Photoshop :: Equalizing Photos With Similar Content...

May 8, 2009

I asked this in the Elements forum with no resoultion.  If it can be done I may have to go out and buy the full photoshop. Background:I have a group of photos that are very similar.  They are posed graduation photos where the camera and background do not move.  Only the subject , who wear very similar robes, changes.  The exposure of my D-70 with a bounced flash wound up being eratic with some good subject expressions being captured under existing light conditions and dramatically underexposed because the flash didn't fire (took the pixs too fast and the flash didn't recharge fast enough). The question: Is there a way in photoshop to take a group of very similar photos that vary in exposure, color tone, etc.,then select one master photo from the group that has the exposure, color tone, etc. that I want,and then batch process all the photographs so that all of the photos are changed to match the exposure, color tone, etc. of the master photo I picked??? Another way of saying it, How do I make the common background of each photos above identical in one step (or as few as I can)?

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Photoshop :: Batch Of Similar Photos

Feb 23, 2011

how to process a batch of similar photos with just a few mouse clicks? mainly, "crop", exposure, sharpening....mostly telephoto shots of surfers, where I have the surfer in center, but too far away (crop)....low contrast shots during fog or evening hours (contrast) and other functions on similarly exposed shots....sometimes up to several hundred (3fps motor drive) * my m.o., is to fill up the memory card approx 300 shots...then come home and process each file (the good ones) the files come into my mac mini into "iphotos".can I make them come into "bridge" PS cs4??

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Photoshop :: Color Matching Similar Photos

Apr 27, 2005

I used the FAQ section but nothing seemed to come up.

Basically I have 3 digital photos that are part of a panorama. After I load them into PS, there is a slight color imbalance between each of them, eg the sky in one is a bit more yellow looking than one of the others. So the question is, is there an easy way to select a photo and "color balance" it to match another, similar, image?

I'm using PS v7. I've heard that CS has Image-Adjustments-Match Color.

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Photoshop :: How To Edit Batches Of Similar Photos Of One Shoot In CS4

Feb 23, 2011

How to edit a whole group of shots in CS4. Like 300 surfing shots at basically the same aperture, lens magnification...time of day. Of course, toss a bunch that have no punch...leaves several hundred files to be edited. At 3 frames per second, I am overwhelmed (but secretly loving my new Canon sports camera)

Most of my shots the surfer is "dead center" and in focus..but too far removed at 400mm even! So I painstakingly crop it up a bunch...surfers like to see their that me? or is that Kelly Slater! Then a "ton" of adjustments to each file....but....mostly the exact same edits?

Here is an edited surf photo...done, one by one.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Compare Two Similar Solid Model Or Two Similar Drawing

Feb 6, 2013

How to compare two similar solid model and found where its differetiate is, and how to compare two similar drawing let say rev.1 to rev.2 and found where its differentiate is?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Content In Layout Shows Beneath Model Space Content

Nov 25, 2013

I'm doing an evacuation plan of an office building. The drawing itself is in the model space, obviously. The fire extinguishers and escape routes are added in layout.

The problem is that everything that I add in the layout ends up beneath the drawing in model space. I.e. the walls of the building are shown in front of the fire extinguishers which makes my evac.plan look like poop.AutoCad Architecture 2013.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Filter Voids All Content When Engaged

Nov 20, 2011

Somehow the Content Center Filter clears all content while in ISO or DIN. Both libraries are turned on in project.

I can see only one custom library when either filter engaged. I also see both ISO and DIN parts when filter is off.

[URL] ........

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Content Explorer Showing Indexing On Content

Apr 19, 2012

Since installing Buildinfg Design Suite Standard 13 my content explorer is showing a yelow error sign saying indexing error over content drawing icons.  How do i fix this?

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Photoshop :: Replace With Similar Image

Feb 22, 2012

Want to keep picture of house - but replace lawn with image of another nicer looking lawn(bottom pic).

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Photoshop :: How To Create A Border Similar To This?

Jun 5, 2006

how to create a bordor similar to the one below:

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Photoshop :: Anything Similar To Threshold Technique?

Aug 5, 2007

I have been using too much threshold, black and white simple stuff. I was wondering if there was anything similar to it but different style?

