Lightroom :: Apply Color Shift To Image For Local Adjustment - Convert Into B&W
Sep 11, 2012
1) Take a color image and apply a color-shift local adjustment to a portion of the image.
2) Convert the image to B&W.
Result -- The main image is converted to B&W, but the local adjustment doesn't change, i.e. it's still colored. Here's a trivial (and not-realistic) example of what happens:
My goal is to adjust the colors and the apply the B&W conversion to the entire processed image, not just the original piece. Is there a way to do this? I feel like I'm missing something small and easy.
My (previously wonderful) local adjustment brush has apparently quit working. Whenever I attempt to make local adjustments - using either the standard presets or custom settings - all the adjustments made are applied to the entire image, not just locally. Density and flow are set to my typical values and Show Selected Mask Overlay shows the extent of the applied effect, but whatever adjustment I make is applied generally, over the entire photo, rather than to the selected adjustment area.Â
How do I apply an edit to every file in a folder? Every time I need to do this, I end up flailing around for 10 minutes before I can finally get it to work. Or, sometimes I give up and manually paste the copied settings to each file one at a time. It seems a no-brainer that "copy settings" followed by "paste settings" to all files selected would do the trick. Or "copy settings" foillowed by "Sync settings." But it doesn't work.
I recently got LR4. I tried to put some brushes in the local adjustment folder and there is none! SO what do I do now. I've got pictures to edit and correct and I need these Â Here is a screen shot of what is in my LR4 folder.
Instructions say that to delete an edit pin, click on it then press the Delete key. This removes the adjustment. I'm fininshed with my adjustments and just want to remove the pin. How do I do this and keep the adjustment?
I just downloaded the 5.2 beta and when trying to locate presets and use brushes, there Local Adjustment Folder did not download the with package. So I uninstalled and re-downloaded and it happened again.Â
In the local adjustment brush, the noise slider default position is 0.Does it reduce more noise if the slider is in positive position or negative position .
Using the local adjustment brush i can change the size of the brush using the [ and ] brackets However.. when i make a small error and want to erase brushed-area by using the ALT key then the brush size seems to be fixed to one size ?
I just downloaded a trial version of Lightroom 5. I want to change the white balance (temp and tint) using local adjustment brush but when I take a new brush, all I can change is  1. Exposure 2. Brightness 3. Contrast 4. Saturation 5. Clarity 6. Sharpness 7. Color  The Temp and Tint buttons that should appear on the top of this tool are not present. As shown below....  Similarly, as per some youtube videos, in the Basic tools, I should get  1. Highlights 2. Shadows 3. Whites 4. Blacks  Instead I get  1. Recovery 2. Fill light 3. Blacks  As shown below.
Why is there such differences in the option? Is this because it is a trial version?
After running 4.3 update, my local adjsutment brushes are no longer recognized and appearing in the Lightroom GUI. They are all still located under 'Lightroom' folder --> 'Local Adjustment Brushes' folder (nothing has changed and I see all files are still there in Finder), but no matter how many times I've restarted LR, they are not showing up in the GUI.
After installing LR 3.2, the first thing I noticed is that it is much slower than the previous version (using XP Pro + 3GB memory and a speedy processor).  But the most terrible novelty of this version is that the Adjustment Brush is going berserk after a while:  It first slows down to a crawl, so slow that it's almost impossible to work with.While working with it after a while, it starts to show random rectangular areas that are copies of other areas of the image that have nothing to do with the area I'm working on. This happens after a brush stroke. The Undo command makes these rectangular "patches" disappear.From time to time, the whole image is flipped upside down (You can't believe it? Neither could I) eventually, after a brush stroke, the sandclock mouse cursor is displayed and the program freezes (at this time it can be using over 1 GB of memory although I'm working on a single, standard EOS 5D image). The only way to stop this madness is to kill the process. The Heal/Clone tool also shows a similar misbehavior. I didn't have these problems with the previous version.
I've a few local adjustment brush presets i tend to use a lot.Now i was wondering if it is possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to them for a faster workflow?
I was wondering if there's a way to apply local changes to a picture by including the part I need to be changed in a square (like when you crop it). Without using the graduated filter.
Suppose I have an image in Lightroom. I export it to Photoshop for editing. During the editing process I convert the image to Lab color space. I complete the edit and then save the file. It goes back to Lightroom. Is it converted back into RGB at that point? Is there a problem with doing this? I'd rather not do any more color space shifting than I absolutely need to.
I am trying to model an object with planes using edge extrusions with shift drag. The issue I am having when using this method is getting lots of unplanar surfaces (even after using the make planar button). This is because max will not let me shift drag an edge straight back on its local axis to keep it perfectly planar. See image below.
