CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Images Exported All Blurry
Aug 10, 2012
ive encountered a problem in X3 when i try to export any artwork or photos to my desktop as jpegs they images are all blurry,outside lines are not sharp at all,ive not altered any settings whatsoever and also found that full A4 images will not save at all,just as a solid black line.
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Mar 10, 2011
I am fairly new to Corel, and I have been using the program to do a lot of icons to load onto a webpage.
Every time I upload an image, it blurs the edges around the text and the color looks distorted.
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Jun 25, 2012
I am having a strange problem when exporting jpg images. I export the image and I can open it with PhotoPaint, but if I try to import it to Dreamweaver or send it in an email, the file is attached, but the image cannot be seen. I get the square with the red X instead.
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May 2, 2012
I have a JPEG cartoon image (company logo) that I want to import. When I do the logo goes blurry. Not terrible, but when you zoom in, way more blurry than if you opened the picture in Microsoft Picture Manager.
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Dec 20, 2011
If you noticed that the colour palatte colours in CorelDraw X5 are different to those in Version 10. It is more brighter and also come out much brighter when converted to PNG files.
When I zoomed in the PNG files in Version 10 I can see the small grey dotted on the image colours.
But these dotted not appeared on the PNG files in CorelX5. Is that the reason of different colours bright in X5?
What should I do to maintain the same colours bright of Version10 in X5? This is very compulsory as the PNG files version 10 has been use in the database for many years and I have to maintain the same PNG output after upgraded into X5..
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Aug 19, 2013
I am trying to export my Corel Draw project to a PDF. Everything works as expected except all Curves with lens are not showing up at all in the exported PDF.
I have tried opening the PDF with several different programs with the same result. I have also tried changing the PDF export settings but haven't had any luck.
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Jun 30, 2011
I am having a difficult time getting my eps files that I have created in X5 to separate once I export them to Indesign CS4 . . . when I try to separate the file on all my postscript 2 & 3 printers machines I don't get any separations . . instead I receive a page with ERROR: dictstackoverflow OFFENDING COMMAND: begin . . I am using spot colours. . .I can import the eps file into Corel 11 and Illustrator CS4 and they work fine once I reexport them . . I can export out of X5 as a pdf and it works fine . . . I do have Ghostscript installed .
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Oct 17, 2011
Many of my fonts become pixelated when I export them as jpeg. I use 72dpi, default settings. How can I correct that? My photos stay clean though.
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Aug 22, 2013
I have used Coreldraw X5 using braille text. When I opened the files using Coreldraw X6 and exported to .SVG output. The text appears to be showing improper alignment.I want the text to be intact and letters should not break.
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Jul 22, 2011
I'm using Draw X5 to make a diagram using lines, circles, etc. When I try to export this to .tiff, the resulting images are very blurry and unusable. I'm using 300dpi without compression. I've tried with and without anti-aliasing. I can export the exact same thing to .jpg or .gif and they look perfect. Unfortunately I'm submitting this for publication and they require 300dpi .tiff files as the format.
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May 30, 2011
I"ve just recently upgraded to CDGraphics Suite X5 (from 12), along with Windows 7 and M.Office 2010. When trying to export jpg's I've got 2 problems:
a) Jpg files that I"m now exporting seem to have so many more "options" for exporting and are automatically exporting colours as CMYK. Some of the software programs that I use (for programming digital signage) require jpg files in RGB. Is there a way to set this as a default instead of having to change this everytime I export? (note that I have "checked" the embed colour profile option for my US Web Coated Pantones).
b) The default for exporting is also set at "custom" - should I always be changing this to either medium or large, or can I just leave it at custom. Often I am just emailing jpg's for approval purposes, so I don't always need large file sizes. Does custom set it to the largest possible file size?
I found a tab at the top of the export window that says "Load Presets" and lists for example "low quality jpg.xml" what is this for?
c) when I look at my jpg files in my documents folders they appear "locked" with a little lock on them. Old jpg files created in CD12 don't have this little "lock" icon on them. I have checked the properties and see that these files give full access for modification etc, so I can't figure out why they may be locked.
