcehd Julieanne Kost TV series on Lr, very informative. I want edit my photographs with Capture NX 2 launching it from within Lr 5. Julieanne explained how to launch Photoshop and I have changed the settings in the dropdown menu for 'photo' to Cature Nx 2 and browsed to find it on my program list. It is now set as the editing program, but does not allow me to chamnge the file type to NEF, which is the filetype I want to use. I bought Lr 5 because the D800 was listed as a compatible camera for Lr 5.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow can I change a raw file to a jpeg file? I want to email a file to an online printer and they only accept jpegs.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have about 50 tiffs in a folder. can i duplicate each and then turn the dupes into jpegs all with one action?
View 9 Replies View Related1. How to fit properly A4 size Rectangle in the document? because after finish work when I converted the the cdr file to TIFF, it shows the image is not fit in the document and also the print does not comes out properly.
2. An other problem I have is, when I converted cdr file to TIFF and even JPEG, color of drop shadows which was black, is appears as a white color....what should I do? how to change the color setting?
When I select jpeg in the Save As dialogue box the extension .iff appears instead.
View 4 Replies View RelatedRecently I have been unable to save tiff and psd files as jpegs. When I select "save as" from the file menue I do not have jpeg as an option in the drop down menue. I have always been able to save files as jpegs until recently.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I convert a Nikon NEF file to a TIFF or JPEG?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I convert Tiff's to Jpeg's in Lightroom so I can then upload them to SmugMug?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am using Photoshop CS6. I am unable to save a 8bit tiff or psd file as a jpeg. When I choose JPEG format .iff is attached to the file. When I open the same file in CS5 it works correctly. Whichever format I attempt to save as it selects the suffix for the format above. I have downloaded again but no change.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSuddenly I can't save my PSD files as JPEG file without CS6 wanting to turn them into tiff files. Keeps prompting me to to choose from a drop down menu as Maya or Amiga files.
I've checked to be sure my file is set for 8 bits and srgb. Not working with video files of any sort. In fact, I've tried saving past PSD files as JPEG and it's giving me the same iff prompt.
I have installed both version 2.6.11 and also version 2.4.7 of the Windows version of Gimp that I have downloaded from here [URL]
When I launch Gimp, and select File / Open from the main menu, neither TIF/TIFF nor JPG/JPEG files are listed when "All Images" is selected in the file type drop-down listbox. If I select "All Files", and then select either a TIFF or JPEG file, then an error message appears stating "Unknown file type". The specific types listed in the file type drop down list box include:
GIMP XCF image (*.xcf)
bzip archive (*.xcf.bz2, *.bz2, *.xcfbz2)
Dexktop Link (*.desktop)
G3 fax image (*.g3)
GIF image (*.gif)
gzip archive (*.xcf.gz, *.gz, *.xcfgz)
Photoshop image (*.psd)
I have read here: [URL] that, "Some of the file types, such as JPEG and TIFF, require extra libraries (described elsewhere)." I have no idea where "elsewhere" is.
I have completely uninstalled, rebooted, and reinstalled both version 2.6.11 and 2.4.7 with the exact same results each time. The program otherwise works as advertized, with no errors or problems that I am aware of.
Am I missing something here? All indications are that GIMP (Even the Windows version) natively supports TIFF / TIF and JPEG / JPG files, but that is certainly not my experience!
I am specifically interested in opening TIFF / TIF files.
I have tons of Jpeg I need to import to Lightroom. How can I set it to convert the images to Tiff while importing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn CS6 I work with .tiff files and then export them to LR4 for editting. When I try to export the files back to CS6 they are converted to .jpeg files. Why?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSince a couple of days when I export tiff files to jpeg the exported image looks darker. If I reimport it the histogram is evidently changed.
It looks like something messed up in preferences but I didn't make any changes (at least I didn't do it purposely).
I upgraded to the 4.4 version after this happened but nothing changed.
I run Lightroom 4.4 under Apple OS X10.4.4..When I export files Exif Tool (in Graphic Converter) under ICC header shows for Jpeg "Primary Platform = Microsoft and for = Tiff Apple; and under ICC Profile Color profile for Jpeg = HP but Adobe 1998 for Tiff. I can see that there is a difference between the profile for Jpeg and Tiff (eg sRgb and Adobe1998) but don't follow why the Primary platform differs and shows Microsoft for Jpeg and that the jpeg profile is HP
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to blow up some prints into large formats.... How can I export in TIFF instead of Jpeg in LR5?
View 3 Replies View RelatedOK - so i've done a little bit of an edit to a photo and just wanted to save it to a jpeg so i could use it in other stuff. I was just wondering where this function is?
I've attached an image of the options that are available to me when i select save as.
I am using Windows 7. How do I associate a file type (.jpeg) with Gimp 2 program. I follow easy steps in Windows, but I am unable to locate (.exe) file for Gimp. Where is the .exe file i need to complete this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I'm using the marquee tool to crop an image, how can I save the new cropped image as a jpeg file type rather than as a PSD, PDD file type?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI got this workflow,
1) From LR export to PS
2) Do all essential editings.
3) Save. File become 'xyz.tiff' now. (I want to keep this as master copy)
4) Crop to 4r, Save a Jpeg copy as 'xyz 4r.jpg'
5) PS save it as a copy, but do not automatically open the Jpeg copy. The tiff remains opened. I have to manullay Open, browse to it, and open the Jpeg. The 'Open Recent' list also do not list 'xyz 4r.jpg'.
6) Do 4r sharpening for the 'xyz 4r.jpg', save it.
Basically the files I want to keep and worked on is like this: NEF -> xyz.tiff -> xyz 4r.jpg -> xyz sml.jpg(maybe)
Now, it there a way in step (5) to have PS save the JPEG copy, and automatically open it? I don't care if the Tiff copy remains opened or not, I am done with it.
How to change a 30mb tiff into 30mb jpeg.
View 2 Replies View RelatedPrint to JPEG in LR5.2 produces a corrupt JPEG file that cannot be opened.
Lightroom is running on MacPro. When printing I am attaching an ICC profile provided by the bureau that is going to produce the prtins. Having said this the file cannot be opened neither on a Mac nor on a Windows PC.
Up until now, i used to exported as TIFFs but after reading Jeff Schewe book The Digital Print i have become convinced that printing through LR to a file is much more efficient.
I want to shoot tethered in studio, and shoot RAW + JPEG, but I want Lightroom to only import the JPEGS so as to improve the speed. I shoot a Canon 7D.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhenever I tell LR to edit a photo in PS (CS6), I get back a TIFF file that is 10X larger than the orginal RAW file, and I ultimetly delete it to save space (after first converting it to a jpeg). Why doesn't PS do LR style non-destructrive editing, i.e., why not simply return a record of the edits made in a format compatible with LR?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have scanned a few negatives with my Epson 3200 scanner through the import twain 3200. It brings the file up and I make my changes. Then I go to Save As and my only options are "TIFF", "PSD" or "RAW". How do I save it as a JPEG?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have been trying to get it to jpg. However it simply will not let me, i do not know why.
here is an imageshack of my problem.
change file type from raw
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