I am wanting to extrude out this edge straight back on its local axis. But the result just makes it go straight up.
I'm about 3 months and many hours of tutorials into Premiere ProCC, Audition CC, and Encore CS6. Apparently the nifty dynamic links from PPro and Audition CS6 no longer work with encore, as encore was not upgraded to CC. So,
I want to sample color from an original Photoshop image, and create an Encore menu color set, so that my menu buttons, etc. are colored to match the main photo image in the menu. Is there an eyedropper kind of tool in Encore that would let me sample the color from the image, and then apply that to color swatches in the Encore button layers?
I'm goofing around with Photoshop 7 and would like to scan in a board of a board game. The board is too big for my scanner, so I have to scan it in pieces.
When I scan the board, it won't lie flat on the scanner (because the scanner edges are not flush with the glass). Instead, it's a bit tilted as it runs over the raised edge, and the part that is tilted up (away from the glass surface) doesn't get exposed as well, so the board image shifts from light to dark as it goes from the part closest to the scan head, to the part that won't quite sit on the glass.
Win 7 CS4..I was working on a Nikon raw .nef image in Smart Image mode when the following error message appeared out of the blue. "Unable to create local adjustment. All the local adjustment controls are set to have no effect on the image." Should I uninstall & reinstall CS4?
I was editing my images on RAW when all of a sudden I guess I pressed an incorrect key (yeah you know those split seconds where something happened and you dont know what you did) and now everytime I want to use the Graduated Filter tool or the Adjustment Brush tool and I press on top of the image it gives me the following message: ERROR:Unable to Create Local Adjustment. All the local adjustment controls are set to haveno effect on this image It doesnt work on ANY raw images now, I tried pressing "Reset Camera Raw Defaults" and it still doesnt work. Is there a setting that I moved without noticing? At the time this happened I had 6 pictures on camera Raw I had synchronized them and I was doing small adjustments to one of the images, I had finished using the Graduated Filter tool on an image when then all of a sudden it stopped working.
how LR interprets/presents RAW files. I do understand that RAW files are just sensor data, and the preview that is shown by the camera is how the camera software itself is processing the RAW data into a JPG. Also, I understand that different RAW processors interpret this data slightly differently. That said, I like how my raw files look based on how my cameras (60D and Rebel xsi) show them. The exposure, color, and saturation levels are great and based on this look, they would require only a few tweaks. When I upload the RAW files to LR, initially, the files look the same or very similar as they did in my camera's preview. However, when I click on each file in library or develop, the file will initially, for about a second, show up as it originally came over, but LR will then say "loading" and the photo will get much darker and duller. Why is this? As I mentioned, I do understand that different programs interpret a camera's data differently, but it appears that LR is originally "seeing" the photos as I want them to look and then for some reason is interpreting them to be something different; why will the photo not stay as it originally looks when I first upload it? This is requiring more editing on my end. One other thing I have noted is that my RAW files already have adjustments made to them upon upload (exposure, brightness, etc.) I noted another post that addressed this and indicated that there were settings that I would need to reset to correct this. Is this also why the look of my photos is changing, or is that a different reason?
When I export an image from LR 4.1 for editing in PS CS6, I notice a distinct loss of contrast and possibly saturation. Overall, the image looks duller and flatter. My working space in both apps is ProPhoto RGB. I use a custom profile generated by a hardware calibrator. Â The screenshot below is of the same image rendered in both programs.
And here are my PS color settings:
FWIW, the image generated by Lightroom is rendered identically by Preview.
When working on an image in ACR, if you select one of the local adjustment tabs, such as Graduated Filter, and move any of the sliders on the right-hand side, any values you change will be retained if pressing 'Cancel', then opening the image again in ACR and selecting the same tab. I find this surprising, as I would have thought that by pressing 'Cancel', any adjusted settings, since opening the image on this occasion in ACR, would not be retained. Â Furthermore, if you open another image in ACR and select the same local adjustment tab, the same settings that you adjusted in the other image have identical slider settings in that image as well. Â I can see that this behaviour could be viewed as useful, i.e. when wanting to use the same local adjustment on multiple images, as any adjustment of the local adjustment's slider settings, on their own, will have no effect unless you actually perform the selected local adjustment to the image. But, as I say, I would have expected Photoshop to simply not retain any settings you have adjusted, since opening the image on this occasion in ACR, if you don't press 'Open Image' or 'Done', and simply press 'Cancel'.