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May 10, 2012
I have recently upgraded to X6 from X3. After design work I would export the file to jpeg for client approval. I used Apple Mail 5.2 to attach the jpeg file but my problem is the client cannot open the file. It just turns out blank with a little cross. I cannot figure out what is the problem during the export process. I have no problem at all with X3.
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Aug 4, 2011
I am trying to export a file for my printer and my CMYK colors are not looking right on the exported file, they are very dull and the colors are not the same at all.
I have changed my DRAW files to be ONLY CMYK colors and have experimented with the Color Management tool to no use at all and reset the workspace.
For example: the blues that my client chose are C56 M0 Y6 K0 and C30 M0 Y60 K0 - they look great onscreen, but once I export to a jpg/eps/tif/etc the colors dull down and don't match at all!
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Aug 18, 2011
I often produce graphics in CorelDRAW, export it as en eps file and insert it inside a MS Word document as an image and finally convert it to pdf. This way my vector graphics (often linedrawings with or without fill) usually is preserved in the final pdf document. I can zoom in and the lines keep on displaying perfectly sharp. This is important, since it easily looks bad when thin lines are turned into bitmaps, even when watched from a distance.
Now, in some graphics I created today, I had a circle with fountain fill and outline (symbolizing a sphere) put behind a filled rectangle, which had a uniform transparency applied to it. In the resulting pdf file, the 'sphere' was turned into bitmap. Inside CorelDRAW everything was vector graphics, but something was loast in the process. what happens with the graphics in the different steps in the process and eventually could explain a workaround to make everything look as vector in the final pdf file.
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Apr 28, 2011
I'm having a hard time finding the right compression ratio for online images. My graphics always end up too large without the quality to match. I haven't had luck exporting from Corel Draw to a JPEG, so I usually save my CDR file, open it in Corel Photo- Paint, and save as a .jpg from there. I always play with the Compression and Smoothing values in the Export JPEG screen, but I think I'm missing something.
We hired someone to put together a Flash graphic recently. It was essential an exisiting graphic with sliding text boxes. My JPEG graphic that he worked from was 113K and his final Flash graphic is only 36K, and it's far more sharp and crisp.
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Oct 18, 2012
The kind of graphics I do are used for a web site and also for printing with a Roland Versacamm wide format printer. My question is for graphics for a web site do you design in RGB colors and when you design for printing are you using CMYK colors.
Or are you using one type of color over the other for both purposes?
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Apr 13, 2013
Once upon a time a professional told me to import images to corel in the correct resolution and not to downsize them within corel because the quality will be worse then. Is this really true? Or is it no problem to downsize any image or upsize an image that has a big DPI?
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Jul 1, 2011
I'm new with Corel and I'm creating a banner and logo for a nonprofit organization as a volunteer. I have two or three questions. How do I divide a vector horizontally and vertically? How do I use a downloaded font in Corel? I can't import it in. Is there another way?
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Mar 21, 2012
I have missed them, but last night after installing the X6 from the download site, I can not find the new 1000 fonts, templates, or the 10,000 new images.
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May 17, 2013
Windows Ver 7, CoreDraw X5
In previous version I was able to preview WMF Images when I selected them from Corel Open Window.
In the current version X5 the preview does not appear in the right side of the window.
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Apr 2, 2011
I cant figure out how to contour my images so it only cuts my outline when I send it to my graphtec cutter, I have a Graphtec CE5000-60 cutter plotter, Corel Draw Graphics Suite X5, and Windows 7.
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Apr 22, 2011
I have just upgraded to X5 from X3.
I have got the Connect docker up but I can't see the content.I have opened the folders but the files are just white squares...... If I drag one onto the workdesk then the image appears.Photos and Objects work but can't see the clip art images
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Dec 3, 2011
I have been using Corel since version 3. How to save an image for the web once you have created hotspots with url links. I'm trying to create a link for my facebook page image to my website.
