Illustrator :: Create Non-blurry For Web Images From AI File
Nov 26, 2013
I have created specific pixel height and width images for Facebook and other Social-Media applications. When I export or save for web, the images are pixelated or blurry. I have tried for art or for type, both seem to provide pixelated images for both png or jpg.
I'm trying to create a new logo and now that I've created it, I try to save it and once saved, It looks very blurry/fuzzy. But in illustrator it looks excellent! It's just in the saved copy that looks horrible. I'm just metally drained and don't know to do
-Illustrator CC -Macbook Pro Retina -late 2013
I've tried every possible format just about for the logo to be saved as. Even in the browser preview mode in save for web, it looks horrible. I'm needing this logo to be saved as jpeg, png, or something relative.
I have this problem in CS5 that any type of image or line art are always blurry. All my work is for print and perhaps just the preview is blurry but I am afraid that printing will be bad.
Most graphics I bring in are from Photoshop CS5. I make sure they are 300DPI to start and recently learned they should not be in RGB mode but CMYK.
The images I should also mention when placed are very small and I have to scale them to be the correct size. I do not know why they do not place as their original size. So basically it is small size and blurriness.
I am exporting an image for web in Illustrator 6 and my images are all turning out blurry. I have attached a sample image as well as a screenshot of my current settings, although I have messed with the settings quite a bit and I seem to have this problem no matter what I do., URL....
I've been using illustrator to vectorize some of my png files I've modified and rasterized in photoshop. The image trace feature has worked fine for me until yesterday when it started making my images very impreciese and blurry. I'll attach a before and after shot of exactly what I'm talking about.
I tried to use some flags in an ai. file. The flag size I want is very tiny, less than 1cm. It's very strange that when the printer show me the pdf proof, some flags(png and TIF) looks blurry while the others(also png and TIF) looks ok. I download those flags online and the image looks very big and I only need them in a tiny size so I just shrink them and think it should be alright; I don't understand why they are blurry. My question is can I use the SVG flags that I download from Wikipedia and use them on the ai. file?
P.S. I guess it's the complexity of the flag that affects the quality. Because I have a TIF flag sized 4.2MB and still shows blurry.
I have created an image on illusrator CS6 and am ready to save it.
I have saved it as a pdf format and the image stays as a sharp vector image and not blurry at all.
But I also want to keep the image as a jpeg. So when I go to export the image from illustrator CS6 as a jpeg, the end result comes out blurry and not sharp anymore, but more jagged on the edges of the image.
Is there anything I can do to keep my file as a jpeg with it staying as a sharp crisp image?
I opened LR today and this time did not click ignore to the message of update to curent. After the update I opened to the current catalog and my images were blurry. I switched to a different catalog and same thing. I selected an image I had not previously edited and it was fine. I started to edit it and after the first adjustment it was not viewable. I clicked to another image and then back. It was viewable, but blurry. To be clear, these are not blurry images, but update is causing them to be this way.
Opened a clear image in QuickLook. Opened in PS CS5 to edit and it is blurry. PS is blurry/pixelated too - the tools, the font, etc. What can I do to fix this? I have had PS CS 5 for awhile now and have never had this problem before. Already tried re-opening, shutting down.
I have a jpg file 1500x1024 pixels. If I resize it down to 400x300 and save it, the image quality is fine in the Gimp window. When I view it outside of Gimp, like in Image Viewer or FSpot its very blurry.
I resized the same image on a Mac using Photoshop and this did not happen, the resized image was perfect. Is it some sort of limitation in Gimp?
In the Scale Image dialog box the interpolation is set to Cubic. In the Save As jpeg dialog box I have checked Optimize Smoothing is set to 1.00 Subsamplingis set to Best Quality
When I open an image in Photoshop it looks blurry at any zoom including 100%.Same image looks fine in GIMP, Explorer, etc.Here's an example. The left side is what it looks like in Photoshop.
Below is my system info.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 x64Operating System: Windows 7 64-bitVersion: 6.1 Service Pack 1Physical processor count: 4Logical processor count: 8Processor speed: 3703 MHzBuilt-in memory: 6142 MBFree memory: 1209 MBMemory available to Photoshop: 5350 MBMemory used by Photoshop: 86 %Image tile size: 128KImage cache levels: 4OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.OpenGL Drawing Mode: AdvancedOpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA CorporationVideo Card Renderer: GeForce GTX 460/PCIe/SSE2
I got some pics taken from my cellphone that I just can't read due to the blurryness from the picture. Is there any filter I can apply or something I can do to make what is written readable?