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Photoshop :: Creating Similar Backgrounds

Mar 29, 2007

amazing backgrounds,

I do not know if they are edited in photoshop or are literally the background,

but I want to create similar backgrounds, and I do not think clouds is going to do it:

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Photoshop :: How To Manipulate Something Similar To This Image

Apr 6, 2006

Two of mine close friends are going to be wedded at the end of this month and I want to do them a a gift. In some of the images, I want to desaturate certain areas to give more attention to the primary subject of interest.

How do I do that in photoshop?

I achieve that effect the cheesy way: MS Office Picture Manager > Crop> resize to desire result> Print Screen (on the keyboard)> Open Paint> Edit > Paste> Save> use MS Office Picture Manager to crop to desire result.

There are two major problems with that: one, I cant get rid of the "crop frame" from within the image; two, the image quality is decidedly bad.

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Photoshop :: How To Cut Out Hair From Similar Colored Background

May 8, 2012

I have a photograph with a women that has brown/reddish hair against a maroon colored background and I'm having trouble keying her out. I've tried the Refine Edge tool and played with all the settings and it isn't working very well.

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Photoshop :: Refine Selection When Its Similar To Background

Nov 25, 2013

What's a good way to refine a selection when it's a similar color to the background? I  have a photo of a dark skinned, black haired person in a white hoodie  against an off-white background. I got a pretty good overall   selection with the Quick Selection Tool; then I went to Refine Edge.That worked good on his hair, but it made the edge of the white hoodie  blotchy, as if it had worn part of it away.

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Photoshop :: Selecting Object With Similar Background?

Jul 6, 2012

How do you select an object with a complicated background. For instance if I want to select a pine tree in forest and the tree is in the foregrond and there are trees of the same color in the background, I have found it hard to select because of the similar colors...all of the tutorials I have seen all have a single color back ground ie a girl with hair and doing a refind edge is pretty straight forward....but how do you do that with a busy background..(for instance ) I want to select a pine tree with all of it componets and plant it in the middle of the desert.

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Photoshop :: Possible To Make Specific Or Similar 3D Graphic In CS3

Apr 15, 2013

I would really like to know how they did this. I would love to make a similar 3D graphic for our online learning module.

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Photoshop :: Blur Similar To OS X Stacks (Grid)

Jun 29, 2011

Any way in Photoshop to mimic the blur that OS X Stacks (specifically the grid view) does when you open it. If you check it out, you will see that it blurs anything below it. How to do this in Photoshop or on the web?

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Photoshop :: Another Plugin That Does Same Thing Or Similar As KPT Equalizer?

Apr 21, 2012

Is there another plugin that does the same thing or similar as KPT equalizer? Or maybe a way to do it in PS without a plugin?

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Paint.NET :: Gradient Map Similar To Photoshop Elements

Oct 19, 2012

I'm need a Gradient Map tool. If you're in Photoshop Elements 9, click on Filter - Adjustments - Gradient Map.

That's the tool I'm looking for. I downloaded a few plugins for Paint but one was too old and didn't work and the other one just did an overlay.

I use this tool a lot and really can't make the switch without it. Is there an updated plugin that I couldn't find? Is it built in and I'm not seeing it?

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Photoshop :: Remove Background When Image Is Similar Color

Oct 19, 2012

I have an image of a dog on a white background. I've tried several methods to remove the white background, but the dog is a beagle and has some white fur. There are places where it is almost indistinguishable where the fir ends and the background begins (on his neck). What is the best method to remove the background?

While I've used Photoshop a lot, I am not formally trained, so need input on what tolerance levels, etc. should probably be. I've inserted the image. Haven't purchased it yet because I'm not confident I'm going to be able to remove the background.

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Photoshop :: Preserving Transparency Using Contact Sheet II Or Similar

Jul 1, 2013

We currently print using a flat bed ink jet printer CMYK++(fixative) capable of printing several images at one time. We create the file using PS then use bridge and contact sheet II to create the print ready document.
The issue is that contact sheet II makes you select a colour for the background of the document. If we chose white when we export as a PDF the printer interprets the white area as "coloured pixels" and prints our fixative ink over the entire background rather than under the pixel of the image.
I need to be able to use a contact sheet type solution but be able to preserve the background transparency to stop this from happening.

