Photoshop :: Apply Color Variation Calculated From Target And Source Image
Oct 15, 2013
Any way to, have a source color chart, a target color chart, calculate what are the variations between them, and then use that to apply it to another image? I'm not talking about "match color", I know how that works, but is not what I'm looking for. It can be compared to switching to a custom color profile (calculated by the variation of source and target). Or something like "color lookup" (but with a custom icc/icm/lut). Creating a custom icc has been really complicated for me, and I still can't get it to work. (I have the icc profile, but can't open it nor from "convert profile" nor from "color lookup").
I'm about 3 months and many hours of tutorials into Premiere ProCC, Audition CC, and Encore CS6. Apparently the nifty dynamic links from PPro and Audition CS6 no longer work with encore, as encore was not upgraded to CC. So,
I want to sample color from an original Photoshop image, and create an Encore menu color set, so that my menu buttons, etc. are colored to match the main photo image in the menu. Is there an eyedropper kind of tool in Encore that would let me sample the color from the image, and then apply that to color swatches in the Encore button layers?
In LR4, you clicked, held down, and dragged your cursor to select a custom target source point to sample from... Clearly with the big update to the Spot removal tool in LR5, this action has a different effect... So in order to mimic that old action, you have to hold down Command (Mac) while clicking and dragging to select from a custom source point.  This issue I'm having is that when doing this, the Clone/Heal option always defaults to clone. I would say that 90% of the time, I'd rather have it acting as a 'Heal' instead. Having to then go and click 'Heal' to update this fact on every single spot removal is highly time intensive to say the least, when you are editing thousands of images, in my case, at a time.  Am I missing something, or is it possible to change this Default to 'Heal' instead of clone? I like that LR4 would leave the Clone/Heal option wherever you last set it, and you had to manually change it in order to use it differently.Â
I am struggling with color variation between different documents in AI. Even when both documents have been assigned the Adobe 1998 RGB color space, and colors are identically called out in RGB, my output varies between the documents. This is difficult as when I do color management is a "swatch" document to get my client approval, then insert that color into a different document, it changes. Any input?
as of yesterday i have been receiving an alert when i try to move a jpeg into a new photoshop doc stating that my target document has a different depth than my source document and will (which it definiately does) result in lower than expected quality.
Photoshop specs: CS6; RGB; 16 bit; Res 300 pixels/inches; size: letter; (advanced setting - don't know what these are) color profile: sRGB IEC61966-2.1; Pixel aspect ratio: square pixels
I desire to have the shell of my tower have it's outer face to be red on some models and white on other models it's used in. I figured I could do this using a design view, however if I only change the color of the outer face in a design view, it seems to change it across all views.
If I change the color of the entire shell, then the design views seem to remain unique from one another. I don't really understand why the entire color of my part has to change, is there any form of workaround is this just a limit of the software? Attached is an image showing the issue.
I have been working with some GIS data in the form of SHP files in autocad map 3D 2011. On one of my layers I have started getting "Feature was not saved in the target feature source" when I try to check in my data. In total there are 308 errors in the data table, all of which were features I deleted. They all have a featID of null and I cannot remove them from the data table. I need to fix these errors without going back and starting over.
1) Take a color image and apply a color-shift local adjustment to a portion of the image.
2) Convert the image to B&W. Â Result -- The main image is converted to B&W, but the local adjustment doesn't change, i.e. it's still colored. Here's a trivial (and not-realistic) example of what happens:
My goal is to adjust the colors and the apply the B&W conversion to the entire processed image, not just the original piece. Is there a way to do this? I feel like I'm missing something small and easy.
I have something like 1,850 photos, taken in RAW and later converted to DNG, to create a stop motion. All the photos were taken with the same camera (Canon 5D Mk II) and most of them with a 24-70L. All were taken in the same lighting conditions (in an interior, with the house lighting from flourescent lights) and the same day, in a period of maybe 2 or 3 hours. Each "take" was with the exact same camera and exposure parameters. Â When processing the photos in Lightroom (using the LR4 beta) I can see some minor but very noticeable differences between color an exposure in the photos of the same "take". The exposure can be more or less automatically corrected by the Matching total exposures (although I think this doesn't work when the exposures are really similar, but there are some subtle differences like in this case, say, something along ~1/5 stop or so), but I haven't found how to try to match the white balance. All of the photos have already been set to a specific WB (I took a ColorChecker Passport at the beginning of the session), but there are still some differences between some of the shots. Some of them look a tad more greener. I blame the flourescent bulbs, but I'm not sure of the real cause. Â So, the question is: is there a way to match the color balance of a series of photos to a target one? I really don't want to go photo by photo setting the white balance manually. Is there a tool like the Match total exposures, but for color balance? I have already tried with the automatic white balance, but the problem is that the decided WB for the photos is not the one I need, and I need to have the same WB for all the session, and this could change from different takes. The difference between shots is usually around 4 or 5 "points" in the Tint scale, some are with Tint +11, some with +15. Â Or any other tool that could process this after? At the end I'll use JPGs to create the stop motion, so if there is a tool that could process the exported jpgs it could work too.
double clicking on the shadow eyedropper in the curves dialog, I should get to the "Select target shadow color" dialog box. However, I only get a color dialog box.
