I got some pics taken from my cellphone that I just can't read due to the blurryness from the picture. Is there any filter I can apply or something I can do to make what is written readable?
Opened a clear image in QuickLook. Opened in PS CS5 to edit and it is blurry. PS is blurry/pixelated too - the tools, the font, etc. What can I do to fix this? I have had PS CS 5 for awhile now and have never had this problem before. Already tried re-opening, shutting down.
When I open an image in Photoshop it looks blurry at any zoom including 100%.Same image looks fine in GIMP, Explorer, etc.Here's an example. The left side is what it looks like in Photoshop.
Below is my system info.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 x64Operating System: Windows 7 64-bitVersion: 6.1 Service Pack 1Physical processor count: 4Logical processor count: 8Processor speed: 3703 MHzBuilt-in memory: 6142 MBFree memory: 1209 MBMemory available to Photoshop: 5350 MBMemory used by Photoshop: 86 %Image tile size: 128KImage cache levels: 4OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.OpenGL Drawing Mode: AdvancedOpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA CorporationVideo Card Renderer: GeForce GTX 460/PCIe/SSE2
I opened LR today and this time did not click ignore to the message of update to curent. After the update I opened to the current catalog and my images were blurry. I switched to a different catalog and same thing. I selected an image I had not previously edited and it was fine. I started to edit it and after the first adjustment it was not viewable. I clicked to another image and then back. It was viewable, but blurry. To be clear, these are not blurry images, but update is causing them to be this way.
I have a jpg file 1500x1024 pixels. If I resize it down to 400x300 and save it, the image quality is fine in the Gimp window. When I view it outside of Gimp, like in Image Viewer or FSpot its very blurry.
I resized the same image on a Mac using Photoshop and this did not happen, the resized image was perfect. Is it some sort of limitation in Gimp?
In the Scale Image dialog box the interpolation is set to Cubic. In the Save As jpeg dialog box I have checked Optimize Smoothing is set to 1.00 Subsamplingis set to Best Quality
I'm trying to create a new logo and now that I've created it, I try to save it and once saved, It looks very blurry/fuzzy. But in illustrator it looks excellent! It's just in the saved copy that looks horrible. I'm just metally drained and don't know to do
-Illustrator CC -Macbook Pro Retina -late 2013
I've tried every possible format just about for the logo to be saved as. Even in the browser preview mode in save for web, it looks horrible. I'm needing this logo to be saved as jpeg, png, or something relative.
I have this problem in CS5 that any type of image or line art are always blurry. All my work is for print and perhaps just the preview is blurry but I am afraid that printing will be bad.
Most graphics I bring in are from Photoshop CS5. I make sure they are 300DPI to start and recently learned they should not be in RGB mode but CMYK.
The images I should also mention when placed are very small and I have to scale them to be the correct size. I do not know why they do not place as their original size. So basically it is small size and blurriness.
I am exporting an image for web in Illustrator 6 and my images are all turning out blurry. I have attached a sample image as well as a screenshot of my current settings, although I have messed with the settings quite a bit and I seem to have this problem no matter what I do., URL....
i'm new to photoshop so i'm not familiar with the commands etc... i have figured out how to make text blurry by doing numerous web searches. however, i have not figured out how to make text un blurry...
i was working with a jpg image with some blurry text and i'm not sure how to correctly highlight that section of the image and just change the text to make it legible.
I have created specific pixel height and width images for Facebook and other Social-Media applications. When I export or save for web, the images are pixelated or blurry. I have tried for art or for type, both seem to provide pixelated images for both png or jpg.
When moving the sliders the image becomes blurry until the slider is stopped. You do not see the change until the slider is at rest. This occured in the early LR 5.0 beta version but eventually went away in the final. I really do not like this effect.
In photoshop I created a document that is 8.5x11, the size of standard printing paper, with a letter in a handwritten font. When I print my letter the print quality is not so great. I have resolution for the image set to 100. There is a little bit of a blur around the edges of the font and overall it is not very crisp.
If I take that same font when printed through microsoft word, it is very crisp, sharp and high quality.