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Oct 16, 2013
Sometimes I am working with "heavy" files, images of huge size and when I thrown them to corel it really starts to slow down. My question now is, if I remember correctly there is an option when you import an image to corel it just keeps the path of the image and adds the image on corel on very poor quality just for you to work easily. When you are finished you just make something and the paths of the images are replaced with the originals.Where can I find that option?
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Jun 24, 2011
I have a website that I recently updated with a new logo created on Corel Draw X4 and then edited using Photo Paint X4. I resampled the image at 72 dpi and save as a jpg.
Once saved I loaded it to my Microsoft Windows Live Small Business account for upload to my website. It was a straight forward process. However, when viewing the website, I noticed that while the logo was visible using FireFox browser, it was not visible using the Explorer browser.
My first thought was that it must be a setting in the browser, but the image also failed to render when viewing the website through my smart phone browser.
This brought to mind that I had had this problem before when trying to upload an older logo design in the same manner. Some browsers just would not load the image.
So, I had this crazy thought that it may have something to do with Corel and the way it saved jpg images. So, I opened the jpg using the old Microsoft Paint program and without making any changes to it, I saved it from there. After that the image loads on the website with all the browsers that wouldn't work before.
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Jun 26, 2013
I've read that images for iPad are different.
I have a logo on my webpage (PNG, 190x60 pixels). The image looks okay in Chrome (desktop pc) but not on an iPad. It looks blurred.
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Nov 29, 2011
We used to use version 4 at work and loads of images drawn, my boss has converted to version 12 but when we open the drawings now all the text is in the wrong place and too big etc.
I have been given the task of fixing them all and wondered if there was an easy fix rather than clicking on each text box and changing each bit one by one, sitting with my fingers crossed.
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Mar 28, 2012
Since installing the X6 Trial I have lost the images for my cdr and cpt thumbnails. I haven't decided to upgrade yet but would like my thumbnails images back in the meantime. Do I do a repair with X5?
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Jun 27, 2012
I use corel draw to assemble jpeg images I have exported from another application into a presentation which I then publish to pdf.
My problem is that whenever I update the images I have to re-insert and position/scale each one again in the corel presentation.
I've been trying to work out how to do this with linked files or OLE objects, but without success.
Is there a way to link or embed jpegs so that if I update the original jpeg it will update in corel draw?
I've tried to follow corel help but it doesn't work. Inserting an OLE just puts a box with the jpeg filename on the page, and it prints as just a box with a filename as well.
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Mar 22, 2012
I am working with some very large images in X5, ~ 2500 mm x 1200 mm at up to 600 DPI sometimes. (And before you say it, yes, I do need this. It is a very specific application that we work on daily and I do need the ability to basically control every single pixel at that size & that resolution). I'm using WinXP 32-bit (company mandate).
When I need precisely sized objects, I am using CorelDRAW and occasionally when I need pixel perfect placement, PhotoPaint gets the call. The images may go through both before it runs through a final backend processor (some specialized software) and then going to print.
The problem is that I am running into limits when I go beyond 300 DPI (depending on the image dimensions). For example, CorelDRAW often will fail to export a TIFF correctly when I try a 450 DPI image at that size (some TIF file comes up but nothing can load it, it's corrupted). Or for even smaller images, if I enable transparent background, I also get a similar problem. Sometimes, e.g. Photo Paint, just chokes up with out of memory problem and fails to load images at all.
Thing is, we actually have Photoshop CS5 available and while there are many things I don't like about it, it actually can handle stuff of this size. So there is also a push to get Illustrator as well under the same assumption that it will work. However, Adobe stuff is way more expensive, feels more bloated and slower and (for me at least) a pain to use compared to Corel, so I'd rather not.
Would moving to 64-bit WinXP work? Or would I need to go to CorelDRAW X6? This is already a quad-core machine with 4GB of RAM.
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Aug 17, 2012
I found a bug on X6 and not sure if it was there before the update. I have a Power Clip frame that contains 2 images.
The one to the right is smaller than the frame while the one on the left is much bigger and there is a blank space between them. When I export the image to a PSD file the bigger image inside the frame wraps around and a portion is displayed on the right.
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