For this example let's take in account that I have 2 identical in every aspect copies (meaning size and content at this point) of the very same image.
1st remains unedited,
2nd is edited only as far as concerning the image > adjustments menu through changing mostly channel mixer, selective color, saturation etc values and had an object attached to it atop of the original depiction before being edited as a whole.
What I want to do is to edit the 1st image, compare in some certain ways the colors of it I guess with the ones of the 2nd, match for instance where color hex value X (and horizontal/vertical X,Y coords - is it needed in order to be more precise and avoid mistakes?) (I guess again) from the 1st image is edited into color (or even additional settings atop of that?) hex value Z, do that automatically for all the combinations and immediately apply the same changes I applied from 2nd pic when unedited (and looked exactly like 1st pic) to the very same 2nd pic in start, TO the 1st pic in the present case. Also in order to do this "color matching" before applied or not I need to set out-seperate the area where I have added an additional object in the 2nd picture and fill it possibly with the original content from the 1st(can it be done in one move) in order for the process to be complete?
That means I turned the 2nd image into a combination of blue-green-red colour (and other) from orange-yellow-cyan (just an example) I want to do the very same to my 1st pic which is orange-yellow-cyan etc.
Is there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.
Is there a way with JavaScript to place an image with a calculated path and file name? I have 30+ artboards per document, each artboard named by product number. The actual file name of the master AI file is also already established (meaning every document I use this new script on will have already been saved).  Here's the scenario I'm hoping to create in the context of the documents mentioned above:
Run a script to "Place" a linked image based on the following calculated path:  ["S:SAPCurrent Images in SAPStock Schools"] + [current ai filename minus the .ai extension]+[a hyphen like this "-"]+[currently selected artboard name]+[".jpg"]  This image link can be placed on a new top layer called "Images" or if necessary on the currently selected layer. Dimensions of the placed image should be a pre-determined size 8"x8".  Error if the ai document has not been saved yet.
I'm currently in the process of organizing my music collection with album art. I found a great site with high quality images[URL] .... and would like to resize pictures to 600x600 within the range of 200-300KB. Is there a way to automatically do this without changing the quality percentage by trial and error?
I know it might sound weird, HDR images are usually built from multiple images all taken from the same place at the same time but using different exposures.
I'd like to create a HDR image from multiple versions of one source image. I have a number of pictures where I've taken the photo exposing for the sky. This resulted in the landscape/buildings being darker than desired usually. These areas can be easily brightened up though. I find that if I expose for the landscape and buildings, then the sky is washed out and unrecoverable. If I expose for the sky, the landscape and buildings are merely "a bit dark" and can be recovered simply by adjusting the brightness/contrast in photoshop. Of course doing this washes out the sky again, so I need to create a composite of good sky and brightened landscape and buildings. I'm not creating anything professional, so it's not important that I use the best pro techniques.
What I've traditionally done is have two layers, one with the original image (with the good sky) and one with the lightened image (with the good landscape and buildings) and using a mask for the sky, I can put the good (unlightened) sky on the lightened image. Standard stuff really.
So when I heard about HDR automation, I'd hoped that I could take my original image (with the good sky), take a second lightened version of the very same image, put it on a layer, select a HDR automation tool and have it somehow merge them magically. When I've tried this though, nothing seems to happen. I'm left with an unmerged image. I'm pretty sure I'm going about it wrong.
I wonder whether this HDR automation isn't going to help me and perhaps my fake pseudo HDR image creation technique is worth sticking with.
I've been using Corel Photopaint 8 for many years and only just switched to PS CS3 recently (mostly driven by the thought of this cool HDR feature). I'm still finding my way a bit. I'm using it on XP if that makes a difference.
I have a shade in a photo I want to duplicate in another. One post I found somewhere said to use the Info Window, hold mouse over spot you want to duplicate, and get the RGB numbers. Then Use the Channel Mixer and apply the numbers.
Problem is, the RGB colors from the Info Window are not presented in percentage of RGB, whereas the Channel Mixer uses percentages.
So, for example, my RGB may be 239/123/57. I can't figure out how to apply that. I tried dividing it to get a %. IN the above example, I would divide 239 by 255, and use that as the % for red. But that doesn't come close.
