Lightroom :: 5 - Cannot Find White Balance While Using Local Adjustment Tools
Dec 11, 2013
I just downloaded a trial version of Lightroom 5. I want to change the white balance (temp and tint) using local adjustment brush but when I take a new brush, all I can change is
I have been using Lr 5.3 to adjust some RAW images. My Develope pane is now missing the pane for White balance, hue and also the pane for Exposure, Contrast, highlights etc adjustments. I don't know how this happened or how to restore them. I am using iMac.
on my LR 3. IT used to be right under "Histogram" and above "Tone Balance" in Deveolop and now it is simply gone! I dont know if it was because of software updates or ?
I have a photo i am enhancing in which my point of focus at center (an arch structure) is being colored by artificial holiday lighting and there are sodium-vapor street lamps surrounding it on adjacent streets with the foreground dark asphalt and objects (I used a wide angle) having a yellowish hue. I want to know what is the best way to localize the center arch, leave that with it's own adjustment (of 5600K) and bring down the rest of the image with the yellow-orange tinge down to 2500-3200K (or otherwise have them look like nice xenon or white fluorescent lamps) with good blending (so the intersection of both lighting does not look stilted) and while keeping the same tonal range. Global adjustments are just not doing it for me here. Layers and blending? Gradients? What would you recommend? Please post anything that also relates to adjusting for conflicting lighting locally and any limits on this.
My (previously wonderful) local adjustment brush has apparently quit working. Whenever I attempt to make local adjustments - using either the standard presets or custom settings - all the adjustments made are applied to the entire image, not just locally. Density and flow are set to my typical values and Show Selected Mask Overlay shows the extent of the applied effect, but whatever adjustment I make is applied generally, over the entire photo, rather than to the selected adjustment area.
I recently got LR4. I tried to put some brushes in the local adjustment folder and there is none! SO what do I do now. I've got pictures to edit and correct and I need these
Here is a screen shot of what is in my LR4 folder.
Instructions say that to delete an edit pin, click on it then press the Delete key. This removes the adjustment. I'm fininshed with my adjustments and just want to remove the pin. How do I do this and keep the adjustment?
I just downloaded the 5.2 beta and when trying to locate presets and use brushes, there Local Adjustment Folder did not download the with package. So I uninstalled and re-downloaded and it happened again.
In the local adjustment brush, the noise slider default position is 0.Does it reduce more noise if the slider is in positive position or negative position .
Using the local adjustment brush i can change the size of the brush using the [ and ] brackets However.. when i make a small error and want to erase brushed-area by using the ALT key then the brush size seems to be fixed to one size ?
After running 4.3 update, my local adjsutment brushes are no longer recognized and appearing in the Lightroom GUI. They are all still located under 'Lightroom' folder --> 'Local Adjustment Brushes' folder (nothing has changed and I see all files are still there in Finder), but no matter how many times I've restarted LR, they are not showing up in the GUI.
After installing LR 3.2, the first thing I noticed is that it is much slower than the previous version (using XP Pro + 3GB memory and a speedy processor).
But the most terrible novelty of this version is that the Adjustment Brush is going berserk after a while:
It first slows down to a crawl, so slow that it's almost impossible to work with.While working with it after a while, it starts to show random rectangular areas that are copies of other areas of the image that have nothing to do with the area I'm working on. This happens after a brush stroke. The Undo command makes these rectangular "patches" disappear.From time to time, the whole image is flipped upside down (You can't believe it? Neither could I) eventually, after a brush stroke, the sandclock mouse cursor is displayed and the program freezes (at this time it can be using over 1 GB of memory although I'm working on a single, standard EOS 5D image). The only way to stop this madness is to kill the process. The Heal/Clone tool also shows a similar misbehavior. I didn't have these problems with the previous version.
1) Take a color image and apply a color-shift local adjustment to a portion of the image.
2) Convert the image to B&W.
Result -- The main image is converted to B&W, but the local adjustment doesn't change, i.e. it's still colored. Here's a trivial (and not-realistic) example of what happens:
My goal is to adjust the colors and the apply the B&W conversion to the entire processed image, not just the original piece. Is there a way to do this? I feel like I'm missing something small and easy.
I've a few local adjustment brush presets i tend to use a lot.Now i was wondering if it is possible to assign keyboard shortcuts to them for a faster workflow?