What might be the disconnect between the two? Why is the same document much more crisp and clean when printed through word than through photoshop?
why is the small text blurry on Photoshop? i am a very small advert for a newspaper! and the text is printing blurry and when zoomed in is appearing all blurry? how do i stop this i only have Photoshop and indesign.
ive encountered a problem in X3 when i try to export any artwork or photos to my desktop as jpegs they images are all blurry,outside lines are not sharp at all,ive not altered any settings whatsoever and also found that full A4 images will not save at all,just as a solid black line.
My 14-pt font looks VERY blurry on a 528-px wide image (96 ppi), and I've tried anti-aliasing, crisp, smooth, and none. None makes it look skinny and uneven, and the rest make it look blurry even at 100%. It's slightly more blurry when turned into a JPEG on Chrome.
What should my resolution be if I'm trying to display on browsers? Does it even matter? How can I make the font look sharp?
Whenever I type in Photoshop for the last few months, all the text is pixelated and blurry. The problem is impervious to anti-aliasing and resolution changes. The only difference is that with anti-aliasing the image is blurry and pixelated and without, it's just extremely pixelated. Why this problem started, I have no memory of changing a setting that would have caused this.
I've done everything I can think of, including re-setting Photoshop completely to original settings. Even files that I created before the problem began now have blurry text when opened. I esentially can't do anything with Photoshop right now and it is extremely frustrating. The following images are of the text WITH anti-aliasing and then without, both at 12 pt, 400%, 300 ppi.
I've been using illustrator to vectorize some of my png files I've modified and rasterized in photoshop. The image trace feature has worked fine for me until yesterday when it started making my images very impreciese and blurry. I'll attach a before and after shot of exactly what I'm talking about.
When I am in Survey View and hit the Z key, some of the previews are blurry. The same thing happens in Grid View. However, in Loupe View, the images are fine when I the 'Z' key. Using Survey View would make things go faster when making my picks.
I tried rendering 1:1 but the returns a mesage that says renders are up to date and rendering was done.
As you can see by the image below, my menu bar titles at the top are small and blurry, plus anywhere there is a text field box (i.e. length & width text fields in the Image Size window) it is collapsed vertically and therefore I can't see what my values are. You can also see the 3 check mark boxes at the bottom of the Image Size window are cut off. I previously had CS6 installed on a Window XP machine without any issues. Now that I have "upgraded" to Window 7, this is what I get for results after the install.
When viewing my drawing in model space it is very clear however as soon as i view it in layout and apply a scale, the additional lines writing etc become very blurry. I am scaling to A3 1:250 from model space
Are there any rule of thumbs with regards to line types, text etc to ensure they are not blurred when applying to layout?
I've been working on items in Illustrator, and noticed a HUGE change when I transfer them into Photoshop. What I am doing is creating images (and text) in Illustrator.
Then I select, Control + C to copy, then I paste into my 300dpi document in Photoshop to add textures, etc. Once they are brought in... the text is pixelated and not clear like it is in Illustrator.
Left (is the Photoshop Image) AFTER Transfer ------ Right (Original Image in Illustrator)
This is a problem running through only some of my drawings, I have tried forcing the z value to 0, no change. I have tried setting the ucs to current, world, no change. I have tried to flatten the text, no change.
When I went to convert my finished CAD drawing into a PDF the text came out blurry, information was missing, and the lines were also blurry and still colored, even though the plot style was set to greyscale. I tried opening the file up on another computer and it still did the same thing. I ended up copying the drawing into a whole new document and messing around with it to get it to finally print to PDF properly, however, I would like to know why this happened and how it can be fixed if it happens again. I have attached an image of the PDF that printed out poorly, and the final proper PDF so you can see what it was supposed to come out as.
Ever since starting to use the illustrator provided as part of the creative cloud, I can not produce anything with clear text. Why? It looks blurry on the art board and looks blurry in the final document.
After I created or made a multiline text, the ribbon in autocad is getting all blurry. None of the icons in the ribbon will work (see attached picture).
I always have to shut down Autocad and restart it to continue my work.