I'm using CS5.5/Photoshop5.1 Â I have about 1000 folders all that have a file inside called; sample.jpg. I need to resize each of them and I have to use the Save For Web option so that these files are as small as possible. Save As makes the images too big. My plan was to make an action and batch process the files. It's easy enough to open all the documents, within the root directory, that are called, sample.jpg, by using the finder search features, but what I can't seem to do is get the Save to Web option to recognize the image's source folder. If I create an action, I see that the location I used when I created the action, is hard coded, so all I'm able to do is overwrite the same file, over and over again.
I have a folder with 300 sub folders with a high res image. (each image is in a folder, with it's part no's name)
Ive created a process to create low res images with a new file name prefix s_ and I have selcted "include all sub folders" in my source folder options.
The problem i have i select a destination folder and all the images are saved to the destination folder root. As opposed to the original location of each image. (its own sub folder)
In 2012 it was very easy to select a gap segment and click color source in the soft effects. In 2013 it appears to be much more difficult, you need to create it in a folder then edit it into a sequence. Am I missing something? I wish there was a color source option in the effects ribbon.
I set foreground color to B3 CC D5. Looks fine in the swatch. I select all and fill with foreground color. It fills with wrong color - darker! I use eyedropper tool to check what color Photoshop has used and it shows 8A B0 BE. Impossible to apply the color I want!
I'd like to apply a pattern above a color fill, at the moment I apply the color fill, then I convert it to a smart object and apply the pattern, this because if I apply pattern and color fill, the color fill goes above the pattern covering it. Â There is a way for skip this procedure and apply the pattern above without smart objects?
when my book says , how apply??? how apply a color when know the text name of color not codes? Â and apply the following settings:
• Color (next to Blend Mode): Fuchsia (choose a color that complements the flower color)  How I get clear/delete an effect if, i have three applied under effects name... and want one remove from psd doc completely? not hide but remove.
I have a selection or a layer of which I want to tweak the color. I use my color sampler to read the RGB values from my "source". How can I apply those values to my selection/layer ? If I use a color fill, I lose all detail in my original.
find a good way of standarizing my photos for colour value measurements (mean and SD from the histograms in Photoshop). Â This is my problem:Variation in the birds in the photos (e.g in the crown, different colours)variation between photos, independently from variation among the birdsvariation within the photos (the amount of light varies in different areas of the same photo)Â
How do I standarize for variation between photos for the influence of ambient ligth of the specific area of the photo I want to measure? (e.g crown of the bird) Â I need to be able to withdraw the comparable colour measurements from different photos (and its too late for a better method for actually take the photos.)
I have tried to use the white background (going down to pixel level, avoiding the orange grid and dirt) and the yellow post-it note as points to standarize, but that didnt work.
Technical info: - I use Adobe Photoshop CS6, updated this week - On a Windows 7 Home Premium computer - Uploading the images as NEF-files and saving them as psd-files - RAM: 4,00 GB (3,84 GB uasable)
I have to deal with multiple layer documents for producing underwater mosaics. Very often, the images vary in colors a bit. For large mosaics, I run the images thru a batch job before I use them. For smaller mosaics (e.g. just 10 to 20 images), this is a bit of overkill, in case I have to tweak just 5 or 10 or so.  In this case, I prefer picking one of the 20 layers as my "reference" and manually match the colors of those layers, that need the match, one by one.  My question now: Is there a way, that I could select, lets say 10 layers that need the match and apply the Match Color to all of them in one go?
I'm trying to figure out a way to automate a simple, yet repetative process I do countless times a day. Ideally, I'd like to tie it to a keystroke to speed up my workflow. Â I work on line art and colorways for footwear, so the way I'm coloring these shapes and strokes break apart the different materials and pieces of the shoe. Â While coloring line art, I work with Pantone spot colors as fills for closed path objects. I then have to manually apply that same color to the stroke, set the stroke to 0.5px weight, convert that spot stroke color to CMYK, and add 15% to the K value. Â I found some code in an older post for applying the actively selected object's fill color to the stroke, but I'm having but I'm having trouble with the next step of figuring out how to take that spot stroke color and convert it to a CMYK build that I can then add 15% black to. Is this something that's even possible? I've spent about an hour playing with the script and have only had luck matching the fill color or turning the stroke white.
Clarify the use of Magic Erase - I am using Photo & Graphic Designer 2013.When I try to replace an area with another of the same photo it does not work properly with PNG but seems to work almost 90% good with BMP.It looks like the colour is not correct with PNG even thou the Feather = None.
Does this means that Magic Erase should be done with another format than PNG? If there is possible that Magic Erase will not copy the source area colour 100% on any format even if the Feather = None?