I'm new to Lightroom so bear with me. My problem lies in the import process: each time I import, a yellow tint (tungsten WB) is added to each photo, as if the white balance is being changed. I know that thumbnails are created in camera, but the photos look fine when Lightroom is "loading" them on the library screen, it is only when the "loading" message goes away that they look too yellow. I don't want to apply an import preset because I fear that each photo's problem is unique. When I use quicklook in finder, the images look fine. When I export as a jpeg from LR, the problem persists. Here's what I'm using:
I've read that this could be caused by a corrupt color profile, but I'm not sure how to change this on a Mac and if it's appropriate to apply sRGB as a monitor profile.
I just bought a new computer and i have been running LR5 on a Lenovo b540 aio pc. i had no issues on this machine other than slow processing and lag due to insufficient memory and processor. my new machine is a standard desktop with a seperate monitor. when i installed LR5.3 and import files, they turn out to be a very "manilla envelope" color but not until after importing them. i dont understand why this is happening. it is probably something very simple that i am overlooking.
LR3.4.I have a whole selection of photos that were taken at an event where there was 2 types of lighting, so the people in the back of the shots have a warm orangey glow and the people at the front have the day light. What would be ideal option to adjust the white balance on 2 separate areas, but I can't seem to find this in Lightroom? is it possible or will I need to export 2 versions and merge in photoshop etc?
Is it possible to change a setting or preference in Lightroom so that the white balance selector tool will give a 0-255 value reading, instead of a 0-99 value? Having that option would allow users to better correlate their readings with what will show up once the images is analyzed with Photoshop's eyedropper tools and info window.
I just upgrade to LR 4. However in the develop module, whenever I choose my white balance tool and then hover over the image it changes to the magnifying glass. If I click, all it does is zoom in and out. The circle where the WB tool lives, is blank like it usually is when the tool is selected.
I've checked for stuck keys and still have same result.
After having upgraded to LR5 the syncronization of the whitebalance doesn't seem to work. All the other settings syncronize as normal, but not the whitebalance. And the WB is checked, of course...
I'm using LR 5.2 and have seen tutorials where local white balance adjustments are possible with the graduated filter or brush tool.
With my LR these sliders are missing. I can change saturation, contrast, etc., but not the white balance. Could this not be part of the student version? The screenshot to the left shows my screen, the one to the right shows the sliders I'm looking for.
I finally figured out why LR sometimes ignores the paste command and if not a bug, it is at least a problem that can adversely affect the unsuspecting user. Pasting a WB does not always work if both the source/target are both "As Shot", and yet the Temp/Tint are still different. It seems priority should be given to the actual numbers instead of the As shot status, which (in my case) could vary between cameras. The logic is a bit strange.
I can see how whether or not this is a bug is debatable, but it seems more useful to have it work the other way. There should at least be a message when the paste command results in no expected action (I expect the actual WB numbers to take priority over "as shot").
I've noticed that LR interprets the white balance settings differently for my raw .nef files coming from my Nikon D3s and D4 bodies; even when a specific kelvin temp is chosen in camera.
Here's a few examples:
D4 flash WB, LR shows as 6150, +2
D3s flash WB, LR shows as 6400, +9
D4 WB set to 5k, LR reads as 4750, +1
D3s WB set to 5k, LR reads as 4900, +10
why this is happening, and what (if anything) I should do to get xxxx kelvin temp in camera to import as xxxx kelvin temp in LR?
I am using LR 4.4 on an iMac. Why the White Balance Selector tool would disappear when moved across an image?
it seems to change to a vertical line with an arror top and bottom.
The areas of the image on which it disappears seem to be consistent, in other words, it disappears on the same portion of the image eveytime.
UPDATE: Since posting the above a few minutes ago I've noticed that my cursor is behaving eractically. For example, on a different image to the one used above, in the library module using the Loupe the cursor changes from a magnifying glass to an arrow pointing to the right. It does this on the same part of the image every time.
The question is basically when you copy the White Balance setting from one image and paste it into another, is the pasted setting an absolute value or a relative value?
For example... I import three RAW images, each shot with Auto White Balance.
Image #1 is a gray card and with a WB of 6500K.Image #2 is a product shot with a WB of 6000KImage #3 is a product shot with a WB of 6200K
Let's say I adjust the WB in Image #1 to 6400K - an adjustment of -100K from the "as shot" WB.
When I copy those WB settings from Image #1 to Images #2 and #3, will the target images get an absolute value of 6400K? Or an adjustment of -100K?