This Part was created and given colors in CATIA. I now imported it into Photoshop to create some more realistic textures and what not to it. Although the original textures are still there.
Not sure how to just start fresh and make all new textures... basically what i want to know is if there is a way to delete these. They can all be edited but it takes time and effort to change all the names and stuff...
in order to streamline some of my duties i wonder if theres a way to have a dynamic block not only that can change it's length and the dimension for that length (easy) but will also add features to the part. For example can one be made that when stretching its length that once it reaches a certain length automatically split into two sections and keep those 2 sections equal? Also can it be made to contain a tag that keeps track of the lengths as well as number of joints between sections multiplied by a constant?
I have created city/landscape artwork using photoshop line and box tools. If you go to URL... then click on the link that says (click here to view Gotham City) you will see one of the images I am talking about. Can this image be made to look the same in vector.
I need to automatically rezize a photoshop document by using an action. Sounds pretty simple, yes. But the thing is that the flow needs to grab the individual/specific size from ANOTHER open document (different from time to time) to be used as the target size.... I need to make the grab the target size from a variable, so to speak.
I've tried to use the crop-tool to grab size and then use select all + crop on the other document, but no. Plus loads of workarounds.
It has to be a full auto function to be run from a droplet.
This is what it will be used for:
A faksimil scan from a newspaper page needs to get a broken side like it had been ripped out by hand. A shadow on the ripped edge as usual. Easy to do by hand. But the action flow will use a "template"document holding a pre-made layermask built with the right edgelook. The Action will rezize this to fit the original faksimil dokument and apply the ripped edge+ shadow on the faksimil document in one go. By loading the selection from the layermask over to the faksimil.
While I was creating image mapping for some images, I noticed that under "Target:....", there are four different things (_blank; _self; _parent; _top) and which one will make the link to pop up in a new browser window? (like separating from my website so the visitor will still see my website, not being directed to another page, making my website "disappeared").
I'm a beginner. and i'm 49 years old. Just got 15 lessons. But i want to create and i like it very much. Sorry if my English is not so good, but it is almost 30 yaers i've written in English.
My question is: I want to make an image jump out of his frame, but how can i put a target in its own layer. If i use layer via cut, there is a hole, and that is the problem, when i want to transform the frame where the target is jumping out.
Let's say I have downloaded 500 shots to PSE 12. I would like to go through them quickly and eliminate the ones I definitely do not want.How can I quickly tag them or whatever and then with one touch on the delete button delete them all at once?
I have just purchased Photoshop CS6 and use it in conjunction with Pagemaker 7. If I import a scan in to pagemaker without photoshopping it it retains its target size. I color correct through CS6 and import it the target size is lost and it goes to an enormous size - it never did before and I've used Pagemaker and Photoshop 7 for years without this problem.
double clicking on the shadow eyedropper in the curves dialog, I should get to the "Select target shadow color" dialog box. However, I only get a color dialog box.
how to make the TARGET of the clone stamp, multiple simultaneous layers? Or maybe more accurately, how to clone stamp the top layer and have the layer underneath doing the exact same cloning simultaneously. Or maybe a workaround? I've tried linking the layers, and multiple layer selection with no joy.
Here is what I'm trying to do. I'm duplicating a layer, then applying LucisArt to one of the layers to greatly exaggerate local contrast. Though I'm not using LucisArt as the final, I want to use it to assist in smoothing blotchy skies, banding, and finding hidden camera sensor dust spots.
I want to clone stamp on the LucisArt layer so I can watch my progress, but also have the underlying layer doing the exact clone stamping at the same time.
I tried removing the quick mask in the channel side bar and also uncheck "edit in quick mask mode" but I still cannot stop the pop up saying "Could not use move tool because the target channel is hidden". I cannot draw any objects or move them. What should I do?