LR 4.1 RC2, OSX 10.6.8 - when I'm trying to use the develop module with my second monitor, the image initially looks accurate. After a second or two and before any edits have been applied, the images desaturate and look very flat. Images viewed with the second monitor in Library module look great.
With LR4 and a Nikon D7000.When i import that raw in lightroom, the first view of the picture is fine then LR do its "loading" and bang, the picture changes.As RAW is not supposed to be affected by the colorspace My understanding is the embeded preview in the raw is sRGB and LR work in a different colorspace. If i change the camera for AdobeRGB, i dont have the problem and what i see from the camera to the preview then the final result is consistent.But this cause me another problem because i shoot RAW+jpeg, the backup JPEG saved in the other memory card is now AdobeRGB as well and less compatible as everybody knows, for web, print labatory, etc... Â I dont have in LR any automatic developement settings.My screen is calibrated with a Spyder 3. Â I'm feeling stuck in the corner as i want by backup JPEG in sRGB and n o colorshift in LR.
In previous verions of Photoshop, when I made a curves adjustment layer, selected the midpoint, then did a shift-arrow adjusstment, it was always in increments of 10. Now in CS6, it is 12 on my machine, 13 and 14 on the two other machines in the office I have checked. Why would that be? Can that be changed so it is 10 again? Â FYI - this is all in RGB mode if that matters.
I have a set of images in 32 bit .hdr format, which I would like to turn into 8 bit png files. Specifically, they are 6 sides of a cubemap, which join together seamlessly, and still need to do so after the conversion.
I've played around with the options in the HDR toning dialogue and have a setup I really like the look of, based around the 'local adaptation' method. The trouble is, if I apply those settings to each of the 6 images individually, they are no longer seamless (some have higher/lower contrast and brightness etc), presumably because these settings are 'relative to' the image being processed.
how can I apply the same kind of operations to each of these images (so they remain seamless), mimicking what the 'local adaptation' method is doing?
The specific settings I have changed in the dialogue are the edge glow radius and strength, the 'detail', and the colour vibrance and saturation.
From X3 to X4, Corel added a "Block Size" control to the Local Tone Mapping adjustment. Is it the number of pixels over which the contrast adjustment is being applied? It seems that the smaller block sizes reduce the effect's harshness (when it could be harsh, e.g., with faces).
I have the latest updates for Adobe Photoshop CC. Using the advanced blur filters, such as Tilt Shift do not show any adjustment anchors. If I am lucky enough to run my mouse cursor over them, I get a changed mouse cursor to indicate I came move them. but the references lines, anchor points...nothing is visible to show me where to make the changes or boundaries for such adjustments. I had hoped this bug would be fixed, but apparently not. I am unable to find any other references to it on the forums so maybe it is just me.  I can run my old Photoshop CS6 and they show up just fine. to how to fix this?
I have been shooting RAW for a while and have notice that after I import the images and then start to view them in the Library Module I will see a slight color and quality shift - almost looks like a white balance shift but not quite.  I was thinking that perhaps there was some automatic preset being applied but I don't have any presets at all.  I am shooting with a Canon 1DX as well as 7D. I have not checked to see if I get this situation with the 7D, but I know for sure that I get it with the 1DX.  Today I was reviewing some images in Bridge and decided to open one of them in Camera RAW.  At that time I discovered that the camera's Image Style Settings were available, Faithful, Standard, Portrait, etc. I noticed that the images did not have one of the camera styles applied to them but rather the Adobe Standard Style. At that point from within RAW I selected one of the camera's styles and bingo thats the kind of shift I am seeing when I first view an image in LR4 Library.  So as far as I can tell the RAW images are getting the Adobe Standard style applied in LR.  I have no idea if this is a default behavior of if I have done something to cause it. I'm also thinking that perhaps LR does not necessarily apply the Camera's Styles automatically even though the particular style has been set in the camera -- perhaps is not imported as part of the metadata during the import and thus defaults to the Adobe Standard.  1. Should I expect LR4 to apply the Style as set from the camera automatically or not at all? 2. Can I prevent LR from applying the Adobe Standard Style and apply no style? 3. Can I cause LR to apply the Style as set in the camera for the particular image to be appied automatically upon import?
Any way to, have a source color chart, a target color chart, calculate what are the variations between them, and then use that to apply it to another image? I'm not talking about "match color", I know how that works, but is not what I'm looking for. It can be compared to switching to a custom color profile (calculated by the variation of source and target). Or something like "color lookup" (but with a custom icc/icm/lut). Creating a custom icc has been really complicated for me, and I still can't get it to work. (I have the icc profile, but can't open it nor from "convert profile" nor from "color lookup").