Photoshop :: Combine Monotone Image Onto Gray Scale Image To Use In Indesign File
Nov 13, 2012
I'm trying to combine a monotone image onto a grayscale image to use in my Indesign file. The whole job has to print two colors.
How can I easily make the diaper a PMS color and add it to the grayscale baby and still maintain two colors (PMS + K)
Right now, I'm cheating and combining the PMS diaper onto the grayscale baby in Indesign..... but I really need to have this in Photoshop so I can add shadows to make it more convincing. I tried converting the grayscale to CMYK and deleting all channels but black, didn't work as it took away all the information from the image.Â
See image below.
(using CS5)
I'm using Photoshop CS6. I have a CMYK image of fruit on a white background with a drop shadow that has some cyan, magenta and yellow. The drop shadow is NOT AN EFFECT. It is part of the original photographed image shot against a white background.
I want to turn the drop shadow into a percentage of black only. I have masked the foot so I have the white background and shadow isolated but now I'm not sure the best way to make the shadow a percentage of black only.
My exported gray scale jpeg image is coming back from the printer with a reddish tone. I'm applying a black 0% saturation transparency, using the gray scale color model in the Color Editor and applying it over the color drawing on the top layer.
Still, the print comes back with a reddish tone to it.
CS5.5 or CC – I have experienced several times that flat grayscale imaged - corrected and nice in PhotoShop turns up much too dark when placed in InDesign.
I make sure no effect or colors are applied to the frame or picture, but still no effect.
If I force transparency on the actual spread (by placing two white items on top of each other, the topmost multiplied on the master page) then it looks correct at once.
It makes no difference if it is a flat grayscale jpg or a psd, even a psd with a white background turns out this way.
I've placed a logo in my InDesign file that I saved out of Photoshop. It appear blurry when in InDesign and I do have it set to high image quality display so that isn't the issue. It is also set as CMYK and I haven't resized it after saving from Photoshop. Â I tried saving a jpg so it would be crisper but then I have a white box behind it when placed in the InDesign file.I need to send it to print but can't let it go until I'm sure it won't print like a blurry mess.
I produce large photographic art prints by combining my own edited 16-bit RAW photo images with 8-bit stock photo images and 8-bit photoshop artwork. I used to just reduce my 16-bit photos to 8-bit and then edit my composite image as 8-bit, but I ran into banding and other problems in the color gradients I created later in my composite image. Â I want my composite image to be 16-bit to get more accurate colors and better gradients. What is the best way to bring 8-bit image files into my composition and maintain best quality? Is it good to convert 8-bit images to 16-bit in PS before importing? I also heard about bringing 8-bit images in as Smart Objects?
i have an jpeg image, & also aminated gif image, how do i place the animated gif image over (in the center of the image) a jpeg image & save it as gif file ??
After assembling the render output of my 3d app in photoshop (32bit) and changing the appearance via several CC layers in different layer modes (e.g. Hue/saturation in Overlay mode) I ended up with my composing for print purposes. The comp is complex, with several masked folders, single masked CC layers and many image layers (some with masks). Now the client wanted me to animate part of the image. No problem I thought. But the trap is of how to assemble the different image sequences (diffuse, specular, reflection, masks, etc, etc). I came up with a PS action which loaded the single images and arranged them in the same fashion as the master file. But now PS doesn't load the incremental images for the batch processing. Images are named in a Diffuse_00001, Specular_00001, ... fashion. Loading the first set works, but from Diffuse_00002 everything goes wrong and PS load the 00001 files (except from one file which loads in the proper incremental way). I can't transfer this stuff to AE as it is much too complex and I do no AE only very little. I guess PS should be capable to solve this batch task, but a simple action via batch seems to fail.
In Photofiltre, it's dead easy to extract the gray tones from an image to boost up the colours. It's often better than just increasing saturation or so.
But since I have Photoshop CS3 I'd like to do it there. It must be possible to do something like that too. But how?? I just can't find the right way?
I'm brand spanking new to and I have a question. I have 2 photos that I want to place side-by-side, combined into one image. One will need to be resized to be the same size as the other so the edges will match up. I don't need to do anything else to them, just stick them together and print it as one image.
I have some large collections of images: columns of 8 to 10 images across with as many as 40 to 60 rows. These are exported from a program called CatDV Pro. Between each row is gray space -- my problem is that I need to reduce that gray separator between the rows to make a better visual display and also to get it to fit on the page of the book. I have about 30 to 40 of these image collections to process.  Some things I cannot do: reduce the size of the gray separators in CatDV Pro -- not possible. It is only possible to export the entire page of images together. Sure I could export each individual image but that would be a garganuan task -- not practical.  I don't want to cut and paste indivdual images or rows. Sure, it's possible but not at all practical.  I have tried Content Aware Scaling and it is not uniform enough. Some rows squish before others. I know about protecting some area in Content Aware Scaling but that doesn't seem practical either, not with 40 rows. Maybe I'm missing something there.  Here is a small sample of what I start with:
And here is what I want to end up with. (keep in mind the actual files have many more rows):
So what I need to do is to take the following  filename (1) from Folder (A) filename (1) from Folder (B)  Open in Photoshop and run an applescript to combine the two images and save the result to a location.  Then  filename (2) from Folder (A) filename (2) from Folder (B)  Run the batch again and again until all images in the sequence are processed in both folders.  Was looking into an Applescript that may do the job but can't seem to find anything. Happy to look at purchasing a solution if it is available.
