Photoshop :: Delete All Textures That Were Previously Made?
Aug 2, 2012
This Part was created and given colors in CATIA. I now imported it into Photoshop to create some more realistic textures and what not to it. Although the original textures are still there.
Not sure how to just start fresh and make all new textures... basically what i want to know is if there is a way to delete these. They can all be edited but it takes time and effort to change all the names and stuff...
in order to streamline some of my duties i wonder if theres a way to have a dynamic block not only that can change it's length and the dimension for that length (easy) but will also add features to the part. For example can one be made that when stretching its length that once it reaches a certain length automatically split into two sections and keep those 2 sections equal? Also can it be made to contain a tag that keeps track of the lengths as well as number of joints between sections multiplied by a constant?
I have created city/landscape artwork using photoshop line and box tools. If you go to URL... then click on the link that says (click here to view Gotham City) you will see one of the images I am talking about. Can this image be made to look the same in vector.
I've upgraded to Photoshop CS6 and I noticed immediately that it has no option to use the Add_001.howto file that I was using in the previous version. Is there a stand alone application or method to access this file so that it would be convenient to view the previously saved tutorials that I created?
I just installed CS/ Photoshop. I had CS3 and use Topaz and Portrait Professional as filters. They don't come up. How do I get PS to recognize them with out reinstalling them?
I'm running an Intel i7 Win7 64, with CS5 installed. 12GB RAM, Scratch disk on a separate drive to installation. The problem is manifest in both 32 and 64 bit versions of Photoshop.
The issue is that when I select a new tool with a keyboard shortcut, there is a brief paus and the cursor changes to the new tool, then it simply switches back to the previous tool. The behaviour is not aparrent when selecting tools using the buttons in the toolbox with the mouse/pen.
Example: - Move tool currently active - Press B to activate brush - 500ms elapse - Cursor changes to brush, Toolbox "Brush" icon highlights as if selected. - 800-1000ms later, tool resets back to "Move", "Move" icon in toolbox highlights.
The only workaround I have found is if I quickly "Double Tap" the keyboard shortcut (Or triple/quadruple sometimes), it seems to force the change. Restarting PS does not work, the problem exists in all files of all sizes. The UI is also noticably laggy.I found a similar problem here:[URL]... but none of the proposed solutions were of use.
Had to reinstall PS elements 8. I used the menu feature "File - Get Photos & Videos" to reload my previously tagged photos. The photos reloaded but absent the tags - can I recover photos with the tags attached?
Mac OS X 10.8 introduced a new behavior - apps could automatically open the documents that were open in the last app execution. Can Photoshop CS6 be configured to behave this way?
Why are my previously edited canon 5d mark 3 raw xmp files no longer recognized and all sliders set to zero? I can see the xmp files associated with the raw file in their folder. The files were originally edited in CS6/ACR 7.x -in July 2012 - and recently re-opened in the same CS6/ACR 7.x.
The canon 5d mark 2 files from the same time/event are showing up fine. I have updated everything, but both before and after the update, same issue with the Mark 3 files.
On a side note:We have found that opening mark 2 files (that were originally edited in CS4 / ACR 5.7) in CS 6 / ACR 7.x and making any changes such as color coding causes all previous xmp information being zero'd out in the mark 2 xmp file. Not sure if this is a symptom of the same problem? Except the difference here is the Mark 3 files have never been touched outside of version CS6/ACR7.x - however the folder which holds both mark 2 & mark 3 files from the same event has been opened in the CS4 / ACR 5.7 window but without touching the files. By opening the folder in CS4 I can see that the Mark 3 files aren't reading and then know this event was originally edited in CS6/ACR 7.x
Specifics: PS CS6 13.0.4 x64 Mac OSX 10.6.8 Canon 5d Mark 3 Raw files
I Keep having this reoccuring problem today - white lines keep appearing attatched to certain & all layers in photoshop files that I have, the only solution that seems to get rid of them is to put a mask on the layer and mask the line away, these are appearing on text, smart objects & rastersized layers.
They were not there when I previously saved the file and they should not be there now, I then went to open another file I had and white lines started to appear on the files. This is really frustrating because some of the website documents have alot of layers. I have attatched an example below, they only appear to be 1 pixel and can range up to 2500pixels wide and they overlap making the line look thicker sometimes.
I was trying to save a large file as a Photoshop PDF and my program crashed. I was lucky enough to have saved this file in both a JPEG and PNG format onto my desktop but now once I move the files back into Elements, I have no history and no layers?