Hidden Channels. I've got starting working on personal project. During working I have not done nothing with channels layer. In certain moment I cannot move with elements, or changing style options. Â Error message came in: "could not use move tool because the target channel is hidden".
have been trying to change the color of some skin, by painting with mode in Color and opacity 50%. the problem is that along with the new color, the old texture is replaced! I am using just a brush and sampling very frequently.
Ps CS6 OS X 10.6.8 Â Problem: Transform applied to Smart Object cannot be repeated on another target. Â "Edit > Transform > Again" fails to transform any target after a Transform is applied to a Smart Object.
Any way to, have a source color chart, a target color chart, calculate what are the variations between them, and then use that to apply it to another image? I'm not talking about "match color", I know how that works, but is not what I'm looking for. It can be compared to switching to a custom color profile (calculated by the variation of source and target). Or something like "color lookup" (but with a custom icc/icm/lut). Creating a custom icc has been really complicated for me, and I still can't get it to work. (I have the icc profile, but can't open it nor from "convert profile" nor from "color lookup").
When i try to delete a file from LR using the delete from disk option the file does not so up in my trash. I have deleted 200 bad files and the never showed up in the trash. I have been trying to clear up some disk space but the available disk still shows the same so I know they haven't been deleted. Am using Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 and am fully updated. Am I doing something wrong?
Until yesterday I was able to delete pictures, using the contextual menu or the delete key. I got the message asking me if I wanted to delete them from disk or from the catalog.
But now, that popup message doesn't appear. The picture is not removed, just nothing happens. Â I checked the logs and this is the error message: Â performCommandDesc could not perform command ag.library.expandAllStacks (Command was disabled.). Â I uninstalled LR moving it to the trash. Then I deleted the com.adobe.Lightroom4.plist and I also removed the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom.
I rebbooted the machine and installed it again. But the issue is still there, with the same error message. Â I verified the disk and checked file permissions.
I also tried to use another catalog from a backup. Â Nothing, same error. Â One anusual thing that I did before the error was to install the "HDRsoft Merge to 32-bit HDR Plug-in for Lightroom - Version 1.0"
I removed it but the error was still there. After the re-install I didnd't install that plug-in again so if it was the problem, it shouldn't be after the clean installation that I did again. Â Â Machine Specs: Man mini server mid 2011 2GHz Intel core i7 Ram: 8G Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 512MB OSX: 10.8.2 (12C60)
Once I have put an edge component into another html page - how can I target it with css? To position, etc? Using the EDGE - no. class doesn't seem to work....
PSPX4's change to target tool has never worked right for me. I have X2 which does work right. In PSPX4 no matter what the setting it applies way too much color. Even at 1% opacity it is like about 80% in PSPX2 with all settings the same.
Latest updates installed. PSPX4 still does not like Adobe LR4 JPEGs when resaving them, although I now get an error message instead of a save that loses the file for good as some 4-8k sized file that can't be opened. I still have to use X2 for those two reasons.
I am using OffsetTaget.isValid in my subassembly.But i realize that when i put this formula it checks the whole drawing for that target and if the target  polyline exist even a piece of polyline in the drawing then C3D considers it for all sample lines.Is ıt possible to be able to check each single sample line if it is going to intersect that target polyline or not?
Placing a Datum Target Identifier on a dwg. When your are in the Datum Target dialog box under Dimension, you have to type in a number indicating the diameter of the datum target circle. Normally you can't put in a diameter symbol before the number, but I just found out a way.
Make sure your Num Lock light is on. While holding down the ALT button on your keyboard, type in 0216 using the numeric keypad. This will put in a diameter symbol.
ALT 0216 diameter symbol ALT 0176 Deg symbol ALT 0177 Plus / Minus symbol
Another problem is, after placing the Datum Target you can't dimension to it. That can be solved by putting a sketch of a circle (phantom line) with it's diameter and locating dimensions on the dwg view. Then you can placing the Datum Target Identifier on the the circle.
A wish list to Autodesk:
Allow dimensioning to the symbol Have a diameter symbol already in the dialog box Have a option that sizes the datum circle diameter