When moving the sliders the image becomes blurry until the slider is stopped. You do not see the change until the slider is at rest. This occured in the early LR 5.0 beta version but eventually went away in the final. I really do not like this effect.
ive encountered a problem in X3 when i try to export any artwork or photos to my desktop as jpegs they images are all blurry,outside lines are not sharp at all,ive not altered any settings whatsoever and also found that full A4 images will not save at all,just as a solid black line.
When I am in Survey View and hit the Z key, some of the previews are blurry. The same thing happens in Grid View. However, in Loupe View, the images are fine when I the 'Z' key. Using Survey View would make things go faster when making my picks.
I tried rendering 1:1 but the returns a mesage that says renders are up to date and rendering was done.
I run a film lab and I digitally scan 8mm film a frame at a time to TIFF/ BMP/ JPEG... etc. I've switched to PC and CC in the last month and I'm wontering how to make video files out of these still image sequences in any application in CC. I'm guessing my best bet is Premiere Pro or media ecoder?
On my mac I used to use Quick Time which was very simple and easy to do but before spending money to get the full version of QT on my PC I wondered if there was anyway I can do it in CC?
I have a set of images that are all different, but tile nicely together. I would like to create a pattern (or similar) that I can use to fill an area using those images randomly selected. That is, they should all be aligned in a grid, but each tile of the grid should be chosen at random from one of the images. The purpose of this is to have a tiling that doesn't repeat, a la [URL] and, more generally, [URL]
Here are a few images from a set as an example of what I would like to randomly tile:
Of course I could place them manually, but I may need to fill an area with thousands of these, and even if I did place them by hand, it wouldn't be very flexible as far as reshaping/resizing the tiled area, etc.
i've just been using the brush tool to draw and paint around with, and today when I tried to open up a saved project from last night, It came up all blurry and very undetailed compared to when i saved it. I think it might be the saved file was 16 bit, and maybe it's opening it up in 8 bit which is making it blurry? Or maybe my computer can't handle the 16bit and my resolution on the saved file was too high?
Also, I was wondering some recommended starting specs (like when I open a new window)
I have 2 separate image files and wish to create one new image file comprised of the two initial images on the left and right. Is that possible (and novice practical) with the software?
How to save an Illustrator document as pdf and preserve good quality of its objects. Let's say I create a rectangle, save the document as pdf, see result - the rectangle is blurry.
I've placed a logo in my InDesign file that I saved out of Photoshop. It appear blurry when in InDesign and I do have it set to high image quality display so that isn't the issue. It is also set as CMYK and I haven't resized it after saving from Photoshop.
I tried saving a jpg so it would be crisper but then I have a white box behind it when placed in the InDesign file.I need to send it to print but can't let it go until I'm sure it won't print like a blurry mess.
What I have is an alias bitmap (Not anti-alias bitmap) in Phtoshop, when I save it as psd format (photoshop format), the bitmap is preserved. But when I save it as gif or png or whatever, the bitmap become blurs around the edges, making the images be anti-alias bitmap. I don't want that. I want the images to continue to stay alias when saving it into jpeg or png or whatever.
I've been working on items in Illustrator, and noticed a HUGE change when I transfer them into Photoshop. What I am doing is creating images (and text) in Illustrator.
Then I select, Control + C to copy, then I paste into my 300dpi document in Photoshop to add textures, etc. Once they are brought in... the text is pixelated and not clear like it is in Illustrator.
Left (is the Photoshop Image) AFTER Transfer ------ Right (Original Image in Illustrator)
I have a project in which I am designing a website in Photoshop at 72 dpi. Everytime I bring in a photo be it an AI file, or jpeg or even tif that is much, larger than the 72 dpi .psd file I am working in, the image becomes blurry as I scale it down. Why is this and what then should I be doing to get my images crisp for a final file that will be used to slice out web assets during the build.
Ever since starting to use the illustrator provided as part of the creative cloud, I can not produce anything with clear text. Why? It looks blurry on the art board and looks blurry in the final document.
I was given a complex children's logo (below) in AI format. When placing it in ID, I started getting resolution warnings. After some digging, it turns out that the person who created this used images instead of gradients for only some of the objects. I'm not sure why someone would do this instead of just creating the gradients in AI. However, I now need to find and replace all these images. Is there an easy way to locate the images?
When trying to create a new file, I get the following prompt and AI hangs and stops opening existing files."Can't create a new illustration. Problems occurred while saving the print file. -1".