I am having the darndest time figuring out what I'm not understanding with this, "bug". (I call it a bug because it seems to be one, imo.)
Specs: Mac OS X 10.75 Creative Suite 5, Photoshop 5.1
"Issues": If I adjust paragraph settings, like indents, in one file, those options do not return to default when I start a new file. Thus, I find myself wondering why I have such large gaps between lines of copy or to the left, etc. when I start a new text layer. (This actually happens not only in new files, but in new layers - the latter is slightly more understandable in that it's the same file.)
When a lightbuld goes on for me: "Check your type settings." And, lo-and-behold, there things are: space before or after a paragraph; right or left indents. All settings that used to be cleared when a new file - or a new layer - are opened. This is excruciatingly annoying.If I apply a layer style (e.g., drop shadow) to a shape layer, and then I create another shape layer, the latter one automatically gets all the same style settings applied. That is, the new layer has the all the same layer styles applied to it by default. Meaning, I have to then delete those as they are often not what I intend.
In any case, it used to be that I could choose what I want my own new files and layers to look like, not have previously used settings automatically applied.
Let's say I have downloaded 500 shots to PSE 12. I would like to go through them quickly and eliminate the ones I definitely do not want.How can I quickly tag them or whatever and then with one touch on the delete button delete them all at once?
I have this weird problem in Revit 2013. My walls that used to be joined with or intersected with other walls (now moved/ deleted) still bear holes/cuts in them matching the walls that joinded/intersected with them. I've tried to shorten the length beyond the holes and then extending the wall again, but as soon as the wall extends beyond the same point, the hole appears in it. Even when you delete the wall and draw a new one, the hole reappears exactly in the same area of the new wall, like there's an invisible wall intersecting it. There is no hidden wall there...I checked. The only way to remove the hole is to move the wall away from the area, which I can't anyway. What's the cause of this?
When loading a previously saved item the preview shows the "complete job lot" however when you load the item it does not load the full drawing and is missing approx 3 hrs of work.
how to load the full document, I have tried the recovery manager which only loads the part document
Below is a picture of the preview working fine
Below is a picture of CAD not loading the full document up
So I spent 4 days working on a profile last week. And this morning I opened it up and accidentally erased the alignment, saved and closed the drawing (I must have thought it was in another drawing, and I wasn't paying attention).
Now the profile is gone and I'm wondering if I can open up a drawing that was saved before I did this mix up. I checked my autosave path, but the path doesn't exist. So I don't know where it's be autosaving to.
I just finished editing a tiff file in lightroom 4, I then edited it in photoshop CS6. I deleted the file from lightroom and now I am trying to import it into lightroom now that I have finished with it in photoshop and lightroom can't read the file. It's like it doesn't exist. I didn't change the file at all. how lightroom can read this file again?
When working on more than one image I sometimes (accidentally) end up with a selected (loaded) image filling the edit area on screen and then I cannot 'see' (and select) the other images I have loaded. This makes me have to resort to exiting Paint Shop Pro and load the images again.
How can I 'see' and select other loaded images when this happens.
We are doing tank drawings and the company now wants a custom format/style of table (attached as jpg) to be on all the drawings (which are complete already) which will be the cleanest way to get a table like that. I tried making something in Excel and inserting as a Gen. Table, but each of the cell borders show up.
Would I just do a sketch and insert text boxes where necessary?
I have somehow lost my ability, in P&GD7, to export and open previously-created pdf files. It's not an "option" in the exprot drop-down. Where the heck did it go? I re-installed and it's still not there and I need it!
We all hide and unhide things constantly as we work.But when you do a Show All (CTRL+ALT+3), to effectively unhide all hidden objects, is there a way to do so without unhiding all hidden sublayers as well.
When I do a Show All, even sublayers that were hidden when the file was opened (and never unhidden) unhide along with all hidden objects.
Back in LR1 and LR2, when I tried to import images that were already present in the catalog, I had an option to show me / select the already imported images. This is gone in LR4. How can I find in the library the already imported images without fecthing them one by one ?
The export to facebook plugin is giving me this error:
Plug-in error log for plug-in at: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.Photo upload failed, but no error string was returned from Facebook.I am trying to publish photos to an album that has previously been updated, and has not yet went past the 200 photo limit.
I have ensured that permissions on facebook have been set to public, deleted lightroom uploader on facebook, reauthenticated numerous times, and created a new album. Every time I recieve that error. Most times one or two photos are uploaded, all duplicates of ones that have been previously published.