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Photoshop :: How To Apply Similar Transformation Of One Layer To Another Without Duplicating

Mar 1, 2013

I have a sample 3d eCover and I want to fit an image over the front part. However, I'm having a hard time transformating my image to perfectly the front layer. Is there any option to apply the same transformation of my front cover layer to my image?
Additional info:
1. The front cover layer of the 3D eCover is not yet merged with the other layers. So, I can still edit it.

2. I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS6.

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Photoshop :: Curving Graphics (similar To Text Along Path)

Sep 29, 2003

I am trying to make a CD cover graphic in photoshop.

I have a logo that has been flattened, and it is a standard rectangular shape. It would flow with the shape of the CD much better if I were able to apply a curve to it, similar to using the text tool along a curved path.

I have used the Transform tool which only allows changes in angles. I have also tried multiple filters...

Filter --> Distort --> Pinch

Filter --> Distort --> Polar Coord

Filter --> Distort --> Spherize

and none of these give me the desired FX. They only massacre the image.

Without redrawing the logo from scratch, is there any way to bend the graphic along this curve?

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GIMP :: Feature Similar To Levels And Curves In Photoshop?

Feb 16, 2012

Does gimp have a feature similar to levels and curves in photoshop? In photoshop, a new layer for levels and curves is created?

Is there a particular part of the forum where similarities / dissimilarities with photoshop are discussed?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Get Similar Color For Objects In Different Pictures

Sep 23, 2012

how do you get similar color for objects in different pictures.
I have a prodject that i'm working on and i need to edit several images at once (preferabley) so that they are the same color. They are wooden cupboards and i need all the wood looking the same colour. In light room you can edit a group of images at the same time hence the colours are the same . Is this possible in Elements ? If so how do i do this ?
I have tried duplicating layers and it just replaces the whole image, it seems to work using levels layers but not the other layers ... I have 30 more images to do and would ideally not like to adjust all the images manually ? I dont mind doing minor tweaks. Essentially all the images where taken with the same camera and lighting and lens's ...

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Photoshop :: Designing Text Similar To The Way Urban Designed In Logo

Apr 16, 2013

I am interested in designing text similar to the way "urban" is designed in this logo. How would I achieve this?

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Photoshop :: Does CS5 Have Mirror Function Similar To Sketch Book Pro And Alchemy

Mar 27, 2012

I am using photshop cs5 more and more for illustration since I have found that with tweeking the brush pallet - I can simulate almost any type of art medium for illustration- inclding straight line for architectural drawings, pencil sketch lines, inked lines and various painting looks.... and the rotate canvas feature is fantastic for draftmanship.... but one feature that has eluded me is the ability to create mirror imagery on the fly- I know i can do a copy-paste-(edit-image rotate-flip horizontal) after creating half an image or I could possibly set up an action to do this to a selection in one touch- but I have not seen  an on the fly feature to accomplish this in real time as you are placing down marks.. similar to sketch book pro and alchemy--- the ability to mirror an image as you are creating is essential for creativity and is  very useful in creating imagery for video game modeling ....

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Photoshop :: Replacement Plugin Similar To (Variations) Command That Was Aborted In CS6?

Aug 7, 2012

Is there a replacement plug in similar to the "Variations" command that was thoughtlessly aborted in CS6... ANYTHING SIMILAR AT ALL.
I know what all you "pros" will say, but I have been using it since it was created and I like it

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Photoshop :: Mass Editing (and Adding Text) On Similar Images?

Mar 9, 2005

I've got about 1000 ten-to-twelve word "sayings" that basically need to go on index cards. I have all these sayings neatly organized in Excel.

all 1000 need to end up as a 4"x6" image.

Do I have to manually create a text layer, and cut and paste all 1000 sayings into it, one by one, saving the file each time?

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Photoshop :: How Can I Blend Similar Blue Colors Across Aligned Layers?

Oct 11, 2007

I've just used the align layers feature to stitch together 4 pics into a panorama view. It looks great except the sky is different shades of blue for each of the stiched elements.

Is there an easy way of somehow merging the different blues so you end up with a consistent blue across the panoramic view?

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