I am somewhat new to graphic design and have a coreldraw design that needs to go to print. The company's Pre-Press Mgr sent me this message:
the background is made up of a million separate layers that each contain a clipping mask and an image. The file size is huge due to the sheer number of these layers and may have trouble trapping and imaging. The bulk of these layers and images could all be combined in to one composite background image to reduce the file size, trapping issues and imaging issues. You do not want to include vector elements that you want to remain sharp, but for the soft background effects it should be one composite image.
Does this mean to take the layers that make up the background and "Group" them and/or convert to curves?
Just loaded cs5 onto a second computer legally. Any tiff or raw file brought into cs5 appears as a grey and white checker board image. From there its gets even crazier. CS5 works fine on the first computer. both loaded from the same legal disk.
what I'm doing right now is trying to erase the background of many different photos and combine them (as different layers) into one image. I finished two layers and just as I was about get going on my third layer, I made a mistake and did something to the threshold. I didn't remember what I had it on (well, it was on the default setting) so i put it back to 141 and decided to continue with my work. but then I realized that I couldn't select anything.
JPEG's are opening in CS6 (32 and 64) with a partial gray/white mask in place. Resizing usually makes them disappear but they shouldn't be there to begin with. OS is Win7. The files display fine in Bridge and other applications.
I'm working on an assignment for my concept stratagies class were we have to design a logo for assigned company. My logo needs a brushed look to it that i could only recreate with image trace. Completely new to this technique and so is my professor. Here's the issue:  Scanned in my tight pencil logo design and saved as a jpeg since there was no other option  Opened in Illustrator and used image trace... default everything except the threshold is set to about 102 or so to get the brushy look... also it's black and white  Extracted the image which gave me the vector that i needed  Selected the whole image to change the color to red and it turned gray.... that's not what I wanted...  I need to be able to change the color of this vector by 9/18/13...
I am currently trying to combine a color photo frame with a black and white image, but every time I open the frame in "open as layers" the frame turns to black and white as well as the photo. I have no problem when using color photos. Is there a way that I can do this so that my photo frame remains it's original color with the black and white photo inside.
I know how to do this on Indesign...but I do not have that programme at present. I am using photoshop CS3 and am wanting to design a tattoo. It is an outline of New Zealand with some song lyrics inside as inspration due to the Earthquake we have had in Christchurch.
Is it possible for me to do this in Photoshop (roughly), or not? I have tried to look but I don't even know what it is called for the task I am trying to do!
I'm using Illustrator cs6. I would like to change the dark gray background that surrounds the art board to a step and repeat patterns of our logo. We use screenshots as a means of generating low-res proofs. Having our step and repeat logo pattern as the background would allow us to easily include it in our low-res screenshot proofs. Can I replace the "system file" for the dark gray to our step and repeat pattern?
2 days ago all was fine Lightroom worked like a champ... yesterday all I get are gray squares insted of photo image. I have reloaded Lightroom 5.3 no change......From the same usb harddrive all works great on my desktop computer.. With laptop the gray squares. I have tried the Synchronize folder   no change tho numbers showed up in loup view.........but no images. From the stand alone hard drive I can get photos in Photoshop and BRIDGE.
I'm trying to wrap the text around an image in InDesign - it works fine when the image is to the left of the text box, but when I move it to the right it's not having any of it.
I have an image that has elements pasted in from PNG files, and those elements have some shades of green. I want printed output in gray scale only, so I did Image -> Mode->Grayscale. The image on screen went gray as I wanted. When I print it, however, I get an image in which *some* of the colored parts still are colored!
I have one Inventor Pro 2012 SP1 user who is trying to insert a bmp image into a sketch so he can create a decal and the image appears blank and gray. See the attached screen capture. We converted the bmp to a jpg and we get the same result. When I insert the bmp into a sketch on my workstation and it views correctly. I've logged into the same workstation as the user who is having the problem and the image also views correctly.  I tried to change the file associaiton from Microsoft Picture View to Paint and I get the same result.
Here are his workstation specs:
Dell Precision T5400 - Xeon Quad Core - 2.93 GHz Windows XP SP2 - x32 4 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro FX 570
I draw comics digitally in Photoshop, working in Gray scale mode to reduce file size (I work very high-res). Is it possible to make Photoshop display certain layers in color, without switching to either CMYK or RGB mode?
I have many images that I need to change the color mode to gray scale - is there a way to do this fast, other than opening each image and changing its mode to gray scale?
I would also love to be able to change the image sizes all at once - any way to do that?